2772601 C.M. Taylor & R.E. Gereau 11031 1993-01-21
Chile, Maule, Linares, East and a little south of Linares along the Río Ancoa, along the road to Melado and Medina 18.4 km. upstream from the intersection with the road to Peñasco. Matorral and open woodlands dominated by Nothofagus and Lithraea., 450m
3211179 Otto Zollner 13030 1986-11-07
Chile, Valparaiso, Granizo., 500m
3211333 L.R. Landrum, J. Bricker, Katia & Paula Leyton 5840 1988-01-10
Chile, Santiago, San Antonio, ca. 0.5 km E of Malvilla along railroad and estero El Sauce. Mainly woody, evergreen riparian vegetation. Myrtaceae and Crinodendron common., 100m
3211606 James West 3970 1935-11-28
Chile, Valparaiso, Between Quilpué and Viña del Mar; open, rolling country, at edges of thickets., 300m
3211757 C.R. Worth & J.L. Morrison 16493 1938-11-14
Chile, Coquimbo, Depto. Illapel. Caren, near Quebrada Luncuman, tributary of Illapel river; by irrigation ditch, also along streams in cordillera., 1000m
3212413 Otto Zollner 8692 1975-12-07
Chile, Prov. Curmcó, in Upeo., 1000m
3212896 Nicholas Riehl s.n.
3213119 G. Montero 107A 1926-10-31
Chile, Estero Antivero, San Pernando, Prov. Colchagua.
3213257 Troels Myndel Pedersen 14218 1986-01-13
Chile, Near Los Angeles. Prov. Bio Bio. Banks of stream.
3213411 A. Menzies 179
Chile, Valparaiso
3213953 Otto Zollner 10954 1981-04-15
Chile, Valparaiso, In Colliguay. Growing besides the rivers.
3214186 H.A. Senn 4507 1978-11-29
Chile, Valparaiso, Gullies and stream beds., -33.03 -71.28
3214394 C. Grandjot s.n.
Chile, Santiago, Culén., 650m
3214666 Ynes Mexia 7855 1936-02-13
Chile, Provincia & Departamento Curicó. Quilvo, northeast of Curicó; along river Teno, in sandy bottom., 240m
3214778 C.S. Sargent s.n. 1956-02-11
94041 C.M. Taylor, R. Rodriguez R. & botany class Universidad de Concepción 10362 1990-11-24
Chile, Biobio, Nuble, 3-5 km W of Chillán along road to N of Río Itata. Roadsides and pastures., -36.6 -72.25, 100m
100635 Percy Núñez& A. Vargas 9235 1988-06-25
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Desde Huayocri hasta Yanacocha, cerca a Huayllabamba., -13.35 -72.05, 3000 - 3890m
101635 Alfredo Tupayachi H. 718 1988-08-20
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Dto. Huayllabamba entre quebrada Huayoccari, Lagunas de Yanacocha y Kellococha. Bosque altoandino conformado por Escallonia, Gynoxys, Citharexylum, Polylepis; a 55 km de la vía Cusco- Urubamba. Margen derecha aguas abajo del Río Vilcanota al NE de Cusco., 2950 - 5200m
101744 A. Tupayachi & W. Galiano 1199 1989-08-19
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Huayllabamba, Lagunas Yanachocha y Quellococha hacia San Juan, NE de Cusco. Bosque con Polylepis, Escallonia, Myxtilloides, Citharexylum dentatum, Gynoxys., -13.27 -72.07, 2900 - 4600m
110375 Mary Merello, D. Brunner, J. Mostacero, F. Meija, E. Alvitez & E. Rodriguez 1110 1994-08-24
Peru, Cajamarca, San Miguel, Distrito: El Prado. Lugar: Porvenir. 16.4 km NE of San Miguel on edge of stream in disturbed cultivated slopes., -7.04 -78.91, 2860m
136013 Camilo Díaz y Hulda Osores 2971 1988-08-04
Peru, Cajamarca, Cutervo, San Andrés de Cutervo. Bordes del camino entre Saucedal y Pajonal., -6.22 -78.67, 2300m
72261 Al Gentry 43220 1983-07-23
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Tankarpata, above Cusco airport, valley between dry steep hillsides., -13.52 -71.97, 3500m
75475 Kenneth Young 1386 1985-07-30
Peru, San Martín, Mariscal Caceres, on rocky river terrace; La Playa base camp; Río Abiseo National Park. Montane rain forest., -7.45 -77.35, 2600m
75598 Ken Young & Mark Eisenberg 909 1981-06-11
Peru, Ancash, 15 km SE of Chiquian., -10.17 -77.03, 3000 - 3200m
78279 A. Sagástegui, et al. 11769 1984-06-13
Peru, La Libertad, Santiago de Chuco, Alrededores de Santiago de Chuco., -8.15 -78.18, 2800m
78458 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 10860 1983-06-28
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, Lledén., -7.33 -78.92, 2400m
78854 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 12017 1984-08-17
Peru, Cajamarca, Cajamarca, La Encañada., 2750m
79126 A. Sagástegui A. & J. Cabanillas S. 8592 1976-09-03
Peru, Piura, Huancabamba, Sapalache (Distrito)., 2350m
79230 A. Sagastegui A., D. Skillman, J. Mostacero y L. Ramirez 12761 1985-09-11
Peru, Lambayeque, Ferrenafe, Distrito Incahuasi: Sinchigual., 2650m
79318 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 11229 1983-11-17
Peru, Cajamarca, Cajabamba, Cajabamba - Luchubamba., -7.56 -78.02, 3800m
81692 Felix Woytkowski 8113 1963-08-05
Peru, Amazonas, Rodriquez de Mendoza, Mendoza. Low forests of the eastern slopes of the Andes, mountains and hills covered with grasses, shrubs and low trees. Higher up there stretch true forests, trees of larger size and thickets too shady to produce flowering herbs., -6.33 -77.4, 1600m
82248 D. N. Smith & Rodolfo Vasquez M. 3542 1983-02-19
Peru, Cajamarca, Chota, Chota-Tacabamba raod, 14 km from Chota. Dwarf forest., -6.47 -78.63, 2800m
82623 D. N. Smith & M. Buddensiek 12446 1986-06-05
Peru, Ancash, Huaraz, Plants purchased in the weekly herb market, the Thursday market. All are native species known from the Huascarán National Park, as well as other nearby areas. The majority grow between 3500 and 4500m., -9.52 -77.52, 4500m
83040 D. N. Smith 11464 1985-09-15
Peru, Ancash, Yungay, Huascarán National Park. Llanganuco Sector, between guard- post and trailhead of María Josefa Trail. Open brushfield on old rockfalls., -9.1 -77.67, 3500m
83138 D.N. Smith, J. Cabanillas 7094 1984-05-24
Peru, Amazonas, Chachapoyas, Marañón River Valley, Celendín- Chachapoyas road, 41 km from Puente Chocanto. Brushland in agricultural zone, vegetation heavily altered., 2800m
83523 D. N. Smith & Sergio Vasquez S. 5046 1983-09-04
Peru, Amazonas, Chachapoyas, Rio Marañón valley, Chachapoyas-Cajamarca road, 38-41 km Leimebamba. Ceja de Selva, damaged., -6.83 -77.87, 3350 - 3400m
83742 D. N. Smith 10580 1985-05-08
Peru, Ancash, Huaylas, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Parón. Shrublands on bouldery terrain., -9.02 -77.72, 3500 - 3760m
83820 D. N. Smith, M. Buddensiek & R. Valencia 11696 1985-10-04
Peru, Ancash, Carhuaz, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Honda, valley bottom. Relatively dry brushland, heavily disturbed., -9.32 -77.47, 3600 - 3800m
84181 D. N. Smith 3018 1983-01-07
Peru, Junin, Tarma, above Tarma. Steep, N-facing slopes; eroded; low vegetative cover, shrubs., -11.42 -75.77, 3600m
85135 D. N. Smith & M. Buddensiek 10920 1985-06-06
Peru, Ancash, Huaraz, 10 km by road from Cochabamba. Open dwarf forest of Escalonia resinosa and Myrsianthes quinqueloba, intermixed with robust shrubs. Western slopes of the Andes., -9.45 -77.85, 2870m
85167 D.N. Smith, Juan Huapalla & Mario Huapalla 2164 1982-07-25
Peru, Huanuco, Huanuco, 32 km from Huanuco on Huanuco-La Union road. Tall shrub field in valley bottoms., -9.88 -76.43, 2940 - 3100m
91363 Rita Dueñas 148
Peru, Cusco, Calca, Huambutio, San Salvador. (Plants from transects and general collections)., -13.63 -71.67, 3200m
97617 Percy Núñez V. 8398 1987-10-26
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Machupicchu, a 107 km de Cusco. Bosque de ceja de selva entre Wiñayhuayna e Intipunco; presencia de Clethra, Podocarpus y Alnus., -13.15 -72.52, 2900m
98314 Percy Núñez, W. Galiano, A. Aréstequi y A. Tupayachi 7089 1987-02-14
Peru, Cusco, Huayoccari to Yanacocha, Urubamba, NW from Cusco, forest with Escallonia, Citharexylum. On top of the mountain; Gynoxis & Polylepis., -13.27 -72.07
98425 Percy Núñez 9902 1988-09-21
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Entre Pampacahua y arriba de Pachachaca hasta el Km 107 en el Santuario Históriøco de Machu Pichu., -13.15 -72.52, 2380m
98594 P. Núñez & A. Vargas 13725 1991-07-04
Peru, Apurimac, Grau, Interandean Valley of Coyllurqui and trail to Fundición Puna., -13.83 -72.42, 3165m
99166 Percy Núñez, Feli Loaysa, W. Loaysa 9045 1988-04-21
Peru, Cusco, Quispicanchis, Entre Abra Walla Walla y Marcapata a 210 km de Cusco., -13.42 -70.9, 2800 - 4600m
99237 P. Núñez, A. Rodríguez, B. Collantes 12396 1990-07-02
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Cerro Pumahuanca., -13.25 -72.17, 3500m
99770 Percy Núñez V. y E. Bengoa 8655 1987-11-21
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, a 67 km de Cusco, desde el Río Calicanto hacia Chacchapata, Muris y sus alrededores., -13.27 -72.27, 2700 - 3020m
99827 Percy Núñez y Napoleón Núñez 8196 1987-07-20
Peru, Cusco, Quispicanchis, Marcapata. En los alrededores de la mina cerca de la ciudad de Marcapata, en la carretera Cusco-Maldonado., -13.42 -70.9, 3200m
104846 Marko Lewis 88671 1988-05-22
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Hospital San Antonio-Mouth of Río Chichipata. Following the Río Khatu downriver from the Hospital San Antonio (Quime) to the mouth of the Río Chich- ipata. Dense shrubs and small trees along cut river banks., -16.97 -67.22, 2950 - 3000m
104860 Marko Lewis 39108 1991-06-25
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Boca Río Amutara - - In the deep canyon of the Río Amutara near its junction with the Río Aguas Calientes, 7 km SE of Choquetanga. Very steep sided, at times impassable canyon with Alnus acuminata predominate, and areas of dense Chusquea. Woodland below f, -16.88 -67.25, 2700 - 2800m
104889 Marko Lewis 88683 1988-05-24
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Mouth of Río Irupaya. Slopes between the Quime-Inquisivi Road and the Río Khatu and along the Río Khatu near the Río Irupaya Mouth, ca. 4 km NE from Quime. Area of dense small trees and shrubs on slopes and along the river., -16.95 -67.2, 2750 - 2850m
104926 Marko Lewis 39136 1991-06-26
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Planacie de Ramada - - 1 km W of Bella Vista which as marked on the map is actually Sopacari on the ground. 6.5 km SE of Choquetanga. Dried up old weed patches over cultivated areas., -16.88 -67.25, 2950m
105769 Marko Lewis 881176 1988-09-01
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Along the road 1-2 km W of Quime. Roadside habitats, mostly dense scrub, dense small trees, and Eucalyptus plantations., -16.97 -67.23, 3100m
105861 Marko Lewis 37263 1990-05-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Tupayo - - Along the road between Quime and Inquisivi in Communidad Tupayo, 2 km SW of Inquisivi. Roadside shrublands., -16.92 -67.17, 2960m
106013 Marko Lewis 37308 1990-05-28
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Steep cliffs with scattered Polylepis and Clusia, 0.5 km SE of Jardín Botanico de Quime, part of the property designated Quime Cliff Garden. These cliffs are more or less above the Río Khuyuna., -16.98 -67.22, 3200m
1363628 José Steinbach 9538 bis 1929-03-07
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Chapare, Incachaca, -17.23 -65.82, 2700m
1521788 M. Nee 37568
Bolivia, La Paz, 3000m
1524152 M. Nee & D. Atha 49973 1998-07-05
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, In the medicinal herb market in La Paz.
1531947 M. Nee 33319
Bolivia, La Paz, 3700m
802987 Marko Lewis 37333 1990-06-05
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Abra de Alto Polea - - Along the road between Alto Polea and Poqueloque where it crosses the pass. Roadside evergreen woodlands., -16.7 -67.23, 2780m
87448 James C. Solomon 13338 1985-03-30
Bolivia, La Paz, Bautista Saavedra, Chajaya, a few kilometers from Chara- zani., -15.22 -69.02, 3500m
87464 James C. Solomon 13340 1985-03-30
Bolivia, La Paz, Bautista Saavedra, Chajaya, a few kilometers from Chara- zani., -15.22 -69.02, 3500m
88620 James C. Solomon 15273 1986-04-11
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, 4 km up the Río Achumani from Calacoto (La Paz). Semi-arid shrubland with bunch grasses on unconsolidated gravel and sand., -16.5 -68.03, 3600m
88959 Marko Lewis 88891 1988-06-22
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Loma El Abra (Abra Sita). Ca. 5 km NW from Inquisivi. Semi-cloud forest on windy ridgeline, much secondary habitat., -16.87 -67.17, 2900m
89721 James C. Solomon & M. Nee 18072 1988-03-10
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Carrasco, 5 km al NE de Monte Punco por el camino a Sihuenca. Bosque nuboso, muy tocado., -17.57 -65.25, 2700m
1233271 P. Silverstone 811 1981-10-12
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Tulua, Vía Barragán-Tulúa, a 3 km de Barragán; area abierta., 2800m
1233273 W. Devia 200 1983-06-24
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Tulua, Corregimiento Barragán-Santa Lucía. Bosque secundario., 2800m
1233274 Thomas B. Croat 55463 1983-03-23
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Along road between Bogotá, (13 km from Chipaque), 29 km NW of Caquesa., 4.47 -74.08, 2200m
1241815 H.G. Barclay 4582 1957-07-18
Colombia, Grassy slopes, bosque and high páramo, La Galera, near Pasto., 3600m
1505207 A. Gentry 34824 1981-11-22
Colombia, Narino, Near top of divide on Tuquerres-Ricaurte road, roadside subparamo., 1.05 -77.68, 3000m
1593366 O. de Benavides 6663 1986-06-06
Colombia, Narino, Tuquerres, Correg. de Yascual., 2500m
1771211 S. Espinal T.&C. Perez F. 478
Colombia, Antioquia, Belmira, 2500m
1771216 James L. Luteyn&Maria Lebron-Luteyn 7181 1979-03-29
Colombia, Antioquia, Uramita-Peque road, 20-22 km above Uranta (Las Juntas). Steep roadside slopes through cloud forest., 2500 - 2600m
1788567 S. Espinal 4382
Colombia, Antioquia, San Pedro