1002114 Werff, H.H. van der 1975-01-03
Ecuador, Galapagos, Santa Cruz, along old trail
1055342 T. Rojas 8254
Bolivia, Oruro- Cururendá (Chaco Paraguayo).
119165 Al Gentry, R. Foster & M. Peña 75163 1991-10-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Curuyuqui, 50 km SE of Santa Cruz on Río Parapetí, upland chaco., -18.77 -62.23, 350m
119205 Israel G. Vargas C. & E. Tapia 1015 1991-07-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cordillera, Aguarati (Bañados del (Izozog). Bosque achaparrado espinoso chaqueño., -19.22 -62.5, 380m
119227 Al Gentry & R. Foster 75341 1991-10-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cerro Colorado, mostly slightly disturbed dry forest on sandstone ridge., -19.42 -62.33, 400 - 540m
119277 Al Gentry 75388 1991-10-29
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Yanaigua, 30 km W of Paraguay border, dry disturbed chaco. Transects 1-10, -19.7 -62.1, 250m
119926 Israel G. Vargas C. 419 1990-02-13
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, Río Mizque, tunilla, barbechos a orillas del río. 15 km al W, linea erecta de Vallegrande. Vegetación arbustiva, con suelos escarpados, pedregosos, con Cactaceas., -18.52 -64.3, 1000m
1322661 G. Navarro 256
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cordillera, Cachari. 5 km al sur de Cachari. Bosque chaqueño., 320m
1322912 A. Fuentes, A. Jardim & R. Gonzales 704 1995-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cordillera, Arenales de Guanacos, al NW del Isoso. Complejo chaqueño de arenales con Schinopsis cornuta, Senna chloroclada y Aristida mendocina., 340m
1323847 M. Chiraye, S. Arauz & S. Jiménez 15
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cordillera, Iyobi. A 1 km. hacia el Oeste dentro de la comunidad., -19.38 -62.53
1440473 Killeen 2720
Bolivia, Tarija, O'Connor, Rancho Saururo, 5 km al S del camino a Villamontes a 30 km de Entre Rios
1523428 M. Nee 51329
Bolivia, Santa Cruz
1525457 M. Nee 35625 1987-08-11
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 12 km E of center of Santa Cruz, on road to Cotoca. Subtropical, semi- deciduous Chaco forest, 4-8 m tall, dense, spiny, briefly inundated in rainy season, very flat, the soil silty and fine sandy, with Bumelia obtusifolia, Capparis tweediana, Reichenbach, -17.77 -63.07, 375m
1526448 M. Nee 39935
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 320m
1526649 M. Nee 37896
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 350m
1526808 M. Nee 48131
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 500m
1528823 M. Nee 50316
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2
1529045 M. Nee 50316
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2
1534370 M. Nee 35175 1987-07-14
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 12 km E of center of Santa Cruz, on road to Cotoca. Subtropical, semi- deciduous Chaco forest, 4-8 m tall, dense, spiny, briefly inundated in rainy season, very flat, the soil silty and fine sandy, with Bumelia obtusifolia, Capparis tweediana, Reichenbach, -17.77 -63.07, 375m
1536471 M. Nee 35295 1987-07-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cordillera, E and NE sides of Camiri, sandy, disturbed areas, dry deciduous thorn scrub, along Rio Parapeti., -20.02 -63.52, 820m
1536763 M. Nee 51136
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, 810m
1715425 Israel G. Vargas C., Shirley Ortiz 3195 1998-09-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Chiquitos, Pozo del Tigre, 135 km al este de la ciudad de Santa Cruz, propiedad de la empresa ABAFA, alrededores del campamento principal. Bosque chaqueño seco, 10-15 m de estrato arbóreo con cacha (Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco), guayabochi (Ruprechtia triflora), g, -17.57 -61.95, 250m
508160 Al Gentry & R. Foster 75363 1991-10-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Perforación, dry scrubby sandy chaco., -19.92 -62.52, 500m
941888 B. Mostacedo 2427 1994-10-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, 2 km al S de Las Bolas. Bosque chaqueño con predominancia de Copernicia, Thrytrinax, Bromeliaceas y leguminosas., -17.82 -62.82, 320m
119210 Al Gentry&Hermes Cuadros 55471 1986-08-22
Colombia, La Guajira, 10 km W of Riohacha, dry thorn scrub., 11.5 -72.97, 10m
119854 Hermes Cuadros V.&Alwyn H. Gentry 3040 1986-08-25
Colombia, Bolivar, Isla de Barú, entre Santa Ana y Playa Mojana., 10.15 -75.67
119861 Hermes Cuadros V. 2363
Colombia, La Guajira, vía Riohacha- Cuestecitas, Km 15. Alt. 50 m., 11.18 -72.62, 50m
1480838 A. Gentry 30641 1981-01-15
Colombia, Galapagos.Floreana Island, trail to interior of island., 200 - 300m