Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO
Taxa: Ulex
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-8 of 8

Missouri Botanical Garden

3221833Ynes Mexia   80141936-04-16
Chile, Provincia Chiloé. Above Puerto Montt; open, brushy hill., 100m

3222434M.M. Job   25661948-01-17
Chile, Petrohué, Proximidades del volcan Osorno.

88421James C. Solomon   59251981-08-07
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Calacoto (La Paz). Cultivated garden plants., -16.52 -68.13, 3300m

94174James L. Zarucchi, Alan E. Brant,&Fco. Javier Roldán   61191987-10-02
Colombia, Antioquia, La Ceja, Mpio. de La Ceja; Km 8 of road La Ceja-La Unión. Disturbed roadside vegetation., 6 -75.4, 2320m

100504Adrian Juncosa   9631983-10-22
Colombia, Antioquia, Hwy. between Medellín and Pto. Triunfo. At Cocorna toll booth, 6º10'N, 75º10'W. Elev. 2090 m. Roadside weeds, near small stream., 6.17 -75.17, 2090m

1770060S. White&W.S. Alverson   7551977-06-26
Colombia, Antioquia, La Ceja, 2 km outside of La Ceja along main roadway to Medellin (30 km by air) in a Bosque Húmedo Montano Bajo Zone. Rainfall of 1000-2000 mm/ year., 2220m

1770066R. Fonnegra   13361979-08-04
Colombia, Antioquia, Retiro, Municipio El Retiro: En las cercanias de la Represa La Fé.

1770070R. Fonnegra y G. Taxonomia (I sem./89)   26621989-03-14
Colombia, Antioquia, Medellín, Carretera Santa Elena, Medellin Rionegro Km 14, 2500m

Page 1, records 1-8 of 8


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