Search Results (List)

Dataset: US-Botany
Taxa: Cinnamomum
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-6 of 6

United States National Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cinnamomum napoense van der Werff
3232282.216W. Palacios   28861988-09-02
Ecuador, Napo, Estacion Biologica Jatunsacha, 8 km E of Misahualli, Rio Abajo en La Margen Derecha del Rio Napo., -1.1333 -77.5, 450 - 450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
3580467.101A. Duarte   80441963-11-22
Brazil, Bahia, Estado da Bahia, Porto Seguro, Km 18 do ramal da BR 05.

Cinnamomum Schaeff.
2503390.213R. M. Klein   36271962-12-09
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Sao Miguel, Porto Uniao., 800 - 800m

Cinnamomum Schaeff.
3537806.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez, A. Siaca & X. Londoño   67631994-08-27
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cali, Depart. del Valle del Cauca; Mun. Cali. Río Pance, Parque de La Salud., 1020m

Image Associated With the Occurence
2503401.212R. Reitz & R. M. Klein   36901956-09-20
Brazil, Santa Catarina, Ibirama., 150 - 150m

Image Associated With the Occurence
2706477.21G. G. Hatschbach   66821960-01-31
Brazil, Paraná, Guaratuba, Serra de Aracatuba.

Page 1, records 1-6 of 6


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