Search Results (List)

Dataset: US-Botany
Taxa: Gentianaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 229

United States National Herbarium

10213627J. L. Clark & D. Barrientos   066222002-07-20
Bolivia, La Paz, Larecaja, Mapiri trail (trek from Ingenio to Mapiri); day 1 of 5., -15.61233 -68.49031, 3600 - 3900m

10213646J. L. Clark & D. Barrientos   066412002-07-21
Bolivia, La Paz, Larecaja, Mapiri trail (trek from Ingenio to Mapiri); day 2 of 5., -15.56047 -68.397, 3600 - 3100m

10494176P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, A. Siaca, S. Ferrucci, H. Garcia & M. Fernández   65871994-07-25
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Sacaba, Depart. Cochabamba; Prov. Sacaba; new road from Cochabamba to Santa Cruz; Cruce to Tablas Monte, 5 km from Represa de Corani., 2900m

Gentianella nevadensis (Gilg) Waever & Wüdenberg
3409798.204M. Niño, A. Licata & L. Linárez   13692000-09-23
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Páramo de Guaramacal, sector ""Las antenas"", 3120 - 3120m

Gentianella nevadensis (Gilg) Waever & Wüdenberg
3443743.102L. J. Dorr, L. Barnett & B. G. Stergios   91492002-08-20
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Páramo de Guirigay, Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay, sector Las Veguitas., 3060 - 3080m

Gentianella nevadensis (Gilg) Waever & Wüdenberg
3443742.102L. J. Dorr, L. Barnett & B. G. Stergios   92732002-08-23
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Páramo de Guirigay, Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay, sector Los Chorotes. Páramo abierto., 3300m

Gentianella nevadensis (Gilg) Waever & Wüdenberg
3445870.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr, K. J. Wurdack & R. Caracas   207212003-09-23
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mpio Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Páramo de Guaramacal, SW of the television antennas., 9.25 -70.18, 3000 - 3150m

Gentianella nevadensis (Gilg) Waever & Wüdenberg
3463137.102S. M. Niño, L. Linárez & R. Caracas   14952003-11-07
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mpio Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Laguna del Pumar y alrededores., 3000m

Halenia brevicornis (Kunth) G. Don
3422232.102L. J. Dorr, L. Barnett & B. G. Stergios   91922002-08-22
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Páramo de Guirigay, Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay, sector Qda. de las Veguitas., 3000m

Irlbachia Mart.
2055951P. Nuñez et al.   232151998-08-03
Peru, Cusco, E Río Apurímac, NE Pueblo Libre, up mountain of Anchihuay and Bellavista, S Cordillera Vilcabamba, -12.85 -73.5, 2445 - 2445m

Irlbachia Mart.
2055953P. Nuñez et al.   236921998-08-03
Peru, Cusco, E Río Apurímac, NE Pueblo Libre, up mountain of Anchihuay and Bellavista, S Cordillera Vilcabamba, -12.85 -73.5, 2445 - 2445m

Irlbachia Mart.
3381574.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, G. A. Aymard, P. E. Berry & R. Schargel   103131998-02-20
Venezuela, Amazonas, Guainía, Along road from Maroa to Yabita., 2.9117 -67.4486

Macrocarpaea Gilg in Engl. & Prantl
3442859.10213692J. L. Clark & D. Barrientos   066882002-07-23
Bolivia, La Paz, Larecaja, Mapiri trail (trek from Ingenio to Mapiri); day 4 of 5, to campamento "Incapampa", -15.45789 -68.34592, 2500 - 1600m

Macrocarpaea Gilg in Engl. & Prantl
10231723J. L. Clark, J. R. Bennett, L. A. Bohs & N. Leon   090222005-04-03
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Palanda, Parroquia: Valladolid. Southern slopes of the Cordillera de Sabanilla (headwaters of Río Chinchipe). Tapichalaca Reserve (Fundación Jocotoco). Trail from border of reserve to site of airplane crash., -4.485 -79.1472, 2500 - 2700m

USw42616.2838321J. R. Grant et al.   Jan-48

1472199.213W. Jameson   467
Colombia, Nariño, Pasto., 3300 - 3300m

USw42618.2838319J. R. Grant & J. Torres   Feb-10

Symbolanthus G. Don
10231005J. L. Clark & V. Mendoza   081442003-05-29
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Palanda, Parroquia: Valladolid. Southern slopes of the Cordillera de Sabanilla (headwaters of Río Chinchipe). Tapichalaca Reserve (Fundación Jocotoco). Trail from highway to paramo (airplane wreckage)., -4.4756 -79.1633, 2800 - 3400m

Symbolanthus G. Don
10229504J. L. Clark & L. Jost   070322002-12-16
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-Indanza, Cordillera del Condor. Trail from camp #2 towards crest of the Cordillera del Condor (c.a, 15-20 km S/SE of the Comunidad Warints)., -3.25 -78.32, 2400 - 2700m

Symbolanthus G. Don
10230484J. L. Clark, I. Salinas & H. Beltran   082442003-06-09
Peru, Huánuco, Huánuco, Distrito: Chinchao. San Pedro de Carpish. Forest west of Carpish tunel., -9.7 -76.1097, 2300m

Symbolanthus calygonus (Ruiz & Pav.) Griseb. ex Gilg
3408263.2029864J. L. Clark & C. Morocho   58422001-01-07
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, San Miguel de los Cuyes ?, Main Trail to Sal Miguel de los Cuyes via the Cordillera Morire (The "I will die" Ridge). [Sal Miguel de Cuyes is listed as a city not a Canton of Morona-Santiago.], -3.2917 -78.875, 2400 - 3400m

Symbolanthus calygonus (Ruiz & Pav.) Griseb. ex Gilg
3408290.2036136J. L. Clark, F. Sanchez & L. Jost   58982001-01-10
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón Indanza, Main road between Gualaceo and Plan de Milagro. River (Río San Francisco?) near road in area known locally as "Zapote-Chacras", -3.0075 -78.6425, 3000 - 3000m

Symbolanthus calygonus (Ruiz & Pav.) Griseb. ex Gilg
10213662J. L. Clark & D. Barrientos   066582002-07-22
Bolivia, La Paz, Larecaja, Mapiri trail (trek from Ingenio to Mapiri); day 3 of 5, to campamento "Alto Palmar", -15.51872 -68.37808, 3100 - 2500m

Symbolanthus calygonus (Ruiz & Pav.) Griseb. ex Gilg
10231732J. L. Clark, J. R. Bennett, L. A. Bohs & N. Leon   090342005-04-03
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Palanda, Parroquia: Valladolid. Southern slopes of the Cordillera de Sabanilla (headwaters of Río Chinchipe). Tapichalaca Reserve (Fundación Jocotoco). Trail from border of reserve to site of airplane crash., -4.485 -79.1472, 2500 - 2700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1907634.212J. A. Steyermark   545601943-10-10
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago / Zamora-Chinchipe, Along QuebradaHonda near Rancho Achupallas., 2500 - 2700m

Voyria Aubl.
2030417P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, R. de la Colina, W. Nauray & J. Tenteyo P.   239101998-09-02
Peru, Cusco, Cashiriari-3 Well Site, 5.0 km south of Camisea River, -11.8825278 -72.65169444, 700 - 700m

Voyria Aubl.
2031574P. Nuñez, R. de la Colina, W. Nauray, L. Acurio & J. Tenteyo P.   241981998-10-11
Peru, Cusco, Armihuari - Río Camisea, -11.8653056 -72.7774722, 535 - 535m

Voyria Aubl.
2052593P. Nuñez, S. Baldeon, A. Alonso, J. Santisteban, G. Valencia, K. Anderson, J. Louton, J. Pacaya V. & F. Ramos R.   189801997-02-15
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Dist. Echarati: San Martin-3 Well Site, -11.7815 -72.8683, 400 - 400m

Voyria aphylla (Jacq.) Pers.
10213705J. L. Clark & D. Barrientos   067012002-07-24
Bolivia, La Paz, Larecaja, Mapiri trail (trek from Ingenio to Mapiri); day 5 of 5, from campamento "Incapampa" to Mapiri., -15.37567 -68.24917, 1600 - 1000m

Voyria aphylla (Jacq.) Pers.
2174665.105Bro. Gines   35451953-08-01
Venezuela, 600m

3355274.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, K. Rankin & S. F. Smith   86381997-01-12
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Districto Camisea, Campamento San Martín-C, Camisea Production Unit, -11.7856 -72.6992, 467m

2052574P. Nuñez, S. Baldeon, A. Alonso, J. Santisteban, G. Valencia, K. Anderson, J. Louton, J. Pacaya V. & F. Ramos R.   191491997-02-15
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Dist. Echarati: San Martin-3 Well Site, -11.7815 -72.8683, 400 - 400m

USw40412.2745777J. Schunke Vigo et al.   3455
Peru, San Martín, Mariscal Cáceres, Rio Huallaga, margen Derecha del; Balsa Probana; dtto. Tocache Nuevo

USw40432.2745802J. Schunke Vigo et al.   3610
Peru, San Martín, Mariscal Cáceres, Rio Huallaga, margen Derecha del; Balsa Probana; dtto. Tocache Nuevo

USw9653.2753457B. A. Krukoff   5588
Brazil, Acre, Near mouth of Rio Macauhan, basin of Rio Purus

3591524.104P. M. Peterson   84931990-03-30
Panama, Bocas Del Toro, SE side of Island., 0 - 13m

3223387.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. Grimes   49291992-05-10
French Guiana, St. Elie; SE of ORSTOM Biological Station at Forest Concession.

3364449.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, P. Nuñez & F. Ramirez   101181997-10-03
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Distrito Camisea; Campamento Segakiato, 5 km down river from Comunity Segakiato, -11.81 -72.8839, 450m

10230500J. L. Clark   082632003-06-15
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Latacunga, Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, 10 km from the Panamericana on road towards first refugio., -0.67 -78.53, 3500m

10230501J. L. Clark   082632003-06-15
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Latacunga, Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, 10 km from the Panamericana on road towards first refugio., -0.67 -78.53, 3500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
653928.1006Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Casa Cancha, Andes

Gentianella Moench
10213631J. L. Clark & D. Barrientos   066262002-07-20
Bolivia, La Paz, Larecaja, Mapiri trail (trek from Ingenio to Mapiri); day 1 of 5., -15.61233 -68.49031, 3600 - 3900m

Gentianella Moench
10213641J. L. Clark & D. Barrientos   066362002-07-20
Bolivia, La Paz, Larecaja, Mapiri trail (trek from Ingenio to Mapiri); day 1 of 5., -15.61233 -68.49031, 3600 - 3900m

Gentianella Moench
3449827.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr & K. J. Wurdack   203722003-09-15
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Laguna Larga, vía Laguna Las Parias, to Laguna Eco, Páramo de Motumbo, Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay., 3400 - 3600m

Gentianella Moench
10359379P. M. Peterson, C. R. Annable, S. Laegaard, R. Soreng & F. Rojas-Ponce   128621993-03-13
Bolivia, Potosi, Sud Chichas, 5 mi N of San Vicente along ridge road towards Animas., 4500m

Gentianella Moench
10359380P. M. Peterson, C. R. Annable, S. Laegaard, R. Soreng & F. Rojas-Ponce   128631993-03-13
Bolivia, Potosi, Sud Chichas, 5 mi N of San Vicente along ridge road towards Animas., 4500m

Halenia Borkh.
2047068J. L. Clark, F. Sanchez & L. Jost   58932001-01-10
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón Indanza, Highest point on road between Gualaceo and Plan de Milagro, near la Virgen. Cordillera Zapote Naida., -3.0017 -78.6581, 3300 - 3300m

10499158P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, C. Feuillet, T. McDowell & S. Tiwari   33501990-02-23
Guyana, U. Takutu - U. Essequibo. Rupununi area, Surama Village, dirt road towards main road., 85m

3598123.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, C. Zartman, R. Fernandes, J. Tropp & J. Sleen   146902008-08-21
Brazil, Amazonas, Amazonas: forest behind Tunuí village., 1.39481 -68.15339

USw42487.2753941C. Feuillet   10053
French Guiana

Image Associated With the Occurence
Centaurium brachycalyx Standl. & L.O. Williams
2215983.209P. C. Standley   253471950-01-31
Honduras, Intibucá, Vicinity de La Esperanza & Intibucá, 1500 - 1600m

2174390.105Bro. Gines   30721951-12-01
Venezuela, La Sierra

2174226.105Bro. Gines   27561951-12-01
Venezuela, Salamaca

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1253336.208P. C. Standley & J. Valerio R.   436311925-12-29
Costa Rica, San José, Cerro de las Vueltas., 2700 - 3000m

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1363318.217H. F. Pittier   29751890-08-31
Costa Rica, San José, Podrero del Alto, Volcan du Poas., 2461 - 2461m

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1363317.215H. F. Pittier   29751890-08-31
Costa Rica, San José, Podrero del Alto, Volcan Dupoas., 2461 - 2461m

Lisianthius seemannii (Griseb.) Kuntze
USw33623.2748951W. L. Stern, R. H. Eyde & E. S. Ayensu   17791963-02-27
Panama, Los Santos

10487932P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, D. Sanchez, D. Restrepo, G. Martinez, E. Silva & C. Orrego   11191986-07-09
Colombia, Antioquia, Frontino, Depart. Antioquia; Municipio Frontino; corregimiento Nutibara, camino Murri., 1900m

1080493.212C. C Wercklé   164921902-11-00
Costa Rica, La Palma, 1500 - 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tachia parviflora Maguire & Weaver
1796290.209J. Cuatrecasas   90591940-04-04
Colombia, Caquetá, Cordillera Oriental, Vertiente Oriental, Sucre., 1000 - 1300m

Halenia asclepiadea (Kunth) G. Don
1706382.214F. W. Humboldt & A. J. A. Bonpland   s.n.
Colombia, Cundinamarca, On slopes of Parami de Chingasa near Santa Fe de Bogota, 1400 - 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Halenia killipii C.K. Allen
1357145.214E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith   220871929-04-27
Peru, Junín, Mt. La Juntay, near Huancayo., 4700 - 4700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Halenia spatulata C.K. Allen
1340650.214F. W. Pennell   137491925-05-01
Peru, Cusco, Cerro de Colquipata, 3900 - 4000m

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Halenia umbellata (Ruiz & Pav.) Gilg
55753.10062057Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Banos, And.

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55754.21484M. Bang   6651890-00-00
Bolivia, La Paz, Yungas.

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1356268.213E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith   270451929-08-03
Peru, Loreto, Vicinity of Iquitos., 100 - 100m

USw42346.2745833J. Schunke Vigo et al.   5298
Peru, San Martín, Mariscal Cáceres, Rio Huallaga, margen Derecha del; Balsa Probana; dtto. Tocache Nuevo

USw15885.2768352F. Woytkowski   5348
Peru, San Martín, Mariscal Cáceres, Rio Huallaga, margen Derecha del; Balsa Probana; dtto. Tocache Nuevo

3223392.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, S. A. Mori, C. Gracie, B. Angell, P. Anderson, E. J. Gouda & A. .R. A. Görts-van Rijn   49771992-05-21
French Guiana, Saul; Route de Belizon, 2 km N of camp., 3.62 -53.2, 170m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tachia loretensis Maguire & Weaver
1463148.211E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith   299251929-09-25
Peru, Loreto, Mishuyacu, near Iquitos., 100 - 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Tachia occidentalis Maguire & Weaver
2170849.214R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera-Rodriguez   124761951-06-13
Colombia, Amazonas, Vaupes, Rio Apaporis, Cachivera de Jirijirimo & Alrededores., 250 - 250m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Halenia euryphylla C.K. Allen in Woodson & Schery
1822568.209R. E. Woodson & R. W. Schery   3621940-07-10
Panama, Chiriquí, Casita Alta to Cerro Copete., 2300 - 3300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Halenia woodsoniana C.K. Allen in Woodson & Seibert
2216069.21R. E. Woodson, P. H. Allen & R. J. Seibert   10521938-07-04
Panama, Chiriquí, Volcan de Chiriqui, Loma Larga to summit., 2500 - 3380m

10230370J. L. Clark   086652003-08-05
Panama, Coclé, La Pintada, Corregimiento: El Arino. Parque Nacional Omar Torrijos. 6-10 km NNW from El Copé. Main trail from the Comunidad La Rica to Cascada de Tife (=Cerro Tife)., 8.72 -80.62, 300 - 700m

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1588713.211J. B. Edwards   5561933-01-10
Honduras, Comayagua, Siguatepeque, 1128 - 1128m

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1363176.21H. von Türckheim   14361889-01-00
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Sacolal., 915 - 915m

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1363175.213H. von Türckheim   14361889-01-00
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Sacolal, bei Pansamalá., 914 - 914m

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227450.2141E. T. Heyde & E. Lux   J.D.S. 29211892-04-00
Guatemala, Quiché, Rio Negro., 1100 - 1100m

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480106.2141E. T. Heyde & E. Lux   J.D.S. 29211892-04-00
Guatemala, Quiché, Rio Negro., 1100 - 1100m

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1363173.214E. T. Heyde & E. Lux   J.D.S. 29211892-04-00
Guatemala, Quiché, Rio Negro., 1100 - 1100m

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1363169.209H. von Türckheim   Ii 13081906-07-00
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cobán

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1363170.101H. von Türckheim   II.13081906-07-00
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cobán.

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Gentiana beamanii J.S. Pringle
2575354.213J. H. Beaman   38991960-08-01
Guatemala, Huehuetenango, Sierra de las Cuchumatanes, immediately N of Tojiah at km 322 in ruta nacional 9N, 3200 - 3200m

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Gentiana pumilio Standl. & Steyerm.
1894644.211J. A. Steyermark   354891940-02-13
Guatemala, San Marcos, Between San Sebastian & summit of Volcan de Tajumulco., 3800 - 4600m

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1230957.2156966F. L. Herrera   6801925-04-00
Peru, Junín, Paucartambo Valley, Hacienda Capana., 2800 - 2800m

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1473460.213A. Weberbauer   65211913-03-00
Peru, Junín, Huancayo, Acopalca, near Huancayo., 4500 - 4600m

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1473552.211A. Weberbauer   65281913-03-00
Peru, Junín, Huancayo, Acopalca, near Huancayo., 4100 - 4200m

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1706474.214J. Dombey   ---
Peru, Andes Mountains, near Chinchin

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1363213.21M. Bang   10151891-00-00
Bolivia, Bolivian Plateau.

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33066.10082M. Bang   10151891-00-00
Bolivia, Bolivian Plateau.

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1473505.208A. Weberbauer   56761910-06-00
Peru, Huancavelica, Huancavelica, S of Mantaro River, 3800 - 3800m

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1496178.2104752A. Weberbauer   70111914-07-00
Peru, La Libertad, Mount Huayhillas near Huamachuco., 4400 - 4700m

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1363224.208F. C. Lehmann   4873
Ecuador, Loja, 3000 - 3400m

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Gentiana guatemalensis Standl. & Steyerm.
1894713.208P. C. Standley   811131940-12-28
Guatemala, Huehuetenango, Chemal region, Sierra de las Cuchumatanes., 3300 - 3300m

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1363229.211F. C. Lehmann   6521
Ecuador, Azuay, Paramo de Matanga above Sigsig., 3000 - 3500m

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1363231.216M. Bang   11431891-00-00
Bolivia, Cochabamba

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69934.10062Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Banos, Andes

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1474611.209A. Weberbauer   69071909-00-00
Peru, Arequipa, Lumbay, 3900 - 4000m

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1706019.212G. Mandon   3641859-07-00
Bolivia, La Paz, Near Sorata.

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1495146.214A. Weberbauer   72441920-01-00
Peru, Ancash, Pallasca, Cordillera de Pelagatos, 4300 - 4400m

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