Search Results (List)

Dataset: US-Botany
Taxa: Blechnaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-77 of 77

United States National Herbarium

10230974J. L. Clark & V. Mendoza   081102003-05-29
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Palanda, Parroquia: Valladolid. Southern slopes of the Cordillera de Sabanilla (headwaters of Río Chinchipe). Tapichalaca Reserve (Fundación Jocotoco). Trail from highway to paramo (airplane wreckage)., -4.4756 -79.1633, 2800 - 3400m

2055686P. Nuñez et al.   232661998-08-03
Peru, Cusco, E Río Apurímac, NE Pueblo Libre, up mountain of Anchihuay and Bellavista, S Cordillera Vilcabamba, -12.85 -73.5, 2445 - 2445m

3443751.102L. J. Dorr, L. Barnett & B. G. Stergios   92602002-08-22
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Páramo de Guirigay, Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay, sector Qda. de las Veguitas., 3000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum auratum (Fée) R.M. Tryon & Stolze
3454679.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr, S. M. Niño & R. Caracas   201482003-04-11
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Páramo de Vicuyal., 2730m

Blechnum auratum (Fée) R.M. Tryon & Stolze
3454673.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr, S. M. Niño & R. Caracas   201512003-04-11
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Páramo de Vicuyal., 2730m

Image Associated With the Occurence
95774.10054943Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Brazil, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, near Rio Janeiro

Image Associated With the Occurence
95773.10054945Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Brazil, Brazil

Image Associated With the Occurence
85772.10054947Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Brazil, Brazil

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum cordatum (Desv.) Hieron.
3375880.2023898L. J. Dorr, E. Briceño, G. Briceño & R. Caracas   83091998-10-27
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Trail from la Laguna de las Aguas Negras to la Qda. Salvaje. N slope of mountain., 9.3167 -70.1833

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum cordatum (Desv.) Hieron.
3375882.2023899L. J. Dorr, E. Briceño, G. Briceño & R. Caracas   83091998-10-27
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Trail from la Laguna de las Aguas Negras to la Qda. Salvaje. N slope of mountain., 9.3167 -70.1833

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum cordatum (Desv.) Hieron.
3375881.2023902L. J. Dorr, E. Briceño, G. Briceño & R. Caracas   83091998-10-27
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Trail from la Laguna de las Aguas Negras to la Qda. Salvaje. N slope of mountain., 9.3167 -70.1833

Blechnum cordatum (Desv.) Hieron.
3406375.2028368L. J. Dorr, B. G. Stergios & S. M. Niño   86372000-12-26
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Slope forests of El Pumar, SE of Boconó, between camp (UTM: 19-364614E; 1021651N) on Roberto's finca near Pozo Verde at 1920 m and 2120 m on old mule trail to caserío de Guaramacal

Blechnum cordatum (Desv.) Hieron.
3406376.2028369L. J. Dorr, B. G. Stergios & S. M. Niño   86372000-12-26
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Slope forests of El Pumar, SE of Boconó, between camp (UTM: 19-364614E; 1021651N) on Roberto's finca near Pozo Verde at 1920 m and 2120 m on old mule trail to caserío de Guaramacal

Blechnum cordatum (Desv.) Hieron.
3375475.2035754B. G. Stergios & L. Zambrano   166841996-01-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Fila de Agua Fria, 9.2783 -70.1442, 2700 - 2800m

Blechnum cordatum (Desv.) Hieron.
3375477.2035822B. G. Stergios & L. Zambrano   176831996-01-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Fila de Agua Fria, 9.2783 -70.1442, 2700 - 2800m

Blechnum cordatum (Desv.) Hieron.
3387800.2064356B. G. Stergios & L. Palacios   186481991-01-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, vertiente norte, camino Laguna de los Cedros - cresta del páramo., 9.1167 -70.2667, 2000 - 2400m

Blechnum cordatum (Desv.) Hieron.
3387799.2064357B. G. Stergios & L. Palacios   186481991-01-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, vertiente norte, camino Laguna de los Cedros - cresta del páramo., 9.1167 -70.2667, 2000 - 2400m

Blechnum ensiforme (Liebm.) C. Chr.
2022927J. L. Clark & H. Greeney   57792000-12-28
Ecuador, Napo, Quijos, Parroquia: Cosanga. Yanayacu Biological Station and Center for Creative Studies. 5 km west of Cosanga (via the Las Cancheras road)., -0.5988333 -77.8895, 2200 - 2200m

Blechnum ensiforme (Liebm.) C. Chr.
10230389J. L. Clark & J. Morale   086872003-08-06
Panama, Chiriquí, Nole Duima, Corregimiento: Chami. Road to Cerro Colorado; 35-37 km north of San Felix., 8.4925 -81.7631, 1450 - 1550m

Blechnum ensiforme (Liebm.) C. Chr.
3421504.202L. J. Dorr & B. G. Stergios   90412001-06-19
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Guanare, Cresta de la Fila de San José de la Montaña, near the border with Lara state (ca. 9°25'N, 69°46'W)., 1700 - 1700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum ensiforme (Liebm.) C. Chr.
50815.28749Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum ensiforme (Liebm.) C. Chr.
50816.28755Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Brazil, Organ Mts

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum ensiforme (Liebm.) C. Chr.
3320858.204N. L. Cuello, R. González, A. González & O. León   13051995-12-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Selvas Nubladas de la vertiente sur., 9.2078 -70.1614, 1950 - 1950m

Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V. Morton & Lellinger
3375478.204B. G. Stergios & L. Zambrano   166811996-01-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Fila de Agua Fria, 9.2783 -70.1442, 2700 - 2800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum fragile (Liebm.) C.V. Morton & Lellinger
3370441.204B. G. Stergios & L. Zambrano   166651996-01-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Fila de Agua Fria, 9.2783 -70.1442, 2700 - 2800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
95775.10055Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Brazil, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, near Rio Janeiro

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum lima Rosenst.
1096191.214O. Buchtien   26911910-11-00
Bolivia, La Paz, Yungas, Unduavi., 3400 - 3400m

Blechnum loxense (Kunth) Hook. ex Salomon
3449754.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr & K. J. Wurdack   205442003-09-17
Venezuela, Mérida, Mpio. Rangel, Páramo de Motumbo, SW of Laguna Larga (Trujillo state) along border of divide to Laguna Las Parias (Trujillo state), Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay., 3200 - 3500m

Blechnum loxense (Kunth) Hook. ex Salomon
3449599.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr & K. J. Wurdack   204212003-09-15
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Laguna Larga, vía Laguna Las Parias, to Laguna Eco, Páramo de Motumbo, Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay., 3400 - 3600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
95776.10055Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Brazil, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, near Rio Janeiro

Image Associated With the Occurence
95777.10055Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Brazil, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, near Rio Janeiro

Image Associated With the Occurence
3278304.213H. van der Werff, B. Gray & G. Tipas   120141991-06-25
Ecuador, Carchi, Border area between Prov. Carchi & Esmeraldas, ca. 20 km past Lita on Road Lita-Alto Tambo., 550 - 550m

Blechnum schomburgkii (Klotzsch) C. Chr.
3406007.202B. G. Stergios & A. Licata   167971996-12-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, sector vertiente sur, carretera al caserío Guaramacal., 2000 - 2750m

Blechnum schomburgkii (Klotzsch) C. Chr.
3406006.202B. G. Stergios & A. Licata   167971996-12-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, sector vertiente sur, carretera al caserío Guaramacal., 2000 - 2750m

Blechnum schomburgkii (Klotzsch) C. Chr.
3371966.204B. G. Stergios & L. Zambrano   166621996-01-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Fila de Agua Fria, 9.2783 -70.1442, 2700 - 2800m

Blechnum schomburgkii (Klotzsch) C. Chr.
3375476.204B. G. Stergios & L. Zambrano   176821996-01-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Fila de Agua Fria, 9.2783 -70.1442, 2700 - 2800m

Blechnum schomburgkii (Klotzsch) C. Chr.
3372763.204L. J. Dorr, L. Barnett, P. Diaz, G. A. Aymard, F. Ortega & N. Murakami   73691990-07-18
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Páramo de Guaramacal, SE of Boconó, 9.2 -70.2167, 2600 - 3100m

Blechnum schomburgkii (Klotzsch) C. Chr.
3407725.204L. J. Dorr, S. M. Niño & R. Caracas   90132001-06-15
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Trail from the antennas on the summit of the Páramo de Guaramacal, SW to Páramo El Pumar., 2800 - 3100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum schomburgkii (Klotzsch) C. Chr.
3404197.207L. J. Dorr, B. G. Stergios & S. M. Niño   86752000-12-27
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, P.N. Guaramacal. Slope forests of El Pumar, SE of Boconó, between camp (UTM: 19-364614E; 1021651N) on Roberto's finca near Pozo Verde at 1950 m and páramo at 2600 m, on old mule trail to caserío de Guaramacal

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum schomburgkii (Klotzsch) C. Chr.
3404198.207L. J. Dorr, B. G. Stergios & S. M. Niño   86752000-12-27
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, P.N. Guaramacal. Slope forests of El Pumar, SE of Boconó, between camp (UTM: 19-364614E; 1021651N) on Roberto's finca near Pozo Verde at 1950 m and páramo at 2600 m, on old mule trail to caserío de Guaramacal

Blechnum schomburgkii (Klotzsch) C. Chr.
3406032.207L. J. Dorr, B. G. Stergios & S. M. Niño   86892000-12-27
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, P.N. Guaramacal. Slope forests of El Pumar, SE of Boconó, between camp (UTM: 19-364614E; 1021651N) on Roberto's finca near Pozo Verde at 1950 m and páramo at 2600 m, on old mule trail to caserío de Guaramacal

Blechnum schomburgkii (Klotzsch) C. Chr.
3406031.207L. J. Dorr, B. G. Stergios & S. M. Niño   86892000-12-27
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, P.N. Guaramacal. Slope forests of El Pumar, SE of Boconó, between camp (UTM: 19-364614E; 1021651N) on Roberto's finca near Pozo Verde at 1950 m and páramo at 2600 m, on old mule trail to caserío de Guaramacal

3589673.104P. M. Peterson & C. R. Annable   66541989-02-05
Panama, Bocas Del Toro, 1 km S of Bocatorito, SE side of island.

10365674P. M. Peterson & C. R. Annable   66691989-02-06
Panama, Bocas Del Toro, 2 km NE of Bocatorito., 5m

3589670.104P. M. Peterson & C. R. Annable   67431989-02-10
Panama, Bocas Del Toro, 2 km NE of Bocatorito.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Salpichlaena volubilis (Kaulf.) J. Sm.
95754.10056Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, near Rio de Janeiro

Salpichlaena volubilis (Kaulf.) J. Sm.
10364472P. M. Peterson & C. R. Annable   71931989-02-27
Panama, Bocas Del Toro, N of Cerro Brujo and E of Bahia de Green on the mainland., 5 - 80m

Salpichlaena volubilis (Kaulf.) J. Sm.
10364473P. M. Peterson   85761990-04-01
Panama, Bocas Del Toro, SE side of Island., 0 - 15m

Image Associated With the Occurence
867062.2098O. Buchtien   8781907-02-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Yungas, Unduavi., 3800 - 3800m

3419478.2024216L. J. Dorr & B. G. Stergios   90692001-06-19
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Guanare, Cresta de la Fila de San José de la Montaña, near the border with Lara state (ca. 9°25'N, 69°46'W)., 1700 - 1700m

3406112.2028365L. J. Dorr, B. G. Stergios & S. M. Niño   86262000-12-26
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Slope forests of El Pumar, SE of Boconó, between camp (UTM: 19-364614E; 1021651N) on Roberto's finca near Pozo Verde at 1920 m and 2120 m on old mule trail to caserío de Guaramacal

Image Associated With the Occurence
3382308.2042785B. G. Stergios   174651998-07-09
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Sector El Santuario, La Punta, 1860 - 1860m

3320846.2051759S. M. Niño & A. Licata   2661995-07-15
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. De la vertiente Norte. Quebrada Segovia. Adyacente a las instalaciones del acueducto de Boconó, 9.2439 -70.22, 1850 - 1850m

3371939.2067500L. J. Dorr, E. Briceño, G. Briceño & R. Caracas   83421998-10-28
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Across country from El Campamento NW to Mogote along the 1800 m contour level. NE slope of mountain., 9.1667 -70.3, 1800 - 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1424953.2086275F. C. Lehmann   89281899-03-00
Colombia, Rio Timbiqui., 100 - 500m

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600227.2079M. Wacket   Rosenstock Exs. 338
Brazil, Minas Gerais

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Blechnum werffii R.C. Moran
3077717.212R. Caballero   1411982-04-23
Panama, Chiriquí, Guadalupe, Cerro Punta, Finca Alfaro., 2000 - 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
3406391.206L. J. Dorr & B. G. Stergios   88012001-01-03
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, P.N. Guaramacal. Between camp in Qda. Amarillo above the Río Amarillo (W of bridge over river and Mesa de Cunaviche) (UTM 19-269899E; 1011215N) and a mesa-like area above karst outcrops (19-369690E; 1011252N)., 1200 - 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
3460100.102B. G. Stergios, R. Caracas & L. Zambrano   207582004-01-09
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mpio Boconó, P.N. Guaramacal, sector vertiente norte, alrededores de la Laguna de los Cedros., 1830m

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98666.2875610Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00

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98667.10055Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00

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Blechnum malacothrix Maxon & C.V. Morton
1441384.212G. H. H.Tate   9511926-04-26
Bolivia, Cordillera Real, Okara., 2286 - 2286m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum regnellianum (Kunze) C. Chr.
50834.10055Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Brazil, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, near Rio Janeiro

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum delicatum Maxon & C.V. Morton
1618695.215M. Cárdenas H.   30061934-10-00
Bolivia, Robare., 416 - 416m

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1342286.211C. Juergens   1621904-01-00
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Pardo, Serra do Agre., 150 - 150m

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1482136.216Y. Mexia   42371930-01-27
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Carangola, Trail Areponga to Fazenda de Grama, ca. 12 km., 970 - 970m

Image Associated With the Occurence
600162.2087C. Spannagel   Rosenstock Exs. 2381906-00-00
Brazil, Minas Gerais

3375472.204B. G. Stergios & L. Zambrano   176881996-01-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Fila de Agua Fria, 9.2783 -70.1442, 2700 - 2800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
3375473.204B. G. Stergios & L. Zambrano   176841996-01-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Fila de Agua Fria, 9.2783 -70.1442, 2700 - 2800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
867061.2102O. Buchtien   22171909-06-00
Bolivia, Antahuacana, Espirito Santo., 750 - 750m

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Blechnum lellingerianum L.D. Gómez in L.D. Gómez &
2988585.215L. D. Gómez   18139
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Coron, Cerra Pando.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum minutulum Christ in Schwacke
1230506.217E. Ule   5271893-01-00
Brazil, Goiás, Serra Dourada.

Image Associated With the Occurence
2703369.208A. F. M. Glaziou   53631870-06-24
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Grande Cascade de Tijuca.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Blechnum obtusum R.C. Moran & A.R. Sm.
3449514.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr & K. J. Wurdack   205462003-09-17
Venezuela, Mérida, Mpio. Rangel, Páramo de Motumbo, SW of Laguna Larga (Trujillo state) along border of divide to Laguna Las Parias (Trujillo state), Monumento Natural Teta de Niquitao - Guirigay., 3200 - 3500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
600604.2088A. Ulbricht   Rosenstock Exs.
Brazil, Minas Gerais

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600513.2118-. Stier   Ros. Fil. Austrobras. Exs. 3151906-00-00
Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre.

Image Associated With the Occurence
1096195.217O. Buchtien   27791900-11-00
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas

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