3022706.104 S. R. Hill et al. 13041 1983-07-09
Brazil, Amazônas, Ilha Tupinambarana, parana Uraria, between rio Abacaxis and rio Paraconi., -3.83 -58.5
3121841.104 I. Amaral, N. Silva, J. Lima & O. P. Monteiro 800 1983-04-14
Brazil, Pará, Municipio de Itaituba, estrada Santarem-Cuiaba, BR 163, km 1115., -6.83 -55.5
3096240.104 C. Sperling, R. S. Secco, M. Condon, A. L. Mesquita, B. Ribeiro & L. Marinho 5629 1982-05-13
Brazil, Pará, Cerra dos Carajas. 2 km W of AMZA camp N-5., -6.07 -50.13, 700m
3287054.104 D. C. Daly, R. Callejas, M. da Silva, E. L. Taylor, C. Rosário & M. Santos 1395 1981-11-17
Brazil, Amazônas, State of Para. Rio Tocantins, 1 km E of Breu Branco, 44 km S of Tucurui on old Br 422., -4.07 -49.63
3085487.104 C. Cid, J. Ramos & C. Mota 1319 1980-07-07
Brazil, Pará, Municipio de Oriximina, rio Trombetas, margem esquerda em frente a Mineracao Santa Patricia.
3027251.104 R. M. Harley & A. M. Carvalho 23030 1980-06-08
Brazil, Bahia, Restinga, near Ilheus., -14.8 -39.03
3027250.104 R. M. Harley, A. M. Carvalho, G. Bromley, J. Hage & H. Brito 21866 1980-04-28
Brazil, Bahia, Chapadao Ocidental da Bahia 12 km N of Correntina, on the road to Inhaumas., -13.25 -44.67, 600m
2967885.104 T. C. Plowman, G. Davidse, N. A. Rosa, C. Rosário & M. Santos 8510 1980-02-08
Brazil, Pará, Municipio Conceicao do Araguaia: Range of low hills ca 20 km W of Redencao, near Corrego Sao Joao and Troncamento Santa Teresa., -8.05 -50.17, 350 - 620m
2963128.104 H. S. Irwin & T. R. Soderstrom 7577 1964-10-30
Brazil, Goiás, Serra do Caiapo. Ca 60 km S of Caiaponia on road to Jatai., -17.2 -51.78, 800 - 1000m
2967631.104 L. Alencar 188 1979-06-29
Brazil, Amazônas, Along the Rio Negro between Manaus and Sao Gabriel. Sao Tome; Igapo., -0.42 -64.42
2967633.104 J. Ubiratan Santos, F. Ramos & C. Mota 216 1978-03-20
Brazil, Amazônas, Rondonia, margem direita do rio Pacaas Novos. Mata de varzea.
1517816.104 E. Holt & E. R. Blake 426 1930-10-24
Brazil, Amazônas, Cachoeira Caranguejo, Rio Cauabury.
2883740.104 G. Shepherd, J. Semir, J. Andrade & P. Salgado 7268 1978-02-22
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Estrada entre Uberaba e Planura (Barretos), ca 40 km de Uberaba. Cerrado., 650m
3172123.104 J. Brinker 5302 1989-01-28
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Pocone - Estrada Transpantaneira km 25.
3170768.104 J. F. Pruski, D. Campbell, D. E. Williams & E. Silva 3447 1987-10-09
Brazil, Roraima, 0.5 km S of Ilha de Maraca on the road to the Ecological Station on the SE end of the island., 0.0556 -61.42
2439312.104 M. Barbosa da Silva 14 1942-08-28
Brazil, Pará, Belem; 5 km NW of Instituto Agronomico do Norte, near Sao Joaquim.
2439292.104 A. Silva 323 1944-11-23
Brazil, Pará, Belem: on lands of Instituto Agronomico do Norte, - K - of Administration Building.
2963124.104 W. R. Anderson 10823 1974-02-12
Brazil, Pará, Alto Tapajos, Rio Cururu. 1 - 10 km upriver (SE) from village of Pratati., -8 -57.08, 200 - 300m
3022700.104 M. F. F. da Silva, E. Taylor, N. Rosa, J. Silva, J. Oliveira, C. Rosário & M. Santos 1170 1983-04-21
Brazil, Amazônas, Maranhao, munic. de Grajau, rodovia a 6 km da cidade de Grajau.
3085482.104 I. Cordeiro 247 1985-07-20
Brazil, Amazônas, Mun. Barcelos, Margem do Rio Araca, pouco abaixo da foz do Rio Jauari., 0.42 -63.42
2689000.104 G. Eiten & L. Eiten 10218 1970-01-06
Brazil, Maranhão, Municipio de Imperatriz: behind Rodobras station on S side of city of Imperatriz., -5.55 -47.47
2678547.104 G. Eiten & L. Eiten 9707 1969-12-04
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Serra do Roncador. Municipio de Barra do Garcas: 260 km along new road NNE of village of Xavantina, at Royal Society-Royal Geographic Society Base Camp., -12.85 -51.75, 450m
2917907.104 G. T. Prance, P. J. M. Maas, W. Steward, A. Atchley, D. B. Woolcott, D. Coêlho, O. P. Monteiro, W. S. Pinheiro & J. F. Ramos 13370 1971-06-18
Brazil, Amazônas, Rio Purus between Aiapua and Moibanda.
2743633.104 G. G. Hatschbach & C. Koczicki 33376 1973-11-18
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Monte Alegre.
2743640.104 G. G. Hatschbach 34129 1974-02-13
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Serra da Petrolina (mun. Rondonopolis).
2961988.104 C. D. Játiva & C. C. Epling 907 1964-07-23
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo.
3028864.104 B. A. S. Pereira 884 1983-11-30
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Bacia do rio S Bartolomeu., 1000m
3343599.104 W. Thomas, A. Amorim, P. Gasson & S. Sant'Ana 8975 1992-01-30
Brazil, Bahia, Ilheus. Road from Olivenca to Serra das Trempes. Forest near Fazenda Monte Bello, 10 km W of Olivenca., -15 -39.07
3343598.104 A. Amorim, A. M. Carvalho, N. Nind, S. Sant' Ana & A. Mayer 505 1991-12-04
Brazil, Bahia, Ca 5 km NA estrada Comandatuba.
3503019.104 M. Rimachi Y. 10485 1993-04-05
Peru, Loreto, Maynas. Dtto. Punchana. Rio Momon, cerca al caserio de ""Santa Rosa"", en orilla inundable, ca 1 hora de Bellavista., 90m
3236257.104 M. Rimachi Y. 893 1974-02-21
Peru, Loreto, Maynas. Dtto. Iquitos. Rio Nanay near Bellavista.
2369389.104 G. M. Felippe 13 1960-12-27
Brazil, São Paulo, Estrada S. Paulo-Itapetininga; bacia do Ribeirao Lajeado.
3057277.104 V. A. Funk, B. Kahn & S. Wiser 8390 1986-06-03
Peru, Madre de Dios, Laguna Coco Cocha. 5.2 km E of Lodge.
676558.103 H. F. Pittier 2308 1911-01-10
Panama, Canal Zone, Cerro Gordo, near Culebra., 50 - 290m
679076.1033 H. F. Pittier 3995 1911-07-19
Panama, Canal Zone, Agua Clara, on the Trinidad River., 10 - 40m
678629.1033 H. F. Pittier 3574 1911-05-20
Panama, Canal Zone, Taboga Island, Gulf of Panama., 250m
1909044.104 H. F. Pittier 15281 1946-10-28
Venezuela, Aragua, Matorrales del valle de Guamitas, Parque Nacional., 1000m
1067247.104 H. F. Pittier 9049 1920-08-17
Venezuela, Carabobo, Vicinity of Valencia., 400 - 800m
1065279.104 H. F. Pittier 8892 1920-08-17
Venezuela, Carabobo, Vicinity of Valencia.
988112.1036 H. F. Pittier 8015 1918-08-15
Venezuela, Carabobo, Hacienda de Cura, near San Joaquin., 480 - 1200m
1122045.104 H. F. Pittier 4698 1921-08-21
Venezuela, Miranda, Near Petare.
2972209.104 G. T. Prance, J. F. Ramos, E. Forero & B. S. Pena 4498 1967-02-18
Brazil, Amazônas, Territorio do Roraima. Plateau of Serra Tepequem., 1200m
3042103.104 C. A. Cid Ferreira, W. R. Buck, B. W. Nelson, F. Almeida, C. Mota & J. Lima 509 1979-08-19
Brazil, Amazônas, Vicinity of Rio Uatuma. Municipio de Itapiranga, proximo a cachoeira do Tucumari.
3121490.104 C. A. Cid Ferreira, W. R. Buck, B. W. Nelson, F. Almeida, C. Mota & J. Lima 122 1979-08-10
Brazil, Amazônas, Vicinity of Rio Uatuma, margin direita subindo o rio, entre cachoeira Morena e Balbina..
3197333.104 L. Teixeira, A. Fife, K. McFarland, C. Mota, J. L. dos Santos, S. P. Gomes & B. W. Nelson 335 1982-05-11
Brazil, Amazônas, Municipio de Ariquemes, Mineracao Mibrasa, Setor Alto Candeias, km 128, Sudoeste de Ariquemes., -10.58 -63.58
3067458.104 J. J. Strudwick, G. Sobel, B. W. Nelson, A. Pinheiro, C. Rosário & N. Da Silva 4451 1981-08-10
Brazil, Pará, Sete Varas airstrip on Rio Curua, Savanna.
3067459.104 J. J. Strudwick, G. Sobel, B. W. Nelson, A. Pinheiro, C. Rosário & N. Da Silva 4234 1981-08-06
Brazil, Pará, Within 1 km S of Sete Varas airstrip on banks of Rio Curua.
2026562.104 3216 1957-03-23
Brazil, Minas Gerais
1747629.103 T. G. Yuncker, J. M. Koepper & K. A. Wagner 8141 1938-06-30
Honduras, Yoro, In the Aguan River valley, vicinity of Coyoles., 335m
1879227.104 J. T. Baldwin 3273 1944-02-11
Brazil, Amazônas, Patua, Rio Negro.
2822477.104 E. P. Heringer & G. Eiten 14210 1974-12-23
Brazil, Goiás, Municipio de Caldas Novas; ca 10 km due NW of city of Caldas Novas. Several km N of N edge of Serra de Caldas., -17.72 -48.7
2931370.104 E. P. Heringer, T. S. Figueiras, R. C. de Mendonça, B. A. S. Pereira, A. E. Heringer-Salles & C. Da Silva 4178 1980-04-01
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Bacia do Rio Sao Bartolomeu.
2955823.104 E. P. Heringer, T. S. Figueiras, R. C. de Mendonça, B. A. S. Pereira & A. E. Heringer-Salles 425 1978-03-27
Brazil, Districto Federal, Reserva Acologica do IBGE. Rio Tinoco. Mata.
2952293.104 E. P. Heringer, T. S. Figueiras, R. C. de Mendonça, B. A. S. Pereira & A. E. Heringer-Salles 3371 1980-01-26
Brazil, Districto Federal, Orla maritima, ca de 15 km Sul de Olivenca, BA.
2952294.104 E. P. Heringer, T. S. Figueiras, R. C. de Mendonça, B. A. S. Pereira & A. E. Heringer-Salles 3182 1980-01-23
Brazil, Distrito Federal, Bacia do Rio Sao Bartolomeu.
2600805.104 C. D. Játiva & C. C. Epling 2166 1967-08-06
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Near Borbon.
2707191.104 C. D. Játiva & C. C. Epling 625 1963-07-31
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Near San Lorenzo.
2966548.104 C. D. Játiva & C. C. Epling 625 1963-07-31
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Near San Lorenzo.
2964063.104 G. T. Prance, R. J. Hill, T. D. Pennington & J. M. Ramos 24063 1976-10-23
Brazil, Amazônas, Rio Javari. Between Estirao do Equador and Rio Javarizinho.
1499468.104 D. B. Pickel 2528 1931-02-14
Brazil, Pernambuco, Tapera.
1458972.104 J. M. Schunke 64 1935-01-17
Peru, Loreto, Gamitanacocha, Rio Mazan., 100 - 125m
3174867.104 L. B. Holm-Nielsen, J. Jaramillo & J. Brandbyge 21444 1980-02-19
Ecuador, Napo, Rio Cuyabeno. 10 km upstream from Rio Aguarico. Mauritia-forest., -14 -75.93, 220m
3177930.104 L. B. Holm-Nielsen, J. Jaramillo & J. Brandbyge 20207 1979-08-30
Ecuador, Napo, Rio Aguarico. Island midway between Zancudo and Lagarto Cocha. Rain forest and Cecropia., -0.62 -75.37, 290m
2845796.104 A. H. Gentry, D. D. Soejarto, J. L. Zarucchi & M. Fallen 17949 A 1979-08-19
Colombia, Antioquia, Cauca Valley, 10 km N of Valdivia., 700m
2743642.104 G. G. Hatschbach 29430 1972-04-12
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Douradinho (mun. Nova Andradina).
2565765.103 G. C. Jones, G. R. Proctor & L. Facey 3029 1966-04-22
Guatemala, Izabal, S shore of Lake Izabal, E of village of Izabal. Vicinity Lago Izabal., 600m
2396237.103 W. L. Stern, K. L. Chambers, J. D. Dwyer & J. E. Ebinger 36 1959-05-31
Panama, Canal Zone, Vicinity of Rio Cocoli, Road K-9.
2106778.104 M. L. Grant 9133 1944-05-04
Colombia, Cordillera, Dept. Cundinamarca. Two km W of Yacopi, near the Boyaca border., 1570m
3539502.103 W. H. Lewis, B. Macbryde, R. L. Oliver & E. Ridgway 1624 1967-05-26
Panama, Herrera, 12.5 mi S of Ocu., 366m
1642624.103 A. F. Skutch 2723 1936-07-00
Costa Rica, San José, Vicinity of El General., 850m
2428373.104 A. J. Gilmartin 687 1962-04-21
Ecuador, Guayas, 12 km Guayaquil to Salina Playa.
3493685.104 G. G. Hatschbach 34080 1974-11-12
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Sao Jose da Serra (mun. Cuiaba).
3212354.104 G. G. Hatschbach 28660 1971-01-16
Brazil, Minas Gerais, Rod. Fernao Dias (mun. Bromadinho).
2832408.104 J. L. Zarucchi & M. J. Balick 1757 1976-06-26
Colombia, Vaupés, Mitu and vicinity; near base of Cerro de Mitu.
2964056.104 G. T. Prance, A. S. Silva, M. J. Balick, C. C. Berg, A. J. Henderson, B. W. Nelson, R. Bahia, M. Santos & J. F. Ramos P 25465 1977-11-15
Brazil, Pará, BR 163, km 1122, Cuiaba-Santarem Hwy; vicinity of Igarape Natal.
2743638.104 G. G. Hatschbach 33267 1973-11-15
Brazil, Mato Grosso, Alto Araguaia.
2963119.104 G. G. Hatschbach, W. R. Anderson, R. C. Barneby & B. E. Gates 35895 1975-02-06
Brazil, Mato Grosso, BR 267 (mun. Bataguacu).
2743500.104 L. B. Smith, R. M. Klein & G. G. Hatschbach 14819 1965-01-19
Brazil, Paraná, Mun. Senges: Fazenda Morungava, Rio Funil., -24.13 -49.37, 800m
2743634.104 G. G. Hatschbach & C. Koczicki 33303 1973-11-16
Brazil, Maranhão, Rio Babilonia (mun. Sta. Rita do Araguaia Goias).
3178793.2152676 H. Balslev & E. Madsen 10590 1976-11-04
Ecuador, Napo, Puerto Francisco de Orellana (Coca), ca. 40 km SE of town., -0.6667 -76.8667, 300 - 300m
1986627.10369297 R. E. Schultes 6826 1945-10-00
Colombia, Amazônas, Loretoyacu River., 100m
3256343.10369330 S. McDaniel 19492 1974-12-19
Peru, Loreto, Maynas: Dtto. Iquitos. Rio Itaya, Nueva Esperanza, trail to Pena Negra., 110m
2788127.103 S. A. Mori & J. A. Kallunki 1857 1974-09-12
Panama, Panamá, El Llano-Carti Road; 9.6 km from Pan American Hwy., 410m
3404368.10369348 J. L. Clark & C. Watt 734 1995-05-04
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quininde Canton. Bilsa Biological Station. Montanas de Mache, 35 km W of Quininde, 5 km W of Santa Isabel. Mature forest SW of Station near banana plantation., 0.35 -79.73, 400 - 600m
3420088.10369354 J. L. Clark 2761 1996-07-06
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Quininde Canton. Fundacion Paraiso de Papagayos. Centro de Rescate de Aves y Mamiferos. Km 2 via Esmeraldas., 0.33 -79.47, 200m
3501296.10369358 J. L. Clark, J. R. Bennett, L. A. Bohs & N. Leon 8994 2005-04-01
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Canton: Valladolid. Road Valladolid-Tapala-El Porvenir; near Tapala., -4.5458 -79.1022, 1600 - 1700m
2690944.104 C. H. Dodson & M. McMahon 5118 1972-09-06
Ecuador, Los Ríos, Rio Palenque Biological Station. Km 56 Quevedo - Santo Domingo., 150 - 220m
2694750.104 C. H. Dodson 5434 1974-03-06
Ecuador, Los Ríos, Rio Palenque Biological Station. Km 56 Quevedo - Santo Domingo., 150 - 220m
2615495.104 J. Schunke Vigo 2589 1968-05-21
Peru, Huánuco, Prov. Pachitea. Dtto. Honoria.
2889869.104 W. H. Camp 3753 1945-06-08
Ecuador, Guayas, Junction of the Provinces of Guayas, Canar, Chimborazo & Bolivar: Foothills of the W cordillera near the village of Bucay., 305 - 381m
2772834.104 J. Cuatrecasas 15956 1944-01-28
Colombia, del Valle, Costa del Pacifico; rio Yurumangui., 5 - 50m
2707182.104 C. D. Játiva & C. C. Epling 427 1962-08-06
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, El Timbre, near Esmeraldas., 70 - 90m
2644223.104 C. D. Játiva & C. C. Epling 427 1962-08-06
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, El Timbre, near Esmeraldas., 70 - 90m
2816447.104 J. Cuatrecasas 16095 1944-02-08
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Costa del Pacifico; entre El Aguacate y Quebrada de la Yuca., 10 - 40m
2788134.103 M. Nee 7897 1973-11-10
Panama, Panamá, El Llano-Carti road, 5 km N of Pan. Am. Hwy at El Llano., 300m
1820261.103 P. H. Allen 1936 1939-08-13
Panama, Chiriquí, Trail from San Felix to Cerro Flor., 100 - 850m
2398308.103 J. Harlow 11 1945-08-18
Panama, Near Punta del Cabo. San Jose Island, Pearl Archipelago.
1863006.103 H. von Wedel 1517 1940-11-05
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Water Valley. Vicinity of Chiriqui Lagoon.
1862909.103 H. von Wedel 1334 1940-10-23
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Vicinity of Chiriqui Lagoon.
1894982.103 H. von Wedel 1040 1940-10-02
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Vicinity of Chiriqui Lagoon.