Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO
Taxa: Abatia
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-29 of 29

Missouri Botanical Garden

Abatia parviflora Ruiz & Pav.
1261557B. Gamboa R., Evelio Alfaro & A. Picado   8701996-11-08
Costa Rica, San José, Perez Zeledon, Parque Nacional Chirripó, Cuenca Térraba-Sierpe, Sendero a Base Crestones, 9.44 -83.52, 3100m

Abatia parviflora Ruiz & Pav.
255489J. Santisteban C. & J Guevara B.   711987-05-16
Peru, Cajamarca, Santa Cruz, Ca. 4.2. km ( por aire ) NE Monteseco., 2500m

Abatia rugosa Ruiz & Pav.
255902Robert McK. Bird   11941965-04-17
Peru, Huanuco, 8 km SSE of Huánuco, 0.5 km NE of Yaca, moderate open slope facing S, 2 to 6 m open scrub, often cut. Pteridium-Embothrium zone., -10 -76.2, 2635m

Abatia spicata (Turcz.) Sleumer
256689A. Gentry   193871977-04-17
Peru, Cusco, Shrubby slopes above Machu Picchu along old Inca trail., -13.16 -72.53, 2600m

Abatia parviflora Ruiz & Pav.
257540A. Sagástegui A. & J. Cabanillas S.   86381976-09-05
Peru, Piura, Huancabamba, Talaneo (Jalca - Cixse)., 2900m

Abatia parviflora Ruiz & Pav.
257555A. Sagástegui A., S. Lopez, E. Garcia & J. Mostacero   101711981-08-15
Peru, Piura, Huancabamba, Sapalache - Jalca Chinguela., 2250m

Abatia spicata (Turcz.) Sleumer
258200Thomas B. Croat   578491984-04-03
Peru, Huanuco, Along highway between Huanuco and Tingo María, at Río Tulca vicinity of Km 443.5, 6 km N of Acomayo., -9.07 -76.07, 2450m

Abatia parviflora Ruiz & Pav.
260042Camilo Díaz y Rodolfo Vásquez   30131988-10-17
Peru, Piura, Ayabaca, Frías. Las Pircas., -4.87 -79.95, 3000m

Abatia spicata (Turcz.) Sleumer
260735Percy Núñez V.   83971987-10-26
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Machupicchu, a 107 km de Cusco. Bosque de ceja de selva entre Wiñayhuayna e Intipunco; presencia de Clethra, Podocarpus y Alnus., -13.15 -72.52, 2900m

Abatia Ruiz & Pav.
260993P. Núñez, B. Collantes & L. Cárdenas   124001990-07-04
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Santuario Histórico de Machu Pichu., 2000 - 2800m

Abatia spicata Lillo ex Killeen, E. García & S. Beck
1424549Linke   104
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Ayopaya, camino a Pajchanti, 2980m

1525796M. Nee   367131988-03-18
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, 6.5 km SE of Inquisivi, 1--2 km SW of Machacamarca. Cultivated slopes with disturbed bushy cloud forest with Alnus acuminata ssp. acuminata, -16.93 -67.08, 3000m

256593Marko Lewis   391411991-06-26
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Planacie de Ramada - - 1 km W of Bella Vista which as marked on the map is actually Sopacari on the ground. 6.5 km SE of Choquetanga. Dried up old weed patches over cultivated areas., -16.88 -67.25, 2950m

256625Marko Lewis   888841988-06-22
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Loma El Abra (Abra Sita). Ca. 5 km NW from Inquisivi. Semi-cloud forest on windy ridgeline, much secondary habitat., -16.87 -67.17, 2900m

256649Marko Lewis   8820231988-12-07
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Loma El Abra (Abra Sita). Ca. 5 km NW from Inquisivi. Semi cloud forest on ridgline and in ravines with grasslands on the upper border., -16.87 -67.17, 2900m

256657Marko Lewis   350621989-01-13
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, On the Inquisivi, Capiñata road between Yamora and Iguasani, 5 km SE from Inquisivi. Isolated semi-cloud forest on small ridge in otherwise semi-arid mountains., -16.95 -67.1, 3100m

259226Zuloaga, F. & M. Vazquez   1716
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Zongo., -16.08 -68.05

259531James C. Solomon   102561983-04-29
Bolivia, Tarija, Arce, 39.9 km S of jct. of road to Entre Rios, on road to Padcaya. Isolated pocket of Podocarpus forest with dry, open thorn-scrub (Acacia, Prosopis) below., -21.9 -64.68, 2100 - 2200m

804703Marko Lewis   370341989-01-28
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Carabuco - - Along the road between Choquetanga and Carabuco Power Station, and for 0.5 km north along the east bank of the Río Miguillas from the Carabuco Power Station. 1.0-2.5 km N of Choquetanga. Secondary growth woods, often burned, grazed or cut, al, -16.83 -67.32, 2800 - 3000m

1107515P. Franco, et al.   22691985-11-03
Colombia, Antioquia, Salgar, Camino de Ascenco a Cerro Plateado, Quebrada La Liborina., 2200 - 2400m

1107517R.E. Schultes&I. Cabrera   184311952-11-30
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Cordillera de Bogotá. Cerro del Chico.

256647John J. Pipoly y Clara Inés Orozco   120581990-07-06
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Carretera al Pára;mo de Tablazo, a 3, 3 km al W de Subachoque, subpáramo., 4.87 -74.22, 2800m

257212L. Quiñones   12921987-11-19
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Carretera Usme, paramo de Chizaca.

257596J.M. MacDougal&F.J. Roldán   35131989-01-28
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. de Jardín: road between Jardín and Río Sucio, 15-18 km from Jardín. Specimen treated with ethanol., 2550 - 2700m

259709Bruce A. Stein, L. McDade&C. Barbosa   31441986-01-04
Colombia, Cundinamarca, Pasca, 10 km E of Fusagasuga. Along river through town road and surrounding hills. c. 4º19'N, 74º18'W. Elev. 2100 m., 4.32 -74.3, 2100m

260975James L. Zarucchi&Beatriz Echeverry   46301987-03-10
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. de Medellín; Cerro del Padre Amaya, 6.9 km from Medellín-Santa Fé de Antioquia highway on road to summit. Disturbed forest., 6.3 -75.68, 2640m

261183James L. Zarucchi&Omar Escobar   68811988-10-25
Colombia, Antioquia, Medellín, along road to Cerro de Padre Amaya, 2.3 km from main Medellín-Santa Fé de Antioquia road. Disturbed montane forest vegetation., 6.32 -75.68, 2560m

1275901H.G. Barclay&Pedro Juajibioy   77691959-06-21
Colombia, Cundinamarca, W-facing slope, fairly dry area. Cerro Guadalupe, E of and above Bogota. Cordillera Oriental; Macizo Bogotaño., 2950 - 3200m

1827151Mario Agudelo&Julio C. Betancur   41
Colombia, Antioquia, Cerro del P. Amazya (Boquerón)., 2500m

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