Search Results (List)

Dataset: Harvard
Search Criteria: Honduras; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 782

Harvard University Herbaria

Orthostichopsis fornicata B. H. Allen & W. R. Buck B. H. Allen & W. R. Buck
barcode-00220105B. H. Allen   125481992-05-30
Honduras, Olancho, Sierra de Algalta; La Chorrera, Rio Lara below Montana Babilonia, 15 km NNW of Catacamas, 14.983333329999999 -85.93333333, 1100 - 1800m

Rhynchostegium patulum E. B. Bartram E. B. Bartram
barcode-00220349P. C. Standley   553051927-12-06
Honduras, Atlántida, Lancetilla Valley, near Tela, 20 - 600m

barcode-00217930J. B. Edwards   4751933-08-03
Honduras, Comayagua, [Redacted], 609m

barcode-00241663Ant. Molina   16601948-11-23
Honduras, El Paraíso, Quebrada Dantas 20 km, noroeste de Yuscaran, area de robles

Daldinia eschscholzii (Ehrenberg) Rehm (Ehrenberg) Rehm
barcode-00079481Sutter   1923-05-00
Honduras, Atlántida, La Ceiba

barcode-00243030J. B. Edwards   2251932-08-12
Honduras, Comayagua, [Redacted], 609m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00243029J. B. Edwards   4171933-05-08
Honduras, Comayagua, [Redacted]

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00243028J. B. Edwards   233
Honduras, Comayagua, [Redacted]

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00243027J. B. Edwards   2261932-07-12
Honduras, Comayagua, [Redacted]

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00243032J. B. Edwards   4251933-05-07
Honduras, Comayagua, [Redacted], 1066m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00243031J. B. Edwards   1871932-06-28
Honduras, Comayagua, [Redacted]

barcode-00241985C. Thieme   54891889-04-00
Honduras, Santa Bárbara, San Pedro Sula, 350m

barcode-00139945W. A. Schipp   S-2981933-08-07
Honduras, Machaca, 15m

barcode-00139948Ant. Molina   34791950-12-01
Honduras, Cortés, Faldas de San Juuan Lindo, cerca de Sta. Ana, area del bosque lluvioso de Cordillera de Omoa

barcode-00139950L. O. Williams & Ant. Molina   146161948-08-09
Honduras, Comayagua, Near Pito Solo, margins of Lake Yojoa, 630m

barcode-00139951E. R. Mitchell   371926-03-21
Honduras, Atlántida, Vicinity of Tela, 8m

barcode-00139952W. N. Bangham   3651929-08-12
Honduras, Atlántida, Valley near dam for water supply of Progreso, Atlantida

barcode-00139954F.A. Barkley & M.L. Smith   408601970-06-21
Honduras, Santa Bárbara, Mountain above Las Vegas, 1067m

Psiguria triphylla C. Jeffrey
barcode-00139957F.A. Barkley & M. Hernández M.   402271970-05-01
Honduras, Atlántida, Near Peru

Psiguria triphylla C. Jeffrey
barcode-00139959M. E. Peck   7121907-03-12
Honduras, Toledo

barcode-00139985W. A. Schipp   10141932-09-26
Honduras, Dixie, Punta Gorda, 60m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper multinervium var. hirsuticaule Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005474T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   57241936-07-08
Honduras, Comayagua, Vicinity of Siguatepeque, 1050m

Piper auritum f. rinconense Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005366T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   60641936-07-24
Honduras, Comayagua, El Rincon, 10 mi. W of Siguatepeque, 1400 - 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper tuberculatum var. cangrejalense Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005574T. G. Yuncker, J. M. Koepper & K. A. Wagner   82041938-07-05
Honduras, Atlántida, Vicinity of La Ceiba, Mt. Cangrejal

Peperomia opaca var. ciliata Trelease Trelease
barcode-00004993T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   61871936-07-28
Honduras, Comayagua, Near the summit of the range above El Achote, above the plains of Siguatepeque, 1850m

Piper siguatepequense var. subrhombifolium Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005548T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   56171936-07-03
Honduras, Comayagua, Vicinity of Siguatepeque, 1050m

Quercus perseaefolia var. achoteana Trelease Trelease
barcode-00034125T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   62031936-07-28
Honduras, Comayagua, West of El Achote, above the plains of Siguatepeque, alt. 1300 m

barcode-00094586C. Thieme   54111888-05-00
Honduras, Santa Bárbara, San Pedro Sula, 1200 feet

Image Associated With the Occurence
Laelia digbyana var. fimbripetala Ames Ames
barcode-00100409J. B. Edwards   1881932-06-30
Honduras, Comayagua, Las Limas, 914m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Laelia digbyana var. fimbripetala Ames Ames
barcode-00100410J. B. Edwards   1881932-06-30
Honduras, Comayagua, Las Limas, 914m

Piper deamii var. yojoanum Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005397T. G. Yuncker   48751934-07-30
Honduras, Cortés, Lake Yojoa, near Paral; 2100 ft., 640m

Quercus achoteana var. sublanosa Trelease Trelease
barcode-00034118T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   59611936-07-18
Honduras, Comayagua, Siguatepeque, alt. 1000-1100 m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper scabriseptum var. reductum Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005542T. G. Yuncker   47731934-07-27
Honduras, Near Lancetilla; 90 ft.

Piper variabile var. obtenum Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005583T. G. Yuncker, J. M. Koepper & K. A. Wagner   84951938-07-26
Honduras, Atlántida, Vicinity of La Ceiba, lower slopes of Mt. Cangrejal; 500 ft., 152m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper multinervium var. productipes Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005475T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   58191936-07-13
Honduras, Comayagua, Near El Achote, hills above plains of Siguatepeque, 1350m

Stigmaphyllon tiliifolium var. sericans Niedenzu Niedenzu
barcode-00059498C. Thieme   51641888-10-00
Honduras, Santa Bárbara, San Pedro Sula, 800 ft

Image Associated With the Occurence
Pleurothallis hastata var. hondurensis Ames Ames
barcode-00074322O. Ames   II 146

barcode-00135524   60981951-04-05
Honduras, Santa Bárbara, [Redacted]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper fraguanum var. viride Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005421T. G. Yuncker   49181934-08-05
Honduras, Near Lancetilla; 90 ft., 27m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper multinervium var. flavicans Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005473T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   58591936-07-14
Honduras, Comayagua, Near Siguatepeque; on rocky hillside, 1200m

barcode-00095340J. B. Edwards   6011933-05-06
Honduras, Comayagua, San Louis, cut over valley lands, 2500 feet

barcode-00094741J. B. Edwards   P 3851932-07-03
Honduras, Comayagua, Las LImas, river valley forest, 3000 feet

Peperomia circulifolia var. flava Trelease Trelease
barcode-00004950T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   58691936-07-15
Honduras, Comayagua, Near El Achote, hills above the plains of Siguatepeque, 1350m

Piper cobanense var. sarculatum Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005383P. C. Standley   539121927-12-00
Honduras, Yoro, Quebrada Seca, 30m

Ageratum littorale f. setigerum B. L. Robinson B. L. Robinson
barcode-00000742G. F. Gaumer   1886-08-00
Honduras, Mugeres Island, Bay of Honduras

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper exigens var. subovatum Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005415T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   59971936-07-21
Honduras, Comayagua, near El Achote, hills above plains of Siguatepeque, 1350m

barcode-00094742J. B. Edwards   P 3851932-07-03
Honduras, Comayagua, Las Limas, river valley forest, 3000 feet

Dicranopygium gracile subsp. hondurense Harling Harling
barcode-00028605P. C. Standley   548321927-12-06
Honduras, Atlántida, Lancetilla Valley, near Tela, alt. 20-600 m

Piper gracillimum var. dantoense Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005429T. G. Yuncker, J. M. Koepper & K. A. Wagner   84851938-07-16
Honduras, Atlántida, Vicinity of La Ceiba near the Danto river, slopes of Mt. Cangrejal; 600 ft., 182m

Piper calvescens var. aguanum Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005374T. G. Yuncker, J. M. Koepper & K. A. Wagner   81241938-06-29
Honduras, Yoro, Aguan river valley, vicinity of Coyoles

Quercus yoroensis var. aguana Trelease Trelease
barcode-00055570T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   81851938-06-30
Honduras, Yoro, Los Flores, Aguan River valley, vicinity of Coyoles, on rocky mountain slope above village of Los Flores

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper epilosipes var. heterophyllum Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005411T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   60971936-07-26
Honduras, Comayagua, El Achote above plains of Siguatepeque, 1350m

Peperomia suavis var. hondurensis Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005022T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   58781936-07-15
Honduras, Comayagua, Near El Achote, above the plains of Siguatepeque, 1350 m.

barcode-00000743G. F. Gaumer   1886-08-00
Honduras, Mugeres Island, Bay of Honduras

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper multinervium var. pubescenticaule Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005478T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   57311936-07-08
Honduras, Comayagua, Near Siguatepeque, 1050m

Piper calvescens var. potrerillosense Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005376T. G. Yuncker   48941934-07-31
Honduras, Cortés, Potrerillo

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper pictamentum var. fluminis Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005513T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   57181936-07-08
Honduras, Comayagua, Near Siguatepeque, 1050m

Smilax regelii var. albida Killip & C. V. Morton Killip & C. V. Morton
barcode-00030074P. C. Standley   532571927-12-06
Honduras, Atlántida, Lancetilla Valley, near Tela, alt. 20-600 m

Piper calvescens var. cangrejalense Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005375T. G. Yuncker, J. M. Koepper & K. A. Wagner   84641938-07-16
Honduras, Atlántida, Vicinity of La Ceiba; lower slopes of Mt. Cangrejal.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper yunckeri var. latum Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005593T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   63331936-08-06
Honduras, Comayagua, Near El Achote, hills above the plains of Siguatepeque, 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper multinervium var. puberulipedunculum Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005477T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   58761936-07-15
Honduras, Comayagua, El Achote, above plains of Siguatepeque, 1350m

Peperomia petenensis var. hondurensis Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005000T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   59221936-07-17
Honduras, Comayagua, At El Achote, above Siguatepeque, 1350m

Piper multinervium var. protractifolium Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005476T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   56681936-07-05
Honduras, Comayagua, Above Siguatepeque, 1050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper atlantidanum var. yoroense Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005362P. C. Standley   550731928-01-24
Honduras, Yoro, Near Progreso, 30m

Capsicum silvigaudens Standl. & L. O. Williams
barcode-00032808Ant. Molina   14281948-00-00
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Norte de la Mount Uyuca, caminos Tatumbla, Labranza y Quebrada El Granadillo, sobre la Mount Uyuca, drainage of the Rio Yeguare, 14° N, 87° W, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00082313J. B. Edwards   241931-08-09
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Tegucigalpa, Peña Blanca, vicinity of San Juancito; 5000-6000 ft. alt.

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barcode-00000345J. B. Edwards   241931-08-09
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, [Redacted]

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Piper petens Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005511T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   61071936-07-26
Honduras, Comayagua, El Achote, above the plains of Siguatepeque, 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Ilex hondurensis Standley Standley
barcode-00049341T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   62931936-08-00
Honduras, Comayagua, Edge of ravine near El Achote; hills above the plains of Siguatepeque, alt. 1350 m

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barcode-00005543T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   61561936-07-28
Honduras, Comayagua, Above El Achote, SW of Siguatepeque, 1800 - 2000m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Casearia williamsiana Sleumer Sleumer
barcode-00066950Ant. Molina   27111950-03-23
Honduras, Department of Morazán, Río de La Orilla faldas del Cerro Majicarán, drainage of the Rio Yeguare, ca. 87°W, 14°N

Synandrina riparia Standley & L. O. Williams Standley & L. O. Williams
barcode-00066949Ant. Molina   27111950-03-23
Honduras, Department of Morazán, Río de La Orilla faldas del Cerro Majicarán, drainage of the Rio Yeguare, ca. 87°W, 14°N

Pithecellobium telense Britton Britton
barcode-00069197P. C. Standley   537411927-12-14
Honduras, Atlántida, Vicinity of Tela, wooded swamp

Image Associated With the Occurence
Hexadesmia hondurensis Ames Ames
barcode-00100293J. B. Edwards   3341932-12-26
Honduras, Comayagua, [Redacted]

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Sobralia edwardsii Ames Ames
barcode-00104289J. B. Edwards   2991932-00-00
Honduras, Cortés, [Redacted]

barcode-00068870P. C. Standley   561641928-02-18
Honduras, Comayagua, El Achote, near Siguatepeque, pine forest, 1500 m

Dendropanax hondurensis M. J. Cannon & Cannon M. J. Cannon & Cannon
barcode-00068799Ant. Molina   4731947-08-07
Honduras, Francisco Morazán, Mount Uyuca, cloud forest, 2000 m

Caesalpinia recordii Britton & Rose
barcode-00059872S. J. Record   1926-00-00

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper praemollitum Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005515T. G. Yuncker   48251934-07-29
Honduras, Cortés, Lake Yojoa; 2100 ft., 640m

Smilax luculenta Killip & C. V. Morton
barcode-00030066P. C. Standley   542751927-12-14
Honduras, Atlántida, Vicinity of Tela, at sea level

Polygala hebantha Bentham Bentham
barcode-00025922A. Sinclair   
Honduras, Valle, Gulf of Fonseca

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00005550P. C. Standley   551841927-12-14
Honduras, Atlántida, Vicinity of Tela; at sea level

barcode-00023114C. L. Lundell   69391936-08-00
Honduras, El Cayo. Along Belize River and tributaries

Mortoniodendron membranaceum Standley & Steyermark Standley & Steyermark
barcode-00052388T. G. Yuncker, J. M. Koepper & K. A. Wagner   85191938-07-19
Honduras, Mountain slopes near Puente Alto stop on S.F.Co. R.R, east of Ceiba, alt. 800 feet, 243m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00071954T. G. Yuncker, J. M. Koepper & K. A. Wagner   80101938-06-25
Honduras, Atlántida, Vicinity of LaCeiba, river bank, foothills back of Ceiba.

Peperomia collocata Trel. ex Yunck.
barcode-00004954T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   61061936-07-26
Honduras, Comayagua, Near El Achote, hills above Siguatepeque, 1350m

Bryum bursiforme E. B. Bartram E. B. Bartram
barcode-00059159P. C. Standley   540321928-01-04
Honduras, Atlantida Dept, Lancetilla Valley, near Tela, on wet sandy soil, 20-600 m

Lippia lucens Standley Standley
barcode-00095237J. B. Edwards   P 5141932-11-10
Honduras, Comayagua, Siguatepeque, open mountain forest, 3700 feet

barcode-00066813P. C. Standley   527441927-12-06
Honduras, Atlántida, Wet thicket, Lancetilla Valley, near Tela, 20-600 m

barcode-00029368T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   59341936-07-17
Honduras, Comayagua, In ravine near El Achote, above the plains of Siguatepeque, alt. 1350 m, 1350m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-00005345P. C. Standley   567351928-03-11
Honduras, Atlántida, Near La Ceiba

barcode-00036134P. C. Standley   548021927-12-06
Honduras, Atlántida, Lancetilla Valley, near Tela, alt. 20-600 m

Decazyx macrophyllus Pittier & S. F. Blake
barcode-00056740H. F. Pittier   84531919-05-06
Honduras, Copán, Near Los Ranchos

Peperomia aggravascens Trelease Trelease
barcode-00004927T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   59901936-07-21
Honduras, Comayagua, Near the summit of the range above El Achote, above the plains of Siguatepeque, 1800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Piper dedititium Trelease Trelease
barcode-00005398P. C. Standley   539371927-12-00
Honduras, Yoro, Quebrada Seca, 30m

Hexadesmia hondurensis Ames Ames
barcode-00100292J. B. Edwards   3341932-12-26
Honduras, Comayagua, [Redacted], 1219m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Cranichis sylvatica A.Rich. & Galeotti
barcode-00098438J. B. Edwards   2831932-10-15
Honduras, Comayagua, [Redacted], 1127m

Quercus yunckeri Trelease Trelease
barcode-00055568T. G. Yuncker, R. F. Dawson & H. R. Youse   61801936-07-28
Honduras, Comayagua, El Achote above Siguatepeque, in dense forest near summit of the range above El Achote, 1800 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
Trichilia breviflora S. F. Blake & Standley
barcode-00044904E. R. Mitchell   9671926-04-07
Honduras, Atlántida, Vicinity of Tela

Symplocos molinae L. O. Williams L. O. Williams
barcode-00076933L. O. Williams & Ant. Molina   102491946-08-07
Honduras, Yoro, Morazán, Mount Uyuca, 1160 m.

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