Search Results (List)

Dataset: US-Botany
Taxa: Araceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 928

United States National Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anthurium Schott
1994704.2794020W. J. Kress   s.n.1992-00-00

Anthurium Schott
2057467J. L. Clark & H. Greeney   58032000-12-29
Ecuador, Napo, Quijos, Parroquia: Cosanga. Yanayacu Biological Station and Center for Creative Studies. 5 km west of Cosanga (via the Las Cancheras road)., -0.5988333 -77.8895, 2200 - 2200m

Anthurium Schott
2029856J. L. Clark & C. Morocho   58512001-01-07
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, San Miguel de los Cuyes ?, Main Trail to Sal Miguel de los Cuyes via the Cordillera Morire (The "I will die" Ridge). [Sal Miguel de Cuyes is listed as a city not a Canton of Morona-Santiago.], -3.2917 -78.875, 2400 - 3400m

Anthurium Schott
2063134J. L. Clark et al.   64702001-12-13
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Nangaritza ?, Parroquia: Zurmi. Comunidad Centro Shaime (along Río Nangaritza). Forest 2-4 km NW of Centro Shaime. Forest on limestone outcrop (i.e, presence of sinkholes, rocks, and caves)., -4.30175 -78.68386111, 1000 - 1000m

Anthurium Schott
2022398J. L. Clark, M. Terry & B. Kukush (guide)   65322001-12-15
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Nangaritza ?, Parroquia: Zurmi. Comunidad Centro Shaime (along Río Nangaritza). Forest 2-4 km NW of Centro Shaime. Forest on limestone outcrop (i.e, presence of sinkholes, rocks, and caves)., -4.30175 -78.68386111, 1000 - 1000m

Anthurium Schott
2022399J. L. Clark, M. Terry & B. Kukush (guide)   65332001-12-15
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Nangaritza ?, Parroquia: Zurmi. Comunidad Centro Shaime (along Río Nangaritza). Forest 2-4 km NW of Centro Shaime. Forest on limestone outcrop (i.e, presence of sinkholes, rocks, and caves)., -4.30175 -78.68386111, 1000 - 1000m

Anthurium Schott
2022401J. L. Clark, M. Terry & B. Kukush (guide)   65272001-12-15
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Nangaritza ?, Parroquia: Zurmi. Comunidad Centro Shaime (along Río Nangaritza). Forest 2-4 km NW of Centro Shaime. Forest on limestone outcrop (i.e, presence of sinkholes, rocks, and caves)., -4.30175 -78.68386111, 1000 - 1000m

Anthurium Schott
2022413J. L. Clark, M. Terry & B. Kukush (guide)   65342001-12-15
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Nangaritza ?, Parroquia: Zurmi. Comunidad Centro Shaime (along Río Nangaritza). Forest 2-4 km NW of Centro Shaime. Forest on limestone outcrop (i.e, presence of sinkholes, rocks, and caves)., -4.30175 -78.68386111, 1000 - 1000m

Anthurium Schott
2022415J. L. Clark, M. Terry & B. Kukush (guide)   65282001-12-15
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Nangaritza ?, Parroquia: Zurmi. Comunidad Centro Shaime (along Río Nangaritza). Forest 2-4 km NW of Centro Shaime. Forest on limestone outcrop (i.e, presence of sinkholes, rocks, and caves)., -4.30175 -78.68386111, 1000 - 1000m

Anthurium Schott
10230540J. L. Clark & J. Katzenstein   083092003-06-24
Ecuador, Pastaza, Puyo, Parroquia: Veracruz. La Esperanza (Siguin); Finca Salina (de Hilda Perez). Km 14 on the Puyo-Macas road., -1.5444 -77.8981, 800 - 1000m

Anthurium Schott
10229585J. L. Clark, S. G. Clark, M. Cooper & N. Harris   070802003-02-01
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Parroquia: Nanegalito. Finca Kayalami; south of Cartegena; 2-3 air-km SE of Nanegalito., 0.1136 -78.7028, 1500 - 1600m

Anthurium Schott
10229957J. L. Clark, S. G. Clark, N. Harris & D. Olson   073452003-03-11
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Parroquia: Nono. Reserva Yanacocha (Fundación de Conservación Jocotoco)., -0.1167 -78.5861, 3500m

Anthurium Schott
10230642J. L. Clark, N. Muchhala & A. Hoyos   076282003-04-04
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Reserva Florística-Ecológica "Río Guajalito", km 59 de la carretera antigua Quito - Sto. Domingo de los Colorados, a 3.5 km al NE de la carretera., -0.2314 -78.8028, 1800 - 2200m

Anthurium Schott
10230643J. L. Clark, N. Muchhala & A. Hoyos   076302003-04-04
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Reserva Florística-Ecológica "Río Guajalito", km 59 de la carretera antigua Quito - Sto. Domingo de los Colorados, a 3.5 km al NE de la carretera., -0.2314 -78.8028, 1800 - 2200m

Anthurium Schott
10230898J. L. Clark & J. Rea   080262003-05-24
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños, Hotel "El Otro Lado." Río Verde (tributary of Río Pastaza); near El Pailon del Diablo., -1.4036 -78.2889, 1500m

Anthurium Schott
10230901J. L. Clark & J. Rea   080292003-05-24
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños, Hotel "El Otro Lado." Río Verde (tributary of Río Pastaza); near El Pailon del Diablo., -1.4036 -78.2889, 1500m

Anthurium Schott
10230764J. L. Clark & M. Mailloux   078622003-05-07
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Baños, Small patch of forest along road from Shell to Baños; near Río Negro., -1.4419 -78.225, 1516m

Anthurium Schott
10231740J. L. Clark, J. R. Bennett, L. A. Bohs & N. Leon   090492005-04-03
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Palanda, Parroquia: Valladolid. Southern slopes of the Cordillera de Sabanilla (headwaters of Río Chinchipe). Tapichalaca Reserve (Fundación Jocotoco). Sendero Tangaro to Sendero Quebrada Honda., -4.495 -79.1319, 2500m

Anthurium Schott
10231726J. L. Clark, J. R. Bennett, L. A. Bohs & N. Leon   090262005-04-03
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Palanda, Parroquia: Valladolid. Southern slopes of the Cordillera de Sabanilla (headwaters of Río Chinchipe). Tapichalaca Reserve (Fundación Jocotoco). Trail from border of reserve to site of airplane crash., -4.485 -79.1472, 2500 - 2700m

Anthurium Schott
10230957J. L. Clark & V. Mendoza   080922003-05-29
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Palanda, Parroquia: Valladolid. Southern slopes of the Cordillera de Sabanilla (headwaters of Río Chinchipe). Tapichalaca Reserve (Fundación Jocotoco). Trail from highway to paramo (airplane wreckage)., -4.4756 -79.1633, 2800 - 3400m

Anthurium Schott
10230942J. L. Clark & V. Mendoza   080752003-05-29
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Palanda, Parroquia: Valladolid. Southern slopes of the Cordillera de Sabanilla (headwaters of Río Chinchipe). Tapichalaca Reserve (Fundación Jocotoco). Trail from main lodge towards antenna/main highway., -4.4944 -79.1322, 2300 - 2700m

Anthurium Schott
10230944J. L. Clark & V. Mendoza   080782003-05-29
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Palanda, Parroquia: Valladolid. Southern slopes of the Cordillera de Sabanilla (headwaters of Río Chinchipe). Tapichalaca Reserve (Fundación Jocotoco). Trail from main lodge towards antenna/main highway., -4.4944 -79.1322, 2300 - 2700m

Anthurium Schott
10230954J. L. Clark & V. Mendoza   080882003-05-29
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Palanda, Parroquia: Valladolid. Southern slopes of the Cordillera de Sabanilla (headwaters of Río Chinchipe). Tapichalaca Reserve (Fundación Jocotoco). Trail from main lodge towards antenna/main highway., -4.4944 -79.1322, 2300 - 2700m

Anthurium Schott
10231746J. L. Clark, J. R. Bennett, L. A. Bohs & N. Leon   090602005-04-05
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Road Loja-Zamora. Parque Nacional Podocarpus. Centro de Educacion Ambiental "Arcoiris." Trail to Río San Francisco., -3.9889 -79.0928, 2050 - 2200m

Anthurium Schott
10231085J. L. Clark & E. Folleco   084712003-07-06
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, Parroquia: Guatal. Mirador de las Golondrinas (Fundación Golondrinas). Trail from El Corazon towards La Cortadera (2 km NE of refugio)., 0.8294 -78.1175, 2000 - 2500m

Anthurium Schott
10231050J. L. Clark, S. G. Clark, E. Folleco & B. Syka   084312003-07-05
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, Parroquia: Guatal. Mirador de las Golondrinas (Fundación Golondrinas). Trail from Santa Rosa (El Rosal) to the refugio at El Corazon., 0.8294 -78.1175, 1600 - 2000m

Anthurium Schott
10231051J. L. Clark, S. G. Clark, E. Folleco & B. Syka   084322003-07-05
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, Parroquia: Guatal. Mirador de las Golondrinas (Fundación Golondrinas). Trail from Santa Rosa (El Rosal) to the refugio at El Corazon., 0.8294 -78.1175, 1600 - 2000m

Anthurium Schott
10231066J. L. Clark, S. G. Clark, E. Folleco & B. Syka   084512003-07-05
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, Parroquia: Guatal. Mirador de las Golondrinas (Fundación Golondrinas). Trail from Santa Rosa (El Rosal) to the refugio at El Corazon., 0.8294 -78.1175, 1600 - 2000m

Anthurium Schott
10231093J. L. Clark & E. Folleco   084822003-07-07
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, Parroquia: Guatal. Mirador de las Golondrinas (Fundación Golondrinas). Trail from Santa Rosa (El Rosal) towards Las Juntas., 0.8278 -78.1297, 1600 - 1900m

Anthurium Schott
10231095J. L. Clark & E. Folleco   084842003-07-07
Ecuador, Carchi, Espejo, Parroquia: Guatal. Mirador de las Golondrinas (Fundación Golondrinas). Trail from Santa Rosa (El Rosal) towards Las Juntas., 0.8278 -78.1297, 1600 - 1900m

Anthurium Schott
10225722J. L. Clark & E. Folleco   085272003-07-08
Ecuador, Carchi, Mira, Parroquia: Jijon Y Camaño. Unfinished road from El Carmen towards Chical. Agua Amarilla., 0.82 -78.2, 1700 - 2300m

Anthurium Schott
10231123J. L. Clark & E. Folleco   085132003-07-08
Ecuador, Carchi, Mira, Parroquia: Jijon Y Camaño. Unfinished road from El Carmen towards Chical. Agua Amarilla., 0.82 -78.2, 1700 - 2300m

Anthurium Schott
10231137J. L. Clark & E. Folleco   085282003-07-08
Ecuador, Carchi, Mira, Parroquia: Jijon Y Camaño. Unfinished road from El Carmen towards Chical. Agua Amarilla., 0.82 -78.2, 1700 - 2300m

Anthurium Schott
10225710J. L. Clark, G. Alvarez (local guide) & M. Mailloux   078832003-05-10
Ecuador, Chimborazo, Alausi, Parroquia: Huigra. Headwaters of Sigsig Pamba; Quebrada Huigra Viejo. Remnant patch of forest east (2 air-km) of the town of Huigra., -3.2933 -78.9978, 1900m

Anthurium Schott
10230783J. L. Clark, G. Alvarez (local guide) & M. Mailloux   078822003-05-10
Ecuador, Chimborazo, Alausi, Parroquia: Huigra. Headwaters of Sigsig Pamba; Quebrada Huigra Viejo. Remnant patch of forest east (2 air-km) of the town of Huigra., -3.2933 -78.9978, 1900m

Anthurium Schott
10230785J. L. Clark, G. Alvarez (local guide) & M. Mailloux   078862003-05-10
Ecuador, Chimborazo, Alausi, Parroquia: Huigra. Headwaters of Sigsig Pamba; Quebrada Huigra Viejo. Remnant patch of forest east (2 air-km) of the town of Huigra., -3.2933 -78.9978, 1900m

Anthurium Schott
10230877J. L. Clark, M. Mailloux & S. Seger   079962003-05-13
Ecuador, El Oro, Piñas, Buffer zone/border region of Reserva Ecologica Buenaventura; 11 km (air-km) north of the "Entrada la Virgin" on road towards Viron., -3.5578 -79.77, 1300 - 1700m

Anthurium Schott
10230832J. L. Clark, M. Mailloux & S. Seger   079452003-05-12
Ecuador, El Oro, Piñas, Parroquia: Moromoro. Reserva Ecologica Buenaventura. Remnant patch of forest south of "Entrada la Virgin", -3.6508 -79.74, 900 - 1000m

Anthurium Schott
10230839J. L. Clark, M. Mailloux & S. Seger   079532003-05-12
Ecuador, El Oro, Piñas, Parroquia: Moromoro. Reserva Ecologica Buenaventura. Remnant patch of forest south of "Entrada la Virgin", -3.6508 -79.74, 900 - 1000m

Anthurium Schott
10230840J. L. Clark, M. Mailloux & S. Seger   079542003-05-12
Ecuador, El Oro, Piñas, Parroquia: Moromoro. Reserva Ecologica Buenaventura. Remnant patch of forest south of "Entrada la Virgin", -3.6508 -79.74, 900 - 1000m

Anthurium Schott
10230845J. L. Clark, M. Mailloux & S. Seger   079622003-05-12
Ecuador, El Oro, Piñas, Parroquia: Moromoro. Reserva Ecologica Buenaventura. Remnant patch of forest south of "Entrada la Virgin", -3.6508 -79.74, 900 - 1000m

Anthurium Schott
10230847J. L. Clark, M. Mailloux & S. Seger   079642003-05-12
Ecuador, El Oro, Piñas, Parroquia: Moromoro. Reserva Ecologica Buenaventura. Remnant patch of forest south of "Entrada la Virgin", -3.6508 -79.74, 900 - 1000m

Anthurium Schott
10229683J. L. Clark   071662003-02-13
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Parroquia: Alta Tambo. Awá Indigenous Territory. Río Bogotá community (future biological research station), 2 km south of Lita-San Lorenzo road. Near Quebrada Pambilar., 0.9825 -78.5972, 350 - 600m

Anthurium Schott
10229726J. L. Clark   071912003-02-13
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Parroquia: Alta Tambo. Awá Indigenous Territory. Río Bogotá community (future biological research station), 2 km south of Lita-San Lorenzo road. Near Quebrada Pambilar., 0.9825 -78.5972, 350 - 600m

Anthurium Schott
10229734J. L. Clark   071952003-02-13
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Parroquia: Alta Tambo. Awá Indigenous Territory. Río Bogotá community (future biological research station), 2 km south of Lita-San Lorenzo road. Near Quebrada Pambilar., 0.9825 -78.5972, 350 - 600m

Anthurium Schott
10229664J. L. Clark, G. Zapata & G. Toasa   071512003-02-12
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Parroquia: Alta Tambo. Awá Indigenous Territory. Río Bogotá community (future biological research station), 2 km south of Lita-San Lorenzo road. Near Quebrada Pambilar., 0.9825 -78.5972, 350 - 600m

Anthurium Schott
10229670J. L. Clark, G. Zapata & G. Toasa   071542003-02-12
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Parroquia: Alta Tambo. Awá Indigenous Territory. Río Bogotá community (future biological research station), 2 km south of Lita-San Lorenzo road. Near Quebrada Pambilar., 0.9825 -78.5972, 350 - 600m

Anthurium Schott
10229698J. L. Clark   071762003-02-13
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Parroquia: Alta Tambo. Border region of Awá Indigenous Territory. Entrance to the Río Bogotá community (future biological research station). Near Quebrada Pambilar., 0.9825 -78.5972, 350 - 600m

Anthurium Schott
10229739J. L. Clark   071992003-02-14
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Parroquia: Alta Tambo. Border region of Awá Indigenous Territory. Entrance to the Río Bogotá community (future biological research station). Near Quebrada Pambilar., 0.9825 -78.5972, 350 - 600m

Anthurium Schott
10230280J. L. Clark & R. Hall   075912003-03-27
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Parroquia: Alto Tambo. Finca Bufalito (Empresa Golden Land); 10-15 km NW of Lita., 0.8747 -78.4869, 900 - 1300m

Anthurium Schott
10230294J. L. Clark & R. Hall   076072003-03-27
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Parroquia: Alto Tambo. Finca Bufalito (Empresa Golden Land); 10-15 km NW of Lita., 0.8747 -78.4869, 900 - 1300m

Anthurium Schott
10230295J. L. Clark & R. Hall   076082003-03-27
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Parroquia: Alto Tambo. Finca Bufalito (Empresa Golden Land); 10-15 km NW of Lita., 0.8747 -78.4869, 900 - 1300m

Anthurium Schott
10230267J. L. Clark, R. Hall & F. Nicolalde   075752003-03-26
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Parroquia: Alto Tambo. Small patch of forest along San Lorenzo-Ibarra highway (16 road-km NW of Lita)., 0.8919 -78.5336, 900m

Anthurium Schott
10230094J. L. Clark, F. Nicolalde & R. Hall   074392003-03-19
Ecuador, Imbabura, Cotacachi, Parroquia: García Moreno. Cordillera de Toisán. Cerro de la Plata. Bosque Protector Los Cedros. Sendero Camino del Oso (north of Lodge)., 0.3 -78.77, 1500 - 2600m

Anthurium Schott
10230192J. L. Clark, R. Hall & F. Nicolalde   074992003-03-24
Ecuador, Imbabura, Ibarra, Parroquia: Lita. Comunidad San Francisco; near Río Verde (13 air-km south of Lita)., 0.7558 -78.4525, 900 - 1100m

Anthurium Schott
10229941J. L. Clark, N. Harris & S. Malm   073342003-03-06
Ecuador, Imbabura, Cotacachi, Parroquia: Plaza Gutiérrez. Intag Cloud Forest Reserve., 0.35 -78.47, 1900m

Anthurium Schott
10229528J. L. Clark   070482002-12-16
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-Indanza, Cordillera del Condor. On trail from camp #2 to camp #1 (c.a, 15-20 km S/SE from the Comunidad Warints)., -3.22 -78.27, 1900 - 1400m

Anthurium Schott
10229390J. L. Clark & L. Jost   069622002-12-13
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-Indanza, Cordillera del Condor. Trail from camp #1 to camp #2 towards crest of Cordillera del Condor (c.a, 10-15 km S/SE of the Comunidad Warints)., -3.23 -78.27, 1200 - 1800m

Anthurium Schott
10229416J. L. Clark & L. Jost   069782002-12-13
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-Indanza, Cordillera del Condor. Trail from camp #1 to camp #2 towards crest of Cordillera del Condor (c.a, 10-15 km S/SE of the Comunidad Warints)., -3.23 -78.27, 1200 - 1800m

Anthurium Schott
10229422J. L. Clark & L. Jost   069822002-12-14
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-Indanza, Cordillera del Condor. Trail from camp #1 to camp #2 towards crest of Cordillera del Condor (c.a, 10-15 km S/SE of the Comunidad Warints)., -3.22 -78.27, 1400 - 1950m

Anthurium Schott
10229483J. L. Clark & L. Jost   070202002-12-16
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-Indanza, Cordillera del Condor. Trail from camp #2 towards crest of the Cordillera del Condor (c.a, 15-20 km S/SE of the Comunidad Warints)., -3.25 -78.32, 2400 - 2700m

Anthurium Schott
10229491J. L. Clark & L. Jost   070252002-12-16
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-Indanza, Cordillera del Condor. Trail from camp #2 towards crest of the Cordillera del Condor (c.a, 15-20 km S/SE of the Comunidad Warints)., -3.25 -78.32, 2400 - 2700m

Anthurium Schott
10229363J. L. Clark, W. Quizhpe, E. Toapanta & T. Katan   069442002-12-11
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-Indanza, Cordillera del Condor. Trail from the Comunidad Warints to camp #1 towards crest of Cordillera del Condor., -3.2328 -78.2531, 830 - 1200m

Anthurium Schott
10229365J. L. Clark, W. Quizhpe, E. Toapanta & T. Katan   069452002-12-11
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-Indanza, Cordillera del Condor. Trail from the Comunidad Warints to camp #1 towards crest of Cordillera del Condor., -3.2328 -78.2531, 830 - 1200m

Anthurium Schott
10230472J. L. Clark, I. Salinas & H. Beltran   082322003-06-09
Peru, Huánuco, Huánuco, Distrito: Chinchao. San Pedro de Carpish. Forest west of Carpish tunel., -9.7 -76.1097, 2300m

Anthurium Schott
10230479J. L. Clark, I. Salinas & H. Beltran   082392003-06-09
Peru, Huánuco, Huánuco, Distrito: Chinchao. San Pedro de Carpish. Forest west of Carpish tunel., -9.7 -76.1097, 2300m

Anthurium Schott
10230481J. L. Clark, I. Salinas & H. Beltran   082412003-06-09
Peru, Huánuco, Huánuco, Distrito: Chinchao. San Pedro de Carpish. Forest west of Carpish tunel., -9.7 -76.1097, 2300m

Anthurium Schott
10229572J. L. Clark   070722002-12-17
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-Indanza, Cordillera del Condor. Trail towards crest of the Cordillera del Condor from camp #1 (c.a, 10-15 km S/SE of the Comunidad Warints)., -3.22 -78.25, 1200 - 830m

Anthurium Schott
10229573J. L. Clark   070732002-12-17
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Limón-Indanza, Cordillera del Condor. Trail towards crest of the Cordillera del Condor from camp #1 (c.a, 10-15 km S/SE of the Comunidad Warints)., -3.22 -78.25, 1200 - 830m

Anthurium Schott
10231851J. L. Clark, D. Menuz, S. Quinn, A. Wilsum & P. Unkucha   092382005-08-14
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Tiwintza, Parroquia: Santiago. Cordillera Winchinkiaim Naint #19. South of Centro Shuar Kusumas. Ridge and border between Ecuador and Peru (border @ 03°05'26.49"S 077°52'06.29")., -3.0622 -77.9453, 300 - 900m

Anthurium Schott
10231877J. L. Clark, D. Menuz, S. Quinn, A. Wilsum & P. Unkucha   092692005-08-14
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Tiwintza, Parroquia: Santiago. Cordillera Winchinkiaim Naint #19. South of Centro Shuar Kusumas. Ridge and border between Ecuador and Peru (border @ 03°05'26.49"S 077°52'06.29")., -3.0622 -77.9453, 300 - 900m

Anthurium Schott
10231878J. L. Clark, D. Menuz, S. Quinn, A. Wilsum & P. Unkucha   092712005-08-14
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Tiwintza, Parroquia: Santiago. Cordillera Winchinkiaim Naint #19. South of Centro Shuar Kusumas. Ridge and border between Ecuador and Peru (border @ 03°05'26.49"S 077°52'06.29")., -3.0622 -77.9453, 300 - 900m

Anthurium Schott
10231881J. L. Clark, D. Menuz, S. Quinn, A. Wilsum & P. Unkucha   092762005-08-14
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Tiwintza, Parroquia: Santiago. Cordillera Winchinkiaim Naint #19. South of Centro Shuar Kusumas. Ridge and border between Ecuador and Peru (border @ 03°05'26.49"S 077°52'06.29")., -3.0622 -77.9453, 300 - 900m

Anthurium Schott
10229903J. L. Clark, N. Harris, S. Malm, S. G. Clark & N. C. Clark   073122003-03-04
Ecuador, Napo, El Chaco, Forest 1-2 km east of the comunidad Oyacachi (near trail to Chaco)., -0.25 -77.9372, 3000 - 3200m

Anthurium Schott
10229825J. L. Clark & N. Harris   072552003-02-25
Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, Parroquia: Catundo. Buffer zone of Parque Nacional Sumaco Napo Galeras. Trail from the Comunidad Mushullakta towards crest of Galeras., -0.8278 -77.5636, 1100 - 1200m

Anthurium Schott
10229865J. L. Clark & N. Harris   072812003-02-26
Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, Parroquia: Catundo. Parque Nacional Sumaco Napo Galeras. Trail along crest of Galeras., -0.8322 -77.5281, 1500 - 1700m

Anthurium Schott
1997071.279L. Hannon   96-2621996-00-00
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago Province, 1524m

Anthurium Schott
1997090.279A. Montenegro   

Anthurium Schott
1997069.279L. Hannon   96-2801996-00-00
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, 1006 - 1311m

Anthurium Schott
2020534S. Baldeon, W. Nauray, R. de la Colina & S. Urdvay   3247
Peru, Cusco

Anthurium Schott
2020544S. Baldeon, W. Nauray, R. de la Colina & S. Urdvay   3066
Peru, Cusco

Anthurium Schott
2020566S. Baldeon, W. Nauray, R. de la Colina & S. Urdvay   3104
Peru, Cusco

Anthurium Schott
2020575S. Baldeon, W. Nauray, R. de la Colina & S. Urdvay   3176
Peru, Cusco

Anthurium Schott
2020578S. Baldeon, W. Nauray, R. de la Colina & S. Urdvay   2948
Peru, Cusco

Anthurium Schott
2025724P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, W. Nauray, L. Acurio, R. de la Colina, N. Llerena & A. Salas   217411998-04-18
Peru, Cusco, Pagoreni site well, -11.6833 -73, 350 - 350m

Anthurium Schott
2025729P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, W. Nauray, L. Acurio, R. de la Colina, N. Llerena & A. Salas   217511998-04-18
Peru, Cusco, Pagoreni site well, -11.6833 -73, 350 - 350m

Anthurium Schott
2025730P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, W. Nauray, L. Acurio, R. de la Colina, N. Llerena & A. Salas   216271998-04-18
Peru, Cusco, Pagoreni site well, -11.6833 -73, 350 - 350m

Anthurium Schott
2025734P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, W. Nauray, L. Acurio, R. de la Colina, N. Llerena & A. Salas   217651998-04-18
Peru, Cusco, Pagoreni site well, -11.6833 -73, 350 - 350m

Anthurium Schott
2025886P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, W. Nauray, L. Acurio, R. de la Colina, N. Llerena & A. Salas   217891998-04-18
Peru, Cusco, Pagoreni site well, -11.6833 -73, 350 - 350m

Anthurium Schott
2027688P. Nuñez, S. Baldeon, A. Alonso, J. Santisteban, G. Valencia, K. Anderson, J. Louton, J. Pacaya V. & F. Ramos R.   194661997-03-10
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Dist. Echarati: San Martin-3 Well Site. (Convención Prov. = La Convención Prov.), -11.7815 -72.8683, 400 - 400m

Anthurium Schott
2027689P. Nuñez, S. Baldeon, A. Alonso, J. Santisteban, G. Valencia, K. Anderson, J. Louton, J. Pacaya V. & F. Ramos R.   196621997-03-10
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Dist. Echarati: San Martin-3 Well Site. (Convención Prov. = La Convención Prov.), -11.7815 -72.8683, 400 - 400m

Anthurium Schott
2027691P. Nuñez, S. Baldeon, A. Alonso, J. Santisteban, G. Valencia, K. Anderson, J. Louton, J. Pacaya V. & F. Ramos R.   197921997-03-10
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Dist. Echarati: San Martin-3 Well Site. (Convención Prov. = La Convención Prov.), -11.7815 -72.8683, 400 - 400m

Anthurium Schott
2027692P. Nuñez, S. Baldeon, A. Alonso, J. Santisteban, G. Valencia, K. Anderson, J. Louton, J. Pacaya V. & F. Ramos R.   198231997-03-10
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Dist. Echarati: San Martin-3 Well Site. (Convención Prov. = La Convención Prov.), -11.7815 -72.8683, 400 - 400m

Anthurium Schott
2027983P. Nuñez, S. Baldeon, A. Alonso, J. Santisteban, G. Valencia, K. Anderson, J. Louton, J. Pacaya V. & F. Ramos R.   196201997-03-10
Peru, Cusco, La Convención, Dist. Echarati: San Martin-3 Well Site. (Convención Prov. = La Convención Prov.), -11.7815 -72.8683, 400 - 400m

Anthurium Schott
2030326P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, R. de la Colina, W. Nauray & J. Tenteyo P.   237571998-09-02
Peru, Cusco, Cashiriari-3 Well Site, 5.0 km south of Camisea River, -11.8825278 -72.65169444, 700 - 700m

Anthurium Schott
2030343P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, R. de la Colina, W. Nauray & J. Tenteyo P.   239351998-09-02
Peru, Cusco, Cashiriari-3 Well Site, 5.0 km south of Camisea River, -11.8825278 -72.65169444, 700 - 700m

Anthurium Schott
2030344P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, R. de la Colina, W. Nauray & J. Tenteyo P.   237261998-09-02
Peru, Cusco, Cashiriari-3 Well Site, 5.0 km south of Camisea River, -11.8825278 -72.65169444, 700 - 700m

Anthurium Schott
2030345P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, R. de la Colina, W. Nauray & J. Tenteyo P.   239031998-09-02
Peru, Cusco, Cashiriari-3 Well Site, 5.0 km south of Camisea River, -11.8825278 -72.65169444, 700 - 700m

Anthurium Schott
2030346P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, R. de la Colina, W. Nauray & J. Tenteyo P.   238381998-09-02
Peru, Cusco, Cashiriari-3 Well Site, 5.0 km south of Camisea River, -11.8825278 -72.65169444, 700 - 700m

Anthurium Schott
2030348P. Nuñez, H. Beltran, R. de la Colina, W. Nauray & J. Tenteyo P.   239991998-09-02
Peru, Cusco, Cashiriari-3 Well Site, 5.0 km south of Camisea River, -11.8825278 -72.65169444, 700 - 700m

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