1325523 B.B. Klitgaard et al. 1996-04-09
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, Road Catamayo-Gonzanama, just past bridge over R, -4.05 -79.4, 2000m
1002081 H.H. v der Werff
Ecuador, Galapagos, Santa Cruz, near CDRS., 10m
1079754 Phyllis S. Bentley 1982-10-28
Ecuador, Galapagos, Santa Cruz, Charles Darwin Research Station. North side of road between station and wets of path to park administration building., -0.75 -90.27
1126855 C.H. & P.M. Dodson 1981-09-19
Ecuador, Capeira. Km 21 on the Guayaquil to Daule road. Tropical Dry Forest.
1297669 David Neill & Mercedes Asanza 1998-12-28
Ecuador, Manab, Manta, 10 km southwest of Manta, 2 km northeast of El Aromo, along new coastal highway from Manta to San Lorenzo. Dry deciduous scrub vegetation with scattered trees of Eriotheca ruizii and Ceiba trichistandra., -1.03 -80.8, 250m
1370860 G. P. Lewis & C. E. Hughes 1998-01-12
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, track to hosteria "Bella Vista", Km 0,5., -3.97 -79.37, 1350m
1370861 G. P. Lewis et al. 1996-05-29
Ecuador, Loja, 10 km S of El Progreso., -4 -80, 200 - 300m
1426052 Pablo Lozano et al. 1998-02-20
Ecuador, Loja, Catamayo, La Toma sector Bellavista, 1600m
1340732 E.L. Tyson, John D. Dwyer & K.E. Blum 3158 1966-01-24
Panama, Herrera, Parita, In town of Parita, 8 -80.52
72250 J. Aronson 7759 1989-02-12
Chile, Tarapaca, Arica, 1st Region. Codpa., -18.82 -69.75, 1820m
72816 J. Aronson 7779 1989-02-14
Chile, Tarapaca, Arica, 1st Region. Valle de Azapa, 4-12 km W of Arica., 125m
1339877 G.E. Crow, D.I. Rivera & Claudia Charpentier 6911 1987-08-01
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Bagaces, Palo Verde National Park. Large swamp, overflow of Río Tempisque. Along transect to Laguna Nicaragua. Very shallow, rains/flooding early stages, 10.29 -85.26, 10m
75267 Ulises Chavarría 239 1991-08-05
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Parque Nacional Guanacaste Estación Palo Verde, bosque secundario. Camino principal, senderos y orilla de Laguna Palo Verde., 10.33 -85.35, 10 - 100m
80151 Garrett Crow & Dora Ingrid Rivera 7365 1989-10-15
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Pozo de Agua, ca. 3 km South of Puerto Humo. Large swamp system along Río Tempisque., 10.28 -85.33, 13m
80159 Garrett Crow 7434 1989-10-21
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Ref. Dr. Rafael L. Rodríguez Palo Verde, Refugio de Fauna Silvestre. Area manipulated to remove Typha., 10.34 -85.34, 2m
106690 Dennis Milanowski, et al. 15
Peru, Cajamarca, Jaén, District of Pucará. Collections along the quebrada Chaupa ca. Finca Los Arrascue. Collected with Irene Shonle, Jason Rausher and Jason Bradford., -6 -79.17, 950m
107027 Al Gentry & Camilo Díaz 58160 1987-06-07
Peru, Piura, 79 km S of El Alto, dry degrade Prosopis scrub, along Pan-American Highway., -4.83 -80.83, 180m
75235 A. Gentry, Camilo Díaz & Carol Blaney 61042 1988-02-02
Peru, Cajamarca, Jaén-San Ignacio road, near Tamborapa. Disturbed dry forest near road., -5.4 -78.8, 600m
78172 Al Gentry, C. Diaz & R. Ortiz 74522 1991-09-07
Peru, La Libertad, Coastal desert ca. 50 km N of Trujillo on Pan-American Highway., -7.75 -79.33, 50m
82921 D. N. Smith & J. Cabanillas 7039 1984-05-24
Peru, Amazonas, Chachapoyas, Celendín-Chachapoyas road, 3 km from Puente Chocanto. Semi-desert., -6.83 -78.07, 1060 - 1100m
83544 D. N. Smith & Sergio Vasquez S. 5052 1983-09-05
Peru, Cajamarca, Celendin, Rio Marañón valley, Chachapoyas-14 km from Balsas.Cajamarca road, 4- Desert and semi-desert., -6.83 -78.05, 1240 - 1800m
84589 D. N. Smith 4225 1983-07-13
Peru, La Libertad, Pacasmayo, Panamerican highway between Paijan and San Pedro de Lloc, Km 632-654. Coastal desert after a very wet summer., -7.55 -79.4, 120m
85142 D. N. Smith 4335 1983-07-21
Peru, Cajamarca, Jaén, Jaen-Chanchapoyas road, 2 km from Chamaya. Sparce thorn shrubland., -5.83 -78.75, 600m
98860 Al Gentry, C. Diaz & R. Ortiz 74918 1991-09-20
Peru, Piura, 30 km SE of Piura on Pan-American Highway, coastal desert., -5.13 -80.42, 60m
1396672 Ana Carrión & Estevan Ramos 640 1998-10-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Angel Sandoval, Prov. German Busch, Area natural de manejo integrado Otuquis; Estancia Las Camelias, camino a Puerto Busch a 22 km hacia el Norte. Orilla del camino con curichis a los lados y un pastizal higrófilo., -19.58 -58.17, 168m
1425580 Ruiz s.n.
Bolivia, Tarija, Cercado, ciudad
1574294 Gutierrez, E. 2200 1997-05-11
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Germán Busch, Río Negro, 8 arriba de, -20.15 -58.17, 90m
1339886 Antonio Molina R. & Albertina R. Molina 25121 1969-12-04
Guatemala, Chiquimula, Chiquimula, Dry thickets along Chiquimula river, vicinity of Chiquimula town, 14.8 -89.54, 400m
2225663 Heyde & Lux ex J.D. Smith 6332
Guatemala, Jutiapa, Cerro Mongoy, Laguna de Guija, 14.24 -89.7, 1219m
3458872 Migdalia García & Patricia Orantes 1467 1992-03-05
Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala, Jardín Botánico, zona 10, 14.61 -90.5, 1500m
1205165 H. Cuadros 4555 1989-09-22
Colombia, Bolivar, Cartagena, Isla Barú, Loma Mahare., 10.13 -75.7, 20m
1505478 Al Gentry 35286 1981-12-04
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Bajo Calima, ca. 10 km N of Buenaventura., 3.93 -77.13, 640m
1788514 D.D. Soejarto 2065 1969-04-26
Colombia, Antioquia, Santa Fé de Antioquia, Cauca River. bs-T, 600m