Search Results (List)

Dataset: US-Botany
Taxa: Poaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 20269

United States National Herbarium

Aciachne Benth.
3482321.104P. M. Peterson, N. Refulio, A. Cano, M. Torre & I. Salinas   179012004-03-21
Peru, Ancash, Recuay, 2 km SW of Conococha on Ruta 02-014. Grassy flats with Poa, Agrostis, and Aciachne., -10.13839 -77.3015, 4107m

Aciachne Benth.
3482353.104P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio   179752004-03-26
Peru, Ancash, Bolognesi, 2 km NE of Pachapaque. Flats and slopes with Aciachne, Poa, Dissanthelium and Calamagrostis, -9.95 -77.09342, 4000m

Aciachne Benth.
3482434.104P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio   180402004-03-29
Peru, Junín, Yauli, 50 km SW of Huayllay on road towards Morococha. Open grassy slopes and rolling hills with exposed orangish clay soil. Vegetation with Calamagrostis, Festuca, Poa, Dissanthelium and Aciachne, -11.25669 -76.45286, 4620m

Aciachne Benth.
3482436.104P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio   180502004-03-30
Peru, Pasco, Pasco, 7 km W of Huayllay on road towards Mina Chungar. Rock outcrops and bare soils with Calamagrostis and Dissanthelium, -11.00883 -76.41881, 4620m

Aciachne Benth.
3482546.104P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio   182722004-04-12
Peru, Arequipa, Caylloma, 10 km SE of Callalli on road towards Condoroma. Gentle slopes and roadsides with Margyricarpus, Calamagrostis and Festuca, -15.49056 -71.38497, 4340m

Aciachne Benth.
10352194P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng, K. Romashchenko & D. Susanibar Cruz   204112007-03-12
Peru, Huancavelica, Huaytara, N of new Hwy 24 from Pico to Ayacucho ca. 124 air km E of Pisco, ca. 21 air km E of S.A. de. Cusicancha and 24 air km ENE of Huaytara, N of Los Libertadores, -13.4797 -75.08581, 4491m

Aciachne Benth.
10352195P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng & K. Romashchenko   205712007-03-20
Peru, Cuzco, Quispicanchi, Cordillera Vilcanota, E side of Abra Huallahualla (pass between Ocongate and Marcapata) 17 km above Umaparco on Hwy 28, -13.58 -71.11883, 4593m

Aciachne Benth.
10352196P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng, K. Romashchenko & M. S. González-Elizondo   206492007-03-27
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, W slope of Cordillera La Paz ca. 6 air km N of La Paz, beyond N limits of El Alto, 4 km S of Milluni on rd to Zongo, -16.26106 -68.1175, 4309m

Aciachne Benth.
10352197P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng, K. Romashchenko & M. S. González-Elizondo   206592007-03-27
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, E slope of Cordillera La Paz ca. 26 air km N of La Paz, on rd to Zongo ca 6 km NE of pass, 31 km above Zongo, -16.43406 -68.16053, 4262m

Aciachne Benth.
10352199P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng, K. Romashchenko & M. S. González-Elizondo   207602007-04-01
Peru, Arequipa, Caylloma, Bosque de Rocas, S of Imata 12 km on rd to Pati (which is on old Juliaca to Arequipa Hwy), 75 air km NE of Arequipa, -15.91039 -71.0439, 4507m

Aciachne Benth.
10352200P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng, M. Torre & J. Rojas Fox   215092008-03-08
Peru, Ancash, Recuay, Cordillera Negra, W side of Paso Fortuleza on hwy 109, above Puente Santa Rosa, 28 km E of Cajacay, 1.3 km W of jct. hwy 14, -10.14528 -77.30831, 3864m

Aciachne Benth.
10352201P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng, M. Torre & J. Rojas Fox   215822008-03-11
Peru, Ancash, Recuay, Cordillera Negra, vic. Cerro Ayrahuanca, pass ca. 1 km E of Lago Ututo on road between Cotaparaco and Utcuyacu, -9.86956 -77.47939, 4223m

Aciachne Benth.
10352202P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng, M. Torre & J. Rojas Fox   216852008-03-14
Peru, Ancash, Yungay, Cordillera Negra, Putacapampa, 2 km E of pass between Yautan and Poncos at head of Quebrada Teclio, on road from Shupluy to Yautan, -9.29564 -77.80036, 4397m

Aciachne Benth.
10352203P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng, M. Torre & J. Rojas Fox   217592008-03-16
Peru, Ancash, Yungay, Cordillera Blanca W slope, on road to pass E of Lago Llauganuco and Yanama, ca. 37 km ENE of new city of Yungay, Parque Nacional Huascaran, Sector Llauganuco, -9.05461 -77.59933, 3931m

Aciachne Benth.
10352204P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng, M. Torre & J. Rojas Fox   217742008-03-18
Peru, Ancash, Corongo, North end of Cordillera Blanca (W drainage near prov. Sihaus border), along pass between Yuracmarca and Capilla Pampa, E of Tarica (Mamapampa) ca. 18 rd km, -8.57692 -77.68606, 4081m

3421405.103P. M. Peterson & O. Tovar   140381997-04-05
Peru, Junin, Yauli, 156 km W of Lima just above Yauli., 4120m

3423013.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   139311997-03-27
Peru, Ancash, Pallasca, 14 km NE of Pampas and 4 km E of Central Office of La Mina., 3810m

3493508.103P. M. Peterson, A. Cano, M. Torre La, -- Ramírez & D. Susanibar Cruz   162082002-02-24
Peru, Ayacucho, Lucanas, 39 km S of Putajasa., -14.33692 -74.35517, 4080m

3494193.103P. M. Peterson, A. Cano, M. Torre La, -- Ramírez & D. Susanibar Cruz   162382002-02-24
Peru, Ayacucho, Huanca Sancos, 5 km NW of Putajasa on road towards Huanca Sancos., -14.1015 -74.244, 3800m

3494176.103P. M. Peterson, A. Cano, M. Torre La, -- Ramírez & D. Susanibar Cruz   162552002-02-25
Peru, Ayacucho, Huanca Sancos, 16 km NW of Putajasa on road towards Huanca Sancos., -14.02847 -74.27128, 3900m

3493571.103P. M. Peterson, M. Torre La, -- Ramírez & D. Susanibar Cruz   163122002-02-27
Peru, Ayacucho, Lucanas, 51 km SE of Puquio and 24 km NW of Chavina., -14.86728 -73.92783, 4200m

3494009.103P. M. Peterson & O. Tovar   164002002-03-08
Peru, Huancavelica, Castrovirreyna, 30 km SW of Huancavelica along Rio Pucapampa., -12.93611 -75.09922, 4510m

3494169.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   164312002-03-11
Peru, Ayacucho, Lucanas, 96 km E of Nazca and 29 km W of Lucanas at Pampas Galeras., -14.65742 -74.33828, 4140m

3494122.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   165012002-03-13
Peru, Apurimac, Aymaraes, 22 km NE of Chalhuanca on road towards Yanaca., -14.27217 -73.21867, 4000m

3494371.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   165512002-03-16
Peru, Cuzco, Calca, 22 km N of Calca on road towards Lares., -13.21572 -71.90978, 4120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
3352669.2155712S. Laegaard   538621985-03-13
Ecuador, Napo, Road Pifo - Papallacta, N of antennas at Paso de le Viren, superParamo., -0.2833 -78.1833, 4250 - 4400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
91897.21682W. Jameson   1571844-05-00
Ecuador, Near Salinas

3423030.104P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   138701997-03-22
Peru, Ancash, Huari, Cordillera Blanca, 24 km N of Huari on road towards San Luis., 3820m

3421456.104P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   139621997-03-29
Peru, La Libertad, Santiago de Chuco, 23 km SW of Huamachuco on road towards Alto de Tamboras and Pampas., 3540m

3421440.104P. M. Peterson & O. Tovar   141071997-04-08
Peru, Junin, Junin, 5 km E of Carhuamayo on road towards Ulcamayo., 4290m

3421359.104P. M. Peterson & O. Tovar   141811997-04-10
Peru, Huancavelica, Huancavelica, 15 km NE of Huancavelica above Sachapite., 4100m

3421354.104P. M. Peterson & O. Tovar   141921997-04-11
Peru, Huancavelica, Huancavelica, 12 km S of Huancavelica on road towards Santa Barbara., 4120m

10362847P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng & K. Romashchenko   205502007-03-19
Peru, Cuzco, Quispicanchi, 23 km up new Hwy 28 from Urcos to Ccatcca (Catsa), ESE of Cuzco ca. 45 air km, W side of crest of road, -13.6608 -71.59158, 4080m

10362848P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng & K. Romashchenko   203072007-03-05
Peru, Pasco, Pasco, Plains ca. 8 km W of NW arm of Laguna de Junin, S side of Rio Colorado and E of new Hwy and RR tracks, 12 km NE of Huayllay on Hwy 18, -10.93108 -76.30239, 4141m

10362849P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng, K. Romashchenko & D. Susanibar Cruz   205272007-03-16
Peru, Ayacucho, Huamanga, S of Ayacucho ca. 45 km on Hwy 3 toward Abancay, -13.3408 -74.15964, 4207m

3279319.206P. M. Peterson, C. R. Annable, S. Laegaard & R. Soreng   126251993-03-04
Bolivia, La Paz, Aroma, South of La Paz on Hwy 1 towards Oruro, 6.7 mi NW of Villa Loza on road to Urmiri and Sapahaqui., 4040 - 4040m

3264884.204P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng & S. Laegaard   132031993-04-03
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, At the Pass separating Prov. Murilla on road towards Unduavi., 4650 - 4650m

3264988.207P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng & S. Laegaard   131831993-04-03
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, 8 mi E of Pass on road to the Yungas (Unduavi)., 3870 - 3870m

Acroceras zizanioides (Kunth) Dandy
3209334.258R. Siedel & E. Vargas   26941989-04-21
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Alto Beni, subiendo a la Consion de Sapecho, al Lado del Arroyo Sapecho; Yungas, -15.5 -67.35, 500 - 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Acroceras zizanioides (Kunth) Dandy
974632.2874Wilkes Explor. Exped.   81838-00-00
Brazil, Organ Mts.

Acroceras zizanioides (Kunth) Dandy
10343081P. M. Peterson & C. R. Annable   71251989-02-25
Panama, Bocas Del Toro, Approximately 3 km S of Tiger Key. UTM 1,015,000 m N; 363,000 m E., 0 - 30m

Acroceras zizanioides (Kunth) Dandy
10343082P. M. Peterson & D. Gopaul   73891989-06-11
Guyana, East Demerara District, at Cane Grove, 30 miles southeast of Georgetown., 6.63 -57.92, 1 - 2m

Acroceras zizanioides (Kunth) Dandy
10343083P. M. Peterson, D. Gopaul & L. J. Gillespie   75411989-06-18
Guyana, Rupununi District, 1 mile south of the Dadanawa Ranch along river, west side., 375m

Acroceras zizanioides (Kunth) Dandy
10343084P. M. Peterson & D. Gopaul   75511989-06-20
Guyana, Rupununi District, 2-7 miles south of Sand Creek along road to Dadanawana, east of Rupununi River., 350 - 400m

Acroceras zizanioides (Kunth) Dandy
10343085P. M. Peterson, D. Gopaul & L. J. Gillespie   76091989-06-25
Guyana, Rupununi District, Kanuku Mountains, 12-13 miles northeast of Sand Creek., 1000m

Aegopogon bryophilus Döll in Mart.
1280026.2089682A. F. M. Glaziou   116611879-04-10
Brazil, Minas Gerais

Aegopogon cenchroides Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
3106026.204P. M. Peterson & C. R. Annable   73871989-03-09
Panama, Chiriquí, 3 km S of Boquete along Rio Caldera., 1050 - 1050m

Aegopogon cenchroides Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
75957.2146C. S. Kunth   3002
Venezuela, Mérida

Aegopogon cenchroides Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
3427276.282L. G. Clark, G. Reiners & X. Londoño   15701998-01-23
Costa Rica, Cartago, Interamerican Highway., 9.63 -83.8583, 2900m

Aegopogon cenchroides Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
3452638.102L. J. Dorr, L. Barnett & B. G. Stergios   92012002-08-22
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Páramo de Guirigay, Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay, sector Qda. de las Veguitas., 3000m

Aegopogon cenchroides Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
2882091.102L. Aristeguieta   36541958-08-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mpio Boconó, Alrededores de Guirigay., 3300m

Aegopogon cenchroides Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
3420198.104P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   149502000-03-17
Peru, Cajamarca, Hualgayoc, 8 km NE of Hualgayoc on HWY 3N towards Bambamarca., 3080m

Aegopogon cenchroides Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
3449819.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr & K. J. Wurdack   203972003-09-15
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Laguna Larga, vía Laguna Las Parias, to Laguna Eco, Páramo de Motumbo, Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay., 3400 - 3600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
843235.1006Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Banos

3481355.103P. M. Peterson & O. Tovar   140411997-04-05
Peru, Junin, Yauli, 156 km W of Lima just above Yauli., 4120m

3481354.103P. M. Peterson & O. Tovar   140721997-04-06
Peru, Junin, Tarma, 20 km E of Hwy and Palca on road towards Hacienda Maraynoic at summit., 4270m

3481353.103P. M. Peterson & O. Tovar   140891997-04-07
Peru, Junin, Tarma, 7 km W of San Pedro de Cajas on road towards Junin., 4280m

10341627P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   151392000-03-31
Peru, Piura, Huancabamba, 23 km E of Sondor on road towards Tabaconas., 2740m

3237100.103P. M. Peterson, C. R. Annable & M. Poston   88551990-04-21
Ecuador, Azuay, Parque Nacional Cajas, NW of Cuenca., 3700m

3237118.103P. M. Peterson, C. R. Annable & M. Poston   88811990-04-23
Ecuador, Azuay, 13.7 km S of Cumbe on the Pan American Highway., 3470m

3237015.103P. M. Peterson & C. R. Annable   89561990-05-01
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, 6.6 km SW of El Chaupi on road to base of Illinizas., 3800m

3237017.103P. M. Peterson & C. R. Annable   89581990-05-01
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, 9 km SW of El Chaupi on road to base of Illinizas., 4200m

3237347.103P. M. Peterson, E. Judziewicz, R. M. King & P. Jorgensen   91951990-05-20
Ecuador, Chimborazo, from campsite above Río Alao (8.5 km E of Guardiana Alao by rd), NNE to pass (via old rte to Huamboya).

3237403.103P. M. Peterson, E. Judziewicz, R. M. King & P. Jorgensen   92271990-05-21
Ecuador, Chimborazo, 18.2 km ESE of Lago Colta on road to Pallatanga., 3700m

3410520.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   148742000-03-14
Peru, Cajamarca, San Pablo, 33 km NW of Cajamarca on road towards San Pablo via Porcon., 3510m

3410515.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   148972000-03-16
Peru, Cajamarca, Cajamarca, 52 km N of Cajamarca on HWY 3N towards Bambamarca, and approximately 1 km W on a small road, ""Carretera Lagunas Yanacanchilla""., 3800 - 3900m

10341636P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   149352000-03-17
Peru, Cajamarca, San Miguel, 14 km N of El Cobro and 6 km W of HWY 3N on a small mining road., 3500m

3481360.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   138261997-03-21
Peru, Ancash, Recuay, Cordillera Blanca, 39 km S of Catac on road towards Raquia., 3980m

3481359.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   138651997-03-22
Peru, Ancash, Huari, Cordillera Blanca, 24 km N of Huari on road towards San Luis., 3820m

3481358.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   138691997-03-22
Peru, Ancash, Huari, Cordillera Blanca, 24 km N of Huari on road towards San Luis., 3820m

3481357.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   138801997-03-23
Peru, Ancash, Huari, Cordillera Blanca, 28 km SE of San Luis on road towards Huari., 4230m

3481374.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   138941997-03-23
Peru, Ancash, Carlos Fermin Fitzcarrold, Cordillera Blanca, 6 km SE of San Luis on road towards Huari., 3960m

3481356.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   139401997-03-27
Peru, Ancash, Pallasca, 15 km NE of Pampas and 5 km E of Central Office of La Mina., 3870m

3481373.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   139651997-03-29
Peru, La Libertad, Santiago de Chuco, 23 km SW of Huamachuco on road towards Alto de Tamboras and Pampas., 3540m

3481351.103P. M. Peterson & O. Tovar   141781997-04-10
Peru, Huancavelica, Huancavelica, 15 km NE of Huancavelica above Sachapite., 4100m

3481352.103P. M. Peterson & O. Tovar   141791997-04-10
Peru, Huancavelica, Huancavelica, 15 km NE of Huancavelica above Sachapite., 4100m

3481372.103P. M. Peterson & O. Tovar   141801997-04-10
Peru, Huancavelica, Huancavelica, 15 km NE of Huancavelica above Sachapite., 4100m

3481370.103P. M. Peterson & O. Tovar   141851997-04-11
Peru, Huancavelica, Huancavelica, 12 km S of Huancavelica on road towards Santa Barbara., 4120m

3481369.103P. M. Peterson & O. Tovar   141961997-04-11
Peru, Huancavelica, Huancavelica, 23 km S of Huancavelica at the Mina Buenoventura., 4550m

3481371.103P. M. Peterson & O. Tovar   142191997-04-12
Peru, Junin, Huancayo, 29 km NW of Huancayo up Rio Shullcas at pass just S of the Nevado Huaytapallana., 4500m

3481517.103P. M. Peterson, A. Cano, M. Torre La, -- Ramírez & D. Susanibar Cruz   162532002-02-25
Peru, Ayacucho, Huanca Sancos, 16 km NW of Putajasa on road towards Huanca Sancos., -14.02847 -74.27128, 3900m

3481498.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   165492002-03-16
Peru, Cuzco, Calca, 20 km N of Calca on road towards Lares., -13.23136 -71.90736, 4060m

3481496.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   165662002-03-16
Peru, Cuzco, Calca/Paucartambo, 32 km N of Calca at Abra de Amparaes., -13.17536 -71.90586, 4565m

3481483.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   165932002-03-17
Peru, Cuzco, Calca, 9 km S of Pampa Corral on road towards Calca., -13.17594 -71.95481, 4080m

3481494.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   166112002-03-18
Peru, Cuzco, Calca/Paucartambo, 28 km E of Pisac on road to Colquepata., -13.37983 -71.74842, 4130m

3481488.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   166382002-03-19
Peru, Cuzco, Paucartambo, 1 km E of Mirador Tres Cruces and 35 km N of Paucartambo., -13.13656 -71.62786, 3625m

3481487.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio R.   166582002-03-22
Peru, Ayacucho, Huananca, 68 km SW of Ayacucho on road towards Pisco., -13.33486 -74.61019, 4045m

3481512.103P. M. Peterson, N. Refulio, A. Cano, M. Torre & I. Salinas   179002004-03-21
Peru, Ancash, Recuay, 2 km SW of Conococha on Ruta 02-014. Grassy flats with Poa, Agrostis, and Aciachne., -10.13839 -77.3015, 4107m

3481511.103P. M. Peterson, N. Refulio, A. Cano, M. Torre & I. Salinas   179182004-03-23
Peru, Huanuco, Huamalies, 21 km N of Punos on road towards Ponto. Open grassy slopes with Calamagrostis, Agrostis, and Poa, -9.41114 -76.93394, 4450m

3481510.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio   179332004-03-24
Peru, Ancash, Recuay, 3 km E of Conococha. Grassy flats with Calamagrostis, Jarava, and Muhlenbergia., -10.11542 -77.27228, 4050m

3481509.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio   180082004-03-28
Peru, Lima, Canta, 10 km E of Cullhuay on road towards Junín. Open grassy slopes with Calamagrostis, Festuca, and Agrostis, -11.38186 -76.46353, 4200m

3481507.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio   180552004-03-30
Peru, Pasco, Pasco, 6 km W of Santa Rosario at Abra Antajirca (limite de Lima & Pasco). Limestone rock outcrops and reddish-clay soils with Calamagrostis, Dissanthelium, Festuca and Poa, -11.04075 -76.52861, 4800m

3481508.103P. M. Peterson & N. Refulio   180702004-03-31
Peru, Pasco, Pasco, 4 km NE of Huayllay on road towards Canchacucho. Valley flats and slopes below ""Bosque de Piedras"" with Aciachne, Dissanthelium, Calamagrostis and Muhlenbergia, -10.97244 -76.32167, 4160m

10341663P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng & K. Romashchenko   202942007-03-04
Peru, Lima, Canta, Cordillera Viuda, 45 km NE of Canta and 22 km ENE of Cullhuay on Hwy 18, near lake by border with Dpto. Junin at Abra La Viuda, -11.35408 -76.44031, 4542m

10341664P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng & K. Romashchenko   203112007-03-05
Peru, Pasco, Pasco, Plains ca. 8 km W of NW arm of Laguna de Junin, S side of Rio Colorado and E of new Hwy and RR tracks, 12 km NE of Huayllay on Hwy 18, -10.93108 -76.30239, 4141m

10341665P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng, K. Romashchenko & D. Susanibar Cruz   204062007-03-12
Peru, Huancavelica, Huaytara, New Hwy 24 from Pisco to Ayacucho ca. 106 air km E of Pisco, ca. 9 air km SE of S.A. de. Cusicancha and 14 air km ENE of Huaytara, 10 km W of Los Libertadores, -13.56358 -75.23983, 4049m

10341666P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng & K. Romashchenko   205582007-03-19
Peru, Cuzco, Quispicanchi, 23 km up new Hwy 28 from Urcos to Ccatcca (Catsa), ESE of Cuzco ca. 45 air km, W side of crest of road, -13.6608 -71.59158, 4080m

10341667P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng & K. Romashchenko   205722007-03-20
Peru, Cuzco, Quispicanchi, Cordillera Vilcanota, E side of Abra Huallahualla (pass between Ocongate and Marcapata) 17 km above Umaparco on Hwy 28, -13.58 -71.11883, 4593m

10341668P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng & K. Romashchenko   206192007-03-23
Peru, Puno, Melgar, Ca. 7 km WNW of Santa Rosa on Hwy 3 and 1 km W toward Quishuara, along Rio Santa Rosa, -14.59858 -70.85964, 4002m

10341669P. M. Peterson, R. Soreng, K. Romashchenko & M. S. González-Elizondo   206342007-03-27
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, W slope of Cordillera La Paz ca. 6 air km N of La Paz, beyond N limits of El Alto, 4 km S of Milluni on rd to Zongo, -16.26106 -68.1175, 4309m

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