Search Results (List)

Dataset: US-Botany
Taxa: Polygalaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 319

United States National Herbarium

Bredemeyera Willd.
USw17627.2764533J.J. Wurdack & L. S. Adderley   42678
Venezuela, Territorio Amazonas

Bredemeyera Willd.
USw17803.2764589J.J. Wurdack & L. S. Adderley   43016
Venezuela, Territorio Amazonas

Bredemeyera lucida (A.W. Benn.) Benth.
USw38688.2751650B. Maguire   56723
Brazil, Minas Gerais

Bredemeyera lucida (A.W. Benn.) Benth.
USw29666.2762818H. H. Bartlett   11863

Bredemeyera lucida (A.W. Benn.) Benth.
USw17619.2764529J.J. Wurdack & L. S. Adderley   42668
Venezuela, Territorio Amazonas

Bredemeyera lucida (Benth.) Klotzsch ex Hassk.
USw42755.10835417P. Acevedo-Rodriguez et al.   33451990-02-22
Guyana, U. Takutu-U. Essequibo, Rupununi area, Surama Village., 4.15 -59.03, 65 - 65m

Bredemeyera lucida (Benth.) Klotzsch ex Hassk.
10499148P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, C. Feuillet, T. McDowell & S. Tiwari   33451990-02-22
Guyana, U. Takutu - U. Essequibo. Rupununi area, Surama Village., 65m

Bredemeyera lucida (Benth.) Klotzsch ex Hassk.
3354535.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, J. L. Santos & J. Guedes   79641996-08-06
Brazil, Amazonas, Amazonas: Alto Río Negro, ca. 10 km N of Barcelos. Boat stationed at coordinates. Collecting site ca. 1 km circumference from coordinates., -0.8744 -62.9703, 100m

Bredemeyera lucida (Benth.) Klotzsch ex Hassk.
3354520.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, J. L. Santos & J. Guedes   83951996-08-16
Brazil, Amazonas, Amazonas: Alto Río Negro. Igapo forest on many islands. Boat stationed at coordinates. Collecting done within 3 km NW from boat., -0.3525 -63.9111, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1473516.10087526A. Weberbauer   61291912-04-00
Peru, Piura, Cordillera E of Huancabamba (Dep. Piura, Prov. Huancabamba)., 3500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1802976.209F. W. Humboldt & A. J. A. Bonpland   ---
Colombia, Nariño, Pasto.

Image Associated With the Occurence
1802918.212K. Hartweg   9031843-00-00
Ecuador, Pichincha

Image Associated With the Occurence
1474704.216A. Weberbauer   61001912-04-00
Peru, Cajamarca, Jaén, cordillera E of Huancabamba, 2800 - 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1707983.215O. L. Haught   32121942-04-01
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito-Santo Domingo road., 1800 - 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1802919.212F. W. Humboldt & A. J. A. Bonpland   ---
Peru, San Martín, Mariscal Cáceres, Rio Huallaga, margen Derecha del; Balsa Probana; dtto. Tocache Nuevo

Image Associated With the Occurence
1802917.212K. Hartweg   714
Ecuador, Loja

USw42378.2780356A. Fierro   253

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina pseudoaestuans Ferreyra & Wurdack
2057198.214W. H. Camp   E-48661945-08-21
Ecuador, Azuay, Oriente border, Paramo del Castillo., 3353 - 3444m

Image Associated With the Occurence
941323.2094F. C. Lehmann   503a1881-01-14
Ecuador, Pichincha, Slopes of Mount Corazon., 3000 - 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1472131.2141240W. Jameson   4731846-00-00
Colombia, Nariño, Pasto.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina speciosa Triana & Planch.
1802908.213J. J. Triana   ---1851-00-00
Colombia, Nariño, Altaguer.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monnina subscandens Triana & Planch.
1802907.214J. J. Triana   ---1851-00-00
Colombia, Quindío

3479705.10230721J. L. Clark, T. B. Croat, L. Hannon, M. Mailloux & M. Menke   078102003-05-06
Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera, Parroquia: Shell. Road to Río Anzu and beyond (South of the town Mera). Trail heading north from road., -1.3875 -78.0533, 1350 - 1450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1141613.2148869F. W. Pennell & E. P. Killip   58881922-05-21
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, La Cumbe, Cordillera Occidental., 1800 - 2100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
2406733.213J.J. Wurdack   14181962-07-20
Peru, Amazonas, Cerro Malcabal

Moutabea Aubl.
USw24926.2757551B. Maguire   41600
Venezuela, Mérida

Moutabea Aubl.
USw17988.2764642J.J. Wurdack & L. S. Adderley   43409
Venezuela, Territorio Amazonas

Moutabea Aubl.
3589524.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, C. Zartman, R. Fernandes & J. Brito   147402008-08-22
Brazil, Amazonas, Amazonas: along Içana River, ca. 1 km up from Tunuí village., 1.39397 -68.15969

Moutabea Aubl.
10524188P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, T. Menezes, M. Lima, F. Ramos & F. C. Walthier   136822003-10-04
Brazil, Acre, Acrelândia, Acre: Mun. Acrelândia. Basin of Rio Abuna, Projeto de Assentamento Extrativista Porto Dias, Colocaçao Palhau, 108 km E of Rio Branco on BR-364, then 30 km S on side road., -10.01033 -66.77197

Moutabea Aubl.
3592848.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, M. Chocce, P. Maceda & J. Carrillo   144212004-08-21
Peru, Madre de Dios, Madre de Dios: Río Los Amigos, downstream from CM2, -12.56944 -70.10039

Moutabea Aubl.
3533944.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, J. L. Santos & J. Guedes   79821996-08-06
Brazil, Amazonas, Amazonas: Alto Río Negro, ca. 10 km N of Barcelos. Boat stationed at coordinates. Collecting site ca. 1 km circumference from coordinates., -0.8744 -62.9703, 100m

Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
USw8142.2747903B. A. Krukoff   7056
Brazil, Amazonas, Humaitá

Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
USw42584.2762415P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. A. Cedeño M.   75921995-06-30
Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni Forest Reserve; E of PUCE Sci. Station on road. Passing bridge to Tiputini River, -0.6789 -76.3969, 200 - 200m

Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
3460301.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez   61401993-08-25
Suriname, Tumuc Humac Mts, W of Talouakem Peak, Surinam - Brazil border, hill S of 3rd camp., 2.47 -54.77, 460m

Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
3313061.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. A. Cedeño M.   75921995-06-30
Ecuador, Napo, Napo Province: Yasuni Forest Reserve; E of PUCE Scientific Station on road passing bridge to Tiputini River., -0.6789 -76.3969, 200m

Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
Usw42584.10497353P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. A. Cedeño M.   75921995-06-30
Ecuador, Napo, Napo Province: Yasuni Forest Reserve; E of PUCE Scientific Station on road passing bridge to Tiputini River., -0.6789 -76.3969, 200m

Moutabea longifolia Poepp. & Endl.
3615710.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. A. Cedeño M.   75921995-06-30
Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni Forest Reserve; E of PUCE Scientific Station on road passing bridge to Tiputini River., -0.6789 -76.3969, 200m

2174383.105Bro. Gines   30591951-12-01
Venezuela, Matasiete

2174382.105Bro. Gines   30581951-12-01
Venezuela, Río Matasiete

3084397.202G. A. Aymard, R. Smith, F. Ortega & R. Rivero   43951986-01-23
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Limites del Páramo de Guaramacal y el bosque nublado, 25 km al S-E de Boconó, 9.2167 -70.1667, 2200 - 2600m

3385958.203B. G. Stergios, B. Licata, R. Caracas & R. González   173001998-04-28
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, vertiente norte, entre casa guardaparques (P.N. 6) y campamento 1, 1977 - 2350m

3326024.206L. J. Dorr, L. Barnett & M. P. Dorr   79841995-07-05
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, road from Boconó to Guaramacal, SE of Boconó and just above park headquarters, 9.2167 -70.2

Image Associated With the Occurence
1495399.2078966A. Weberbauer   59821912-03-00
Peru, Piura, Serran.

2465450.203F. J. Breteler   42571964-10-10
Venezuela, Barinas, Bolívar, 10 km. from Barinitas along road to Apartaderos., 800 - 800m

USw39214.2751053B. Maguire   48592
Brazil, Minas Gerais

USw39274.2751078B. Maguire   48757
Brazil, Minas Gerais

USw25067.2757642B. Maguire   41999
Venezuela, Mérida

USw17669.2764550J.J. Wurdack & L. S. Adderley   42741
Venezuela, Territorio Amazonas

USw17901.2764610J.J. Wurdack & L. S. Adderley   43198
Venezuela, Territorio Amazonas

USw110.2783374E. Christopherson   158
Panama, Chiriquí, San Felix, Canal Zone

10834846P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & O. Hernandez   152192013-03-24
Panama, Border of penninsula, across the Canal, N of Sabid Point., 9.18622 -79.81483, 47m

10499024P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & S. Tiwari   32651990-02-17
Guyana, U. Takutu - U. Essequibo. Rupununi area, Karanambo., 110m

3581115.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, U. Scharf, J. Terbourg, L. Davenport & S. Koemar   145872008-06-16
Suriname, Sipalawini: Kabalebo Natural Reserve; Kilidree Creek, ca. 1 km from confluence with Kabalebo River., 4.447136 -57.161294

3397766.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, G. A. Aymard, P. E. Berry & R. Schargel   102651998-02-19
Venezuela, Amazonas, Guainía, Along road from Maroa to Yabita, ca. 700 m from Yabita., 2.9117 -67.4486

Securidaca coriacea Bonpl. ex Steud.
2808400.207S. López-Palacios   20661968-07-02
Venezuela, Mérida, Campo Elías, Ejido, salida hacia la Mesa Ejido, 8.55 -71.2333, 1250 - 1250m

Securidaca coriacea Bonpl. ex Steud.
USw16471.2749508W. L. Stern, R. H. Eyde & E. S. Ayensu   8001963-02-27
Panama, Los Santos

Securidaca coriacea Bonpl. ex Steud.
10493466P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, L. Rea, J. Rea & C. Salinas   44451991-08-05
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, La Asunta; hillside behind the hospital., 950m

Securidaca coriacea Bonpl. ex Steud.
3460624.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, C. Feuillet, T. McDowell & S. Tiwari   34791990-03-06
Guyana, U. Takutu - U. Essequibo. Rupununi area, Karasabai Village., 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1482489.214A. Lawrance   1741932-06-07
Colombia, Boyacá, Mt. Chapon region, NW of Bogota., 1067 - 1067m

Securidaca diversifolia (L.) S.F. Blake
USw25276.2757771B. Maguire   42654
Venezuela, Mérida

Securidaca diversifolia (L.) S.F. Blake
USw15493.2768380F. Woytkowski   5411
Peru, San Martín, Mariscal Cáceres, Rio Huallaga, margen Derecha del; Balsa Probana; dtto. Tocache Nuevo

Image Associated With the Occurence
1022888.213J. N. Rose & G. Rose   233851918-10-06
Ecuador, Vicinity of Portovelo.

3307846.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, J.-J. de Granville, A. Joly, A. Boyer & L. Hollenberg   58191993-08-01
Suriname, Tumuc Humac Mts, Talouakem; upper Litani River, ca. 20' wide; ca. 10 km from first base camp., 2.52 -54.75, 190m

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
10213825J. L. Clark & E. Rodriguez   068202002-08-05
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Chaparé, Main highway between Cochabamba and Villa Tunari., -17.17314 -65.89503, 2800m

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
10230763J. L. Clark & M. Mailloux   078612003-05-07
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños, Small patch of forest along road from Shell to Baños; near Río Negro., -1.4419 -78.225, 1516m

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
10230973J. L. Clark & V. Mendoza   081092003-05-29
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Palanda, Parroquia: Valladolid. Southern slopes of the Cordillera de Sabanilla (headwaters of Río Chinchipe). Tapichalaca Reserve (Fundación Jocotoco). Trail from highway to paramo (airplane wreckage)., -4.4756 -79.1633, 2800 - 3400m

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
10230017J. L. Clark, F. Nicolalde & R. Hall   073832003-03-18
Ecuador, Imbabura, Cotacachi, Parroquia: García Moreno. Cordillera de Toisán. Cerro de la Plata. Bosque Protector Los Cedros. Sendero Observatorio (SW of lodge)., 0.3 -78.77, 1300 - 1600m

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
10230693J. L. Clark, T. B. Croat, L. Hannon, M. Mailloux & M. Menke   077782003-05-06
Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera, Parroquia: Shell. Road to Río Anzu and beyond (South of the town Mera)., -1.4292 -78.0875, 1450 - 1550m

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
2020477S. Baldeon, W. Nauray, R. de la Colina & S. Urdvay   3028
Peru, Cusco

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
2020644S. Baldeon, W. Nauray, R. de la Colina & S. Urdvay   2998
Peru, Cusco

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
3423727.202L. J. Dorr, S. M. Niño & R. Caracas   90332001-06-15
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Boconó - caserío de Guaramacal road, S slope (Qda. Jirajara) from turnoff to antennas to just above El Campamento., 2200 - 2900m

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
3411211.205L. J. Dorr, S. M. Niño & R. Caracas   89772001-06-14
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Trail from antennas on the summit of Páramo de Guaramacal, NE to Fila Los Recostaderos (UTM: 19-369344E; 1023140N), 2677 - 3100m

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
2055498P. Nuñez et al.   236861998-08-03
Peru, Cusco, E Río Apurímac, NE Pueblo Libre, up mountain of Anchihuay and Bellavista, S Cordillera Vilcabamba, -12.85 -73.5, 2445 - 2445m

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
2055711P. Nuñez et al.   232071998-08-03
Peru, Cusco, E Río Apurímac, NE Pueblo Libre, up mountain of Anchihuay and Bellavista, S Cordillera Vilcabamba, -12.85 -73.5, 2445 - 2445m

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
3376575.206L. J. Dorr, E. Briceño & R. Caracas   83581998-10-29
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, road from Boconó to Guaramacal, SE of Boconó, N slope of mountain., 9.2167 -70.2

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
3406087.207L. J. Dorr, B. G. Stergios & S. M. Niño   86842000-12-27
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, P.N. Guaramacal. Slope forests of El Pumar, SE of Boconó, between camp (UTM: 19-364614E; 1021651N) on Roberto's finca near Pozo Verde at 1950 m and páramo at 2600 m, on old mule trail to caserío de Guaramacal

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
3449567.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr, K. J. Wurdack & S. M. Niño   206012003-09-21
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mpio Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. NE slopes of Cerro Guaramacal between Laguna de Los Cedros and the summit of the road to Guaramacal., 9.25 -70.2083

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
3445217.102B. G. Stergios & R. Caracas   197382002-06-25
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mpio Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, sector páramo de Guaramacal, 3000 - 3100m

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
3445345.102B. G. Stergios & R. Caracas   197822002-06-25
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mpio Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, sector páramo de Guaramacal, 3000 - 3100m

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
3457627.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr & K. J. Wurdack   204572003-09-16
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Laguna Eco to Pico Guirigay (summit), Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay., 3600 - 3870m

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
3449811.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr & K. J. Wurdack   203962003-09-15
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Laguna Larga, vía Laguna Las Parias, to Laguna Eco, Páramo de Motumbo, Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay., 3400 - 3600m

Monnina Ruiz & Pav.
3449771.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr & K. J. Wurdack   205682003-09-18
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Páramo de Motumbo, waterfall below Laguna Las Parias N along the headwaters of the Rio Burburate. Some areas recently burned., 3300 - 3500m

10213842J. L. Clark & M. Zeballos   068372002-08-07
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Valle de Zongo; 20 km below (north) of dam at Lago Zongo., -16.13161 -68.10847, 2600m

2785845.204-. Mocquerys   11121893-00-00
Venezuela, Mérida, 2000 - 2000m

2043110P. Nuñez, P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & M. Chuspe   209521997-10-02
Peru, Cusco, Segakiato in the Camisea River, Lower Urubamba Region, -11.8083 -72.8833, 320 - 320m

2465558.204F. J. Breteler   42661964-10-10
Venezuela, Barinas, 20 km. from Barinitas along road to Apartaderos., 1050 - 1050m

2785847.206-. Mocquerys   1117
Venezuela, Mérida, 2000 - 2000m

10362396P. M. Peterson & D. Gopaul   74581989-06-14
Guyana, West Demerara District, south of Georgetown on Soesdyke-Linden Highway, 7 miles north of Loo River., 6.33 -58.22, 15m

10512906P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, P. Nuñez & J. Tentello   101531997-10-05
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Distrito Camisea; Campamento Segakiato, 5 km down river from Comunity Segakiato, along creek, -11.81 -72.8839, 340m

10512280P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & F. Ramirez   99221997-09-23
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Distrito Camisea; Campamento Malvinas, -11.87 -72.9411, 450m

3580759.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & F. Ramirez   99201997-09-23
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Distrito Camisea; Campamento Malvinas., -11.87 -72.9411, 450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
2814433.214J. T. Howell   97371932-06-06
Ecuador, Colón, [Jervis I.]

Image Associated With the Occurence
2640206.2105122R. L. Wilbur & D. E. Stone   106041968-08-31
Costa Rica, Cartago, Above Platanillo, 914 - 914m

Image Associated With the Occurence
941338.2077A. Tonduz   J.D.S. 74061898-08-00
Costa Rica, La Palma, 1542 - 1542m

Image Associated With the Occurence
941337.2077A. Tonduz   J.D.S. 74061898-08-00
Costa Rica, La Palma, 1542 - 1542m

Monnina sylvatica Schltdl. & Cham.
10478934P. Acevedo-Rodriguez   4381984-07-23
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Prov. Pt. Arenas; Monte Verde, Reserva Forestal.

USw16596.2748786W. L. Stern, R. H. Eyde & E. S. Ayensu   10851963-02-27
Panama, Los Santos

3643390.11H. Fôrther et al.   10071 {93}1998-04-08
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Montaña Caquipec: Chicacnab I, 0.5 km S of Biological Station the ""Proyecto Ecológico Quetzal."", 15.38 -90.1858, 2100 - 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
248923.2164470J. Donnell Smith   51121894-03-00
Costa Rica, Cartago, Attiro

Image Associated With the Occurence
941348.2164471J. Donnell Smith   51121894-03-00
Costa Rica, Cartago, Attiro

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