1540302 Saravia 874
Bolivia, Cochabamba
1540303 Pearce s.n.
Bolivia, northern district of La Plata
518537 Marko Lewis 36828 1989-12-22
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Tupayo- - Along the road between Quime and Inquisivi in Communidad Typayo, 2 km SW of Inquisivi. Roadside shrublands., -16.92 -67.17, 2960m
521492 James C. Solomon 7401 1982-03-28
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, 2 km E (below) Mecapaca. Thorn scrub of Prosopis, Dodonaea and Atriplex., -16.67 -68.02, 2900m
521901 James C. Solomon & Bruce A. Stein 11628 1984-03-05
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, La Florida (La Paz), bridge across Río La Paz. Semi-arid shrubland, with Baccharis, Puya, Verbesina, etc., -16.55 -68.1, 3250m
522785 James C. Solomon 5079 1980-02-24
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, 2 km SE of Mecapaca. Semi-arid scrub of Prosopis, Dodonea, Atriplex, Tecoma, -16.67 -68.02, 3000m
523081 James C. Solomon 9453 1983-01-30
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Hacienda Huajchilla, ca 13 km SE of Calacoto along the Río La Paz. Semiarid scrub with Prosopis, Acacia, Ephedra, Dodonea viscosa, etc., -16.65 -68.07, 3000m
533576 Marko Lewis 881779 1988-12-01
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Along the Chichipata Trail between San Antonio Hospital and Chichipata, and between Chichipata Trail bridge and upstream of the bridge ca. 1 km N of Quime. Dense small trees and shrubs and secondary areas., -16.97 -67.22, 3100m
533629 Marko Lewis 40518 1991-11-13
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Khora Pata - - On the slopes 1-2 km SW of Communidad Khora. 28 km N. of Choquetanga. Spiny dense woodland and mattoral with Acacia, Tabebuia, tree Opuntias, Bombaceae and Malphigiaceae abundant., -16.6 -67.3, 1700 - 1950m
533872 Marko Lewis 882097 1988-12-30
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Along the road between Quime and Inquisivi 0.5 km N of Communidad Tupayo, ca. 2 km SW of Inquisivi. Chapparal-like with dense shrubs and small trees, much of the area cultivated in Eucalyptus. Semi-humid., -16.92 -67.17, 2950m
533879 Marko Lewis 40753 1991-11-30
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Río Churu to Cuchi Kiada - - Along the trail between Aguilani and the ruins of Choquecamiri, to a wierd shaped Quebrada known as the Pig's Fang 17 km N. of Choquetanga. Deciduous forest with abundant Acacia and Eugenia. Diverse, -16.68 -67.33, 1900 - 2200m