Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO
Taxa: Gomphrena
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 161

Missouri Botanical Garden

1726438Al Gentry   15531971-08-20
Panama, San Blas, Puerto Obaldia, Scrubby second growth at outskirts of Puerto Obaldía, 8.67 -77.4, - 10m

1882214E.L. Tyson   51621968-12-26
Panama, Veraguas, Santiago, 1 mi W of Santiago, along old Interamerican Highway, 8.1 -80.99, 80m

735892Thomas B. Croat & Michael H. Grayum   602861985-03-10
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Along road between Fortuna Dam and Chiriquí Grande, 7.3 mi N of bridge over Fortuna Dam, 3.2 mi N of Continental Divide. [Coordinates on orginal label: 8.45N 82.15W], 8.82 -82.21, 700m

736195Greg de Nevers   51971985-03-24
Panama, Panamá, ISLA CONTADORA: Perlas Archipelago; sea level. 8º37'N, 79º2'W. Sand beach., 8.63 -79.03

2482249E. Wedermann   1154
Chile, Tarapaca, Tarapacá. Tacna: Cordillera, Volcán Tacora, Chislluma, 4500m

3268892O. Zöllner   39221970-01-03
Chile, Tarapaca, On the borders of Lake Chungará., 4500m

3268893E. Werdermann   1078
Chile, Tarapaca, Prov. Tarapacá. Dep. Tarapacá. Cord. Co. Columfusca, La Escalera., 4400m

3422042Philippi   s.n.
Chile, Mendoza.

1256162J.F. Morales   5759
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Garabito, Playa Bajamar, camino a Punta Loros. Estero Ceibo y Estero Loros., 9.85 -84.69, 2m

1361200Espinoza   4521992-07-15
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Liberia, P.N. Santa Rosa. De Bahía Salinas a Santa Cecilia. Estación Santa Rosa, area administrativa Del 3 al 29 de julio., 10.83 -85.61, 300m

1361360Enia Navarro V.   1161995-04-12
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Bagaces, P.N. Palo Verde. Valle del Tempisque. ALrededores de la Estación Palo Verde., 10.34 -85.35, 10m

1361485Morales   57591996-08-28
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Garabito, Faja Costeña de Puntarenas. Playa Bajamar, camino a Punta Loros. Estero Ceibo y Estero Loros., 9.85 -84.69, 2 - 3m

735301G. Davidse, L.D. Gómez P., M. Sousa S., C.J. Humphries, N.C. Garwood & R.J. Hampshire   232781983-01-26
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, La Cruz, 3 km E of Cuajiniquil along the road to Murcielago, Península de Santa Elena. Deciduous forest remnant on steep hillside., 10.95 -85.66, 150m

735322Michael H. Grayum   39191984-08-28
Costa Rica, Heredia, Weedy ground in vicinity of stables and horseback riding ring at Tajo de Cariari, along Río Virilla, south of Ciudad Cariari; elev. 950 m. 9º58'N, 84º09'W., 9.96 -84.15, 950m

735867William Haber & Willow Zuchowski   91791989-03-31
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Playa Jacó, Jacó, 9.62 -84.63, 5m

736679James C. Solomon   6331973-09-14
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, 1 km E of El Coco, Playas del Coco., 10m

737150Oliver Phillips, P. Wilkin & S. Jennings   5951989-06-27
Costa Rica, San José, Mercado Central. Bought from medicinal herb store., 9.93 -84.06, 1150m

737483Erick Bello William Haber & Barry Hammel   761988-06-24
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, San Luis, Monteverde, Finca de Chepe Rojas, al oeste del pueblo., 10.26 -84.83, 750m

892198Barry Hammel, M. Grayum, N. Zamora & V. Hugo Ramírez   188571993-03-25
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Garabito, Valle del Tárcoles. Cuenca del Río Grande de Tárcoles. Punta Loros y alrededores; Bajamar; malezas a la par del camino, 9.85 -84.68, 1m

892400Ulises Chavarria   8341993-09-14
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Bagaces, P.N. Palo Verde; Valle del Tempisque. Estación Palo Verde; Cerro Guayacán y camino principal., 10.34 -85.33, 10m

893759Barry Hammel, Indira Hammel & Patricia Rivera   193991994-01-29
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Valle del Tempisque. Pueblo de Cañas., 10.43 -85.09, 75m

905294Victor Ramirez, L. Poveda & E. Lépiz   2311994-02-09
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Montes de Oro, Faja Costeña de Puntarenas. Santa Rosa de Miramar., 9.98 -84.81, 100m

981684J.F. Morales   36801995-03-20
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Golfito, P.N. Corcovado; Península de Osa. Sirena, bosques y potreros en las márgenes del campo de aterrizaje., 8.48 -83.58, 3m

Gomphrena holosericea (Mart.) Moq.
735011Thomas B. Croat   181001972-07-12
Peru, Loreto, Río Huallaga, above Lagunas.

Gomphrena holosericea (Mart.) Moq.
735855A.H. Gentry, A. Salazar V., C. Palm & J. Perez   521781985-10-10
Peru, Loreto, Km 22 Yurimaguas- Tarapoto road, remnant patch of mature forest on white sand and adjacent scrub., -6 -76.22, 190m

736524Rita Dueñas   103
Peru, Cusco, Calca, Huambutio, San Salvador. (Plants from transects and general collections)., -13.63 -71.67, 3200m

Gomphrena holosericea (Mart.) Moq.
736591C. Reynel & E. Meneses   51721990-08-17
Peru, Madre de Dios, Tambopata, Zona reservada de Tambopata., -12.82 -69.3, 280m

737509James C. Solomon   28991977-05-14
Peru, Puno, Ca 4 km S of Puno on road to Juli., 2300m

737557James C. Solomon   30531977-05-23
Peru, Cusco, Pisac, on Río Urubamba. Hillside around ruins., 3000m

737597A. Tupayachi   9751989-03-19
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Dist. Huayllabamba, entre la quebrada Huayoccari, Lagunas de Yanacocha y Kellococha., -13.35 -72.07, 2900 - 3860m

737610Alfredo Tupayachi H.   951986-03-03
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Dtto. Huayllabamba. Huayaccari-Yanaccocha; camino a Yanaccocha., -13.35 -72.05, 3000 - 4200m

737632Al Gentry, R. Vasquez & N. Jaramillo   299351980-10-10
Peru, Loreto, Maynas, Padre Isla, Río Amazonas across from Iquitos, seasonally inundated tahuampa forest.

737773W.H. Lewis, M. Elvin-Lewis & M.C. Gnerre   101331985-12-03
Peru, Loreto, Loreto, Hermosa and vicinity, Río Corrientes, 1 km S of junction with Río Macusari. Low rainforest, mostly terra firma with scattered white sand., -3.25 -75.83, 160m

1009504M. Menacho & A. Menacho   3621994-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Warnes, Pampa de Viru-Viru a 17 km al N de ciudad Sta. Cruz, propiedad Aerop. Viru-Viru zona sur. Sabana con islas de bosques, dunas de arenas estabilizadas y quemas frecuentes. Suelos arenosos., -17.66 -63.16, 370 - 380m

1092144E. Gutiérrez   20351996-06-03
Bolivia, Beni, Moxos, Provincia Moxos; territorio Indigena, Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure (TIPNIS), sector: Tres pistolas. Modulo ganadero, semialtura, alternada con bajíos., -15.82 -65.27, 150m

1092224E. Gutiérrez   20841996-06-05
Bolivia, Beni, Moxos, Territorio Indigena. Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure. Sector, San Jose de Patrocinio, al SW del campamento tres pistolas, cerca a curichi., -15.82 -65.27, 150m

1092287E. Gutiérrez   21301996-06-06
Bolivia, Beni, Moxos, Territorio Indigena. Parque Nacional Isiboro Sécure; localidad: Tres pistolas. Bosque abierto., -15.52 -65.23, 150m

1092511P.F. Foster & A. Jardim   7451996-08-19
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Velasco, Catarata El Encanto. Parque Nacional Noel Kempff Mercado. Bosque alto de tierra firme por la senda de Las Cabinas a El Encanto., -14.66 -60.71, 300m

1117764A.F. Fuentes   15621996-03-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia San Miguelito, 200 km. NE de la ciudad de Santa Cruz; campamento La Pascana WCS. Bosque semideciduo chiquitano de piedemonte, sotobosque alterado por fuego., -17.07 -61.78, 260m

1156101J. Richard Abbott   167851995-05-10
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, Santa Cruz Botanical Garden; 12 km east of town center, on road to Cotoca., -17.77 -63.07, 400m

1195519J. Richard Abbott & Bonifacio Mostacedo   158761995-01-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Chiquitos, Naranjos; ca. 70 km E of Roboré; along trail up to ca. 2 km N of town; through grazed and burned cerrado remnants. Sandy red soil., -18.58 -59.16, 300m

1196137J. Richard Abbott & Bonifacio Mostacedo   159611995-01-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Chiquitos, 12 km NE of Santiago de Chiquitos, along road to Tucavaca; cerrado (mostly grazed)., -18.3 -59.55, 500m

1306861D.F. Salgado   505
Bolivia, Oruro

1306863F. Billiet & B. Jadin   61671993-11-13
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Laguna Kaucaya, a l'est de Gutierrez. Paturage., -19.4 -63.38, 1020m

1306865J. Pensiero & D. Marino   43461992-12-07
Bolivia, Chuquisaca, Luis Calvo, El Salvador, zona central., -20.62 -63.17

1322329A. Fuentes   23551998-05-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cordillera, Estancia Rancho Chico (puesto nuevo) y alrededores. Complejo de sabanas (Aristida mendocina, Heteropogon melanocarpus, Lantana sp), arbustales (Chloroleucon chacoense-Acacia sp) y bosques chaqueños(Schinopsis quebracho colorado-Stetsonia coryne) xéricos b, -20.13 -62.6, 400m

Gomphrena tomentosa (Griseb.) R.E. Fr.
1322563A. Fuentes & G. Navarro   25691998-07-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cordillera, Parque Nacional Kaa-Iya del Gran Chaco, Puesto Militar 27 de Noviembre, 11 km. al NO por la brecha al cerro Ustarez. Bosque chaqueño xérico bien drenado (Acacia emilioana-Schinopsis cornuta)., -19.95 -61.86, 318m

1322630A. Fuentes & G. Navarro   26341998-07-19
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cordillera, Parque Nacional Kaa-Iya del Gran Chaco, 20 km al O del puesto Misiones. Bosque chaqueño xérico semiarido (Acacia emilioana-Schinopsis quebracho-colorado-Schinopsis cornuta; suelos arenosos a areno-limosos., -19.91 -62.33, 320m

1324018M. Chiraye & S. Arauz   126
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cordillera, En la comunidad de La Brecha., -19.51 -62.56

1396256C. Antezana   7651994-02-21
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Mizque, Cumbres entre Rakaypampa y Lagunas. Sierra del Jatun Orkho, ladera expuesta al SW, 15-28. Areniscas y cuarcitas., 3080m

1396277C. Antezana   11381999-03-21
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Campero, Entre Aiquile y Villa Granado. Barbecho adyacente a cultivo de maiz, en zona con potencialidad de algarrobal, suelo con textura franco-arenosa., 2270m

1396341C. Antezana   1178
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Campero, Pasorapa. Salida del pueblo hacia Quinori. Matorral serial de Baccharis genistelloides en borde de camino., 2200m

1396366C. Antezana   5471993-01-21
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Mizque, Río Mizque. Entre el pueblo y la salida a Aiquile., 1980m

1396716A. Carrión, E. Ramos & M. Chive   6831998-11-05
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Angel Sandoval, Provincia German Busch. Area natural de manejo integrado y Parque Nacional Otuquis; Estancia Quebracho, en las lajas. Suelos arenosos., -19.36 -58.1, 140m

1432379R. S. Williams   25191902-05-12
Bolivia, near Juliaca, 3810m

1441780R. S. Williams   2731901-12-24
Bolivia, Ixiamas, 457m

1520760M. Nee   421141991-12-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 2 km NW of Puerto Pailas, on road to Montero Hoyos, flat, fine sandy and clay soil. Dry forest, mainly of Chaco elements., -17.65 -62.8, 290m

1520960M. Nee   49787
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2

1521009M. Nee   461081994-12-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 12.5 km. (by air) ENE of center of Santa Cruz, 3 km N of Jardín Botánico de Santa Cruz. Flat, probably formerly grassland, now mostly pastures. Grassy and bushy roadside, soil very sandy., -17.74 -63.08, 380m

1521016M. Nee   36384
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 375m

1521442M. Nee   353891987-07-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, Estancia San Rafael de Amboro, 15 km (by air) SSE of Buena Vista. Disturbed and pasture near ranch house, Scheelea princeps, Guadua angustifolia, Hura crepitans., -17.58 -63.62, 375m

1521562M. Nee   42161
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 390m

Gomphrena martiana Gillies ex Moq.
1521785M. Nee   44723
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.11 -63.95, 1300m

1522508M. Nee   488741998-04-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, Along Quebrada Turino, 5 km NNW of Paurito. Flat, on clay soil. Remnants of low chaco forest, area mostly cleared for fields and pastures., -17.85 -62.97, 350m

Gomphrena martiana Gillies ex Moq.
1522970M. Nee   397261990-11-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Sarah, W side of Rio Pirai, 0.5 km downstream and N of the Eisenhower bridge of the highway from Montero to Portachuelo, 7 km (by road) ENE of Portachuelo and 8 km (by air) W of Montero. Brushy disturbed areas on coarse dry sandy soil., -17.32 -63.33, 275m

1523197M. Nee   37653
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 365m

1523277M. Nee & E. Chávez   489211998-04-10
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, South of ridge with oleoducto, just W of the main, wide valley of Mairana, 1.2 km W of Todos Santos. Arid woodland along arroyo and steep slopes, along small stream and dirt road., -18.14 -64, 1350m

1523578M. Nee   316011985-08-26
Bolivia, Pando, -12.4 -68.53, 140m

Gomphrena martiana Gillies ex Moq.
1524194M. Nee   430721992-12-11
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel Maria Caballero, Comarapa, on NW side of town along río Comarapa. Weedy and brushy areas in seasonally arid valley., -17.92 -64.52, 1810m

1524286M. Nee   37717
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 375m

1524335M. Nee   43079
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.11 -63.95, 2000m

1524337M. Nee   355581987-08-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel Maria Caballero, 3 km. SW of Comarapa on road to Chillon. Slopes, deciduous arid scrub on shale, Prosopis kuntzei., -17.92 -64.55, 1950m

1524467M. Nee   316521985-08-29
Bolivia, Pando, Manuripi, 1 km. W of Humaita. Tropical evergreen forest, along Rio Madre de Dios non-inundated (terra firme), dominated by scattered emergent Bertholletia excelsa., -12.02 -68.27, 150m

1524535M. Nee & D.E. Atha   499971998-07-10
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Carrasco, Near Río Pojo at Pojo. Hedgerows and edges of fields., -17.77 -64.87, 2030m

1524581M. Nee   513972000-11-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cordillera, At intersection of oil pipeline, railroad, and highway from Ibapó to Santa Cruz, 4.5 km SW of Cabezas. Chaco forest on flat area, Opuntia kiskaloro, Monvillea cavendishii, Pereskia sacharosa, Achatocarpus praecox., -18.82 -63.33, 550m

1525009M. Nee   35598
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Province of Vallegrande, -18.49 -64.11, 1750m

1525730M. Nee   356411987-08-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 12 km E of center of Santa Cruz on road to Cotoca. Open grassy areas at edge of subtropical forest. Very flat, the soil fine sandy and silty., -17.77 -63.07, 375m

Gomphrena martiana Gillies ex Moq.
1526156M. Nee   490931998-04-19
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cordillera, 15 km N of Río Seco and 10 km S of La Mora, along new paved highway from Santa Cruz to Abapó., -18.55 -63.22, 550m

1526577M. Nee   38936
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 480m

1526669M. Nee & G. Coimbra S.   399491990-11-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 5 km. SE of Comunidad Don Lorenzo. Very dry chaco scrub vegetation. Flat, sandy soil, with clay soil in slight depressions (curichis) which are seasonally flooded. With Trithrinax, Copernicia alba, Acanthosyris falcata, Diplokeleba floribunda., -17.83 -62.83, 320m

1526875M. Nee   37910
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 350m

Gomphrena maritima Klotzsch
1527474M. Nee   481741998-01-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 5 km SSW of bridge over Río Piraí of the highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata. Along Río Piraí. At edge of Manihot esculenta field. Floodplain and edge of cultivated fields and brushy areas. With Tessaria integrifolia, Acacia aroma., -18.15 -63.47, 600m

1527475M. Nee   516242000-11-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, 6 km SW of Villa San Germán, south side of Rio Moile, opposite Campamento Moile of Parque Nacional Amboró. Evergreen tropical lowland forest in occasionally flooded flat area, partially disturbed., -17.4 -64.13, 275m

1527648M. Nee   450781994-02-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Prov. Santiesteban, 12.2 km. N of Mineros. Grassy and brushy roadsides and adjacent pastures, very flat, alomst all cleared for fields of rice, sugarcanse, etc, originally forested, with Scheela princeps. Soil fine sandy., -17.02 -63.22, 280m

1527729M. Nee   34081
Bolivia, Cochabamba, 2100m

1527742M. Nee   34081
Bolivia, Cochabamba, 2100m

1527851M. Nee   318601985-09-11
Bolivia, Beni, Vaca Diez, At Cachuela Esperanza, along the Rio Beni [=Madre de Dios]. Ruderals in the town and silty banks of the river., -10.53 -65.58, 120m

1528043M. Nee & J.C. Solomon   341011987-02-11
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Carrasco, 5 km (by air and road) SE of bridge at Lopez Mendoza, 19 km by road NW of Epizana, on road from Comarapa to Cochabamba. Dry open brushy pastured slopes with shrubs and small trees in quebrada., -17.53 -65.37, 2900m

Gomphrena martiana Gillies ex Moq.
1528526M. Nee   380161989-12-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, W side of city of Santa Cruz., -17.78 -63.2, 420m

1530517M. Nee   342571987-02-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 12 km E of center of Santa Cruz on road to Cotoca. Subtropical Chaco forest, 5-8 m. tall, dense, briefly inundated in rainy season, with Bumelia obtusifolia, Capparis tweediana, Reichenbachia hirsuta., -17.77 -63.07, 375m

1530698M. Nee   37111
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 380m

1530806M. Nee   342741987-02-26
Bolivia, Beni, Cercado, Vicinity of campus of the Universidad Tecnica del Beni, 2.5 km N of center of Trinidad. Flat llanos with patches of brush and small trees., -14.8 -64.88, 150m

1530823M. Nee   342751982-02-26
Bolivia, Beni, -14.8 -64.88, 150m

1530925M. Nee   320471985-09-29
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 24 km. E of and below Chuspipata on road to Chulumani. Moist forest (lower cloud forest) on steep slopes, with Nicotiana tomentosa, Solanum albidum., -16.37 -67.78, 1900m

1531329M. Nee   443051994-01-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 1.5 km. NW of center of Cotoca. Chaco scrub vegetation along the railroad. With Prosopis chilensis, Tabebuia nodosa, Phyllostylon rhamnoides, Acacia albocorticata., -17.75 -63, 365m

1531689M. Nee   382081989-12-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, Jardin Botanico de Santa Cruz, 12 km E of center of Santa Cruz, on road to Cotoca., -17.77 -63.07, 375m

1531706M. Nee   382091989-12-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, Jardin Botanico de Santa Cruz, 12 km E of center of Santa Cruz, on road to Cotoca., -17.77 -63.07, 375m

1531723M. Nee   382101989-12-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, Jardin Botanico de Santa Cruz, 12 km E of center of Santa Cruz, on road to Cotoca., -17.77 -63.07, 375m

1531755M. Nee   44331
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 390m

1532018M. Nee   474531997-12-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, North edge of grassland of Viru-Viru International Airport, with pasture on the other side, 3 km E of highway from Santa Cruz to Warnes. With Acrocomia aculeata, otherwise all grasses in the pampa, and roadside along dirt road., -17.62 -63.13, 360m

Page 1, records 1-100 of 161


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