Search Results (List)

Dataset: US-Botany
Taxa: Brassicaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-90 of 90

United States National Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
4636.100584Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Lima, Lima

3449803.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr & K. J. Wurdack   205192003-09-17
Venezuela, Mérida, Mpio. Rangel, Páramo de Motumbo, SW of Laguna Larga (Trujillo state) along border of divide to Laguna Las Parias (Trujillo state), Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay., 3200 - 3500m

3375495.202L. J. Dorr, E. Briceño, G. Briceño & R. Caracas   84061998-11-02
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, road from Boconó to Guaramacal, SE of Boconó. Ca. 15 km from the post of the park guards., 9.2167 -70.2

3319999.205S. M. Niño & A. Licata   2821995-07-15
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. De la vertiente Norte. Quebrada Segovia. Adyacente a las instalaciones del acueducto de Boconó, 9.2439 -70.22, 1850 - 1850m

3411206.207B. G. Stergios & R. Caracas   192262001-06-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, sector vertiente sur, carretera Guaramacal-páramo, 1800 - 2700m

2222838.207Bro. Gines   46551952-04-00
Venezuela, Mérida, Rangel, Mucurubá Mucuruba, 8.7 -70.9833

3317400.207L. J. Dorr & L. Barnett   82531995-07-22
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, on road from Boconó to Guaramacal, SE of Boconó. Montane forest. S slope of mountain, 9.2167 -70.2, 2300 - 2300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
5473.2876356Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Brazil, Brazil

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba alyssoides Humb. & Bonpl. ex DC.
5225.100584Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Andes of Quito

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba schusteri O.E. Schulz in Engl.
1495375.2093364A. Weberbauer   60331912-04-00
Peru, Piura, Huancabamba, Above Palambla., 2700 - 2800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba steyermarkii Al-Shehbaz
1987262.101J. A. Steyermark   530771943-06-15
Ecuador, Azuay, Prov. Azuay: páramos, in vicinity of Toreador, between Molleturo and Quinoas., 3810 - 3930m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1544560.209W. Jameson   892
Ecuador, Plains of Pomasqui.

1191296.205E. Bellard   2531953-12-00
Venezuela, Mérida, Sierra Nevada de Mérida, 1000 - 1600m

1440591.204H. F. Pittier   131951929-01-17
Venezuela, Mérida, Rangel, San Rafael de Mucuchíes San Rafael, 8.7667 -70.8667

Draba L.
3408879.2066481J. L. Clark, J. Garcia & W. Garcia   62232001-02-05
Ecuador, Azuay, Cuenca, Area Nacional de Recreación Cajas. Collection made along Río Patul from the Comunidad Baute/Lagnua Patul (watershed of Río Patul)., -2.705 -79.225, 3500 - 4200m

Draba L.
3449832.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr & K. J. Wurdack   203792003-09-15
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Laguna Larga, vía Laguna Las Parias, to Laguna Eco, Páramo de Motumbo, Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay., 3400 - 3600m

Draba L.
3449606.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr & K. J. Wurdack   204342003-09-15
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Laguna Larga, vía Laguna Las Parias, to Laguna Eco, Páramo de Motumbo, Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay., 3400 - 3600m

1186237.2045521E. Bellard   411922-00-00
Venezuela, Mérida, Rangel, Laguna Verde, Páramo Mucuchies Verde, 8.5667 -71, 3505 - 3505m

1191251.2048061E. Bellard   202 and 2501923-12-00
Venezuela, Mérida, Sierra Nevada de Mérida, 1000 - 1600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
6080.2875186Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Lima, Obrajillo

1617543.202W. Gehriger   189a1930-06-19
Venezuela, Mérida, Rangel, Mucurubá Mucuruba, 8.7 -70.9833, 2500 - 2500m

3445179.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr, S. M. Niño & R. Caracas   200172003-04-09
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mpio Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Casa Vicuyal., 2100m

1191262.2048065E. Bellard   238 bis and1923-12-00
Venezuela, Mérida, Sierra Nevada de Mérida, 1000 - 1600m

Brassica juncea (L.) Czern.
2565999.205-. Mocquerys   10431893-00-00
Venezuela, Mérida, Campo Elías, Ejido Ejido, 8.55 -71.2333

2016494.2039680Bro. Gines   16501950-10-00
Venezuela, Mérida, Rangel, Mucurubá Mucuruba, 8.7167 -70.9833, 2700 - 2700m

1191257.2048062E. Bellard   2091923-12-00
Venezuela, Mérida, Sierra Nevada de Mérida, 1000 - 1600m

1191277.2048064E. Bellard   2321923-12-00
Venezuela, Mérida, Sierra Nevada de Mérida, 1000 - 1600m

1191284.2048066E. Bellard   2391923-12-00
Venezuela, Mérida, Sierra Nevada de Mérida, 1000 - 1600m

3266075.205E. Bellard   2651923-12-00
Venezuela, Mérida, Sierra Nevada de Mérida, 1000 - 1600m

Cardamine killipii O.E. Schulz
2016459.2053861Bro. Gines   16001950-10-00
Venezuela, Mérida, Rangel, Laguna Mucubají, Páramo Sto. Domingo. Mucubaji, 8.8 -70.8333, 3600 - 3600m

Cardamine killipii O.E. Schulz
2016460.2060602Bro. Gines   16421950-10-00
Venezuela, Mérida, Rangel, Mucurubá Mucuruba, 8.7 -70.9833, 2700 - 2700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cardamine killipii O.E. Schulz
1351450.2096480E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith   155961926-12-21
Colombia, Santander, Eastern Cordillera, edge of Paramo de Las Vegas., 3300 - 3700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
6195.100583Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Obrajillo

Image Associated With the Occurence
1474724.212A. Weberbauer   53351910-04-00
Peru, Lima, Near Chosica., 1400 - 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba brackenridgei A. Gray in Wilkes
5222.279092Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Baños, above Obrajillo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba brackenridgei A. Gray in Wilkes
5233.100548Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Obrajillo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba brackenridgei A. Gray in Wilkes
5221.100548Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Obrajillo

Image Associated With the Occurence
5227.100584Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Culni to Obrajillo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba pickeringii A. Gray in Wilkes
5232.210186Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.
Peru, Andes Mountains, between Culnai and Obrajillo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba pickeringii A. Gray in Wilkes
5266.287521Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Lima, Obrajillo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba solitaria O.E. Schulz in Engl.
2518206.2075818A. Weberbauer   72351920-01-00
Peru, San Martín, Mariscal Cáceres, Rio Huallaga, margen Derecha del; Balsa Probana; dtto. Tocache Nuevo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba wurdackii Al-Shehbaz
2404314.2076954J.J. Wurdack   15771962-08-02
Peru, Amazonas, Chachapoyas, upper slopes and summit of Cerro Campanario, 3600 - 3900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Lepidium kalenbornii C.L. Hitchc.
1044268.216A. S. Kalenborn   20
Peru, Junín, Vicinity of La Oroya., 3048 - 3962m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisymbrium effusum O.E. Schulz in Engl.
1497374.2108881A. Weberbauer   64991913-03-00
Peru, Huancavelica, Valley of Mantaro, opposite Surcubamba

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisymbrium effusum O.E. Schulz in Engl.
1497375.10084184A. Weberbauer   64991913-03-00
Peru, Huancavelica, Valley of the Mantaro, opposite to Surcubamba (Prov. Tayacaja), 2800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
2517361.2151857R. Straw   23801963-11-14
Peru, Arequipa, Morro Verde, 18 km above Yura by rail, 2820 - 2820m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cardamine balnearia Standl. & Steyerm.
1894717.101P. C. Standley   833321941-01-14
Guatemala, Quezaltenango, Slopes of Volcan de Zunil, at and above Aguas Amargas, 2430 - 2850m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cardamine eremita Standl. & Steyerm.
1922876.101J. A. Steyermark   501431942-08-06
Guatemala, Huehuetenango, Between Tojquia and Caxin bluff, summit of Sierra de los Cuchumatanes., 3700m

3376480.208B. G. Stergios & R. Caracas   187572000-08-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, sector El Santuario, camino Qbda. Honda-La Punta., 1800 - 1900m

3392467.208B. G. Stergios & R. Caracas   187572000-08-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, sector El Santuario, camino Qbda. Honda-La Punta., 1800 - 1900m

3445339.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr & R. Caracas   202952003-04-15
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mpio Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Laguna de Agua Negra - parte alto de la Qda. Salvaje., 2000 - 2350m

3449552.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr, K. J. Wurdack & S. M. Niño   206332003-09-21
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mpio Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. NE slopes of Cerro Guaramacal between Laguna de Los Cedros and the summit of the road to Guaramacal., 9.25 -70.2083

3431179.102B. G. Stergios, M. Niño & N. L. Cuello   193382001-11-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, sector quebrada Honda de El Santuario., 1880 - 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1392473.2096891J. J. Cooper   57081887-11-00
Costa Rica, Cartago, Cartago

10367249P. M. Peterson, C. R. Annable, S. Laegaard, R. Soreng & F. Rojas-Ponce   129681993-03-16
Bolivia, Potosi, Sud Chichas, 18 mi E of Atocha on the SE slopes of Nevado Chloroloque., 4700 - 4900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
4612.287521Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Lima, Obrajillo

Image Associated With the Occurence
1392318.2128705H. H. Rusby   1199
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Unduavi., 3048 - 3048m

Image Associated With the Occurence
6196.2142702H. H. Rusby   18161885-10-00
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Unduavi, 2438 - 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1392551.10084214H. H. Rusby   18161885-10-00
Bolivia, La Paz, Unduavi., 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
2575775.101J. H. Beaman   39651960-08-02
Guatemala, Huehuetenango, Dept. of Huehuetenango. Sierra de los Cuchumatanes; near lake at east end of Llano de Tierra Blanca ca. 2.5 miles west of Llano de San Miguel., 3500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
5472.2875187Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, Lima, Obrajillo

Image Associated With the Occurence
1530352.212H. E. Stork   20051928-05-00
Costa Rica, El Roble

Image Associated With the Occurence
1158047.2111554E. Asplund   62021921-03-02
Bolivia, Andina region, Charona., 4000 - 4000m

1833748.202T. Lasser   431a1942-09-22
Venezuela, Mérida, Libertador, Otra Banda, near Mérida Merida, 8.6 -71.1333, 1600 - 1600m

Draba rositae E. Santana & J. O. Rangel
2729645.279A. M. Cleef   81081973-01-19
Colombia, Meta, Paramo de Sumapaz, Cerro Nevada del Sumapaz, superParamo DelLado W., 4120 - 4120m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba arauquensis Santana-Castañeda
2729671.101A. M. Cleef   89891973-03-09
Colombia, Arauca, Arauca: Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Cabeceras de la Quebrada El Playón, Patio Bolos 2.5 km al S del Alto La Plaza., 4360m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba cocuyensis Santana & J. O. Rangel
2729674.101A. M. Cleef   88831973-03-07
Colombia, Arauca, Sierra Nevada de Cocuy, Cabeceras de la Quebrada El Playón, Patio Bolos 2.5 km al S del Alto La Plaza, 4300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba cryophila Cuatrec.
2325343.213J. Cuatrecasas & R. Romero Castañeda   246111959-10-05
Colombia, Magdalena, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, above Laguna Naboba and Laguna Reina., 4500 - 4500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba cryophila Cuatrec.
2614320.213J. Cuatrecasas & R. Romero Castañeda   246111959-10-05
Colombia, Magdalena, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, above Laguna Naboba and Laguna Reina., 4500 - 4500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba cryophila Cuatrec.
2325341.213J. Cuatrecasas & R. Romero Castañeda   246111959-10-05
Colombia, Magdalena, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, above Laguna Naboba and Laguna Reina., 4500 - 4500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba cuatrecasana J. O. Rangel & E. Santana
2729662.101A. M. Cleef   76681973-01-11
Colombia, Meta, Meta: Páramo de Sumapaz, Cerro Nevado del Sumapaz, lado W del Cerro., 4000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba cuatrecasana J. O. Rangel & E. Santana
2729661.101A. M. Cleef   76681973-01-11
Colombia, Meta, Meta: Páramo de Sumapaz, Cerro Nevado del Sumapaz, lado W del Cerro., 4000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba hammenii Cuatrec. & Cleef
2770646.2109714A. M. Cleef   90701973-03-10
Colombia, Arauca, Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Cabecera de La Quebrada El Playon., 4300 - 4300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba hammenii Cuatrec. & Cleef
2770645.211A. M. Cleef   90701973-03-10
Colombia, Arauca, Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Cabecera de La Quebrada El Playon., 4300 - 4300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba hammenii Cuatrec. & Cleef
2770647.101A. M. Cleef   90701973-03-10
Colombia, Arauca, Arauca: Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, cabeceras de la Quebrada El Playón, Patio Bolos 2.5 km al SW de la Laguna La Plaze, hoya S. José., 4300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba litamo L. Uribe
1930340.211L. Uribe   16701948-02-00
Colombia, Boyacá, Nevada de Guican o Chita., 4500 - 4800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1142950.2119808F. W. Pennell & T. E. Hazen   99751922-08-15
Colombia, Caldas, Paramo del Quindo, Cordillera Central., 3700 - 4200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
6192.216338Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.
Peru, Junín, Obrajillo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
33010.2096M. Bang   1967
Bolivia, Mapiri

Image Associated With the Occurence
1402189.101M. Bang   1967

Image Associated With the Occurence
Sisymbrium amplexicaule A. Gray in Wilkes
5525.211238Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Peru, between Caball and Obrajillo, Andes

Image Associated With the Occurence
1495358.101G. Mandon   912
Bolivia, Vicinity of Sorata.

Draba arbuscula Hook. f.
2222846.202Bro. Gines   46791952-10-06
Venezuela, Mérida, Rangel, Páramo de Mucubají Mucubaji, 8.8 -70.8167, 3800 - 3800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba bellardii S.F. Blake
1185120.211E. de Bellard   141922-00-00
Venezuela, Sierra de Mucubaja, Andes of Merida., 4880 - 4880m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba chionophila S.F. Blake
602331.2124A. Jahn   1361910-12-11
Venezuela, Mérida, Cordillera Merida, Sierra Nevada of Santo Domingo., 4500 - 4500m

2248897.2018464L. Aristeguieta   26121956-10-00
Venezuela, Mérida, Libertador, Laguna Coromoto-Laguna Verde Verde, 8.5667 -71, 3600 - 3600m

Draba lindenii (Hook.) Planch.
3441491.102L. J. Dorr & L. Barnett   91762002-08-21
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Páramo de Guirigay, Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay, sector Laguna San Jacinto., 3600m

Draba lindenii (Hook.) Planch.
3449615.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr & K. J. Wurdack   204472003-09-16
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mpio Boconó, Laguna Eco to Pico Guirigay (summit), Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay. Slopes of Pico Guirigay., 3600 - 3870m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba boyacana Al-Shehbaz
2322367.2099388P. J. Grubb, B. A. B. Curry & A. Fernández-Pérez   3031957-08-05
Colombia, Boyacá, Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Paramo below Ritacuba Glacier., 4300 - 4300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Draba cocuyana Al-Shehbaz
2322285.2131787P. J. Grubb, B. A. B. Curry & A. Fernández-Pérez   1881957-07-31
Colombia, Boyacá, Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Valley of Los Corallitos., 4000 - 4000m

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