3448460.10417932 J. L. Clark & J. Morale 8672 2003-08-06
Panama, Chiriquí, Nole Duima. Corregimiento: Chami. Road to Cerro Colorado; 35-37 km north of San Felix., 8.4925 -81.7631, 1450 - 1550m
3448468.10417946 J. L. Clark 8557 2003-07-26
Panama, Chiriquí, Gualaca. Corregimiento: Hornito. Reserva Forestal Fortuna (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute). Trail near Toma de Agua., 8.7253 -82.235, 1100 - 1250m
3448466.10083937 J. L. Clark 8580 2003-07-28
Panama, Chiriquí, Provincia: Chiriquí. Distrito: Gualaca. Corregimiento: Hornito. Reserva Forestal Fortuna (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute). Sendero Aleman (near Quebrada Aleman)., 8.7128 -82.2486, 1300m
2827944.104 J. P. Folsom 4885 1977-08-15
Panama, Chiriquí, Cerro Colorado 11.2 km along ridgeroad from mainroad to Escopeta, 1700m
2953811.104 W. D. Stevens 13896 1979-08-29
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Along rd from San Ramon N ward thru Balsa, ca 16.7 km N of brdge over que Volio & ca 7.5 km N of brdge over Rio Balsa, ..., 10.22 -84.53, 700 - 800m
2905536.104 J. P. Folsom & J. Mauseth 8445 1980-06-21
Panama, Chiriquí, Road along continental divide on top of ridge leading to Cerro Colorado, 1550m
3058157.104 R. Hampshire & C. Whitefoord 297 1985-03-03
Panama, Chiriquí, 1 km N of Fortuna Lake, 8.75 -82.22, 1200m
3062093.104 R. L. Dressler 5605 1977-02-16
Panama, Chiriquí, Cerro Colorado, about 50 km N of San Felix, 1300 - 1450m
3301313.104 E. Bello & O. Villegas 1462 1989-11-06
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Reserva Biológica Monteverde, Quebrada Celeste, Río Peñas Blancas, Campo 4, 10.33 -84.68, 900m
3384823.104 E. Montenegro & B. Cuevas 1181 1995-12-28
Panama, Chiriquí, Camino hacia Culebra, Cordillera Central [SCZ: ""Sendero a la laguna, por el Camino a Culebra, Bajo Mono, Boquete""]
3569675.104 L. Besse, J. Halton, W. J. Kress & Harry E. Luther 2407 1986-06-19
Panama, Chiriquí, Prov. Chiriqui, Cerro Coloroado, Mina de Cobre, 15 m beyond camp, 1500m
3147637.104 T. F. Daniel, F. Almeda & G. McPherson 5569 1988-03-13
Panama, Chiriquí, Along trail to and summit ridge of Cerro Pate Macho, ca 6-8 km NE of Boquete, 1750 - 2100m
3082959.104 M. H. Grayum 6435 1986-02-07
Panama, Chiriquí, Boundary between Prov. Chiriqui and Prov. Bocas del Toro: cloud forest along continental divide to ca. 1 km E of Cerro Pate Macho, 8.82 -82.38, 2100 - 2200m
3123313.104 T. B. Croat 66487 1987-06-19
Panama, Chiriquí, Prov. Chiriqui: vicinity of Boquete, Cerro Pate de Macho, upper NE slopes and along soggy ridge of continental divide, 8.77 -82.42, 1900 - 2000m
3036553.104 W. G. D'Arcy & C. Todzia 15929 1984-08-00
Panama, Chiriquí, Fortuna Dam area; N of reservoir, ridge along Continental Divide and southward from Quebrada de Arena, 1100 - 1500m
3387566.104 E. Navarro & A. Picado 629 1997-03-05
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Puntarenas: Cantón de Coto Brus, Z.P. Las Tablas, Cuenca Térraba-Sierpe, Zona Protectora Las Tablas, Pila, Sitio Tablas, Sierra, 8.9047 -82.7508, 2050m
3036474.104 G. de Nevers & G. McPherson 6846 1986-01-17
Panama, Chiriquí, Prov. Chiriqui: Cerro Pate Macho, 8.82 -82.4, 2100m
2956883.104 T. Antonio 2680 1979-11-22
Panama, Chiriquí, Cerro Pata de Macho, about 5 mi NE of Boquete, trail to continental divide leading to finca Serrano (Francisco Serrano: pacific slope)
3287717.104 M. H. Grayum 10336 1993-03-17
Costa Rica, Limón, Limon: Cantón de Talamanca, N flank of Cerro Casma, along Ujarrás-San José Cabécar trail, Cordillera Talamanca, 9.3417 -83.225, 2250 - 2270m
1749655.104 P. White 229 1938-08-12
Panama, Chiriquí, R. Chiriqui Viejo Valley, near El Volcan
1749656.104 P. White 230 1938-08-12
Panama, Chiriquí, R. Chiriqui Viejo valley, near El Volcan
1749714.104 P. H. Allen 1450 1939-01-14
Panama, Chiriquí, Trail from Cerro Punta to headwaters of Rio Caldera, 2250 - 2500m
1808030.104 R. E. Woodson & R. W. Schery 255 1940-07-08
Panama, Chiriquí, Quebrada Velo, 1800m
1808041.104 R. E. Woodson & R. W. Schery 459 1940-07-13
Panama, Chiriquí, Potrero Muleto to summit, Volcán de Chiriquí, 3500 - 4000m
1808051.104 R. E. Woodson & R. W. Schery 611 1940-07-20
Panama, Chiriquí, Vicinity of Bajo Chorro, 1900m
1808460.104 B. Maurice 859 1938-02-00
Panama, Chiriquí, On way to top of Sierra Chiriquí, 1402m
1927566.104 P. H. Allen 4784 1947-07-27
Panama, Chiriquí, Bajo Mono - Robalo trail, western slopes of Cerro Horqueta, 1524 - 2134m
1927589.104 P. H. Allen 5015 1947-08-02
Panama, Chiriquí, Llanos west of Gualaca, 152m
2772182.104 L. E. Skog & W. G. D'Arcy 4094 A 1977-03-24
Panama, Chiriquí, Bajo Chorro, near Rio Caldera, 1900m
2772183.104 L. E. Skog, W. G. D'Arcy & J. P. Folsom 4067 1977-03-21
Panama, Chiriquí, Bajo Chorro, near Rio Caldera, 1900m
2772184.104 L. E. Skog, W. G. D'Arcy & J. P. Folsom 4059 1977-03-21
Panama, Chiriquí, Bajo Mono at Río Chiquero, 1800m
2772196.104 L. E. Skog, W. G. D'Arcy & J. P. Folsom 4011 1977-03-16
Panama, Chiriquí, Along trail to Alta Respinga above town of Cerro Punta, 2500 - 2800m
2825126.104 M. Nee 10620 1974-03-17
Panama, Chiriquí, Along road at Quebrada el Velo, near Finca Lerida, 6 km NW of Boquete, 8.8 -82.45, 1700m
2829810.104 W. G. D'Arcy 11100 1977-03-24
Panama, Chiriquí, Just above Bajo Chorro
2849284.104 B. E. Hammel 1462 1978-02-11
Panama, Chiriquí, 7 km NW of Cerro Punta, Las Nubes region, 2195m
2951640.104 P. J. M. Maas & R. L. Dressler 4988 1980-10-21
Panama, Chiriquí, Above Guadalupe, ca 2 km N of Cerro Punta, 8.88 -82.55, 1800m
2956838.104 B. E. Hammel 6558 1979-03-19
Panama, Chiriquí, E slope of Volcán Barú, 2591m
2956887.104 T. Antonio 2717 1979-11-22
Panama, Chiriquí, Monte Azul, 1.4 mi N of Entre Riís on E slopes of Cerro Punta, 3 mi by road from town of Cerro Punta, 2250m
2958929.104 W. G. D'Arcy, B. E. Hammel, E. C. Hill, S. Schwartz, O. Wolcott & H. Wolcott 12850 1979-04-02
Panama, Chiriquí, Between Guadalupe and Paseo Respingo, 2469m
2898946.104 S. A. Mori & A. Bolten 7253 1975-07-19
Panama, Chiriquí, Las Nubes, 5 km NW of Cerro Punta, 1829 - 1981m
2960050.104 J. P. Folsom 6027 1977-10-22
Panama, Chiriquí, Road to ridge top, near Raul Castro's House, Guadalupe, above Cerro Punta, 1829 - 2134m
2960055.104 J. P. Folsom, R. Channell, R. L. Dressler & K. Dressler 7130 1977-12-25
Panama, Chiriquí, Above Guadeloupe, on private land of Castro Raul, 2400m
2937616.104 S. Knapp & R. Schmalzel 4775 1982-04-24
Panama, Chiriquí, Trail to Cerro Pate Macho, headwaters of the Rio Palo Alto, above Palto Alto, 8.78 -82.37, 1700 - 2100m
2947770.104 W. G. D'Arcy 10127 1975-11-27
Panama, Chiriquí, Top of peak between Baru and Respinga, 3000m
2983312.104 C. Hamilton & H. Stockwell 3325 1983-03-16
Panama, Chiriquí, Path above Cerro Punta to Boquete, 8.83 -82.5, 2500m
2990788.104 G. Davidse, L. D. Gómez, G. Herrera Ch., R. Chacón, I. Chacón & A. Chacón 25117 1984-03-01
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Cordillera de Talamanca, 2-5 airline km NW of the peak of Cerro Echandi on the Costa Rican-Panamanian international border, 9.0583 -82.8417, 2600 - 2850m
3037252.104 H. van der Werff & J. Herrera 6238 1984-01-23
Panama, Chiriquí, Distr. de Bugaba, Cerro Punta, 8.87 -82.55, 2200m
3071135.104 G. de Nevers & S. Charnley 6064 1985-07-23
Panama, Chiriquí, Guadalupe Arriba, above Cerro Punta, 8.87 -82.55, 2100m
3145333.104 T. B. Croat 66461 1987-06-19
Panama, Chiriquí, Vicinity of Boquete, Cerro Pate de Macho, upper NE slopes and along soggy ridge of Continental Divide, 8.77 -82.42, 1900 - 2000m
3173928.104 H. van der Werff & J. Herrera 7182 1985-02-28
Panama, Chiriquí, Distr. de Bugaba, Santa Clara to Cerro Pando, 8.83 -82.73
3189634.104 I. Rincon & R. Rincon 125 1989-01-29
Panama, Chiriquí, Finca de La familia Alfaro, Guadalupe, 2000 - 2200m
3227221.104 W. G. D'Arcy & J. J. D'Arcy 6579 1972-08-08
Panama, Chiriquí, Between Cerro Punta and Cerro Respinga
3242698.104 T. B. Croat 74898 1993-03-28
Panama, Chiriquí, Vicinity of Las Nubes, Parque La Amistad; 3.5 mi W of Cerro Punta, 2 km inside park along old abandoned roads and trails and virgin forest above road, 8.88 -82.58, 800m
3360654.104 E. Montenegro & B. Cuevas 1187 1995-12-28
Panama, Chiriquí, Sendero a la laguna, entrando por el camino a Culebra, Bajo Mono, Boquete
3365049.104 C. Galdames, M. Correa, L. Guillén, B. Arauz, J. Deago & C. Guerra 2917 1996-05-17
Panama, Chiriquí, Distrito de Bugaba; Parque Nacional La Amistad, Area cercana a Las Nubes, 8.88 -82.6, 2000m
3365085.104 J. Aranda, C. Galdames, B. Arauz & L. Guillén 3186 1996-09-23
Panama, Chiriquí, Distrito de Renacimiento; Jurutungo, de La Fca. Los Quetzales hasta 1 km bajando por la carretera, 8.9 -82.73, 1935 - 1870m
3420778.104 J. R. Grant & J. R. Rundell 0-3728 2000-02-16
Panama, Chiriquí, Cerro Punta, 8.83 -82.53, 2255m
1820390.104 M. E. Davidson 39 1938-01-05
Panama, Chiriquí, Bajo Chorro, Boquete District, 1829m
3275365.104 D. B. Lellinger, B. McAlpin & R. E. Lellinger 1911 1975-06-28
Panama, Chiriquí, 1-2 km W of the town of Cerro Punta along trail above quarry, 2100m