Search Results (List)

Dataset: US-Botany
Taxa: Bromeliaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 1321

United States National Herbarium

Aechmea Ruiz & Pav.
10341320P. M. Peterson & D. Gopaul   074851989-06-14
Guyana, West Demerara District, south of Georgetown on Soesdyke-Linden Highway, 5 miles south of the Loo River at Government Experiment, 30m

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Aechmea Ruiz & Pav.
1994600.2792848P. J. M. Maas   s.n.1994-10-00
Peru, Loreto

Aechmea Ruiz & Pav.
10524230P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & E. Oliveira   137242003-10-05
Brazil, Acre, Acrelândia, Acre: Mun. Acrelândia. Basin of Rio Abuna, Projeto de Assentamento Extrativista Porto Dias, Colocaçao Palhau, 108 km E of Rio Branco on BR-364, then 30 km S on side road., -9.99864 -66.78986

Image Associated With the Occurence
2271145.209E. Asplund   184721955-11-17
Ecuador, Napo / Pastaza, Mera., 1000 - 1000m

Aechmea angustifolia Poepp. & Endl.
10364808P. M. Peterson & C. R. Annable   70781989-02-24
Panama, Bocas Del Toro, 5 km S of Tiger Key on the mainland near Cacao Boquete just N of Ensenada de Boquete., 5 - 110m

Aechmea angustifolia Poepp. & Endl.
3354288.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, K. Rankin & S. F. Smith   86501997-01-12
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Districto Camisea, Campamento San Martín-C, Camisea Production Unit, -11.7856 -72.6992, 467m

Aechmea angustifolia Poepp. & Endl.
10510540P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, K. Rankin & S. F. Smith   89531997-01-21
Peru, Cuzco, Cuzco, Districto Camisea, Campamento San Martín-C, Camisea Production Unit. West of camp site., -11.7856 -72.6992, 467m

Image Associated With the Occurence
33660.21009A. Fendler   4501850-03-00
Panama, Chagres River.

Aechmea magdalenae (André) André ex Baker
3238600.111C. Kernan   12391989-08-29
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Parque Nacional Corcovado Sirena Woods, 8.47 -83.58, 1 - 20m

Aechmea magdalenae (André) André ex Baker
3313089.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. A. Cedeño M.   73611995-06-16
Ecuador, Napo, Napo Prov.: Yasuni Forest Reserve; 1-3 km E of Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Science Station by Tiputini River., -0.6808 -76.395, 240m

Aechmea mertensii (G. Mey.) Schult. & Schult. f.
3446269.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & S. Tiwari   34111990-02-25
Guyana, U. Takutu - U. Essequibo. Rupununi area, Surama Village., 70m

Aechmea mertensii (G. Mey.) Schult. & Schult. f.
3581107.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, U. Scharf, J. Terbourg & S. Koemar   146092008-06-15
Suriname, Sipalawini: Kabalebo Natural Reserve; along trail from Station to Mist Mountain, ca. 1 hour walk from river., 4.413658 -57.223361

Aechmea mertensii (G. Mey.) Schult. & Schult. f.
3581109.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez   146092008-06-15
Suriname, Sipalawini: Kabalebo Natural Reserve; along trail from Station to Mist Mountain, ca. 1 hour walk from river., 4.413658 -57.223361

Image Associated With the Occurence
1989431.211R. E. Schultes & G. A. Black   83091946-09-00
Colombia, Amazonas, Loreta-Yacu River., 100 - 100m

3186238.243S. T. McDaniel, M. Rimachi Y. & J. McMannes   274371984-01-03
Peru, Loreto, Iquitos dist. (?), km 8 carretera quistococha-varillal, 160 - 160m

3186239.243S. T. McDaniel, M. Rimachi Y. & J. McMannes   274371984-01-03
Peru, Loreto, Iquitos dist. (?), km 8 carretera quistococha-varillal, 160 - 160m

3318839.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez & J. A. Cedeño M.   75891995-06-29
Ecuador, Napo, Napo Province: Yasuni Forest Reserve; along road from PUCE Scientific Station to end of road towards Waoroni Territory., -0.6981 -76.4678, 240 - 310m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aechmea retusa L.B. Sm.
2429402.209L. Moore   ---
Peru, Type cultivated at Gotha, Florida, by Julian Nally and collected in1963.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aechmea romeroi L.B. Sm.
2173539.211R. Romero Castañeda   42201953-05-09
Colombia, Caquetá, Rio Caqueta, between La Tagua and Pto. Boy.

Image Associated With the Occurence
2271143.215E. Asplund   194801956-11-18
Ecuador, Napo / Pastaza, Vera Cruz., 900 - 900m

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2278603.253E. Asplund   194801956-02-18
Ecuador, Pastaza, Vera cruz, Prov. of Napo-pastaza, 900 - 900m

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2863672.2087432G. Argent & R. Burbidge   601976-07-12
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Los Tayos., 700 - 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Aechmea zebrina L.B. Sm.
2048090.209M. B. Foster & R. C. Foster   22561946-11-24
Colombia, Putumayo, Puerto Limon, near El Rio Caqueta., 914 - 914m

Ananas ananassoides (Baker) L.B. Sm.
2906534.204A. Krapovickas & A. Schinini   365621980-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Chiquitos, Chiquitos. 4 km NEde San Jose, -17.7833 -60.7833, 300 - 300m

Ananas ananassoides (Baker) L.B. Sm.
3186705.205T. Killeen   23371987-02-26
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ã'uflo de Chávez, Rancho Puesto Nuevo, 40 km al S de Concepción., -16.4167 -62, 700 - 700m

Ananas ananassoides (Baker) L.B. Sm.
2915563.207C. Evrard   84251977-10-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, San Ignacio. 5 km de Concepci'on Hacia Santa Cruz.

Ananas bracteatus (Lindl.) Schult. & Schult. f.
2981141.206A. Krapovickas & A. Schinini   323471977-05-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Velasco. 27 km S de San Ignacio, Camino Sal Miguel, -16.6 -61, 400 - 400m

3555235.104P. M. Peterson & C. R. Annable   66621989-02-05
Panama, Bocas Del Toro, 1 km S of Bocatorito, SE side of island.

2174563.105Bro. Gines   33751953-08-01
Venezuela, La Asuncion, 100m

Catopsis berteroniana (Schult. & Schult. f.) Mez
3118629.245L. Kvist, X. Londoño, O. C. Steele & S. Tiwari   1991987-10-11
Guyana, Potaro-Siparuni, Along potaro river between kaietur falls and tukeit, 4 km downstream, 5.2 -59.4667, 130 - 130m

Catopsis berteroniana (Schult. & Schult. f.) Mez
2568614.246L. B. Smith & E. Mcwilliams   153901968-02-05
Brazil, São Paulo, Ne of bertioga, 10 - 10m

Catopsis berteroniana (Schult. & Schult. f.) Mez
3172950.247G. Davidse & A. Brant   325301987-03-17
Belize, Corozal, Tiger Savana, ca. 12 airline kms W of Little Belize, 18.1833 -88.2833, 10 - 10m

Catopsis berteroniana (Schult. & Schult. f.) Mez
2626432.249J. A. Steyermark & G. S. Bunting   1052511971-10-12
Venezuela, Yaracuy, Cerro la chapa, above nirgua

Catopsis berteroniana (Schult. & Schult. f.) Mez
1808159.252P. H. Allen   7381938-09-05
Panama, Coclé, Vicinity of el Valle, 100 - 800m

Catopsis berteroniana (Schult. & Schult. f.) Mez
2907832.252J.-J. de Granville   41171980-10-03
French Guiana, Monts bakra-pic coudreau ""savane roche"" sur le versant sud, 600 - 700m

Catopsis berteroniana (Schult. & Schult. f.) Mez
3231355.256L. J. Gillespie & D. Smart   28801989-12-24
Guyana, Cuyuni-mazaruni, Savanna 2-3 km w of maipuri falls, karowrieng river, 5.6833 -60.25, 570 - 600m

Catopsis berteroniana (Schult. & Schult. f.) Mez
2854505.259S. A. Mori, R. M. King, A. M. Carvalho & A. Euponino   121571979-07-06
Brazil, Bahia, Santa Cruz Cabrália, 5 km a w de sta. cruz, -16.2667 -39.05, 50 - 50m

Catopsis nutans (Sw.) Griseb.
1618476.204E. Reed   931931-01-21
Venezuela, Mérida, Libertador, Edge of City of Mérida Merida, 8.5 -71.1667, 1626 - 1626m

Catopsis nutans (Sw.) Griseb.
1542097.244W. A. Archer   6641930-10-16
Colombia, Antioquia, Medellin, 1500 - 1500m

Catopsis nutans (Sw.) Griseb.
1135346.254P. C. Standley   194271921-12-30
El Salvador, San Salvador, Vicinity of tonacatepeque

Catopsis nutans (Sw.) Griseb.
3082711.255P. A. Silverstone-Sopkin, C. Restrepo & Z. Pineros   22791986-06-06
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Jamundí, Municipio jamundi, Finca colinder, entre Carretera panAmericana y confluencia de Rios Palo y Cauca, 975 - 975m

Catopsis nutans (Sw.) Griseb.
2923254.248W. E. Harmon   32221970-07-20
Guatemala, Zona 15, Guatemala City, weedy abandoned lot, 1500 - 1500m

Catopsis sessiliflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez
2823862.2487111A. H. Gentry   78221973-06-03
Belize, Cayo, La Flor Hunting Camp on Rio La Flor, 6 miles S of Grano de Oro, 518 - 610m

Catopsis sessiliflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez
2296260.247C. L. Lundell   153181959-01-29
Guatemala, Petén, Tikal National Park, Tikal, in ramonal covering the ruins

Catopsis sessiliflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez
2754727.25H. Kennedy, P. J. M. Maas & R. L. Dressler   33841974-09-04
Panama, Colón, Rio Guanche, ca. 1.5 miles upstream from bridge, 10 - 20m

Catopsis sessiliflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez
1987792.254R. Scolnik, J. Araque Molina & F. A. Barkley   19an4241949-05-07
Colombia, Antioquia, En la Fuentes Termales de Santo Domingo, 1200 - 1200m

Catopsis sessiliflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez
2510962.254K. U. Kramer   21301965-02-00
Suriname, Brokopondo, 2 kms s of afobaka, forest along sara creek; afterwards lake (?)

Catopsis sessiliflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez
2423927.256W. A. Egler & H. S. Irwin   465221961-08-18
Brazil, Amapá, Rio jari, cachoeiras das aurucuopatari, 0.4667 -53.1167, 120 - 120m

Catopsis sessiliflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez
1215755.26P. C. Standley   311101924-01-15
Panama, Vicinity of Fort Sherman

Catopsis sessiliflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez
1215756.26P. C. Standley   311111924-01-15
Panama, Vicinity of Fort Sherman

Catopsis sessiliflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez
3311946.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, R. Callejas & S. Churchill   68321994-09-07
Colombia, Choco, Nuqui, Depart. Choco; Mun. Nuqui; Corregimiento Coqui; Loma de Boca Vieja., 0 - 200m

Catopsis sessiliflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez
10498230P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, J.-J. de Granville, L. Hollenberg, A. Joly & C. Avril de Maria   57431993-07-28
French Guiana, Litani River., 2.48 -54.47, 150m

Catopsis sessiliflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez
2753092.247B. Macbryde   15281972-04-23
Ecuador, Pastaza, 3.5 km W ofmera on Puyo-banos road, 1180 - 1180m

Catopsis sessiliflora (Ruiz & Pav.) Mez
2647948.253G. G. Hatschbach & O. Guimarães   214071969-04-23
Brazil, Bahia, Paranagua, piacaguera

Image Associated With the Occurence
2990138.216Harry E. Luther   624 a1981-09-25
Ecuador, Pichincha, 29 km W ofQuito on road to Chiribogo., 3200 - 3200m

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1354067.213E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith   186891927-00-00
Colombia, Norte de Santander, Paramo de Romeral., 3800 - 4200m

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1909869.209M. B. Foster & R. C. Foster   20411946-10-31
Colombia, Putumayo, Alto Tabano above Encaño., 3300 - 3300m

Guzmania Ruiz & Pav.
10229827J. L. Clark & N. Harris   072562003-02-25
Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, Parroquia: Catundo. Buffer zone of Parque Nacional Sumaco Napo Galeras. Trail from the Comunidad Mushullakta towards crest of Galeras., -0.8278 -77.5636, 1100 - 1200m

Guzmania Ruiz & Pav.
2055537P. Nuñez et al.   233281998-08-03
Peru, Cusco, E Río Apurímac, NE Pueblo Libre, up mountain of Anchihuay and Bellavista, S Cordillera Vilcabamba, -12.85 -73.5, 2445 - 2445m

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1900599.213M. B. Foster & R. C. Foster   22181946-11-21
Colombia, Putumayo, Pepino, near Mocoa., 1200 - 1200m

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2266421.21H. Teuscher   2017-56
Ecuador, Loja, Mountains near Loja., 2700 - 2700m

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3169223.2157579C. H. Dodson, M. Fallen & P. Morgan   84221979-07-15
Ecuador, Pichincha, Centinela, Montanas de La Ila, km 12 in road from Patricia Pilar to Flor de Mayo., 600 - 600m

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1900597.209M. B. Foster & R. C. Foster   21691946-11-14
Colombia, Nariño, Near Junin., 840 - 840m

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2278609.213E. Asplund   184881955-11-17
Ecuador, Napo / Pastaza, Mera.

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2271150.102E. Asplund   184881955-11-17
Ecuador, Napo / Pastaza, Mera.

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Guzmania besseae H. Luther
2934953.2126400Libby Besse   6691981-02-01
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Charrasco, Monte Puncu along Rio Lope Mendoza., 2100 - 2600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
2470565.216F. A. Barkley & L. Willard   354721965-08-12
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Between Cali and Buena Ventura.

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2278610.214E. Asplund   194741956-02-18
Ecuador, Napo / Pastaza, Vera Cruz., 900 - 900m

Guzmania candelabrum (André) André ex Mez
10230964J. L. Clark & V. Mendoza   080992003-05-29
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Palanda, Parroquia: Valladolid. Southern slopes of the Cordillera de Sabanilla (headwaters of Río Chinchipe). Tapichalaca Reserve (Fundación Jocotoco). Trail from highway to paramo (airplane wreckage)., -4.4756 -79.1633, 2800 - 3400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
3080969.2114608M. A. Baker   66161986-02-24
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Oeste de La Ciudad del Macas., 1160 - 1160m

Guzmania coriostachya (Griseb.) Mez
10230934J. L. Clark & V. Mendoza   080652003-05-29
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Palanda, Parroquia: Valladolid. Southern slopes of the Cordillera de Sabanilla (headwaters of Río Chinchipe). Tapichalaca Reserve (Fundación Jocotoco). Trail from main lodge towards antenna/main highway., -4.4944 -79.1322, 2300 - 2700m

Guzmania coriostachya (Griseb.) Mez
10488068P. Acevedo-Rodriguez   14131986-08-03
Colombia, Antioquia, Yarumal, Depart. Antioquia, Municipio de Yarumal; Llanos de Cuiva, 2790m

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2048089.215H. Daniel   33501944-07-00
Colombia, Antioquia, Near La Ceja, Monte del Diablo.

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2563603.2136162M. Acosta Solis   6219
Ecuador, Bolívar

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1985915.21M. B. Foster   26381948-12-09
Ecuador, Pichincha

10229625J. L. Clark, G. Zapata & G. Toasa   071182003-02-11
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Parroquia: Alta Tambo. Awá Indigenous Territory. Río Bogotá community (future biological research station), 2 km south of Lita-San Lorenzo road. Near Quebrada Pambilar., 0.9825 -78.5972, 350 - 600m

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1771966.103E. P. Killip   352261939-04-24
Colombia, Chocó, Corcovada region, Upper Rio San Juan; ridge along Yeracui Valley., 200 - 275m

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1951797.212M. B. Foster & R. C. Foster   21521946-11-15
Colombia, Nariño, Above El Diviso., 705 - 705m

Guzmania gracilior (André) Mez
10229510J. L. Clark & L. Jost   070352002-12-16
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-Indanza, Cordillera del Condor. Trail from camp #2 towards crest of the Cordillera del Condor (c.a, 15-20 km S/SE of the Comunidad Warints)., -3.25 -78.32, 2400 - 2700m

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1195386.209A. S. Hitchcock   204361923-07-05
Ecuador, Guayas, Teresita, 3 km W of Bucay., 270 - 270m

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1359771.212E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith   25630
Peru, Junín, Pichis Trail, Enenas., 1600 - 1900m

Guzmania monostachia (L.) Rusby ex Mez
10230833J. L. Clark, M. Mailloux & S. Seger   079462003-05-12
Ecuador, El Oro, Piñas, Parroquia: Moromoro. Reserva Ecologica Buenaventura. Remnant patch of forest south of "Entrada la Virgin", -3.6508 -79.74, 900 - 1000m

Guzmania mosquerae (Wittm.) Mez
3408297.2059941J. L. Clark, L. Jost & F. Sanchez   59572001-01-11
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón Indanza, Area known locally as "Cerro Bosco," near antennas along main road from Limón (Gral Leonidas Plaza Gutiérrez) to Gualaceo., -2.9971389 -78.5075, 2460 - 2460m

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Guzmania patula Mez & Wercklé
1493967.211C. C Wercklé   s.n.
Costa Rica, Navarro, 1400 - 1400m

10229508J. L. Clark & L. Jost   070342002-12-16
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-Indanza, Cordillera del Condor. Trail from camp #2 towards crest of the Cordillera del Condor (c.a, 15-20 km S/SE of the Comunidad Warints)., -3.25 -78.32, 2400 - 2700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1900596.215M. B. Foster & R. C. Foster   21621946-11-13
Colombia, Nariño, El Paramo, above Divisio., 720 - 720m

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3208099.21Harry E. Luther, Libby Besse, J. Halton & W. J. Kress   11501985-11-00
Ecuador, Carchi, Near Chical., 1100 - 1100m

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Guzmania remyi L.B. Sm.
2598594.215E. J. Rémy   s.n.1856-11-00
Ecuador, Bolívar / Guayas

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2271148.208E. Asplund   199481956-03-25
Ecuador, Napo / Pastaza, Mera., 1100 - 1100m

Guzmania squarrosa (Mez & Sodiro) L.B. Sm. & Pittendr.
10225674J. L. Clark, F. Nicolalde & R. Hall   074202003-03-19
Ecuador, Imbabura, Cotacachi, Parroquia: García Moreno. Cordillera de Toisán. Cerro de la Plata. Bosque Protector Los Cedros. Sendero Camino del Oso (north of Lodge)., 0.3 -78.77, 1500 - 2600m

Guzmania squarrosa (Mez & Sodiro) L.B. Sm. & Pittendr.
3372004.204B. G. Stergios & L. Zambrano   176751996-01-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Fila de Agua Fria, 9.2783 -70.1442, 2700 - 2800m

Guzmania squarrosa (Mez & Sodiro) L.B. Sm. & Pittendr.
4311184.204B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr & M. Niño   192672001-06-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, sector paramero fila de los Recostaderos., 2900 - 3100m

Guzmania squarrosa (Mez & Sodiro) L.B. Sm. & Pittendr.
3411191.205B. G. Stergios & L. J. Dorr   192732001-01-00
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Guanare, Cresta de la Fila de San José de la Montaña, 1700 - 1800m

Guzmania squarrosa (Mez & Sodiro) L.B. Sm. & Pittendr.
3411190.205B. G. Stergios & L. J. Dorr   192732001-01-00
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Guanare, Cresta de la Fila de San José de la Montaña, 1700 - 1800m

Guzmania squarrosa (Mez & Sodiro) L.B. Sm. & Pittendr.
3411189.205B. G. Stergios & L. J. Dorr   192762001-01-00
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Guanare, Cresta de la Fila de San José de la Montaña, 1700 - 1800m

Guzmania squarrosa (Mez & Sodiro) L.B. Sm. & Pittendr.
3411188.205B. G. Stergios & L. J. Dorr   192762001-01-00
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Guanare, Cresta de la Fila de San José de la Montaña, 1700 - 1800m

Guzmania squarrosa (Mez & Sodiro) L.B. Sm. & Pittendr.
2031408J. L. Clark, E. Narváez & E. Varros   57332000-12-24
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños, Parroquia: Río Verde. Sector: Machay. Collections made on forested Trail starting from Machay (Baños-Puyo road) to Río Verde., -1.3847 -78.2806, 1800 - 2200m

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2271146.212E. Asplund   199791956-03-27
Ecuador, Napo / Pastaza, Shore of Rio Pastaza, shell Mera., 900 - 900m

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2279649.212H. Teuscher   2106-561956-04-01
Ecuador, Guayas, 60 mi WSW ofGuayquil., 1036 - 1036m

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2279650.216H. Teuscher   2106-561956-04-01
Ecuador, Guayas, 60 mi WSW of Guayaquil., 1036 - 1036m

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