Search Results (List)

Dataset: US-Botany
Taxa: Primulaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 5, records 401-500 of 537

United States National Herbarium

USw42765.10839659C. Feuillet et al.   99721988-06-13
French Guiana, Régina, Eastern plateau of Montagne Tortue, 11 km WNW of Approuague river. Along the trail S of base camp., 4.3 -52.37, 200 - 450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
2029426.216J. M. Idrobo   4601950-08-23
Colombia, Meta, Sierra de La Macarena, selva densa entre Los Rios Guejar y Sansa., 500 - 1000m

Cybianthus jajiensis (Steyerm.) G. Agostini
3392112.202L. J. Dorr & S. Yustuz   85371999-07-08
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Sucre, Camino Real, La Aguadita-El Batatal., 9.3217 -70.0708, 1600 - 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
2862709.212B. Maguire   604761965-12-02
Brazil, Amazonas, Serra da Neblina, Rio Negro, Rio Cauaburi., 2591 - 2743m

3344550.105P. Acevedo-Rodriguez   60741993-08-18
Suriname, Tumuc Humac Mts.; Surinam - Brazil border; from 2nd camp to 3rd camp., 2.47 -54.77, 600m

Cybianthus stapfii (Mez) G. Agostini
3376540.204B. G. Stergios & L. Zambrano   177091996-01-00
Venezuela, Trujillo, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Fila de Agua Fria, 9.2783 -70.1442, 2700 - 2800m

Cybianthus stapfii (Mez) G. Agostini
3407716.204L. J. Dorr, S. M. Niño & R. Caracas   90122001-06-15
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Trail from the antennas on the summit of the Páramo de Guaramacal, SW to Páramo El Pumar., 2800 - 3100m

Cybianthus stapfii (Mez) G. Agostini
3287395.207J. L. Luteyn & J. Pipoly   93081984-01-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Páramo Guaramacal, 12.2 km beyond jct outside of Boconó, 9.2167 -70.2, 2600 - 2600m

Cybianthus stapfii (Mez) G. Agostini
3146544.207J. L. Luteyn & J. Pipoly   93081984-01-19
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Páramo Guaramacal, 12.2 km beyond jct outside of Boconó, 9.2167 -70.2, 2600 - 2600m

Cybianthus stapfii (Mez) G. Agostini
3463149.102S. M. Niño, L. Linárez & R. Caracas   14832003-11-07
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mpio Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Laguna del Pumar y alrededores., 3000m

Cybianthus stapfii (Mez) G. Agostini
3459799.102B. G. Stergios & R. Caracas   207782004-01-31
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mpio Boconó, P.N. Guaramacal, rumbo NE desde las antenas; bosque enano y arbustales tupidos entre campos de bambú., 2900 - 3000m

Cybianthus stapfii (Mez) G. Agostini
3445271.101B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr, S. M. Niño & R. Caracas   201212003-04-11
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Páramo de Vicuyal., 2730m

2466273.204F. J. Breteler   40831964-08-11
Venezuela, Trujillo, 16 km from Boconó along road to Biscucuy, 1850 - 1850m

2466274.204F. J. Breteler   40831964-08-11
Venezuela, Trujillo, 16 km from Boconó along road to Biscucuy, 1850 - 1850m

2583915.205J. A. Steyermark & M. Rabe   973151966-09-04
Venezuela, Trujillo, Entre Boconó y Guaramacal, 2100 - 2300m

3381526.206L. J. Dorr, E. Briceño & R. Caracas   83621998-10-29
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, road from Boconó to Guaramacal, SE of Boconó, N slope of mountain., 9.2167 -70.2

Image Associated With the Occurence
1851065.208J. Cuatrecasas   128851941-11-08
Colombia, Norte de Santander, Sarare region, Hoya del Rio Margua, entre Camp Hermoso & Rio Negro., 1200 - 1500m

3311129.202N. L. Cuello, R. González, A. González & O. León   11821995-07-15
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Selvas Nubladas de la vertiente norte. Adyacente a las instalaciones del acueducto de Boconó, 9.2439 -70.22, 1850 - 1850m

3320813.206A. Licata & S. M. Niño   2811995-07-15
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Selvas nubladas de la vertiente norte. Adyacente a las instalaciones del acueducto de Boconó, 9.2439 -70.22, 1850 - 1850m

3392343.203N. L. Cuello, A. Henriquez & S. Antequera   17441999-09-29
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Sucre, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, sector La Divisoria de La Concepción, limite con el Estado Trujillo, vertiente sur, ubicada a unos 600 m lineales en direción noroeste del dique-toma de agua del caserio LaConcepción, 1480 - 1480m

1482421.212A. Lawrance   861932-05-22
Colombia, Boyacá, Region of Mt. Chapon, NW of Bogota., 1097 - 1097m

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1887708.101P. Gentle   35001941-01-25
Belize, British Honduras: Stann Creek Valley, Big Eddy Ridge.

USw36502.2764162Collector unknown   GTW 5593

USw12966.2776608G. Stahel   157

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1441544.214A. Ducke   2524
Brazil, Pará

1066370.213G. Gardner   5271838-00-00
Brazil, Serra dos Argaos.

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Cybianthus cardonae G. Agostini
2813131.101F. Cardona   10811944-07-01
Venezuela, Bolívar, Alto Río Paragua, Cerro Tabarerupá (Guayana)., 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cybianthus cardonae G. Agostini
1878307.101F. Cardona   10811944-07-01
Venezuela, Bolívar, Alto Río Paragua, Cerro Tabarerupá (Guayana)., 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
3386906.101Wilkes Explor. Exped.   s.n.1838-00-00
Brazil, Organ Mts

Image Associated With the Occurence
3315692.214J. Pipoly, G. Gharbarran, G. Samuels & J. Chin   111201987-03-11
Guyana, Cuyuni / Mazaruni, Mt. Ayanganna, eastern most peak., 5.403827778 -59.95773056, 1350 - 1380m

Cybianthus sulcatus (Steyerm.) G. Agostini
3445145.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr, S. M. Niño & R. Caracas   200602003-04-10
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mpio Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Trail from Casa Vicuyal toward Páramo de Vicuyal., 2200 - 2600m

1588693.216J. B. Edwards   P-6211933-06-25
Honduras, Comayagua, La Libertad.

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1588608.215J. B. Edwards   6491933-08-23
Honduras, Cortés, Santa Cruz de Yojoa, 610 - 610m

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1689826.214C. L. Lundell   63021936-06-00
Belize, Cayo, Retiro

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1339920.208H. von Türckheim   9421886-06-00
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Pansamalá., 1158 - 1158m

1339921.101H. von Türckheim   9421886-06-00
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Pansamalá., 1158 - 1158m

Image Associated With the Occurence
1976961.101P. H. Allen & D. Allen   52631949-04-11
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Provincia de Puntarenas, Canton de Osa. Vicinity Palmar Norte, Río Terraba; sea level.

Image Associated With the Occurence
1976960.101P. H. Allen & D. Allen   52631949-04-11
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Provincia de Puntarenas, Canton de Osa. Vicinity Palmar Norte, Río Terraba; sea level.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ardisia venosa Mast. in Donn. Sm.
1339938.217J. Donnell Smith   24851892-03-00
Guatemala, Sacatepéquez, Acatanango volcano., 2134 - 2134m

Ardisia venosa Mast. in Donn. Sm.
3643383.11H. Fôrther et al.   10057 {79}1998-04-07
Guatemala, Alta Verapaz, Montana Caquipec, Chicacnab, near Biology Station of the Proyecto Ecologico Quetzal, 15.38 -90.1858

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ardisia venosa Mast. in Donn. Sm.
40098.10299E. T. Heyde & E. Lux   30211892-03-00
Guatemala, Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa., 1219m

Ardisia bella Lundell
1708976.209O. L. Haught   42071944-06-18
Colombia, La Guajira, SWof Carraipia., 100 - 100m

3351657.215A. Cogollo, J. G. Ramirez & O. Alvarez   35221988-07-27
Colombia, Antioquia, Parque Nacional Natural Las Orquideas, sector Venados Arriba, Margen Izquierda del Rio Venados., 6.5667 -76.3167, 1110 - 1240m

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473920.2117O. F. Cook & C. Doyle   1391903-04-16
Costa Rica, Buena Vista, San Carlos Valley, 600 - 600m

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1254989.212P. C. Standley & J. Valerio R.   471221926-02-07
Costa Rica, Cartago, Vicinity of Pejivalle, 900 - 900m

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1821495.101P. C. Standley & J. Valerio   471221926-02-07
Costa Rica, Cartago, Vicinity of Pejivalle., 900m

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2085095.2788812P. Shank & A. Molina R.   47191951-11-22
Nicaragua, Zelaya, Esquipulas Mt., 130 - 130m

USw30012.2783896P. Gentle   4561

2876158.215C. Longfield   3781924-07-10
Colombia, Nariño

2562839.215O. Handro   ---1935-10-30
Brazil, São Paulo, nativa no Parque do Estado E Jardim Botanico.

1950343.21T. Lasser   15701946-04-25
Venezuela, Santa Teresa de Uaireu, alto Caroni.

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2863055.214L. O. Williams   248741963-02-00
Nicaragua, Matagalpa, Road to La Fundora, north of Santa Maria de Ostuma, cordillera central de Nicaragua., 1300 - 1500m

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Ardisia meiantha Donn. Sm.
1339961.208W. R. Maxon   441905-04-19
Costa Rica, Vicinity of Cartago, 1500 - 1500m

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Ardisia meiantha Donn. Sm.
1339960.208W. R. Maxon   441906-04-19
Costa Rica, Cartago, Vicinity of Cartago, 1500 - 1500m

Ardisia minor Standl.
USw16620.2748815W. L. Stern, R. H. Eyde & E. S. Ayensu   11371963-02-27
Panama, Los Santos

1989811.212L. Uribe   20481950-01-00
Colombia, Antioquia, Uraba Rio Mutata., 90 - 90m

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677649.2106H. F. Pittier   32551911-03-18
Panama, Chiriquí, Between Alto de Las Palmas and Cerro de la Horqueta., 2100 - 2265m

1998378.209J. A. Steyermark   623241945-04-23
Venezuela, Monagas, Cerro Guacharo, Guacharo., 1500 - 1620m

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2468061.208L. E. Mora O.   22921962-08-07
Colombia, Nariño, Barbacoas, Highway between Barbacoas and Junin., 1050 - 1050m

1616257.208E. Pérez Arbeláez   21971933-10-00
Colombia, Alban.

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2088010.214J. M. Tucker   6741941-12-30
El Salvador, Morazán, Finca of General J.T. Calderon, Montes Decacaguatique., 1380 - 1380m

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1517905.216E. Holt & E. R. Blake   5211930-12-00
Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Maturaca, below Salto de Hua.

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Clavija killipii B. Ståhl
1354342.209E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith   190361927-02-01
Colombia, Santander, Eastern Cordillera, vicinity of Charta.

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1443005.211Bro. Elias   6841929-01-00
Colombia, Atlántico, Piojo, Barranquilla and vicinity., 400 - 400m

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1443004.211Bro. Elias   6841929-01-00
Colombia, Atlántico, Piojo, near Barranquilla., 400 - 400m

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1484245.213L. Riedel & B. Luschnatt   8801831-00-00
Brazil, Minas Gerais

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2542937.216G. S. Bunting & L. Licht   3901961-03-07
Nicaragua, Zelaya, Cabo Gracias a Dios, 15 km. southwest of Waspam.

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702957.2168R. H. Schomburgk   8851840-00-00
Guyana, 5.2 -59.11666667

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1497440.213G. H. H.Tate   9271928-08-00
Venezuela, Mt. Duida., 1158 - 1158m

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1998207.208J. A. Steyermark   552951944-01-05
Venezuela, Lara, Las Sabanetas, above Los Aposentos, W of Hymocaro Bay., 2530 - 2530m

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1497476.21G. H. H.Tate   7411928-08-00
Venezuela, Summit of Mount Duida., 1341 - 1341m

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1998283.213J. A. Steyermark   596321840-00-00
Venezuela, Bolivar, Ptari-tepui, plateau on SE facing slopes., 5.756138889 -61.78681546, 1600 - 1600m

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1778216.208A. Pinkus   551938-12-12
Venezuela, Mount Roraima Dist, Arabupu., 1280 - 1280m

USw9106.2758158B. A. Krukoff   4555
Brazil, Amazonas, Basin of Rio Jurua

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2862741.209B. Maguire, R. S. Cowan & J.J. Wurdack   300061950-12-06
Venezuela, Amazonas, Cerro Huachamacari, Rio Cunucunuma, vicinity of summit camp., 3.859441667 -65.76135833, 1800 - 1800m

3392341.204N. L. Cuello & E. Cuello   17301999-07-20
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Sucre, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, sector La Divisoria de La Concepción, limite con el Estado Trujillo, vertiente sur, a unos 600 m lineales en direción noroeste del dique-toma de agua del caserio La Concepción., 1480 - 1650m

3392113.202L. J. Dorr & S. Yustuz   85511999-07-08
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Sucre, Camino Real, La Aguadita-El Batatal., 9.3217 -70.0708, 1600 - 1800m

3317329.203L. J. Dorr, L. Barnett & J. Rivero   81141995-07-15
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, on road from Boconó to Guaramacal, SE of Guaramacal. Montane forest. N slope of mountain, 9.2167 -70.2, 2100 - 2100m

3449568.102B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr, K. J. Wurdack & S. M. Niño   205982003-09-21
Venezuela, Trujillo, Mpio Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. NE slopes of Cerro Guaramacal between Laguna de Los Cedros and the summit of the road to Guaramacal., 9.25 -70.2083, 2000m

3486772.101B. G. Stergios, L. J. Dorr & R. Caracas   208962005-08-17
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, ""El Campamento"", below Cerro El Diablo, and vicinity., 1800 - 2000m

3320798.205N. L. Cuello, R. González, C. Oráa & A. González   13431996-01-03
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Selvas Nubladas de la vertiente sur., 9.2125 -70.1642, 2300 - 2300m

3320812.205N. L. Cuello, C. Oráa, A. González & E. Cavallaro   12591995-12-13
Venezuela, Trujillo, Boconó, Parque Nacional Guaramacal. Selvas Nubladas de la vertiente sur., 9.2256 -70.1669, 2400 - 2400m

3395363.205N. L. Cuello, C. Oráa & A. Milla   14751999-03-17
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Sucre, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Sector El Paramito, camino Real Paramito-Batatal., 9.3172 -70.0708, 1550 - 1950m

3395362.206N. L. Cuello, A. Licata, R. González & P. Tovar   15791999-04-26
Venezuela, Portuguesa, Sucre, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, Sector Paramito-La Aguadita, parcela de estudio fitosociológico No. 11, camino Real Paramito-Batatal., 9.3175 -70.0736, 1800 - 1800m

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3077215.209R. L. Liesner & B. K. Holst   214181987-02-26
Venezuela, Amazonas, Atures, W side of valley of Rio Coro-Coro, 8 km NNW side of settlement of Yutaje., 5.68 -66.1417, 500 - 1000m

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3351654.214R. Vásquez & N. Jaramillo   61221985-01-20
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Mishana, Rio Nanay, bosque primario, varilla alto., -3.9167 -73.5833, 150 - 150m

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3063504.214W. W. Thomas & T. C. Plowman   30481984-04-13
Venezuela, Amazonas, Rio Negro, Vicinity of camp VI, ridge of Venezuelan - Brazilian border, 3.5. km W of Pico Zuloaga., 0.88 -65.93, 2000 - 2000m

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Cybianthus sipapoensis Pipoly & G. Agostini
3315112.209B. Maguire & L. Politi   281811949-01-06
Venezuela, Amazonas, Cerro Sipapo, forest along middle Cano Negro., 5.077311111 -67.44855833, 1600 - 1600m

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1776545.21A. C. Smith   36611938-04-22
Guyana, NW portion of Kanuku Mountain, Mount Iramaikpang., 3.269911111 -59.67506111, 975 - 975m

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Cybianthus wurdackii G. Agostini & Pipoly
2857915.211J.J. Wurdack   342401953-01-26
Venezuela, Bolivar, NW Cumbres, Churi-tepui, Muru-tepui., 5.270580556 -62.02851667

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2815037.214J. Cuatrecasas   148721943-08-05
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Hoya del Rio Anchicaya.

USw33018.2782762J. Cuatrecasas   14872

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Geissanthus lehmannii Mez in Engl.
1339783.209F. C. Lehmann   20861882-10-00
Colombia, Cauca, Bei Popayan., 1500 - 2000m

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2815888.217J. Cuatrecasas   218051946-07-30
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cordillera Occidental, Los Farallones, Vertiente NW, Quebrada de Las Nieves, Abajo de La Mina el Diamante., 2900 - 2900m

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1499032.214W. Gehriger   4711930-09-18
Venezuela, Mérida, Tabay., 2500 - 3200m

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2815043.217J. Cuatrecasas   149471943-08-20
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Cordillera Occidental, Vertiente Occidental, Hoya del Rio Digua, Lado Izquierdo, Piedra de Moler., 900 - 1180m

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703792.2153Herbert H. Smith   4321898-08-00
Colombia, Near Bonda., 457 - 457m

703844.2132Herbert H. Smith   7811898-12-03
Colombia, Las Nubes.

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2862687.215R. S. Cowan & J.J. Wurdack   313721951-02-10
Venezuela, Amazonas, Serrania Paru, Rio Paru, Cano Asisa, Rio Ventauri, Cerro Paru., 4.372133333 -65.70596389, 2000 - 2000m

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2862746.215B. Maguire, J.J. Wurdack & C. K. Maguire   423181957-12-08
Venezuela, Amazonas, Cerro de La Neblina, Rio Yatua, NW of Canon Grande., 1.003044444 -65.92921667

Page 5, records 401-500 of 537


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