Search Results (List)

Dataset: Harvard
Taxa: Anthurium
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 643

Harvard University Herbaria

Anthurium atropurpureum apertum R. E. Schultes
barcode-00025766R. E. Schultes   120941951-03-00
Colombia, Amazonas-Vaupes, Rio Apaporis, Raudal de Jerijerimo, extensive white-sand savannah or caatinga on right bank

Anthurium crassinervium caatingae R. E. Schultes
barcode-00020050R. E. Schultes, R. F. Raffauf & D. D. Soejarto   242021966-10-20
Colombia, Vaupés, Rio Vaupés, at base of Cerro de Mitú

Anthurium miquelli Engler
barcode-00025764M. Bang   23111894-06-20
Bolivia, La Paz, Coripati, Yungas

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00028660A. Fendler   13431854-00-00
Venezuela, Aragua, Prope coloniam Tovar

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anthurium crystallinum Linden & André
barcode-00028659H. G. A. Engler   94
Peru, Ad Andium declivia orientalis detexit Wallis

Anthurium standleyi Croat & R. A. Baker
barcode-00028628T. B. Croat   434391977-08-14
Costa Rica, San José, Ca. 4.5 miles southwest of Canaan along gravel road from Rivas, ca. 900 m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anthurium magnifolium Croat & J. Rodriguez
barcode-00106918T. B. Croat & J. Rodriguez de Salvador   615061986-07-16
Ecuador, Pichincha, Reserva Endesa, about 8 km North of Km. 113 on Quito-Pto. Quito road, vic. Rio Cabuyales, 750 m, 0°05'N, 79°02'W, 0.08333333 -79.033333

barcode-00028627C. Seler & E. G. Seler   26431896-04-05
Guatemala, Huehuetenango, Chacala

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00028662M. T. Madison, E. O. Bush, III & E. W. Davis   34771976-11-00
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Cordillera de Cutucu, western slopes, along a trail from Logroño to Yapui, in the general region 2°46'S x 78°06'W, alt. 1600 m, -2.7666666 -78.1

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00028619T. B. Croat   453371979-01-08
Mexico, Nayarit, Along Highway 28 between Yepic and Jalcacatlan at km 15.5, ca. 1000 m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00028672J. L. Zarucchi & J. McElroy   11721975-04-07
Colombia, Vaupés, Mitu and vicinity; along Rio Vaupes, 2-3 km below Urania

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00028661A. Fendler   13431854-00-00
Venezuela, Aragua, Prope coloniam Tovar

barcode-00028626C. Seler & E. G. Seler   26431896-04-05
Guatemala, Huehuetenango, Chacala

Anthurium infectorium R. E. Schultes
barcode-00019899R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   196741951-11-00
Colombia, Vaupés, Rio Vaupés, Circasia, 800 feet

Anthurium nemoricola R. E. Schultes & Maguire
barcode-00028666R. E. Schultes   6900A1945-11-00
Colombia, Amazonas, Trapecio amazonico, interior regions of trapecio between Amazon and Putumayo watersheds, in sandy savanna forest, above 100 m.

barcode-00028621T. B. Croat   379001976-07-27
Panama, Darién, Serrania de Pirre, along steep narrow ridge from Alturas de Nique to Cerro Pire, ca. 12 km due north of Alto de Nique; lower montane rain forest (Holridge Life Zone System); alt. 1520-1560 m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00028670T. C. Plowman & H. Kennedy   57691976-03-27
Peru, Huánuco, Leoncio Prado, Jacintillo, along Rio Monzon, west of Tingo Maria, 800 m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00028669T. C. Plowman & H. Kennedy   57691976-03-27
Peru, Huánuco, Leoncio Prado, Jacintillo, along Rio Monzon, west of Tingo Maria, 800 m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00028657E. P. Killip   115551922-09-22
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Forest along Rio Caballete, Dagua Valley, Santa Rosa, 200- 300 m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anthurium rusticum N. E. Brown
barcode-00028671M. Bang   24791894-09-00
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas

barcode-00028623T. B. Croat   377451976-07-27
Panama, Darién, Serrania de Pirre, along ascent of Serrania de Pirre above Cana Gold Mine between Rio Cana and Rio Ascucho Ruido, 600- 1000 m, premontane rain forest (Holridge Life Zone Map)

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00025763F. C. Lehmann   5987
Colombia, Cauca, Poblazan, near Popayan, 1700 - 2500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00028658T. B. Croat   615971986-07-19
Ecuador, Guayas, Near frontier of Los Rios, Bolivar & Chimborazo Provinces, 0.9 km. east of junction to El Triumfo at edge of General Elizalde (Bucay), along a stream with steep, rocky banks, near highway and immediately above Rio Chimbo, 315 m, 2°12'S, 79°05'W, -2.2 -79.083333

Anthurium rupicolum Croat Croat
barcode-00028624T. B. Croat   275261974-08-30
Panama, Veraguas, Valley of Rio Dos Bocas, 11 km. from Escuela Agricola Alto Piedra (above Santa Fe) on road to Calovebora; primary forest along river, 450 m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anthurium brenesii Croat & R. A. BakerI
barcode-00028615T. B. Croat   469231979-02-03
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Along Highway 15 between Naranjo and Quesada, 3.2 miles north of Zapote, 1560 m

Anthurium idroboanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-00025765J. M. Idrobo & R. E. Schultes   11621951-01-06
Colombia, Meta, Cordillera La Macarena (extremo nordeste), macizo Renjifo, cumbre y alrededores, 1300-1900 m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00028663F. C. Lehmann   7202
Colombia, Cauca, Paramo de Guanacas, Popayan, 2800-3400 m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00028616T. B. Croat   373731976-07-21
Panama, Coclé, La Mesa, above El Valle de Anton, ca. 2 km west of Cerro Pilon on slopes of steep hill, 860-900 m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anthurium atropurpureum R. E. Schultes & Maguire
barcode-00025733R. E. Schultes & G. A. Black   46-3751946-11-08
Colombia, Amazonas, Varial perto da "Quebrada" Agua Preta, Trapecio

Anthurium cotobrusii Croat & R. A. Baker
barcode-00028618T. B. Croat   330581976-03-12
Panama, Chiriqui, Above San Felix along mining road 18-27 miles off to Pan-Am Highway (above Chame or turnoff to Escopeta), 1200-1500 m

barcode-00025761F. C. Lehmann   5329
Colombia, Cauca, La Conga, western Andes of Popayan, 1400-1800 m

Anthurium standleyi Croat & R. A. Baker
barcode-00028629T. B. Croat   434391977-08-14
Costa Rica, San José, Ca. 4.5 miles southwest of Canaan along gravel road from Rivas, ca. 900 m

barcode-00028630C. Wright   32101860-00-00

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00028668T. B. Croat   581611984-04-12
Peru, San Martín, Along road between Moyobamba and Chachapoyas, vicinity of km. markers 430-431, just east of village of Naranjos, 770 m, sandy area with much inundation, 5°21'S, 77°20'W, -5.35 -77.333333

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00028664O. Buchtien   3651926-12-26
Bolivia, La Paz, Larecaja, San Carlos (Mapiri region), Waldrand, 850 m

Anthurium pluricostatum Croat & R.Baker
barcode-00028622T. B. Croat   432431977-08-12
Costa Rica, Limón, Ca. 1 mile northeast of Bribri, ca. 40 miles southwest of Limon, steep ravine above Rio Catarata, 50-100 m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00028667F. C. Lehmann   5989
Colombia, Cauca, Ortega, east slopes of West Andes of Popayan, 1500-1700 m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00028656F. C. Lehmann   7591
Colombia, Antioquia, Rio Dolores, between Angostura and Santa Rosa, 1700-2300 m

Anthurium bonplandii bonplandii
barcode-00025762R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   123701951-06-11
Colombia, Rio Apaporis, Cachivera de Jirijirimo y alrededores, ca. 250 m

Anthurium cotobrusii Croat & R. A. Baker
barcode-00028617T. B. Croat   330581976-03-12
Panama, Chiriqui, Above San Felix along mining road 18-27 miles off to Pan-Am Highway (above Chame or turnoff to Escopeta), 1200-1500 m

Anthurium infectorium R. E. Schultes
barcode-00019900R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   196741951-11-00
Colombia, Vaupés, Rio Vaupés, Circasia, 800 feet

barcode-00028631C. Wright   32091860-09-11
Cuba, La Catalina

Anthurium amoenum Kunth & Bouché
barcode-00219913M. T. Madison   9301972-12-16
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, 44 km. east of Loja on road to Zamora, Province Zamora Chinchipe., 1600m

Anthurium piurensis Croat & Lingán
barcode-00247659A. S. Hitchcock   214251923-09-04
Ecuador, Province Loja. Between La Toma and Loja., 1800 - 2600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anthurium terracolum Croat & J. Rodriguez
barcode-00404224T. B. Croat   695851988-07-26
Colombia, Nariño, Ricaurte, Planada, 7 km above Chucunes on road between Tuquerres and Ricaurte. Regrowth secondary forest with primary elements and trail above "La Posada" building. 01°05'N 078° 01'W, 1780m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anthurium umbricola rupicola Engler
barcode-00404976F. C. Lehmann   7751
Ecuador, El Entable, Naranyal, 200 - 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00404977F. C. Lehmann   77531887-06-00
Ecuador, Volcan de Tunjuragua, 1800 - 2200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Anthurium nanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-00967150R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   131831951-07-25
Colombia, Vaupés, Río Kananarí, Cachivera Palito, 250m

barcode-01634939S. Madriñan & C. E. Barbosa   300A1989-07-15
Colombia, Magdalena, Alto Río Buritaca, Alto de Miro, por el camino hasta el pico de 1500 m, 11.0833333333 -73.8, 1100 - 1500m

barcode-01634940S. Madriñan & C. E. Barbosa   3001989-07-15
Colombia, Magdalena, Alto Río Buritaca, Alto de Miro, por el camino del Caño Negro hasta la finca de Merardo, 11.0833333333 -73.8, 900 - 1100m

barcode-01635291J. R. Johnston   2971903-07-11
Venezuela, Margarita, San Juan Mt., 400m

Anthurium scandens (Aublet) Engler
barcode-01635339J. R. Johnston   141903-07-18
Venezuela, Island of Margarita, El Valle, 300m

barcode-01635387K. von Sneidern   48721945-09-12
Colombia, Chocó, Pizarro

barcode-01635388A. Liebig & L. Krause   1999-00-00
Brazil, Municipio Bezerros, Locality: Serra Negra de Bezerros, 840m

barcode-01635389A. Liebig & L. Krause   1999-00-00
Brazil, Municipio Bezerros, Locality: Serra Negra de Bezerros, 840m

barcode-01635390A. Liebig & L. Krause   1999-00-00
Brazil, Municipio Bezerros, Locality: Serra Negra de Bezerros, 840m

barcode-01635391A. Liebig & L. Krause   1999-00-00
Brazil, Municipio Bezerros, Locality: Serra Negra de Bezerros, 840m

barcode-01635392F. W. Pennell   90691922-07-31
Colombia, Caldas, "Canaan," south of Salento, Cordillera Central, 1400 - 1700m

Anthurium albaretti J. F. Macbride
barcode-01635393J. D. Boeke & J. B. McElroy   2551976-10-26
Colombia, Antioquia, Páramo Frontino. Near Llano Grande, 3450m

Anthurium albertiae T. B. Croat & D. C. Bay
barcode-01635394T. B. Croat & D. C. Bay   757911993-07-16
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Bajo Calima Region; along road between Buenaventura and Málaga, Km 51.7 from main Cali-Buenaventura Hwy., 4.05 -77.0833333333

Anthurium amoenum humile (Schott) Engler
barcode-01635395[data not captured]   B. T.4601886-00-00
Colombia, [data not captured], 1600 - 1800m

Anthurium amoenum humile (Schott) Engler
barcode-01635396T. C. Plowman   59081976-04-16
Peru, Dept. Huanuco: Prov. Leoncio Prado. Fondo Mariamilla, Dist. Emilio Valdizan, along old road to La Divisoria, 1380m

Anthurium amoenum humile (Schott) Engler
barcode-01635397T. C. Plowman   59081976-04-16
Peru, Dept. Huanuco: Prov. Leoncio Prado. Fondo Mariamilla, Dist. Emilio Valdizan, along old road to La Divisoria, 1380m

Anthurium amoenum humile (Schott) Engler
barcode-01635398T. C. Plowman & E. W. Davis   49701975-02-04
Peru, Cuzco, Prov. Paucartambo. Kosnipata Valley. Road from Pillawata to Patria, 2054m

Anthurium amoenum humile (Schott) Engler
barcode-01635399Jaroslav Soukup   23321944-08-00
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampe, 1600m

Anthurium amoenum humile (Schott) Engler
barcode-01635400T. B. Croat & M. Sizemore   816621998-06-03
Peru, Huánuco, Leoncio Prado, Along road from Tingo María to Pucalpa, 2.4 km N of San Isidro, -9.2216666667 -75.8277777778, 891m

barcode-01635401[data not captured]   
[data not captured]

Anthurium andreanum Linden
barcode-01635402G. F. J. Pabst   91681968-07-20
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, [no additional detail]

Anthurium andreanum Linden
barcode-01635403F. C. Lehmann   B. T. 8641889-00-00
Colombia, Agua-West-Audes of Popayau, 600 - 800m

Anthurium andreanum Linden
barcode-01635404M. B. Foster & R. Foster   21411943-11-11
Colombia, Nariño, Altaquer

Anthurium andreanum Linden
barcode-01635405F. C. Lehmann   1881-03-00
Colombia, [data not captured]

Anthurium angustisinus T. B. Croat & M. Menke
barcode-01635406T. C. Plowman & E. W. Davis   45511974-11-24
Ecuador, Pastaza, Environs of Mera, 1189m

barcode-01635407[data not captured]   8634
Colombia, Rio Tumbiqui, 200 - 400m

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635408R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   133351951-08-04
Colombia, Vaupés, Río Kananarí (affluent of Río Apaporis), Cerro Isibukurí

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635409R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   153921952-02-16
Colombia, Vaupés, Río Apaporis: Raudal Yayacopi (La Playa( and vicinity, 244m

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635410R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   167141952-06-15
Colombia, Vaupés, Río Apaporis: Jinogoje

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635411T. C. Plowman, C. J. Sheviak & E. W. Davis   40091974-08-01
Ecuador, Napo, Canton Putumayo. Rio Aguarico. town of Dureno, 457m

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635412R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   16943A1952-08-18
Colombia, Vaupés, Río Apaporis: Raudal Yayacopi (La Playa) and vicinity, -0.0833333333 -70.5, 244m

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635413R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   133241951-08-04
Colombia, Vaupés, Río Kananarí: Cerro Isibukuri. Piedra de arenisca, 700m

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635414R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   147621951-00-00
Colombia, Vaupés, Río Kananarí (affluent of Río Apaporis), Cerro Isibukurí

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635415T. C. Plowman   21351968-12-11
Colombia, Putumayo, Orito: forest near Rio Calderas, 300m

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635416T. C. Plowman   20831968-11-28
Colombia, Putumayo, San Pedro: on road to Puerto Asis. Forest 2 km southwest of San Pedro, 300m

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635417T. C. Plowman   24501969-02-08
Colombia, Leticia Region: forest 7 km. north of Leticia near road

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635418R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   153921952-02-16
Colombia, Río Apaporis: Raudal Yayacopi (La Playa) and vicinity, -0.0833333333 -70.5, 244m

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635419R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   195441953-06-01
Colombia, Vaupés, Río Paca (tributary of Río Papurí): Wacaricaura and vicinity, 0.5 -70.1666666667, 198m

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635420R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   16943A1952-08-18
Colombia, Vaupés, Río Apaporis: Raudal Yayacopi (La Playa) and vicinity, -0.0833333333 -70.5, 244m

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635421R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   140711951-09-16
Colombia, Vaupés, Río Apaporis: Cachivera de Jirijirimo y alrededores, 250m

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635422R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   195441955-06-01
Colombia, Vaupés, Río Paca (tributary of Río Papurí): Wacaricaura and vicinity, 198m

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635423R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   15392
Colombia, Vaupés, Río Apaporis: Raudal Yayacopi (La Playa) and vicinity, 244m

Anthurium apaporanum R. E. Schultes
barcode-01635424R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   158921952-03-09
Colombia, Vaupés, Río Piraparana, lower course

Anthurium augustinum K. Koch & Lauche
barcode-01635425T. B. Croat   537051982-06-26
Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Sitio Burle Marx, San Carlos

Anthurium atropurpureum R. E. Schultes & Maguire
barcode-01635426S. Madrinan, Goya Ngan & Jon Page   11171993-04-26
Colombia, Vaupés, Caño Cubiyú. Comunidad Indígena La Sabana, 1.25 -70.85, 200m

Anthurium atropurpureum R. E. Schultes & Maguire
barcode-01635427T. B. Croat   503031980-10-03
Ecuador, Napo, Along road between Lago Agrio and Río San Miguel, 3 km N of Lago Agrio, 450m

Anthurium bakeri Hooker f.
barcode-01635428M. B. Foster & R. Foster   17161946-09-16
Colombia, Prov.: N. de Santander; Loc.: Camp 84 on pipeline, 549m

Anthurium bakeri Hooker f.
barcode-01635429M. B. Foster & R. Foster   17241946-09-16
Colombia, Prov.: N. de Santander; Loc.: Camp 84 on pipeline, 549m

Anthurium bakeri Hooker f.
barcode-01635430R. E. Schultes & I. Cabrera   162601952-04-24
Colombia, Amazonas, Río Miritiparaná: Caño Guacayá., -0.5 -70.6666666667, 213m

barcode-01635431T. B. Croat   507021980-10-15
Ecuador, Manabi, Along farm road due E of Hda. Napo (Moteles del Playa) at N edge of San Vicente, 3-4 km E of ocean ca. 6 km N of Bahia de Caracas, -0.5 -80.3666666667, 50m

barcode-01635432F. G. Thompson   3621981-11-20
Ecuador, El Oro, Arenillas Canton

barcode-01635433[data not captured]   
Brazil, Bahia, [no additional data]

barcode-01635434A. Fendler   26281855-05-24
Venezuela, Colonia Tovari, 1981m

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