Search Results (List)

Dataset: Harvard
Taxa: Stenospermation
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-26 of 26

Harvard University Herbaria

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stenospermation amomifolium (Poeppig) Schott
barcode-01630909T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   67021977-04-08
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity. Trail north from town, -3.1666666667 -71.8166666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stenospermation amomifolium (Poeppig) Schott
barcode-01630910R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   157311952-03-02
Colombia, Amazonas, Río Miritiparaná: Caño Guacayá, -0.5 -70.6666666667, 213m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stenospermation amomifolium (Poeppig) Schott
barcode-01630911R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   165081952-05-18
Colombia, Amazonas, Río Miritiparaná: Cerro de la Gente Chiquita in headwaters of Quebrada Guacayá

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stenospermation amomifolium (Poeppig) Schott
barcode-01630912D. D. Soejarto & H. Cardozo   7381963-09-11
Colombia, Amazonas, Leticia, opened road Leticia to Tarapacá, 12 km from Leticia, 200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stenospermation amomifolium (Poeppig) Schott
barcode-01630913H. V. Pinkley   5111966-10-18
Ecuador, Napo, Dureno on Río Aguarico

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stenospermation amomifolium (Poeppig) Schott
barcode-01630914T. C. Plowman & E. W. Davis   51051975-02-10
Peru, Cuzco, Paucartambo, Kosnipata Valley. Road from Pillawata to Patria, Sitio "Quitacalzon", 1128m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630915M. B. Foster & R. Foster   21031946-11-10
Colombia, Prov. Narino. Altaquer, 1067m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630916P. J. M. Maas & T. C. Plowman   19741974-10-06
Colombia, El Valle, new road Cali-Buenaventura, km 85, Boquerón, 50m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630917E. P. Killip   50551922-05-06
Colombia, Department of El Valle, Cordoba, Dagua Valley, 80 - 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630918M. T. Madison   8281972-11-10
Colombia, Chocó, 30 km. west of Quibdó on road to Medellin, 140m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630919R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   186731953-02-16
Colombia, Antioquia, Urabá: Municipio de Mutatá, Villa Arteaga, 46m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630920D. D. Soejarto & J. D. Villa   27571971-02-11
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. Zaragoza, Corr. Providencia, mountain ridge above the confluence of Quebrada Tirana and Rio Anori, 600 - 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630921S. S. Tillett   671-211967-01-26
Peru, Amazonas, Bagua, Dist. Senepa, 250 - 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630922K. von Sneidern   51081945-11-26
Colombia, Caldas, S:ta Cecilia, Tatamá, 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630923K. von Sneidern   48681945-08-28
Colombia, Chocó, Pizarro

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630924Jaroslav Soukup   23261944-00-00
Peru, Junín, Oxapampa

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stenospermation multiovulatum (Engler) N. E. Brown
barcode-01630925R. E. Schultes & G. A. Black   82931946-09-00
Colombia, Amazonas, Trapecio amazónico. Loretoyacu River, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630926P. J. M. Maas & T. C. Plowman   21291974-10-15
Colombia, Cauca, km 54 of road from Timbío to Veinte de Julio, 2100 - 2300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630927B. A. Krukoff   107011939-07-27
Bolivia, La Paz, Province of S. Yungas: Basin of Rio Bopi, Asunta (near Evenay), 690 - 750m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630928J. Schunke Vigo   49211971-05-20
Peru, San Martín, Mariscal Caceres, Dtto. Tocache Nuevo. Camino al Caserío de Santa Rosa de Mishollo, 4 k de Puerto Pizana

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630929J. Schunke Vigo   42891970-08-21
Peru, San Martín, Mariscal Caceres, Dtto. Campanilla. Cajon Pericote (margen derecha del río Huallaga)

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630930Rob. Vásquez, J. Campos & B. Cordova   267292000-11-13
Peru, Cajamarca, San Ignacio. San José de Lourdes. Base del Cerro El Parco, -5.0772222222 -78.8833333333, 2100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01630931I. G. Jönsson   920a1914-09-02
Brazil, Paraná, Jacarelij, in silva prim. ad arb.

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01874013R. Fonnegra G. curso vas.plant.vas.sem2/95   58571995-11-12
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio de san luis, Rivera de la quebrada la risaralda, 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Stenospermation amomifolium (Poeppig) Schott
barcode-01874014R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   162471952-04-24
Colombia, Amazonas, Río Miritiparaná: Caño Guacayá, -0.5 -70.6666666667, 213m

barcode-01874015T. B. Croat   711731990-03-07
Colombia, Nariño, Ricaurte. Reserva Natural La Planada: 7 km above Chucunés on road between Tuquerres and Ricaurte, 1.1 -77.9, 1780 - 1850m

Page 1, records 1-26 of 26


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