Search Results (List)

Dataset: US-Botany
Taxa: Cucurbitaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 214

United States National Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
1482602.216A. Weberbauer   72631925-02-21
Peru, Moquegua, Carumas.

Calycophysum pedunculatum H. Karst. & Triana
3356039.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, K. Rankin & S. F. Smith   89181997-01-20
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Districto Camisea, Campamento San Martín-C, Camisea Production Unit. West of camp site., -11.7856 -72.6992, 467m

Calycophysum pedunculatum H. Karst. & Triana
3356040.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, K. Rankin & S. F. Smith   89181997-01-20
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Districto Camisea, Campamento San Martín-C, Camisea Production Unit. West of camp site., -11.7856 -72.6992, 467m

Calycophysum pedunculatum H. Karst. & Triana
3358161.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. A. Cedeño M.   75401995-06-27
Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni Forest Reserve; 10 km E of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Scientific Station along road., -0.6814 -76.4678, 240 - 310m

Calycophysum pedunculatum H. Karst. & Triana
3318847.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. A. Cedeño M.   75401995-06-27
Ecuador, Napo, Yasuni Forest Reserve; 10 km E of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Scientific Station along road., -0.6814 -76.4678, 240 - 310m

Cayaponia Silva Manso
10231668J. L. Clark, J. R. Bennett, L. A. Bohs & N. Leon   089532005-03-30
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Chinchipe, Parroquia: Zumba. Finca de Sandy León. Forest near Río Tarrangami., -4.7806 -79.2092, 2100 - 2300m

Cayaponia Silva Manso
2069864P. Nuñez, P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, S. Baldeon & M. Chuspe   208981997-02-10
Peru, Cusco, Segakiato in the Camisea River, Lower Urubamba Region, -11.8083 -72.8833, 320 - 320m

Cayaponia Silva Manso
10509478P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, D. C. Daly & C. Peters   15881987-04-15
Peru, Loreto, Requena, Loreto; Prov. Requena; Dist. Sapuena; Cano Ericagua.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cayaponia capitata Cogn. ex Harms
1615227.212E. Ule   98691911-04-00
Peru, Amazonas, Seringal Auristella, Río Acre

Cayaponia cruegeri (Naudin) Cogn.
3356042.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, K. Rankin & S. F. Smith   89071997-01-20
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Districto Camisea, Campamento San Martín-C, Camisea Production Unit. West of camp site., -11.7856 -72.6992, 467m

Cayaponia cruegeri (Naudin) Cogn.
3366190.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, J. L. Santos & J. Guedes   81761996-08-10
Brazil, Amazonas, Amazonas: along Deminí River (a tributary of Araca River). Boat stationed at coordinates., -0.3014 -62.7667, 100m

Cayaponia denticulata Killip ex C. Jeffrey
1142376.212F. W. Pennell   76101922-07-01
Colombia, Cauca, San Jose, San Antonia.

Cayaponia denticulata Killip ex C. Jeffrey
1142377.101F. W. Pennell   76101922-07-01
Colombia, Cauca, San Jose, San Antonia.

Cayaponia glandulosa (Poepp. & Endl.) Cogn.
3356041.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, K. Rankin & S. F. Smith   89641997-01-22
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Districto Camisea, Campamento San Martín-C, Camisea Production Unit. West of camp site., -11.7856 -72.6992, 467m

Cayaponia glandulosa (Poepp. & Endl.) Cogn.
3534636.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & F. Ramirez   98941997-09-23
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Distrito Camisea; Campamento Malvinas, -11.87 -72.9411, 450m

Cayaponia glandulosa (Poepp. & Endl.) Cogn.
3364454.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, P. Nuñez & F. Ramirez   100891997-10-02
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Distrito Camisea; Campamento Segakiato, 5 km down river from Comunity Segakiato, -11.81 -72.8839, 350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cayaponia ophthalmica R.E. Schult.
2427539.208R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera-Rodriguez   149211952-01-19
Colombia, Vaupés, Rio Apaporis, Soratama, 274 - 274m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cayaponia ophthalmica R.E. Schult.
2427540.21R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera-Rodriguez   14921
Colombia, Vaupes-Rio Apaporis, Soratama.

417704.10505539O. O. Miller & J. Johnston   2241901-07-14

Cucurbita moschata (Duch) Poir.
2174506.105Bro. Gines   32461951-12-01
Venezuela, El Robledal, 0 - 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cyclanthera mathewsii Arn. ex A. Gray
76146.10063Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Obrajillo

Image Associated With the Occurence
1482597.208A. Weberbauer   79191929-03-09
Peru, Cusco, Calca, Lares Valley between Huallhuayca and Calca

Image Associated With the Occurence
1799601.213J. Cuatrecasas   109261940-12-09
Colombia, Rio Sal Miguel.

10510195P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, K. Rankin & S. F. Smith   88121997-01-16
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Districto Camisea, Campamento San Martín-C, Camisea Production Unit. Near camp site., -11.7856 -72.6992, 467m

3580526.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, M. Chocce & P. Maceda   142692004-08-09
Peru, Madre de Dios, Madre de Dios: trail from CICRA to Cocha Lobos, watershed between Río Madre de Dios and Río Los Amigos., -12.56944 -70.10039

10513066P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, M. Chocce & P. Maceda   142692004-08-09
Peru, Madre de Dios, Trail from CICRA to Cocha Lobos, watershed between Río Madre de Dios and Río Los Amigos., -12.56944 -70.10039

3466649.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. A. Cedeño M.   75711995-06-29
Ecuador, Napo, Napo Province: Yasuni Forest Reserve; along road from PUCE Scientific Station to end of road towards Waoroni Territory., -0.6817 -76.4056, 240 - 310m

10828577P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, L. Arroyo & B. Mostacedo   45981991-08-14
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Depart. Santa Cruz, Provincia Florida. Km 11.0, Río Tres Quebradas road., 1400m

10493901P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, L. Arroyo & B. Mostacedo   45981991-08-14
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Depart. Santa Cruz, Provincia Florida. Km 11.0, Río Tres Quebradas road., 1400m

Gurania Cogn.
10231770J. L. Clark, D. Menuz, S. Quinn & M. Katan   091102005-08-10
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, Parroquia: Simon Bolivar. Bosque Protector Arutam (Fundación Arutam). Km 47 on Puyo-Macas highway., -1.7814 -77.8325, 800 - 950m

Gurania Cogn.
10225706J. L. Clark & M. Mailloux   078532003-05-07
Ecuador, Pastaza, Mera, Town of Shell. Small patch of forest on northern edge of Shell., -1.4872 -78.0608, 1100 - 1200m

Gurania Cogn.
10230024J. L. Clark, F. Nicolalde & R. Hall   073882003-03-18
Ecuador, Imbabura, Cotacachi, Parroquia: García Moreno. Cordillera de Toisán. Cerro de la Plata. Bosque Protector Los Cedros. Sendero Observatorio (SW of lodge)., 0.3 -78.77, 1300 - 1600m

Gurania Cogn.
2026017P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, W. Nauray, L. Acurio, R. de la Colina, N. Llerena & A. Salas   217801998-04-18
Peru, Cusco, Pagoreni site well, -11.6833 -73, 350 - 350m

Gurania Cogn.
2026018P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, W. Nauray, L. Acurio, R. de la Colina, N. Llerena & A. Salas   216071998-04-18
Peru, Cusco, Pagoreni site well, -11.6833 -73, 350 - 350m

Gurania Cogn.
2030554P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, R. de la Colina, W. Nauray & J. Tenteyo P.   237881998-09-02
Peru, Cusco, Cashiriari-3 Well Site, 5.0 km south of Camisea River, -11.8825278 -72.65169444, 700 - 700m

Gurania Cogn.
2043163P. Nuñez, P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & M. Chuspe   209711997-10-02
Peru, Cusco, Segakiato in the Camisea River, Lower Urubamba Region, -11.8083 -72.8833, 320 - 320m

Gurania Cogn.
2052640P. Nuñez, S. Baldeon, A. Alonso, J. Santisteban, G. Valencia, K. Anderson, J. Louton, J. Pacaya V. & F. Ramos R.   189521997-02-15
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Dist. Echarati: San Martin-3 Well Site, -11.7815 -72.8683, 400 - 400m

Gurania Cogn.
2052796P. Nuñez, S. Baldeon, A. Alonso, J. Santisteban, G. Valencia, K. Anderson, J. Louton, J. Pacaya V. & F. Ramos R.   189411997-02-15
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Dist. Echarati: San Martin-3 Well Site, -11.7815 -72.8683, 400 - 400m

Gurania Cogn.
2052797P. Nuñez, S. Baldeon, A. Alonso, J. Santisteban, G. Valencia, K. Anderson, J. Louton, J. Pacaya V. & F. Ramos R.   189871997-02-15
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Dist. Echarati: San Martin-3 Well Site, -11.7815 -72.8683, 400 - 400m

Gurania Cogn.
2052798P. Nuñez, S. Baldeon, A. Alonso, J. Santisteban, G. Valencia, K. Anderson, J. Louton, J. Pacaya V. & F. Ramos R.   190251997-02-15
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Dist. Echarati: San Martin-3 Well Site, -11.7815 -72.8683, 400 - 400m

Gurania Cogn.
10834829P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & O. Hernandez   152022013-03-23
Panama, Snyder-Molino Trail, ca. 1.5 km from Research Station., 9.15253 -79.84022, 90m

Gurania Cogn.
10524397P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, R. Goldenberg, F. Michelangelli, F. Obermuller, C. de Oliveiras & H. Medeiro   147862009-02-05
Brazil, Acre; Municipio Jordao. Tarauca River, -9.23664 -71.92119, 275m

Gurania Cogn.
10524596P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, C. de Oliveiras, H. Medeiro & F. Obermuller   149882009-02-23
Brazil, Acre; Muncipio Bujarí, Riocinho Anjira. Along Rio Anjira, -9.71208 -68.09236, 160m

Gurania Cogn.
10524041P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, E. Braga, M. R. Silva Melo & E. Oliveira   135352003-09-28
Brazil, Acre, Brasiléia, Acre: Mun. Brasiléia. Basin of Rio Acre, ""Bom Futuro"", 52 km W of Brasiléia on road to Assis Brasil, then 18 km on Ramal Tocandeira., -10.76678 -69.03944

Gurania Cogn.
3311958.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, R. Callejas & S. Churchill   68891994-09-09
Colombia, Choco, Nuqui, Depart. Choco; Mun. Nuqui; Corregimiento Termales, coastal zone between quebrada Piedra Piedra and Río Terco. Area dominated by Phytelephas palm., 0 - 70m

Gurania Cogn.
3592869.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, M. Chocce, P. Maceda & J. Carrillo   144432004-08-23
Peru, Madre de Dios, Madre de Dios: CICRA, trail to airstrip, -12.56944 -70.10039

Gurania Cogn.
3342952.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, J. L. Santos & J. Guedes   80461996-08-07
Brazil, Amazonas, Amazonas: Lateral channels of Río Negro toward entrance to Río Araca. Boat situated at coordinates. Collected in a radius of 2 km from boat, -0.7589 -62.9508, 100m

3528368.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. A. Cedeño M.   73031995-06-15
Ecuador, Napo, Napo Prov.: Yasuni Forest Reserve; 1-3 km E of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Science Station by Tiputini River., -0.6789 -76.3969, 240m

Gurania bignoniacea (Poepp. & Endl.) C. Jeffrey
3539646.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. Grimes   48971992-05-05
French Guiana, Piste de St. Elie; ORSTOM Biological Station at Forest Concession.

Gurania bignoniacea (Poepp. & Endl.) C. Jeffrey
3239086.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. Grimes   48701992-04-29
French Guiana, St. Elie; ORSTOM Biological Station at Forest Concession.

Gurania bignoniacea (Poepp. & Endl.) C. Jeffrey
3239087.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, C. Feuillet, J. Grimes & M.-F. Prévost   48201992-04-23
French Guiana, Route de Belizon, Montagne Tortue, km 25.

Gurania bignoniacea (Poepp. & Endl.) C. Jeffrey
3539651.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, J. K. Boggan, C. Feuillet & J. Grimes   48051992-04-22
French Guiana, Montagnes de Kaw; km 16-25 from bridge on Mahury River; 16 km after bridge.

Gurania eriantha (Poepp. & Endl.) Cogn.
3467282.2063136J. L. Clark et al.   64432001-12-13
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Nangaritza ?, Parroquia: Zurmi. Comunidad Centro Shaime (along Río Nangaritza). Forest 2-4 km NW of Centro Shaime. Forest on limestone outcrop (i.e, presence of sinkholes, rocks, and caves)., -4.30175 -78.68386111, 1000 - 1000m

Gurania eriantha (Poepp. & Endl.) Cogn.
3479694.10230209J. L. Clark, R. Hall & F. Nicolalde   075142003-03-24
Ecuador, Imbabura, Ibarra, Parroquia: Lita. Comunidad San Francisco; next to Río Verde (13 air-km south of Lita)., 0.7558 -78.4525, 900 - 1100m

Gurania eriantha (Poepp. & Endl.) Cogn.
34751889.10229534J. L. Clark   070512002-12-17
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-Indanza, Cordillera del Condor. Trail towards crest of the Cordillera del Condor from camp #1 (c.a, 10-15 km S/SE of the Comunidad Warints)., -3.22 -78.25, 1200 - 830m

Gurania eriantha (Poepp. & Endl.) Cogn.
3356047.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, K. Rankin & S. F. Smith   86791997-01-13
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Districto Camisea, Campamento San Martín-C, Camisea Production Unit. West of camp., -11.7856 -72.6992, 467m

Gurania eriantha (Poepp. & Endl.) Cogn.
3356048.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, K. Rankin & S. F. Smith   89311997-01-20
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Districto Camisea, Campamento San Martín-C, Camisea Production Unit. West of camp site., -11.7856 -72.6992, 467m

Gurania eriantha (Poepp. & Endl.) Cogn.
3313082.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. A. Cedeño M.   73101995-06-15
Ecuador, Napo, Napo Prov.: Yasuni Forest Reserve; 1-3 km E of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Science Station by Tiputini River., -0.6789 -76.3969, 240m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1859012.208T. A. Sprague   3931899-05-25
Colombia, Caquetá, Mocoa.

Gurania spinulosa (Poepp. & Endl.) Cogn.
3356043.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, K. Rankin & S. F. Smith   87041997-01-13
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Districto Camisea, Campamento San Martín-C, Camisea Production Unit. West of camp., -11.7856 -72.6992, 467m

Gurania spinulosa (Poepp. & Endl.) Cogn.
3539650.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, J. K. Boggan, C. Feuillet & J. Grimes   48171992-04-22
French Guiana, Montagnes de Kaw; km 16-25 from bridge on Mahury River; 25 km after bridge.

2026024P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, W. Nauray, L. Acurio, R. de la Colina, N. Llerena & A. Salas   218021998-04-18
Peru, Cusco, Pagoreni site well, -11.6833 -73, 350 - 350m

3424445.2858186J. L. Clark, E. Austen, S. Bennett & D. Kapan   36711997-01-01
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quininde, The Mache-Chindul Ecological Reserv, Bilsa Biological Station, W of Quininde, 0.35 -79.73, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
95395.10063180Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Image Associated With the Occurence
96774.11146C. Wright   s.n.1853-00-00

3592853.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, M. Chocce, P. Maceda & J. Carrillo   144242004-08-21
Peru, Madre de Dios, Madre de Dios: Río Los Amigos, downstream from CM2, -12.56944 -70.10039

3119457.2052293P. M. Peterson   062971989-01-28
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Isla Colon, near Big Creek, about 3 km N of Bocas del Toro. UTM 253000 m E; 1035000 m N.

10365271P. M. Peterson   064421989-01-30
Panama, Bocas Del Toro, NE side of island.

3597763.10365272P. M. Peterson & C. R. Annable   069851989-02-21
Panama, Bocas Del Toro, Approximately 3.5 km S of Tiger Key on the mainland. UTM 1,015,000 m N; 362,000 m E., 5 - 100m

3643371.11H. Fôrther et al.   10190a1998-04-29
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Valley of the Rio Polochic, between La Tinta and Teleman, 15.32444 -89.98828

Psiguria Neck. ex Arn.
10231704J. L. Clark, J. R. Bennett, L. A. Bohs & N. Leon   089982005-04-01
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Valladolid, El Porvenir del Carmen. Next to Río San Luis. Forest ca, 1-2 km N of El Porvenir del Carmen along main trail to the village of Layola., -4.5472 -79.0336, 1550 - 1650m

Psiguria Neck. ex Arn.
3364455.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, P. Nuñez & F. Ramirez   100871997-10-02
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Distrito Camisea; Campamento Segakiato, 5 km down river from Comunity Segakiato, -11.81 -72.8839, 350m

Psiguria triphylla (Miq.) C. Jeffrey
3371917.207L. J. Dorr, E. Briceño, G. Briceño & R. Caracas   83211998-10-28
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Across country from El Campamento NW to Mogote along the 1800 m contour level. NE slope of mountain., 9.1667 -70.3, 1800 - 1800m

Psiguria triphylla (Miq.) C. Jeffrey
3210468.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez   4411984-07-23
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Prov. Pt. Arenas; Monte Verde, Reserva Forestal.

Psiguria triphylla (Miq.) C. Jeffrey
10503324P. Acevedo-Rodriguez   59981993-08-11
Suriname, Tumuc Humac Mts, Talouakem., 2.48 -54.75, 530m

Psiguria triphylla (Miq.) C. Jeffrey
3313076.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. A. Cedeño M.   72891995-06-12
Ecuador, Napo, Napo Province: Jatún Sacha Biological Station., -1.0664 -77.6153, 450m

Psiguria warscewiczii (Hook. f.) Wunderlin
10834901P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, R. Perez & S. Aguilar   152772013-04-03
Panama, Santa Rita., 9.36464 -79.70792

Selysia Cogn.
3210489.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez   4901984-08-16
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Corcovado, Penninsula de Osa.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Selysia prunifera (Poepp. & Endl.) Cogn.
1770416.103E. P. Killip & H. Garcia   334801939-02-22
Colombia, El Choco, 50 - 100m

3317149.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. A. Cedeño M.   72851995-06-12
Ecuador, Napo, Napo Province: Jatún Sacha Biological Station., -1.0664 -77.6153, 450m

10511002P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, K. Rankin & S. F. Smith   91131997-01-26
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Districto Camisea, Campamento San Martín-C, Camimisea Production Unit. West of camp., -11.7856 -72.6992

2026276P. Nuñez, P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & M. Chuspe   208791997-09-18
Peru, Cusco, Las Malvinas, ca. Chokoriari, lower Urubamba River, -11.85 -72.95, 400 - 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1462358.21E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith   28907
Peru, Loreto, Santa Rosa, lower Rio Huallaga, below Yurimaguas., 135 - 135m

Image Associated With the Occurence
41364.21581A. Fendler   1251850-00-00
Panama, Chagres.

Gurania makoyana (Lem.) Cogn.
3114838.206P. M. Peterson & C. R. Annable   70591989-02-24
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Approximately 4 km S of Tiger Key on the mainland., 50 - 50m

3570440.104P. M. Peterson & C. R. Annable   67071989-02-07
Panama, Bocas Del Toro, 2 km W of Bocatorito., 60m

3591547.104P. M. Peterson & C. R. Annable   72931989-03-01
Panama, Bocas Del Toro, S end of island. UTM 1,019,800 m N, 354,400 m E., 0 - 5m

Sechium pittieri (Cogn.) C. Jeffrey
577563.1013A. Tonduz   122331898-04-00
Costa Rica, Copey, 1800m

655598.2162H. von Türckheim   II 19141907-07-00
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cubilquitz

Image Associated With the Occurence
1393714.216H. von Türckheim   II 19141907-07-00
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cubilquitz

1393715.216H. von Türckheim   II 19141907-07-00
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Cubilquitz

Sicyos chiriquensis Hammel & D'Arcy
2987182.2157518B. E. Hammel   68231979-04-06
Panama, Chiriquí, Below Cerro Punta, behind Audubon Cabin.

Image Associated With the Occurence
1393471.212A. Tonduz   93851895-02-00
Costa Rica, Collines de Sikurbete, Talamanca

Image Associated With the Occurence
1393469.213J. Donnell Smith   66491896-04-00
Costa Rica, Suerre, Llanuras de Santa Clara, 300 - 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1393470.213J. Donnell Smith   66491896-04-00
Costa Rica, Sucre, Llanuras de Santa Clara, 300 - 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1482608.211A. Weberbauer   74851925-08-00
Peru, Lima, Chancay, Pativilca, Loma., 200 - 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1482596.211A. Weberbauer   79261929-03-09
Peru, Cusco, Calca, Lares Valley between Huallhuayca and Calca

3466648.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez   100091997-09-28
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Distrito Camisea; Campamento Segakiato, 5 km down river from Comunity Segakiato, -11.81 -72.8839, 400m

3466647.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez   100091997-09-28
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Distrito Camisea; Campamento Segakiato, 5 km down river from Comunity Segakiato, -11.81 -72.8839, 400m

Fevillea pedatifolia (Cogn.) C.Jeffrey
3625009.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, M. Chocce & P. Maceda   143062004-08-11
Peru, Madre de Dios, Madre de Dios: W of CICRA Camp, trail to Cocha Lobo, -12.56944 -70.10039

Page 1, records 1-100 of 214


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