588716 A. Sagástegui A., J. Cabanillas S. & O. Dios C. 8226 1975-07-22
Peru, Piura, Huancabamba, Mitopampa (Huancabamba - Cuello del Indio)., 2650m
588725 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 7953 1975-05-21
Peru, Cajamarca, Cajamarca, Protected due to name conservation status, 2470m
588793 D. N. Smith & J. Alban 5527 1984-01-02
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa, Río El Tunqui. High montane rain forest, some distur- bance. Collecting along streamsides and trails., -10.25 -75.52, 1720m
589105 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 9627 1981-04-01
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, Andaloy (San Benito -Yetón)., 1800m
589232 A. Sagástegui A., E. Alvitey & J. Mostacero 8801 1977-05-12
Peru, Cajamarca, San Miguel, El Tingo (Agua Blanca)., -7.35 -77.83, 2750m
589900 A. Sagástegui, et al. 11808 1984-06-13
Peru, La Libertad, Santiago de Chuco, Chulite (Santiago de Chuco)., 3100m
589908 A. Sagástegui A., J. Cabanillas S. & O. Dios C. 8507 1976-05-22
Peru, Cajamarca, Celendin, Protected due to name conservation status, 2950m
590183 A. Sagástegui A. 7779 1973-08-17
Peru, Cajamarca, Cajamarca, La Encan|5ada., -7.11 -78.32, 2600m
590325 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 9810 1981-05-24
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, Rupe - Contumazá., 2100m
590398 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 9887 1981-05-25
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, Peñas de Canrra (Toledo - Rio Contemazá., 2400m
590514 A. Sagástegui A. & J. Mostacero 10430 1983-02-20
Peru, La Libertad, Trujillo, Cerro Cabezón., 700m
590641 A. Sagástegui, et al. 11662 1984-05-24
Peru, La Libertad, Otuzco, Protected due to name conservation status, 2600m
590771 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 12943 1985-10-30
Peru, La Libertad, Trujillo, Cerro Campana., -7.98 -79.11, 600m
591091 A. Sagastegui A. 7402 1970-05-05
Peru, Cajamarca, Celendin, Jelic (Celendín - Balsas)., 3100m
591101 A. Sagástegui A., J. Cabanillas S. & O. Dios C. 8487 1976-05-20
Peru, Cajamarca, Celendin, Oxamarca _ La Chocta., 2900m
591111 A. Sagástegui A., E. Alvitez & J. Mostacero 8956 1977-07-06
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, Arriba de Trinidad., 2200m
591340 A. Saga|stegui A., J. Cabanillas S. & O. Dios C. 8109 1975-06-17
Peru, Cajamarca, Cajamarca, La Encañada - Jalca de Kumulca., 3300m
591428 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 10682 1983-06-26
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, Alrededores de Contumazá., -7.37 -78.8, 2600m
591656 A. Sagástegui A. 9615 1981-03-12
Peru, Cajamarca, Cajamarca, Chilete - Magdalena., 1000 - 1200m
591705 A. Sagástegui A. & J. Cabanillas S. 8684 1976-09-08
Peru, Piura, Ayabaca, Suyupampa - Ayabaca., 2600m
591954 A. Sagástegui, et al. 11488 1975-05-22
Peru, La Libertad, Otuzco, Casmiche (Samne - Otuzco)., 1700m
592440 A. Sagástegui A., J. Cabanillas S. & O. Dios C. 8271 1975-07-23
Peru, Piura, Huancabamba, Canchaque - Minas Turmalina., -5.37 -79.6, 2200m
592441 J. Mostacero L. y J. Guerra L. 6 1985-07-03
Peru, Cajamarca, Cajabamba, Camino a Langla., 2600m
592660 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 9979 1981-06-12
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, Contumazá - Cascabamba., 2700m
592670 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 9706 1981-04-02
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, La Herilla (Guzmango)., -7.38 -78.9, 2800m
592680 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 7963 1975-05-21
Peru, Cajamarca, Cajamarca, Protected due to name conservation status, 2600m
593975 Alfredo Tupayachi H. 720 1988-08-20
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Dto. Huayllabamba entre quebrada Huayoccari, Lagunas de Yanacocha y Kellococha. Bosque altoandino conformado por Escallonia, Gynoxys, Citharexylum, Polylepis; a 55 km de la vía Cusco- Urubamba. Margen derecha aguas abajo del Río Vilcanota al NE de Cusco., 2950 - 5200m
594446 Al Gentry & Camilo Diaz 58203 1987-06-10
Peru, Tumbes, Cerros de Amotape, Quebrada Los Conejos, ca. 25 km SE of Cherralique. Premontane moist forest. Transect 5, -4.15 -80.62, 820m
595992 Mary Merello, D. Brunner, J. Mostacero, F. Meija, E. Alvitez & E. Rodriguez 1068 1994-08-22
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, Distrito: Contumaza. Along carretera Cascas-El Chorrillo. Bosque de Cachil personal property of Dr. Marco Antonio Corcuera Osores. Moist. Relic forest., -7.45 -78.78, 2450m
597536 Percy Núñez, M. Dillon, S.Keel,K.Young,B.León,J.Santisteban 6230 1986-10-10
Peru, La Libertad, Trujillo, Cerro Campana. Peruvian Lomas, 548 km from Lima to North. Species composition of annual and perennial herbs, including tuber-bearing, bulbous and rhizomatous elements, few shrubs and isolated relictual., 170 - 728m
1091598 A.F. Fuentes 1527 1995-01-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, Estancia San Miguelito, 200 km al NE de la ciudad de Santa Cruz; puesto San Lorenzo. Campo quemado; bosque palmar chaqueño de Saõ (Trithrinax campestris) colindante con tablon de pastos cultivados. 7 km al SE del puesto., 270m
1153141 J. Richard Abbott 16668 1995-04-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, San Ramón; west end of town; weedy, grassy open areas., -16.63 -62.5, 400m
1195386 F. Mamani & A. Jardim 721 1995-04-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, Lomerio. 12 km al Norte de la comunidad Las Trancas. Parcelas permante del proyecto Bolfor, Las Trancas-95. Bosque seco chiquitano, con elementos de Andenathera colubrina, Poeppigia procera, etc., -16.52 -61.83, 450m
1303909 Miguel Bang 1092
Bolivia, Cochabamba
1309609 Miguel Bang 974
1322955 L. Mani López 17 1998-10-19
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Al rederdor de la comunidad Betania
1375488 St. G. Beck 17629 1990-04-11
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, de Coroico 12 km hacia Coripata, 2050m
1396165 C. Antezana 1086 1999-03-21
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Campero, Entre Villa Granado y Pena Colorada. Algarrobal degradado, fluvisoles, 2100m
1396483 C. Antezana 603 1993-01-24
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Campero, En el camino hacia el Río Grande. De Buena Vista al Río Grande. Bosque seco de Neocardenasia herzogiana y Schinopsis haenkeana, en borde de camino, 2050m
1517757 Saravia 864
Bolivia, Cochabamba
1517779 Saravia 985
Bolivia, Cochabamba
1520742 M. Nee 48771
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.11 -63.95, 900 - 1000m
1521534 M. Nee 36414 1988-02-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.08 -63.18, 480m
1522075 M. Nee 41694
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, 190m
1522206 M. Nee 37595 1989-01-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Between Yamora and Micayani, 4 km by air SE of Inquisivi., -16.93 -67.12, 2550 - 2650m
1522667 M. Nee 47881
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 250m
1526026 M. Nee 46573 1995-12-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.11 -63.95, 1700m
1528678 M. Nee 34141 1987-02-14
Bolivia, La Paz, -16.58 -68.12, 3500m
1529355 M. Nee 43390
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.11 -63.95, 1700 - 1820m
1529400 M. Nee 45189
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.11 -63.95, 800m
1532897 M. Nee 48512
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 480m
1533494 M. Nee 40383 1990-12-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.17 -63.92, 1800m
1534221 M. Nee 47586
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 460m
1534419 M. Nee 36199 1988-02-05
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Province of Vallegrande, -18.55 -63.98, 1800m
1535020 M. Nee 36229 1988-02-05
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Province of Vallegrande, -18.54 -64.03, 2450m
1535548 M. Nee 37400
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Province of Vallegrande, -18.49 -64.11, 2150m
1536591 M. Nee 48725
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 500m
1537129 M. Nee 41609
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.74 -63.2, 400m
1537164 M. Nee 35336
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The llanura, at the Jardin Botanico de Santa Cruz, -17.78 -63.07, 375m
1719019 Israel G. Vargas C., Pánfilo Jaimez & Silvia Jimenez. 4913 2000-07-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel Maria Caballero, Khara Huasi; saliendo 2,5 km al W de la escuela y subiendo el Río Khara Huasi. Bosque natural muy intervenido, bosque secundario con algunos Chacos recientes bajo cultivos. Crece Alnus acuminata en las márgenes del Río., -17.73 -64.73, 1850m
1719034 Israel G. Vargas C. 935 1995-02-11
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, Huasacañada, 5 Km al S de la ciudad de Vallegrande. vegetación natural muy disturbada, remanente en las cercas al margen de terrenos cultivados y algunas quebradas., -18.52 -64.09, 2050m
566567 James C. Solomon 18749 1988-07-30
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Valle del Río Zongo, 32 km al norte de la cumbre. Río Jachcha Cruz. Bosque muy húmedo., -16.12 -68.07, 2200m
567473 James C. Solomon & M. Nee 17930 1988-03-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel Maria Caballero, Abra de Quiñe, 15.6 km al E de San Isidro. Vegetación arbustiva, semiárida con abundantes Asteracéas., -18.08 -64.35, 1900m
568045 James C. Solomon & M. Nee 17964 1988-03-09
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel Maria Caballero, 5.7 km al SE de San Isidro. Vegetación de arbustos espinosos y árboles pequeños muy dispersos con la mayor parte del suelo desnudo. Suelos muy arcillosos y densos. Arbustos comunes: Capparis (2 spp), Prosopis, Bougainvillea, Croton y Lycium., -18.07 -64.4, 1600m
568991 Miguel Bang 4
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Vicinity of La Paz., -16.5 -68.08, 3048m
568998 Miguel Bang 4A
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Vicinity of La Paz., -16.5 -68.08, 3048m
575364 Greg & Donna Schmitt 41 1984-02-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Manuel Maria Caballero, 2.5 km N of Tambo, Rio San Isidro (Rio Pulquina) Valley. Riparian habitat., -18 -64, 1500m
575395 Greg & Donna Schmitt 25 1984-02-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 4 km by road W of Mataral. Xeromorphic forest - open area., 1300m
581161 Marko Lewis 35208 1989-02-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Along the slope below the Quime- Inquisivi Road and the Río Khatu between the mouths of the Río Irupaya and the Río Titi Amaya. Ca. 3-4.5 km NE from Quime. Area of small trees and dense tall shrubs with grasslands on very steep slopes., -16.95 -67.2, 2850m
581222 Marko Lewis 35218 1989-02-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Along the slope below the Quime- Inquisivi Road and the Río Khatu between the mouths of the Río Irupaya and the Río Titi Amaya. Ca. 3-4.5 km NE from Quime. Area of small trees and dense tall shrubs with grasslands on very steep slopes., -16.95 -67.2, 2850m
581346 Marko Lewis 35229 1989-02-18
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Walk along the trail between Mina Chambillaya and Quime on slope W of Río Khuyuna. Ca. 1-2 km S from Quime. Humid grasslands, rockpiles and scattered shrubs., -16.98 -67.38
581984 Marko Lewis, Michael Nee & James Solomon 8877 1988-03-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Río Khatu Bridge. About 0.5 km above the Río Khatu where the Inquisivi-Licoma Pampa road crosses it ca. 2 km N of Inquisivi and thence down to the bridge. Mostly deciduous legume forest in rain shadow area., -16.88 -67.15, 2050 - 2200m
582529 Marko Lewis 35372 1989-03-29
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Following the mule trail between Inquisivi and the Río Khatu Bridge ca. 1-3 km N of Inquisivi. Semi-arid to seasonally humid forests., -16.88 -67.15, 2400 - 2550m
582547 Marko Lewis 88819 1988-06-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Cruz Pata. Lower slopes of Cruz Pata. Shady side., -16.97 -67.22, 3100 - 3200m
582637 Marko Lewis 881050 1988-08-11
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Climbing the forested slope of the lower Cerro Chamaquiri N of the Río Khatu. Area known as Huanahawira. Ca. 2 km SW of Quime. Humid ceja de montaña forests with abundant small trees. Frequently clouded., -16.98 -67.23, 3350 - 3500m
582708 Marko Lewis 881057 1988-08-11
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Climbing the forested slope of the lower Cerro Chamaquiri N of the Río Khatu. Area known as Huanahawira. Ca. 2 km SW of Quime. Humid ceja de montaña forests with abundant small trees. Frequently clouded., -16.98 -67.23, 3350 - 3500m
583182 Marko Lewis 35443 1989-04-02
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Lower slopes of Cerro Cruz Pata in the general area of the Quime water tank, ca. 1 km W of Quime. Humid woodlands, shrublands and secondary growth., -16.98 -67.23, 3200m
583199 Marko Lewis 35444 1989-04-02
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Lower slopes of Cerro Cruz Pata in the general area of the Quime water tank, ca. 1 km W of Quime. Humid woodlands, shrublands and secondary growth., -16.98 -67.23, 3200m
583684 Marko Lewis 40221 1991-09-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Río Churu - - Following the Río Churu from 200 m W. of Aguilani to 1 km above the main fork up river. 3 km SE of the ruins of Choquecamiri, 17 km N of Choquetanga. Riverine woodlands and mattorals, often dominated by Acalypha in the deep canyon., -16.7 -67.33, 2400 - 2500m
583968 Marko Lewis 35064 1989-01-13
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, On the Inquisivi, Capiñata road between Yamora and Iguasani, 5 km SE from Inquisivi. Isolated semi-cloud forest on small ridge in otherwise semi-arid mountains., -16.95 -67.1, 3100m
584362 Marko Lewis 88108 1988-03-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Communidad Tupuyo. Along Quime-Inquisivi Road, walking up vado ca. 1.5 km S of Communidad Tupuyo.Ca. 3 km SW from Inquisivi. Humid, shrubby habitat along sloping creek., -16.92 -67.17, 2900m
589546 James C. Solomon & M. Nee 18145 1988-03-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, 10 km al N de Inquisivi por el camino a Suri. Alrededores del puente sobre el Río Kato. Bosque seco con Prosopis, Acacia, Schinopsis y Pereskia., -16.8 -67.18, 2100 - 2200m
589622 James C. Solomon 10383 1983-05-01
Bolivia, Tarija, O'Connor, 73.1 km E of Tarija-Padcaya road, on road to Entre Rios (ca 1 km below Narvaez). Moist sub-tropical forest with many Myrtaceae, Podocarpus, legumes, and abundant epiphytes., -21.42 -64.27, 1700m
591843 James C. Solomon & M. Uehling 12239 1984-04-05
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, 10.2 km SW of Yolosa on road to Chuspipata, (20 km NE of Chuspipata). Moist forest., -16.2 -67.78, 1700m
595388 James C. Solomon & M. Crosby 4833 1980-02-10
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Canyon of the Río Choqueyapu, south edge of the city of La Paz. Unconsolidated conglomerate and gravel., -16.5 -68.13, 3400m
595742 James C. Solomon & S. Urcullo 14179 1985-08-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Ichilo, Parque Nacional Amboró. Ca. 15 km (SE) up the Río Pitasama from the Río Surutú. Moist tropical forest on lower montane slopes. Sandstone., -17.73 -63.67, 700m
596161 James C. Solomon y R. M. King 15943 1987-02-05
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Carrasco, 5 km al este del puente sobre el Río Pojo por el camino entre Cochabamba y Santa Cruz. Vegetación arbustiva, muy disturbida a lo largo del camino., -17.73 -64.85, 2400m
596390 Israel G. Vargas C. 140 1989-03-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, Lagunillas, 5 km al N de El Trigal, carretera Vallegrande-Santa Cruz., -18.25 -64.15, 1580m
597038 James C. Solomon 6665 1982-01-09
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Hills on the S side of Calacoto. Hills formed of unconsolidated, highly eroded gravel and clay, with sandstone ridges in the higher parts., -16.53 -68.08, 3300 - 3600m
597239 Marko Lewis 88848 1988-06-16
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, On the slopes of both sides of the Río Suri between Puente Allegre and the mouth of the Río Khori Camaña. Ca. 12 km NE from Licoma Pampa. Seasonally humid subtropical forest with abundant leguminous trees., -16.7 -67.17, 1500m
597843 Israel G. Vargas C. 507 1990-04-13
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cordillera, Charagua, 6 km W de Charagua, Boca Toma. Bosque chaqueño., -19.77 -63.23, 1000m
598371 James C. Solomon y M. Nee 16059 1987-02-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Hacienda Huajchilla, 18 km al sureste de La Paz (La Florida) a lo largo del Río La Paz. Vegetación arbustiva, abierta, espinosa, semi-árida con Prosopis, Dodonaea, Caesalpinia y Cactaceae., -16.63 -68.05, 3000m
598982 W. G. D'Arcy, Gastón Bejarano 13915 1980-05-21
Bolivia, La Paz, Road from Coroico to divide leading to La Paz., -16.32 -67.9
599087 Fournet, A. 662
599096 Fournet, A. 692
911845 Miguel Bang 974
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Vicinity of Cochabamba., -17.38 -66.15
965366 Fabiana Mamani & Antony Jardim 721 1995-04-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Nuflo de Chavez, Area de estudio del Proyecto BOLFOR, Las Trancas-95. Bosque semideciduo chiquitano, vegetación a orrilla del camino., -16.52 -61.85, 450m
966669 B. Holst, M. Serrano & L. Arroyo 4926 1995-05-31
Bolivia, Chuquisaca, Sud Cinti, Entre camino El Palmar y Finca La Redonda. Bosque seco, secundario, semideciduo. Area muy intervenido por ganado y cultivo, -20.78 -64.29, 1000 - 1100m
968761 A. Jardim & N. Rosas-Hurtado 1587 1994-12-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Cordillera, Cuevo adentro de la sierra cerca la planchada antigua de Chevron. Bosque seco serrano de Anadenanthera/Schinopsis que.col. con campos abiertos., 1385m
100183139 123
Guatemala, Departmento Huehuetenango: SIERRA DE LOS CUCHUMATANES. Elev.: 2900-3200 meters.