90004789 Marshall R. Crosby 16318 1992-02-23
Chile, Aisen, Peninsula Taitao. Vicinity of Raleigh International hut, located on S bank of Brazo Desague near its junction with Brazo Norte, Lago Presidente Rios., -46.43 -74.35
90004790 Marshall R. Crosby 16292 1992-03-03
Chile, Aisen, Peninsula Taitao. Recent (several year-old) west-facing landslide area on east bank of Estero Lorrain near junction with Brazo Norte, Lago Presidente Rios., -46.35 -74.37, 13 - 350m
90004791 Marshall R. Crosby 16230 1992-02-27
Chile, Aisen, Peninsula Taitao. East shore of Brazo Norte, about half way between junction with Brazo Desague and Estero Larrain, below Mount Optimist, Lago Presidente Rios., -46.38 -74.37
90004792 Veronica Muñoz & Elisa Corcuera s.n. 1992-02-29
Chile, Aisen, N shore of Lago Pres. Rios, at junction of Brazo Norponiente and Brazo Sur., -46.45 -74.48, 15m
90004798 G. H. de Menendez 2113 1965-05-06
Chile, camino de Union a Hueicolla
90010385 Manuel Mahú & Harnell Mahú 10660 1976-02-08
Chile, Araucania, Cautin, Parque Nacional Conguillio; orilla Qeste de la Laguna; entre las quebradas., -38.65 -71.63, 1110m
90010386 Manuel Mahú 21226 1985-12-22
Chile, Los Lagos, Osorno, Parque Nacional Puyehue, Aguas Calientes., -40.7 -72.3
90010387 M. Mahu 21307 1985-12-22
Chile, Los Lagos, Osorno, Parque Nacional Puyehue, recodo del Rio Chanleufu, en pared de suelo., -40.67 -72.17, 420m
90010388 Manuel Mahú 11245 1977-04-08
Chile, Biobio, Nuble, San Fabian., -36.55 -71.55, 450m
90010390 Manuel Mahú 23426a
Chile, Araucania, Malleco, Parque Nacional de Nahuelbuta, Estero Aguas Calientes., -37.78 -73.05
90011489 Marshall R. Crosby 12050 1976-01-27
Chile, Los Lagos, Osorno, Agua Caliente, margin of Rio Chanleufu near falls, 4 km. by road from Termas de Puyehue along road to Refugio Antillanca, -40.72 -72.33, 400m
90011490 M. R. Crosby 11679 1976-01-14
Chile, Los Lagos, Valdivia, East facing forested slope near Rio Futa in vicinity of Futa, 10.5 km. by road south of junction of highway T-60 and T-65., -40 -73.17, 10m
90148818 Marshall R. Crosby 11678 1976-01-14
Chile, Los Lagos, Valdivia, East facing forested slope near Rio Futa in vicinity of Futa, 10.5 km. by road south of junction of highway T-60 and T-65., -40 -73.17, 10m
90149919 Marshall R. Crosby 12002 1976-01-25
Chile, Los Lagos, Valdivia, Stream valley in well shaded forest 2.1 km by road N of Mehuin, S of Queule., -39.43 -73.22, 15m
90149922 Marshall R. Crosby 12007 1976-01-25
Chile, Los Lagos, Valdivia, Stream valley in well shaded forest 2.1 km by road N of Mehuin, S of Queule., -39.43 -73.22, 15m
90149932 Marshall R. Crosby 12021 1976-01-25
Chile, Los Lagos, Valdivia, Stream valley in well shaded forest 2.1 km by road N of Mehuin, S of Queule., -39.43 -73.22, 15m
90150005 Marshall R. Crosby 12040 1976-01-27
Chile, Los Lagos, Osorno, Agua Caliente, margin of Rio Chanleufu near falls, 4 km. by road from Termas de Puyehue along road to Refugio Antillanca, -40.72 -72.33, 400m
90150299 Marshall R. Crosby 12298 1976-02-02
Chile, Los Lagos, Chiloé, Forest in Lechagua area, 5 km. by road west of Ancud, Isla Chiloe., -41.88 -73.85
90151142 Marshall R. Crosby 12428 1976-02-05
Chile, Los Lagos, Chiloé, Well shaded forest on steep slope along Rio Puidi, near aserradero at San Pedro, Isla Chiloe, Cordillera San Pedro., -42.42 -73.83, 320m
90152801 Marshall R. Crosby 12738 1976-02-16
Chile, Los Lagos, Valdivia, Forest at Fundo Santa Rosa, 8 km. by road north of Puente Callecalle., -39.73 -73.23
90152913 Marshall R. Crosby 12751 1976-02-16
Chile, Los Lagos, Valdivia, Forest at Fundo Santa Rosa, 8 km. by road north of Puente Callecalle., -39.73 -73.23
90153690 Marshall R. Crosby 12973 1976-02-24
Chile, Araucania, Malleco, Along trail from western entrance of Parque Nacional Contulmo, 7 km. by road east of Contulmo, Cordillera Nahuelbuta., -38 -73.17, 330 - 360m
90153726 Marshall R. Crosby 13035 1976-02-25
Chile, Biobio, Arauco, Ridge south of Cerro Lanalhue, southwest of Lago Lanalhue, Fundo of Tranquivora, 9.5 km. along road which intersects road P-70, western foothills of Cordillera Nahuelbuta., -37.97 -73.33, 200m
90226417 R.R. Ireland & G. Bellolio 34530a 2002-11-18
Chile, Biobio, Nuble, San José del Trumao., -36.78 -71.62, 750m
90226418 R.R. Ireland & G. Bellolio 34565 2002-11-18
Chile, Biobio, Nuble, San José del Trumao., -36.78 -71.62, 750m