Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO
Taxa: Polystichum
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 309

Missouri Botanical Garden

11215G. Davidse, L.D. Gómez, G. Herrera, C.R. Chacón, I. & A. Chacón   251031984-02-29
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Cordillera de Talamanca, 2 airline km NW of the peak of Cerro Echandi on the Costa Rican-Panamanian international border., 9.05 -82.83, 2850m

Polystichum alfaroi (Christ) Barrington
1223550William R. Maxon   5267

Polystichum concinnum Lellinger ex Barrington
1223553William R. Maxon   5527

1223954Ellsworth P. Killip   5445
Panama, Chiriquí

1223978John D. Dwyer & Hayden   7648

1223989Thomas M. Antonio   2576

Polystichum speciosissimum (A. Braun ex Kunze) Copel.
1223993Tania Belíz   4321978-04-15
Panama, Chiriquí, Volcán Barú, 8.81 -82.54, 3474m

1223996Ellsworth P. Killip   54591918-02-27
Panama, Chiriquí, Summit of Chiriquí Volcano., 8.81 -82.54, 3400m

26964Gordon McPherson   150621990-05-13
Panama, Chiriquí, Volcan Baru, on road to towers at top; near towers at summit., 8.78 -82.53, 3300 - 3400m

Polystichum platyphyllum (Willd.) C. Presl
28596Clem W. Hamilton & Karen Krager   37881983-07-11
Panama, Chiriquí, Along Río Colorado. Wet forest, 8.83 -82.72, 1200 - 1400m

30366H.W. Churchill & G. de Nevers   50381984-04-10
Panama, Chiriquí, Vicinity of Guadalupe. Between Río Chiriquí Viejo and the Continental Divide. Alt. 2200 m. 8º53'N, 82º36'W., 8.88 -82.6, 2200m

30617H.W. Churchill & G. de Nevers   50491984-04-10
Panama, Chiriquí, Vicinity of Guadalupe. Between Río Chiriquí Viejo and the Continental Divide. Alt. 2200 m. 8º53'N, 82º36'W., 8.88 -82.6, 2200m

Polystichum concinnum Lellinger ex Barrington
30995H.W. Churchill & G. de Nevers   50691984-04-10
Panama, Chiriquí, Vicinity of Guadalupe. Between Río Chiriquí Viejo and the Continental Divide. Alt. 2200 m. 8º53'N, 82º36'W., 8.88 -82.6, 2200m

31013H.W. Churchill & G. de Nevers   50701984-04-10
Panama, Chiriquí, Vicinity of Guadalupe. Between Río Chiriquí Viejo and the Continental Divide. Alt. 2200 m. 8º53'N, 82º36'W., 8.88 -82.6, 2200m

31031H.W. Churchill & G. de Nevers   50711984-04-10
Panama, Chiriquí, Vicinity of Guadalupe. Between Río Chiriquí Viejo and the Continental Divide. Alt. 2200 m. 8º53'N, 82º36'W., 8.88 -82.6, 2200m

Polystichum concinnum Lellinger ex Barrington
31076H.W. Churchill & G. de Nevers   50731984-04-10
Panama, Chiriquí, Vicinity of Guadalupe. Between Río Chiriquí Viejo and the Continental Divide. Alt. 2200 m. 8º53'N, 82º36'W., 8.88 -82.6, 2200m

31336H.W. Churchill & J. Kuijt   50961984-04-11
Panama, Chiriquí, Volcán Barú. Dirt road going up E slope. Alt. 2500-3000 m. 8º47'N, 82º32'W., 8.78 -82.53, 2500 - 3000m

Polystichum concinnum Lellinger ex Barrington
6676Henk van der Werff & J. Herrera   63771985-01-25
Panama, Chiriquí, Bugaba, Cerro Punta; from STRI house to nearby ridge., 8.87 -82.55, 2200m

2477518Arroyo, M. T. K.   924061992-02-14
Chile, Magallanes, Ultima Esperanza, Parque Nacional Torres del Paine, Senos de Catherine, -51.2 -73.17, 700 - 900m

Polystichum chilense (H. Chr.) Diels
2477535Arroyo, M. T. K. & et al   994849
Chile, Maule, Reserva Natural Bellotos del Melado, -35.85 -71.1, 800 - 1500m

2477557Dusén, P. K. H.   4891897-01-15
Chile, Aisen, Aisen, Patagonia occ. in valle fluminis Aysén

2477593Lechler, W.   773
Chile, Cordillera de Ranco

2477610Pearce, R.   s.n.
Chile, Los Lagos, Valdivia, Ad radicem Andinum de Ranco

Polystichum plicatum Hicken ex Hoss
2477654Arroyo, M. T. K. & et al   20001
Chile, Maule, Reserva Natural Bellotos del Melado, -35.85 -71.1, 800 - 1500m

3272815F. Billiet & B. Jadin   76732002-12-01
Chile, Biobio, Nuble, Environs des Terma de Chillan, Pierrier avec Chusquea., -36.83 -71.42, 2000m

3274961Marcia Ricci   3851992-01-17
Chile, Juan Fernandez Isl. Isla Salsipuedes. Exposicion: SW. Pendiente 75 degrees. Con Ugni molinae. Conaf-WWW-US Project 3313., 621m

Polystichum mohrioides (Bory ex Willd.) C. Presl
3360491G. Looser   48241941-03-11
Chile, Santiago, Termas de Chillán, camino al volcán., 1800 - 1900m

3363749F. Billiet & B. Jadin   56331991-11-23
Chile, Archipel Juan Fernandez. Robinson Crusoe, portezuelo Camote. Falaise rocheuse orientée vers le NE., 500m

3363866Marcia Ricci   4031992-01-21
Chile, Juan Fernandez Isl. El Camote, Isla Robinson Crusoe. Exposicion: SE. Pendiente: 50. Bosque de altura. CONAF-WWW-US Project 3313., 420m

Polystichum plicatum Hicken ex Hoss
3364018Otto Zöllner   115371983-02-03
Chile, In province Malleco in Longuimay.

3364346Marcia Ricci   4011992-01-21
Chile, Juan Fernandez Isl. El Camote, Isla Robinson Crusoe. Exposicion: SE. Pendiente: 50. Bosque de altura. CONAF-WWW-US Project 3313., 385m

3370317Otto Zöllner   121941985-02-12
Chile, In XI. Region on the borders of Lake Las Torres.

Polystichum plicatum Hicken ex Hoss
3416878T.F. Stuessy, J. Furlow, E. Ruiz & N. Bustos   75661985-03-20
Chile, Aisen, Aisen, 3.1 kms E of La Tapera on rd. to Argentinian border. Nothofagus antarctica forest (very short, 2-3 m). Rocky outcrops., 650m

3416881T.F. Stuessy, J. Furlow, E. Ruiz & N. Bustos   71241985-03-09
Chile, Los Lagos, Palena, 8.6 kms N of jct. rds. to Chaiten and Palena (Villa Sta. Lucia). Nothofagus forest along river. Steep slopes with rocky soil beneath, but densely covered by vegetation. Scattered on steep banks., 550m

Polystichum plicatum Hicken ex Hoss
3416883T.F. Stuessy, J. Furlow, E. Ruiz & N. Bustos   75031985-03-20
Chile, Aisen, Aisen, 33.1 kms E of Cisne Medio on gravel rd. to La Tapera. Along Rio Cisnes. River valley between rocky slopes. Pernettya, Berberis common. Scattered on rocky slopes., 570m

1000472Gerrit Davidse   250341983-09-20
Costa Rica, San José, Perez Zeledon, Direct line from Hotel La Georgina to Cerro Frío of the Cerro Buenavista complex (Cerro de la Muerte), area with television and radio towers, 9.57 -83.75, 3100 - 3400m

10849Gerrit Davidse, G. Herrera Ch. & R.H. Warner   257611984-03-21
Costa Rica, Limón, Cordillera de Talamanca, head- waters of the unnamed western branch of the Río Teribe, between the Río Sini and the continental divide at Cerro Bekom., 9.18 -83.06, 2500 - 2600m

Polystichum orbiculatum (Desv.) J. Rémy & Fée
1100519Gerrit Davidse & Richard W. Pohl   15481969-04-03
Costa Rica, San José, Perez Zeledon, Cerro Chirripó, area between Refugio and lake at head of Río Ditkebi, páramo of Chusquea subtessellata and perennial bunch grasses and various shrubs, 9.47 -83.49, 3500m

11265Gerrit Davidse, G. Herrera Ch. & R.H. Warner   257401984-03-21
Costa Rica, Limón, Cordillera de Talamanca, head- waters of the unnamed western branch of the Río Teribe, between the Río Sini and the continental divide at Cerro Bekom., 9.18 -83.06, 2500 - 2600m

Polystichum alfaroi (Christ) Barrington
11475G. Davidse & G. Herrera Ch.   291181984-09-15
Costa Rica, Limón, Cordillera de Talamanca, Atlantic slope, canyon of the Río Siní., 9.22 -82.98, 1800 - 1900m

Polystichum alfaroi (Christ) Barrington
1223547A. Alfaro   16471
Costa Rica

Polystichum alfaroi (Christ) Barrington
1223549Burger & Liesner   7084
Costa Rica

Polystichum concinnum Lellinger ex Barrington
1223551Barrington   694
Costa Rica

Polystichum concinnum Lellinger ex Barrington
1223552Evans et al.   73
Costa Rica

Polystichum dubium (H. Karst.) Diels
1223941Wagner   77503
Costa Rica

1223953Lellinger & White   1680
Costa Rica

Polystichum hartwegii (Klotzsch) Hieron.
1223963Barrington   1219
Costa Rica

Polystichum hartwegii (Klotzsch) Hieron.
1223964Gómez P. et al.   21784
Costa Rica, Puntarenas

1223966Barrington   1552
Costa Rica

1223977Standley   35767
Costa Rica

Polystichum orbiculatum (Desv.) J. Rémy & Fée
1223981Weston   5341
Costa Rica

1223988Alexander F. Skutch   5207
Costa Rica

Polystichum speciosissimum (A. Braun ex Kunze) Copel.
1223992Barrington   977
Costa Rica

1223994Barrington   708
Costa Rica

1223995Holm & Iltis   590
Costa Rica

Polystichum platyphyllum (Willd.) C. Presl
12363Gerrit Davidse   243601983-08-31
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Forest along trail between Las Alturas and Cotonsito, along the Río Cotón., 8.94 -82.8, 1400m

1258099Reinaldo Aguilar & J. F. Morales   44711996-01-24
Costa Rica, San José, Perez Zeledon, Parque Nacional Chirripó, Cordillera de Talamanca, Estación Crestones, Sendero al Valle Los Conejos, 9.45 -83.48, 3400m

1260892B. Gamboa R. & A. Picado   2631995-08-18
Costa Rica, San José, Perez Zeledon, Cordillera de Talamanca, Estación Cuericí, Sendero al Mirador, bosque secundario, 9.55 -83.67, 2600m

1260989B. Gamboa R. & A. Picado   3511996-03-02
Costa Rica, Cartago, Paraiso, Cordillera de Talamanca, Finca El Sitio, Sendero La Catarata, bosque primario., 9.57 -83.68, 2650m

Polystichum concinnum Lellinger ex Barrington
1261488Billen Gamboa R.   8071996-10-11
Costa Rica, San José, Perez Zeledon, Cuenca Térraba-Sierpe, Estación Cuericí, en orillas de Quebrada Los Leones, bosque secundario, 9.55 -83.67, 2560m

Polystichum orbiculatum (Desv.) J. Rémy & Fée
1261493B. Gamboa R., A. Picado & Evelio Alfaro   8121996-11-05
Costa Rica, Cartago, Turrialba, Parque Nacional Chirripó, Cuenca del Matina, Estación Crestones, Sendero a Ventisqueros, 9.49 -83.48, 3400 - 3500m

12717Gerrit Davidse   248141983-09-16
Costa Rica, San José, Perez Zeledon, San José-Cartago, Cordillera de Talamanca, Cerros Cuericí, Parque Nacional Chirripó, continental divide, lowest limit of páramo (Chusquea, Hypercium, ericad shrub) near limit of oak forest, 9.58 -83.64, 3200m

Polystichum platyphyllum (Willd.) C. Presl
13559Michael H. Grayum & Barry Hammel   56811985-07-13
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Forest to the east of hairpin ca. 1 km SE of Las Alturas de Coto Brus, on road from San Vito. 8º56'N, 82º50'W. Elev. 1390-1440 m., 8.93 -82.83, 1390 - 1440m

13798Michael H. Grayum & Pam Sleeper   33081984-06-24
Costa Rica, Cartago, La Union, Near Río Tiribí, northeast of Tres Ríos, along road to Planta Eléctrica María del Rosario, 9.95 -83.97, 1750m

Polystichum concinnum Lellinger ex Barrington
15279Michael Grayum   103021993-03-13
Costa Rica, Limón, Talamanca, Along Quebrada Kuisa (tributary of Río Lori) near crossing of Ujarrás-San José Cabécar trail, Cordillera de Talamanca, 9.34 -83.23, 2100m

Polystichum concinnum Lellinger ex Barrington
15604Michael H. Grayum   72591986-04-19
Costa Rica, Heredia, North end of Cerros Las Marías, N slope of Volcán Barva. 10º10.5'N 84º06.5'W 2100-2380 m, 10.17 -84.1, 2100 - 2380m

15622Michael Grayum & Jim Affolter   82091987-03-12
Costa Rica, San José, Perez Zeledon, North and west slopes of Cerro Páramo, Buenavista massif (Cerro de La Muerte), Cordillera de Talamanca, 9.56 -83.76, 3400 - 3485m

Polystichum platyphyllum (Willd.) C. Presl
15845Michael Grayum & Nelson Zamora   96691990-02-16
Costa Rica, San José, Mora, Zona Protectora El Rodeo, along Fila Diamante south from Alto Gracias a Dios, and forests on south slope (headwaters of Quebrada La Pita), ca. 4 km (by air) southwest of Ciudad Colón, 9.9 -84.28, 900m

15908Michael Grayum, Jason Grant & Don Hodel   97081990-02-27
Costa Rica, San José, Dota, Pedregoso (in valley of Río Pedregoso, ca. 2.5 km southeast of Copey), 9.63 -83.91, 2090m

Polystichum concinnum Lellinger ex Barrington
15926Michael H. Grayum & John Dickie   65831986-02-18
Costa Rica, Cartago, Paraiso, Ridge heading northward from continental divide east of Quebrada Siberia, ca. 2 km east of Villa Mills, Cordillera de Talamanca, 9.55 -83.7, 2600 - 2750m

Polystichum speciosissimum (A. Braun ex Kunze) Copel.
15951Michael Grayum & Jim Affolter   81781987-03-12
Costa Rica, San José, Perez Zeledon, North and west slopes of Cerro Páramo, Buenavista massif (Cerro de La Muerte), Cordillera de Talamanca, 9.56 -83.76, 3400 - 3485m

Polystichum concinnum Lellinger ex Barrington
16210Michael H. Grayum, Erick Fernández & Bill Melson   74001986-04-26
Costa Rica, Heredia, Vicinity of water-filled crater (indicated as dry on map) NE of summit of Volcán Barva and SE of Laguna Danta., 10.13 -84.1, 2500 - 2600m

17347Michael H. Grayum   74551986-04-28
Costa Rica, Heredia, Northwestern slope of Volcán Barva between Laguna del Barva and base of Cerros Las Marías. 10º08.5'N 84º07'W 2450-2800 m, 10.14 -84.11, 2450 - 2800m

17785Michael H. Grayum   74781986-04-28
Costa Rica, Heredia, Northwestern slope of Volcán Barva between Laguna del Barva and base of Cerros Las Marías. 10º08.5'N 84º07'W 2450-2800 m, 10.14 -84.11, 2450 - 2800m

19036Michael Grayum & George Schatz   51731985-04-23
Costa Rica, San José, Desamparados, Along Quebrada Tablazo and on forested slope above creek, northeast part of Altos Tablazo, 9.83 -84.05, 1700 - 1800m

19278Gerardo Herrera   35621989-09-27
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Buenos Aires, Ujarrás Sabanas Murur Bisuk, cabeceras de Río Ceibo., 9.33 -83.29, 1800m

Polystichum concinnum Lellinger ex Barrington
19404G. Davidse, G. Herrera Ch. & M.H. Grayum   286821984-09-08
Costa Rica, Limón, Cordillera de Talamanca, Atlantic slope, Valle de Silencio, area just N of Cerro Hoffman, 4 1/2 airline km W of the Costa Rican-Panamanian border., 9.13 -82.97, 2350 - 2450m

1999Gerardo Rivera   2521990-05-04
Costa Rica, Heredia, Parque Nac. Braulio Carrillo Estación Barva., 10.13 -84.13, 2500m

20132Jens Bittner   19091993-03-19
Costa Rica, Limón, Near of the Camp Río Lori. Down the river. Primary ....... forest. CORDILLERA DE TALAMANCA., 9.35 -83.23

Polystichum platyphyllum (Willd.) C. Presl
2249Gerardo Herrera   23211988-11-24
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Upala, San Miguel Oeste, Naranjo Subiendo por ladera sur del Cerro Espíritu Santo hasta bosque residual en el flanco noreste del mismo, 10.08 -84.4, 1000 - 1200m

Polystichum platyphyllum (Willd.) C. Presl
2724Gerardo Herrera Ch., D. González, M.V. García P.Morton   2821986-11-30
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Refugio de Fauna Silvestre, Peñas Blancas de Esparza., 10.13 -84.67, 1000 - 1400m

Polystichum platyphyllum (Willd.) C. Presl
32143B. Hammel & J. Trainer   138051985-06-11
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Monte Verde, pastures and woods around community; along Río Guacimal below Lechería., 10.28 -84.8, 1500m

Polystichum platyphyllum (Willd.) C. Presl
36044Gerardo Herrera   23351988-12-01
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Naranjo, San Miguel Oeste, Naranjo Subiendo por ladera sur del Cerro Espíritu Santo hasta bosque residual en el flanco noreste, 10.08 -84.4, 1000 - 1200m

8269Gerardo Varela   1771990-06-20
Costa Rica, Heredia, Parque Nac. Braulio Carrillo Carrillo, Barva, bosque primario, potrero., 10.12 -84.12, 2500m

8340Gerardo Varela   731990-06-20
Costa Rica, Heredia, Parque Nac. Braulio Carrillo Carrillo, Barva, bosque primario, potrero., 10.12 -84.12, 2500m

Polystichum concinnum Lellinger ex Barrington
905003Gerardo Herrera   58421993-03-10
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Buenos Aires, R.I. Ujarrás; Cordillera de Talamanca. Ujarrás. Margen izquierda de Quebrada Dorora, camino a Río Lori., 9.29 -83.25, 1500m

999840G. Davidse, L.D. Gómez P., A. Grijalva P., I.A. Chacón G., R. Chacón & G. Herrera C.   240061983-08-23
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Cordillera de Talamanca, upper slopes of Cerro Echandi., 9.03 -82.82, 2700 - 3000m

13083D. N. Smith, R. Valencia, M. Buddensiek   121741986-04-17
Peru, Ancash, Huaraz, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Rajucolta. Brushfields on moderate S-facing slopes; soil of granitic morainal material, bouldery., -9.53 -77.37, 4000 - 4150m

13202D. N. Smith & Rene Valencia   100051985-03-12
Peru, Ancash, Huaylas, Huascarán National Park. between Huiscash and Mirador Polylepis weberbauerii woods, on area of boulders., -8.88 -77.77, 4350m

Polystichum cochleatum (Klotzsch) Hieron.
13242D. N. Smith & M. Buddensiek   110981985-07-10
Peru, Ancash, Huari, Huascarán National Park. 5 km below Cahuis Tunnel. Woods, Gynoxys dominant, Polylepis weberbauerii occasional; steep, N-facing slope, old rockfall of very large boulders., -9.68 -77.23, 4250 - 4350m

13271D. N. Smith   23311982-08-26
Peru, La Libertad, Santiago de Chuco, Santiago-Shoreyo road, 26 km from Santiago. Massive rock outcrops in high altitude rangeland (jalea vegetation); E-facing., -8.12 -78.3, 4000m

13710P. Núñez & C. Paycarmayta   131851991-03-08
Peru, Cusco, Quispicanchis, Marcapata; 176 km from Cusco on road to Maldonado, Marcapata remmant forest to Cocha., -13.42 -70.9, 3150m

13863D. N. Smith & Rodolfo Vasquez M.   34611983-02-17
Peru, Cajamarca, Cajamarca, Cajamarca-Bambamarca road, in 'puna' Rangeland, 'Jalca', withoccasional massive rock outcrops., -7.03 -78.57, 3500 - 3800m

13873D. N. Smith & Rodolfo Vasquez M.   34621983-02-17
Peru, Cajamarca, Cajamarca, Cajamarca-Bambamarca road, in 'puna' Rangeland, 'Jalca', withoccasional massive rock outcrops., -7.03 -78.57, 3500 - 3800m

13922D. N. Smith, R. Valencia A. Gonzales, M. Buddensiek   122321986-05-06
Peru, Ancash, Huari, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Rima Rima, a lateral valley of Quebrada Carhuazcancha Laguna Milpo and immediate environs., -9.48 -77.25, 4250m

14077D. N. Smith, R. Valencia A. Gonzales, M. Buddensiek   122451986-05-06
Peru, Ancash, Huari, Huascarán National Park. southside of Quebrada Carhuazcancha. Woodedravines; steep, northernly slopes., -9.47 -77.25, 4000 - 4200m

14085D. N. Smith & Rodolfo Vasquez M.   34771983-02-17
Peru, Cajamarca, Cajamarca, Cajamarca-Bambamarca road, in 'puna' Rangeland, 'Jalca', withoccasional massive rock outcrops., -7.03 -78.57, 3500 - 3800m

Polystichum orbiculatum (Desv.) J. Rémy & Fée
14677D. N. Smith, K. Goodwin, A. Gonzalez   89891985-01-05
Peru, Ancash, Huaraz, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Llaca, N side of lake Grassy bottoms and slopes with scattered Polylepis weberbauerii trees., -9.45 -77.45, 4500m

15004D. N. Smith & M. Buddensiek   112591985-07-18
Peru, Ancash, Carhuaz, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Ishinca, north side of valley. Polylepis weberbauerii woods; steep, SSE-facing slopes., -9.38 -77.47, 3900 - 4000m

15307D. N. Smith, R. Valencia M. Buddensiek, & A. Gonzales   123741986-05-08
Peru, Ancash, Huari, Huascaran Nat. Park, slopes below & valley of L. Ichicpotrero. Polylepis weberbauerii woods/interfingerin grassland/brushland; steep, E & W-facing slopes; soils of mora- inal material at canyon mouth, slopes with large boulder falls., -9.45 -77.25, 3970 - 4100m

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