Search Results (List)

Dataset: Harvard
Search Criteria: Peru; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 38, records 3701-3800 of 4465

Harvard University Herbaria

Anthurium obtusum (Engler) Grayum
barcode-01635791S. S. Tillett   671-221967-01-26
Peru, Amazonas, Bagua, Dist. Senepa, 250 - 300m

Anthurium obtusum (Engler) Grayum
barcode-01635798Y. E. J. Mexia   6233a1931-12-06
Peru, Loreto, Above Pongo de Manseriche. Right bank of Rio Santiago, 200m

Anthurium obtusum (Engler) Grayum
barcode-01635799T. C. Plowman   24691969-02-11
Peru, Loreto, Rio Ampiyacu: Puca Orquilla; near Witoto village, 100m

Anthurium obtusum (Engler) Grayum
barcode-01635803T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   68621977-04-14
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Yaguasyacu, affluent of Río Ampiyacu. Brillo Nuevo and vicinity, -2.6666666667 -72

barcode-01635839T. C. Plowman   60441976-05-05
Peru, San Martín, Prov. San Marin. Road from Tarapoto to Juanjui. Km. 24, 300m

barcode-01635840T. C. Plowman   60441976-05-05
Peru, San Martín, Prov. San Marin. Road from Tarapoto to Juanjui. Km. 24, 300m

barcode-01635841T. C. Plowman   60441976-05-05
Peru, San Martín, Prov. San Marin. Road from Tarapoto to Juanjui. Km. 24, 300m

Anthurium polyschistum R. E. Schultes & J. M. Idrobo
barcode-01635843T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   69681977-04-22
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Ampiyacu, Puca Urquillo and vicinity, -3.0833333333 -71.9166666667

Anthurium reflexinerium Croat
barcode-01635852T. C. Plowman   5823 A1976-04-05
Peru, Huánuco, Leoncio Prado, Tingo Maria. Hills above airport, left bank of Rio Huallaga, 700 - 800m

barcode-01635853T. B. Croat   583601984-04-16
Peru, Amazonas, Bagua, Along trail ca. 5 km above La Peca (15.6 km E of main plaza in Bagua), 2050 - 2160m

Anthurium rubrinervium (Link) G. Don
barcode-01635873J. Schunke Vigo   32101969-06-23
Peru, San Martín, Mariscal Caceres, 2 km. del Caserío Nuevo Progreso. Dtto. Uchiza, 500m

Anthurium rubrinervium (Link) G. Don
barcode-01635874H. A. Allard   223191949-10-30
Peru, San Martín, Tingo María; on ridge east of Tingo María, 625 - 1100m

Anthurium rubrinervium (Link) G. Don
barcode-01635875T. C. Plowman   25251969-02-20
Peru, Loreto, Rio Nanay: Samito, 100m

Anthurium rubrinervium (Link) G. Don
barcode-01635876T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   70231977-04-26
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity. Trail to Pijuayal

Anthurium rubrinervium (Link) G. Don
barcode-01635877M. J. Balick & D. R. Allon   10861978-00-00
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Amazonas, Guarnicion Pijuayal near Pebas, -3.0833333333 -71.9166666667

Anthurium rubrinervium (Link) G. Don
barcode-01635878M. J. Balick & D. R. Allon   10891978-00-00
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Amazonas, Guarnicion Pijuayal near Pebas, -3.0833333333 -71.9166666667

Anthurium rubrinervium (Link) G. Don
barcode-01635879T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   70231977-04-26
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity; Trail to Pijuayal, -3.1666666667 -71.8166666667

Anthurium rubrinervium (Link) G. Don
barcode-01635880T. C. Plowman & H. Kennedy   57291976-03-24
Peru, Huánuco, Leoncio Prado, Tingo Maria. Forest reserve of the Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva, 700 - 750m

Anthurium rubrinervium (Link) G. Don
barcode-01635881T. C. Plowman & H. Kennedy   5720-A1976-03-24
Peru, Huánuco, Leoncio Prado, Quebrada Las Pavas, 5 km. south of Tingo Maria, 720m

Anthurium rubrinervium (Link) G. Don
barcode-01635882T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   70481977-04-26
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity; Trail to Pijuayal, -3.1666666667 -71.8166666667

Anthurium rubrinervium (Link) G. Don
barcode-01635883T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   70481977-04-26
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity; Trail to Pijuayal, -3.1666666667 -71.8166666667

Anthurium scandens (Aublet) Engler
barcode-01635913A. Weberbauer   78451929-02-19
Peru, Cuzco, Quispicanchi, Marcapata Valley between Chaupichaca and Mamabamba

barcode-01635935T. B. Croat   581171984-04-10
Peru, San Martín, Along road between Tarapoto and Yurimaguas, 10.6 km from jct. in road which goes to Río Huallaga, -6.5 -76.35, 530m

Anthurium triphyllum Brongniart ex Schott
barcode-01635937Soukup   2327
Peru, Junín, Oxapampa

barcode-01635938T. C. Plowman   59071976-04-16
Peru, Huánuco, Leoncio Prado, Fonda Mariamilla, Dist. Emilio Valdizan, along old road to La Divisoria, 1380m

barcode-01635948R. T. Martin, T. C. Plowman & C. A. Lau-Cam   17471967-08-07
Peru, Loreto, Rio Sucusari; Rio Napo. Suiaseri, -3.2666666667 -72.9

barcode-01635953T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   65411977-04-01
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity

Anthurium uleanum nanayense Croat
barcode-01635954T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   38541977-04-14
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Yaguasyacu, affluent of Río Ampiyacu. Brillo Nuevo and vicinity, -2.6666666667 -72

Anthurium uleanum nanayense Croat
barcode-01635955T. C. Plowman   24821969-02-18
Peru, Loreto, Lower Rio Nanay: near Iquitos, 100m

barcode-01635963T. B. Croat & M. Sizemore   817101998-06-03
Peru, Huánuco, Leoncio Prado, Along road from Tingo María to Pucalpa, at "La Divisora" (Divide just south of border with Depart. Ucayali), 2.5 km W of Ucayali border, 1072m

barcode-01635964T. C. Plowman & H. Kennedy   57281976-03-25
Peru, Huánuco, Leoncio Prado, Tingo Maria. Forest Reserve of the Universidad Nacional Agraria de la Selva, 700 - 750m

Anthurium Schott
barcode-01635975T. C. Plowman   59361976-04-20
Peru, San Martín, Prov. Mariscal Caceres. Dist. Uchiza. Azpuzana, near San Martin-Huanuco border, 500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus Poepp. & Endl.
barcode-01089319   16641954-06-19
Peru, Alto Madre de Dios, 400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus trachychlamys (Schlechter) Luer
barcode-01089320T. C. Plowman   24661969-02-11
Peru, Loreto, Río Ampiyacu, 2 Km. above Puca Orquilla (affluent of Río Amazonas)

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus affinis (Lindley) Luer
barcode-01089334A. Sagástegui   59921965-10-19
Peru, Amazonas, Pomacochas-Vailcaniza, Province Bongará, 2050m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus affinis (Lindley) Luer
barcode-01089336Y. E. J. Mexia   8198a1936-09-17
Peru, Huánuco, Distrito Churubamba; Hacienda Mercedes, trail to Balsa-playa, 1200m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus frutex (Schlechter) Luer
barcode-01089338C. Vargas C.   49541945-01-25
Peru, Cuzco, Provincia Paucartambo; Pillahuata, 2800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus affinis (Lindley) Luer
barcode-01089339F. Woytkowski   354351948-03-09
Peru, Junín, Province of Tarma, Agua Dulce, 1900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus frutex (Schlechter) Luer
barcode-01089340C. Vargas C.   32891943-03-04
Peru, Cuzco, Province of Convención; alturas de Pintobamba, 2500m

barcode-01655301A. Weberbauer   65671909-00-00
Peru, Huancavelica, Rio Montaro, 1600 - 1700m

barcode-01655302A. Weberbauer   65671909-00-00
Peru, Huancavelica, Rio Montaro, 1600 - 1700m

barcode-01655303T. C. Plowman & E. W. Davis   48741975-01-25
Peru, Cuzco, Convencion, Sahuayaco. Rio Chalpimayo, above Pacchar, 1173m

barcode-01655304M. T. Madison   11291973-02-12
Peru, Amazonas, Eastern slope of the valley of the Rio Maranhao, near Balsas, 2010m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus serripetalus (Kraenzlin) Luer
barcode-01089342P. C. Hutchison & D. E. Bennett   45601964-03-26
Peru, Amazonas, Carros Calla Calla 5 Km. above Laimebamba on the road to Balsas, region called San Miguel, 2400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus affinis (Lindley) Luer
barcode-01089344W. H. Hodge   61511944-04-03
Peru, Amazonas, Bongará, Pomocochas; mountain rainforest of Quebrada Corazón Jacko, across southern en of Lake Pomocochas from village, 2438m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus affinis (Lindley) Luer
barcode-01089345C. Schunke   12761930-03-00
Peru, Junín, Chanchamayo Valley, 1500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus trachychlamys (Schlechter) Luer
barcode-01089346E. P. Killip & A. C. Smith   278891929-08-24
Peru, Loreto, Puerto Arturo, lower Río Huallaga below Yurimaguas, 135m

Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Ventenat
barcode-01655355E. Ancuash   1311973-03-12
Peru, Amazonas, Quebrada Huampami, Rio Cenepa, monte al lado de Huampami, 244m

Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Ventenat
barcode-01655356B. Berlin   1601972-10-02
Peru, Amazonas, Rio Cenepa; 9 km NE of Huampami, 335m

Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Ventenat
barcode-01655360T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   69691977-04-23
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity

Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Ventenat
barcode-01655363R. T. Martin, T. C. Plowman & C. A. Lau-Cam   17051967-07-27
Peru, Loreto, Rio Nanay: trail from Lopuna to Mamón

Caladium bicolor (Aiton) Ventenat
barcode-01655369L. Williams   20201929-08-00
Peru, Loreto, Caballo-Cocha on the Amazon River

Caladium Vent.
barcode-01655381T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   67541977-04-12
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Yaguasyacu, affluent of Río Ampiyacu. Brillo Nuevo and vicinity, -2.6666666667 -72

Fernandezia hamiltonii jaenensis Ormerod
barcode-01089349C. Diaz S., J. Campos, T. Guevara & E. Tineo   96021998-06-16
Peru, Cajamarca, Jaén, Sallique, localidad de Lanchal , La Choca, 2960m

Fernandezia hamiltonii Ormerod
barcode-01089350A. C. Hamilton & P. M. Holligan   12591965-12-08
Peru, San Martín, District Huallaga, Valley of Río Apisoncho, 30 Km. above Jucusbamba, -7.9166666667 -77.1666666667, 3500m

Fernandezia hamiltonii jaenensis Ormerod
barcode-01089351C. Diaz S., J. Campos, T. Guevara & E. Tineo   96021998-06-16
Peru, Cajamarca, Jaén, Sallique; localidad de Lanchal, La Cocha, 2960m

Fernandezia callacallae Ormerod
barcode-01089352P. C. Hutchison & J. K. Wright   55571964-06-06
Peru, Amazonas, Chachapoyas, Cerros Calla Calla, 19 Km above Leimebamba on road to Balsas, 3100m

Fernandezia vargasii Ormerod
barcode-01089357C. Vargas C.   44451944-07-25
Peru, Cuzco, Province Convención; Tanamanche to Quellomayo, 3750m

Fernandezia carabayana Ormerod
barcode-01089361C. Vargas C.   70381947-12-31
Peru, Puno, Province Carabaya, Ackopampa to Juro-Juro, 3500m

Dracontium angustispathum G. H. Zhu & T. B. Croat
barcode-01655869R. T. Martin & C. A. Lau-Cam   13151966-08-17
Peru, Loreto, Rio Napo. Negro Ureo, -3.0833333333 -73.4666666667

Dracontium angustispathum G. H. Zhu & T. B. Croat
barcode-01655870T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   67201977-04-10
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity. Trail north from Pebas, -3.1666666667 -71.8166666667

Dracontium angustispathum G. H. Zhu & T. B. Croat
barcode-01655871T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   67201977-04-10
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity. Trail north from Pebas, -3.1666666667 -71.8166666667

Dracontium angustispathum G. H. Zhu & T. B. Croat
barcode-01655872T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   67201977-04-10
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity. Trail north from Pebas, -3.1666666667 -71.8166666667

Dracontium angustispathum G. H. Zhu & T. B. Croat
barcode-01655873T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   68151977-04-12
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Yaguasyacu, affluent of Río Ampiyacu. Brillo Nuevo and vicinity, -2.6666666667 -72

barcode-01655875F. Tina & M. Tello   20541968-02-02
Peru, Loreto, Ushpacaño, 2 hrs. from Iquitos, -3.9166666667 -73.3333333333, 120m

barcode-01655876T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   67281977-04-10
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Rio Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity. Trail north from town, -3.1666666667 -71.8166666667

barcode-01655877T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   68201977-04-12
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Rio Yaguasyacu, affluent of Río Ampiyacu. Brillo Nuevo and vicinity

barcode-01655881T. C. Plowman & H. Kennedy   56541976-03-17
Peru, Junín, Tarma, San Luíz de Shuara, 700m

barcode-01655895L. Moore   01891965-05-21
Peru, Vicinity of Ignitos in high lands, 80m

barcode-01655896R. T. Martin, T. C. Plowman & C. A. Lau-Cam   16611967-07-00
Peru, Loreto, Iquitos, Rio Itaya, Picuru-yacu.

barcode-01655897R. T. Martin, T. C. Plowman & C. A. Lau-Cam   16611967-07-00
Peru, Loreto, Iquitos, Rio Itaya, Picuru-yacu.

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01655998Y. E. J. Mexia   63531931-12-26
Peru, Loreto, Above Pongo de Manseriche. Crest of hills to left of Rio Marañon, 280m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heteropsis flexuosa (Kunth) G. S. Bunting
barcode-01627045T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   68321977-04-12
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Yaguasyacu, affluent of Río Ampiyacu. Brillo Nuevo and vicinity, -2.6666666667 -72

Image Associated With the Occurence
Heteropsis flexuosa (Kunth) G. S. Bunting
barcode-01627051S. S. Tillett   671-411967-01-26
Peru, Amazonas, Bagua, Dist. Senepa, 250 - 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01627052B. Berlin   18711974-07-30
Peru, Amazonas, Trail N of Cenepa to Tuhushiku Creek, 244m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Homalomena Schott
barcode-01627086T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   70221977-04-26
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity. Trail to Pijuayal

Image Associated With the Occurence
barcode-01627491R. T. Martin   11341966-07-23
Peru, Loreto, Iquitos Region: Río Amazonas. Moyuy. Ca. 20 km. above Iquitos

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monstera adansonii laniata (Schott) Madison
barcode-01627505R. T. Martin, T. C. Plowman & C. A. Lau-Cam   16291967-07-19
Peru, Loreto, Iquitos and vicinity. Moyny

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monstera dubia (Kunth) Engler & K. Krause
barcode-01627526G. Klug   26501932-09-00
Peru, San Martín, Pongo de Cainarachi, Río Cainarachi, Tributary of Río Huallaga, 230m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monstera subpinnata (Schott) Engler
barcode-01627543T. C. Plowman & H. Kennedy   56731976-03-18
Peru, Junín, Prov. Tarma. Near Puente Capelo along Río Perené, 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Monstera subpinnata (Schott) Engler
barcode-01627544T. C. Plowman & H. Kennedy   56731976-03-18
Peru, Junín, Prov. Tarma. Near Puente Capelo along Río Perené, 700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Montrichardia linifera (Arruda) Schott
barcode-01627592T. C. Plowman   25701969-02-25
Peru, Loreto, Iquitos Region: swamp at Versailles, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Montrichardia linifera (Arruda) Schott
barcode-01627593T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   64361977-03-25
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Amazonas, Isla Rondiña, opposite Leticia

Image Associated With the Occurence
Montrichardia linifera (Arruda) Schott
barcode-01627594T. C. Plowman   24751969-02-15
Peru, Loreto, Iquitos Region: Lake Quistacocha, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Montrichardia linifera (Arruda) Schott
barcode-01627595T. C. Plowman   25701969-02-25
Peru, Loreto, Iquitos: near Versailles, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Montrichardia linifera (Arruda) Schott
barcode-01627596T. C. Plowman   25701969-02-25
Peru, Loreto, Iquitos: near Versailles, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Montrichardia linifera (Arruda) Schott
barcode-01627598T. C. Plowman   24751969-02-15
Peru, Loreto, Iquitos Region: Lake Quistacoche, 100m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Montrichardia linifera (Arruda) Schott
barcode-01627599T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   71491977-05-01
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity, -3.1666666667 -71.8166666667

Image Associated With the Occurence
Montrichardia linifera (Arruda) Schott
barcode-01627600T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   71491977-05-01
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity, -3.1666666667 -71.8166666667

barcode-01629120T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   65461977-04-01
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Ampiyacu, Pebas and vicinity, -3.1666666667 -71.8166666667

barcode-01629129R. T. Martin, T. C. Plowman & C. A. Lau-Cam   16801967-07-00
Peru, Loreto, Iquitos and vicinity [illegible]

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus scandens (Ames) Luer
barcode-01089364E. Asplund   132271940-07-21
Peru, Huánuco, Huánuco, West of Divisora, 1400m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus frutex (Schlechter) Luer
barcode-01089365C. Vargas C.   169851965-11-25
Peru, Cuzco, Paucartambo, Pillawata, Perolniyoc, 2600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus serripetalus (Kraenzlin) Luer
barcode-01089367C. Vargas C.   143721963-04-11
Peru, Cuzco, Urubamba, Machupichu, camino Inca, 2560m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus serripetalus (Kraenzlin) Luer
barcode-01089368F. L. Herrera   34841932-04-00
Peru, Cuzco, Urubamba, Uraubamba Valley, 2800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus serripetalus (Kraenzlin) Luer
barcode-01089369C. Vargas C.   87901950-01-06
Peru, Apurímac, Andahuaylas, Quebrada Posocoi, 2700m

barcode-01629144T. C. Plowman, R. E. Schultes & O. Tovar   68831977-04-15
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Río Yaguasyacu, affluent of Río Ampiyacu. Brillo Nuevo and vicinity, -2.6666666667 -72

Image Associated With the Occurence
Myoxanthus serripetalus (Kraenzlin) Luer
barcode-01089370F. W. Pennell   136411925-04-26
Peru, Cuzco, 3000 - 3100m

barcode-01629146T. C. Plowman   60031976-04-28
Peru, San Martín, Prov. San Martin. Road from Tarapoto to Yurimagnas. Km. 41, Vista Negre, 450 - 550m

barcode-01629151J. Schunke Vigo   51561971-11-14
Peru, Huánuco, Leoncio Prado, Jacintillo, (margen Izquierda del Río Monzón), 672m

Page 38, records 3701-3800 of 4465


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