Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO
Taxa: Evodianthus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-200 of 399

Missouri Botanical Garden

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
924677Brad Boyle & A. Boyle   1994-08-07
Ecuador, Carchi, Prominent hillcrest directly N of Lita, on N side of R, 0.88 -78.45, 760m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1063712Efra   1996-02-14
Ecuador, Napo, Loreto. Faldas del volc, -0.63 -77.45, 750m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1063847Homero Vargas, D. Neill, J. Zuleta & J. Cerda   1996-01-20
Ecuador, Napo, Loreto. 500 m al sur de la carretera a Campo Alegre, carretera Holl, -0.6 -77.33, 450m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1064874Homero Vargas & P. Cerda   1996-02-08
Ecuador, Napo, Loreto. Sector del r, -0.55 -77.4, 900m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1233122David Neill, A. Alvarez, H. Vargas & R. Mayanche   1998-01-19
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, R, -1.38 -77.42, 360m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1299472Thomas B. Croat, Richard Mansell, Lynn Hannon & Jane Whitehill   1998-07-08
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Lita-San Lorenzo Road, 3.4 km E of El Durango, 17.3 km W of Alto Tambo., 1.04 -78.62, 375m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1427853Severo Espinoza & T. Coba   1990-11-13
Ecuador, Pastaza, Pastaza, Pozo Petrolero "Namayacu" de UNOCAL. 30 km Sur de Curaray. Bosque h, -1.67 -76.95, 290m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1427960Alberto Dik   1996-11-04
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Parque Nacional Sumaco. Proyecto Amoco, Bloque 18, l, -0.4 -77.35, 400m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1479913Thomas B. Croat   1980-10-03
Ecuador, Napo, Along road between Lago Agrio and R, 0.12 -76.83, 450m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1506664A. Gentry & C. Dodson   1982-02-22
Ecuador, Los R, R, -0.58 -79.37

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1557706Efra   2001-12-12
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Gualaquiza, Vertiente occidental de la Cordillera del C, -3.51 -78.42, 1600m

Evodianthus Oerst.
1829486Linder Suin, A. Jimbicti & M. Pinchupa   2002-05-07
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Morona, Cordillera del Cutuc, -2.31 -78.12, 1043m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1830473Walter Palacios, N. Jaramillo & F. Nicolalde   2002-01-19
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Morona, Cordillera de Cutuc, -2.53 -77.9, 650m

Evodianthus Oerst.
1832321Jimmy Cevallos   2003-02-25
Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, Reserva de Bi, -0.83 -77.56, 1160m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1320692Thomas B. Croat   275931974-08-31
Panama, Veraguas, Santa Fe, Valley of Río Dos Bocas along road between Escuela Agricola Alto Piedra and Calovebora, 15.6 km northwest of Santa Fé; primary forest; along trail to Santa Fé, steep forested hill east of river, 8.55 -81.17, 450 - 550m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1320696Sandra Knapp & J. Mallet   46951982-04-18
Panama, San Blas, Puerto Obaldia, Quebrada east of the town of Puerto Obaldía, upriver from the dam (represa). Tropical wet forest, 8.67 -77.4, - 50m

1486858James A. Duke   142231967-09-20
Panama, San Blas, Río Kwadi, about 6 air miles SW of Mulatupu, 8.97 -77.78, 100m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1497539W.D. Stevens   183491980-11-11
Panama, Chiriquí, Slope NW of confluence of Río Hornito and Río Chiriquí; cloud forest., 8.73 -82.22, 1050 - 1100m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1558475J.P. Folsom, Robert L. Dressler & Kerry Dressler   55141977-09-15
Panama, Chiriquí, Fortuna dam site. Upriver from the main camp, 8.75 -82.2, 1200 - 1400m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1559384M.D. Correa A., E. Montenegro & N. Rivera   102921994-01-06
Panama, Panamá, Sendero de Interpretación, 1 km al este del Campamento de los guardabosques de INRENARE. Bosque húmedo tropical premontano. Colectada en el sedero al Cerro de la Cruz, 8.67 -79.92, 800 - 900m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1559386M.D. Correa A., E. Montenegro, A. Espinosa & M. Sánchez   81681991-09-19
Panama, Panamá, Sendero de Interpretación, 1 km al este del Campamento de los guardabosques de INRENARE. Bosque húmedo tropical premontano. A ca. 100 m de la entrada del camino que pasa entre P6-7 y P6-8., 8.67 -79.92, 800 - 900m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1581338Mary Merello, Allison Miller & Beatriz Wong   27532001-09-02
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Fortuna Dam Area. Cloud forest. Forested slopes along road from STRI's field station towards Chiriqui Grande. Along side road to Palo Seco Forest Reserve. Continental Divide path at marker post, B-700., 8.79 -82.21, 1200m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1834876S. Knapp & W.J. Kress   43121982-03-18
Panama, Colón, At base of Cerro Bruja along Río Escandaloso, above Mina Boquerón #2 (manganese mine), 19 miles from Transisthmian Highway on road to Salamanca. Tropical wet forest. [Coordinates on original label: 09.50N 079.32W], 9.44 -79.47, 10 - 200m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1892073T.M. Antonio   1381
Panama, Coclé, 7 km from Llano Grande on road to Coclecito (near continental divide), 8.69 -80.45, 365m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1897295Thomas M. Antonio   17701979-09-09
Panama, Colón, Portobelo, 4 mi W of Portobelo on gravel road to right. Near sea level. [Coordinates on original label: 09.27N 079.43W], 9.53 -79.67

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1946849Thomas M. Antonio   28921979-11-29
Panama, Veraguas, Santa Fe, Vicinity of the Escuela de Agricultura Alta Piedra, north of Santa Fé. 0.3 mi. beyond the fork in the road near the school going towards the Atlantic coast. Along trail to top of Cerro Tute, 8.48 -81.1, 1050 - 1150m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1947115Thomas M. Antonio   29391979-11-30
Panama, Veraguas, Santa Fe, Vicinity of the Escuela de Agricultura Alta Piedra, north of Santa Fé. 0.3 mi. beyond the fork in the road near the school going towards the Atlantic coast. Along trail to top of Cerro Tute, 8.48 -81.1, 1066 - 1249m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1947493T.M. Antonio   30521979-12-07
Panama, Coclé, Along road between Llano Grande and Coclecito. (N of Pintada), 4 miles N of Llano Grande., 8.68 -80.45, 600m

Evodianthus funifer subsp. fendleranus Harling
1965030K.J. Sytsma   10161980-09-06
Panama, Panamá, Chepo, El Llano-Cartí road, tropical moist forest. [Coordinate on original label: 09º16'N, 078º58'W], 9.29 -78.94, 289m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1965039S. Mori & J.A. Kallunki   1827A1974-09-12
Panama, Panamá, Chepo, El Llano-Cartí Road; 9.6 km from Pan American Hwy, 9.27 -78.93, 410m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1972946J.H. Kirkbride & James A. Duke   5901968-04-13
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Cloud forest above Quebrada Huron on Cerro Bonyic, 9.35 -82.65, 152 - 365m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1973377P.M. Peterson   85811990-03-31
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Bocas del Toro, Isla Escudo de Veraguas, SE side of island Mangrove swamp with Rhizophora and Laguncularia, 9.09 -81.55

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1975764Barry Hammel   27261978-04-27
Panama, Colón, Ridge top leading north from Río Escandaloso towards Cerro Bruja, 9.45 -79.57, 182m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1975818Thomas B. Croat & Duncan M. Porter   153501971-07-09
Panama, Colón, Santa Rita Ridge, along road ca. 1 mile from Boyd-Roosevelt Highway, 9.33 -79.79

1975822Thomas B. Croat   251861974-07-18
Panama, Panamá, Chepo, El Llano-Cartí Road, 7-12 km from Interamerican Highway, 9.3 -78.94, 360 - 400m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1975979Kenneth J. Sytsma, W.J. Hahn & Thomas M. Antonio   25301980-12-13
Panama, Coclé, Between Caña Susio and waterfall at base of Cerro Tife, ca. 4 hr. hike. Caña Susio is 1 hr. W of the Río Blanco which is 5 hr. N of the the Continental Divide above El Cope & El Petroso sawmill. [Coordinates on orginal label: 08.38N 080.36W], 8.71 -80.62

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1976022Kenneth J. Sytsma   12171980-09-18
Panama, Panamá, Cerro Campana, premotane wet forest. Trail leading to cross., 8.7 -79.92, 853m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1976025John D. Dwyer   118881974-01-03
Panama, Coclé, Woods adjacent to chicken farm, La Mesa, above El Valle., 8.65 -80.13

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1976096S. Mori & J. Kallunki   49741975-03-07
Panama, Panamá, Panama, 5-10km NE of Altos de Pacora. On trail at end of road. Premontane rain forest, 9.28 -79.31, 750m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1976220J.H. Kirkbride & James A. Duke   5901968-04-13
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Cloud forest above Quebrada Huron on Cerro Bonyic, 9.35 -82.65, 152 - 365m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1976346Barry E. Hammel & W. John Kress   134381983-08-23
Panama, Coclé, El Valle; at 'end' of road to La Mesa just before drop off to head waters of Rio Indio., 8.63 -80.12, 701m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1976401Thomas B. Croat & Duncan M. Porter   162631971-07-26
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Forest above RR stop at Milla 7.5., 9.36 -82.45

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1976411Kenneth J. Sytsma   15181980-10-10
Panama, Colón, Santa Rita Ridge Road, 20-25 km from Transisthmian Hwy. Primary tropical wet forest. [Coordinates on original label: 09.24N 079.39W], 9.4 -79.6, 30 - 365m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1976485Thomas B. Croat   335351976-03-22
Panama, Colón, Between Nuevo Tonosí and Río Indio on road from Portobelo and Nombre de Dios. Elevation near sea level, 9.55 -79.55, - 5m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1976578S. Mori & J.A. Kallunki   29661974-11-02
Panama, Coclé, Ca. 3 km NE of El Valle. At perimeter of Solanum quitoense patch, cloud forest., 8.63 -80.11

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1976670R.E. Woodson, Jr., Paul H. Allen & R.J. Seibert   19431938-08-17
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Isla de Colón., 9.39 -82.28, 25 - 75m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1976850Robin Foster, Allen Herre & Elizabeth Kalko   145301993-03-16
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Isla Colon; camino central, unos 4 km. de Boca del Drago., 9.42 -82.28, 5 - 25m

Evodianthus Oerst.
1976909Sidney T. McDaniel   50891964-08-18
Panama, Bocas del Toro, 4 miles north of Almirante. Lower montane rain-forest, 9.32 -82.42

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1976918S. Mori & J.A. Kallunki   63891975-05-25
Panama, Panamá, Chepo, El Llano-Cartí Road, 9.6 km from Inter-American Hwy, 9.27 -78.93, 350m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1977059K.J. Sytsma & T.M. Antonio   30241981-01-04
Panama, Veraguas, Santa Fe, Along steep trail to summit of Cerro Tute, ca 3km above Escuela Agricultura Alto Piedra near Santa Fé, 8.51 -81.14, 853 - 914m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1977079Thomas B. Croat   260431974-08-01
Panama, Panamá, Chepo, El Llano-Cartí Road in vicinity of Gorgas Lab Mosquito Control Project site at km 12, 9.27 -79.94, 250m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1977126Thomas B. Croat   121461970-09-10
Panama, Panamá, Cerro Campana, vicinity of Florida State Univ. building 4di. Moist forest on steep slope., 8.69 -79.92

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1977180Barry Hammel   17991978-03-06
Panama, Coclé, Near sawmill 16.7 kM N of turnoff to Coclesito from Llano Grande., 8.75 -80.48, 213m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1977237S. Mori & J. Kallunki   32711974-11-20
Panama, Panamá, Panama, Gorgas Memorial Labs Yellow Fever Research Camp, ca. 25 km NE of Cerro Azul on Río Piedras. In forest on ridge, 9.28 -79.4, 550m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1977245M. Nee & R. Warmbrodt   103521977-03-05
Panama, Panamá, Panama, Premontane wet forest along new El Llano-Cartí road, 8 km N of Pan-Am. Hwy at El Llano, 9.26 -78.93, 450m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1977312H. von Wedel   29751941-11-14
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Isla Colón, vicinity of Chiriquí Lagoon., 9.4 -82.28

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1977340M. Nee & Mason Hale   96321974-02-12
Panama, Coclé, La Mesa, 4 km N of El Valle. Tropical wet forest, 8.63 -80.63, 875m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1977406P.J.M. Maas & R.L. Dressler   17081974-09-12
Panama, Panamá, Chepo, El Llano-Cartí Road, forest, 10-12 km from El Llano, 9.27 -78.93, 400m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1977537B.R. Lallathin   21-A
Panama, Coclé, Cerro Pilón, 8.64 -80.14, 822m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1977625Kenneth J. Sytsma, W.J. Hahn & Thomas M. Antonio   24771980-12-13
Panama, Coclé, Between Río Blanco and Caño Susio 1 hr hike to the west. Río Blanco is ca 5hr hike north down from the continental Divide above El Copé and El Petroso sawmill. [Coordinates on orginal label: 08.38N 080.36W], 8.72 -80.61, 106 - 121m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1977660Barry Hammel   7951978-01-10
Panama, Coclé, In mountains near continental divide, ca. 8 km above El Copé (ca. 0.5 km down logging trail going NE from sawmill). In forest near small stream, in moist cloud forest., 8.68 -80.6, 609m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1977782Thomas B. Croat   270811974-08-21
Panama, Panamá, Panama, Campo Tres, beyond Cerro Jefe, 9.3 -79.27, 700m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1977969H. von Wedel   2811940-08-01
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Isla Colón, vicinity of Chiriquí Lagoon, 9.4 -82.28

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1977986Thomas B. Croat   446431978-01-20
Panama, Coclé, On Atlantic slope near the Continental Divide along lumbering road above El Cope, 9.4 km above El Cope (2.2 km beyond lumber saw mill), 8.67 -80.6, 750 - 900m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1978059Thomas B. Croat   492131979-12-06
Panama, Coclé, La Pintada, Alto Calvario, above saw mill, on Continental Divide, 5.2 mi above El Copé. Cloud forest, 8.67 -80.61, 930m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1978149J.P. Folsom   12391977-01-11
Panama, Coclé, 7 km N of El Copé de Veraguas; lumber camp. Continental Divide, cloud forest, extremely windy - circa Rivera sawmill; Alto Calvario., 8.68 -80.61, 900 - 1300m

1978225S.A. Mori, J.A. Kallunki, B.A. Cochrane, T.S. Cochrane, B.F. Hansen, R.R. Kowal & M. Nee   39061974-12-20
Panama, Veraguas, Santa Fe, NW of Santa Fé. 8.8 km from Escuela Agricola Alto de Piedra. Pacific slope, 8.54 -81.16, 900m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1978253D.M. Porter, John D. Dwyer, L.H. Durkee, M.R. Crosby, T.B. Croat, J.R. Castillón & R.K. Baker   48241969-03-29
Panama, Colón, Santa Rita Ridge, end of road from Transisthmian Highway, ca. 10 miles from highway. Advanced secondary forest., 9.41 -79.67

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1978286Kenneth J. Sytsma & W.D. Stevens   22861980-11-10
Panama, Chiriquí, Fortuna Dam Project Area, slope NW of confluence of Rio Hornito and Rio Chiriqui, low cloud forest., 8.73 -82.22, 1050 - 1100m

1978397Thomas B. Croat   272861974-08-26
Panama, Darién, Vicinity of upper gold mining camp of Tyler Kittredge on headwaters of Rio Tuquesa ca. 2 air km from Continental Divide; recently cleared primary forest., 8.56 -77.48, 600m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1978537J.F. McDonagh, B.A. Lewis, N.J. Gumpel & A.J. Plumptre   2131986-07-19
Panama, San Blas, Nusagandi, sendero Wedar, 9.33 -78.98, 300 - 400m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1978551Scott Mori, K. Dumont, S.E. Carpenter & S.M. Carpenter   68661975-06-23
Panama, San Blas, On trail to Darién from Puerto Obaldía. 15-20 km WSW of Puerto Obaldía, on Caribbean slope of Cordillera, 8.58 -77.46

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1978643Paul J.M. Maas, Robert L. Dressler & Helen Kennedy   16011974-09-04
Panama, Colón, Río Guanche. Forest, 9.5 -79.67, 50m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1978720P.J.M. Maas, R.L. Dressler & H. Kennedy   15521974-09-02
Panama, Panamá, Panama, Altos de Pacora, 9.28 -79.31, 650 - 750m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1978866P.J.M. Maas, C.C. Berg & J.P. Folsom   28021977-09-03
Panama, Panamá, Chepo, El Llano-Carti Road, Km. 10-15, rain forest, 9.27 -78.93, 300 - 400m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1978886S.A. Mori & J.A. Kallunki   26431974-10-18
Panama, Veraguas, Santa Fe, N of Santa Fé, ca. 2 km N of Escuela Agricola Alto de Piedra. In forest, 8.52 -81.13, 900m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1978888S.A. Mori & J.A. Kallunki   47921975-02-24
Panama, Veraguas, Santa Fe, NW of Santa Fe. 1 km from Escuela Agricola Alto de Piedra. On slopes of Cerro Tute, 8.52 -81.12, 800 - 1000m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1979073W.G. D'Arcy   105931976-09-10
Panama, Panamá, Chepo, Forest along El Llano-Cartí Road, 10 km from Panamerican Hwy, 9.26 -78.95

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1979158J. P. Folsom   35941977-06-08
Panama, Panamá, Chepo, El Llano to Cartí Road, 13.7 km N of Pan-American Highway, 9.28 -78.93

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
1979237S. Mori & J.A. Kallunki   22491974-10-04
Panama, Panamá, Chepo, El Llano-Cartí Road; 10 km from Inter-American Hwy, 9.27 -78.93

1996326H. von Wedel   8241940-09-17
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Water Valley, vicinity of Chiriquí Lagoon, 9.25 -82.38, - 120m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301380Barry Hammel, G. McPherson & M. Merello   143831986-02-17
Panama, Colón, Santa Rita ridge; 8 miles from transistmian highway. In primary forest along small stream, slopes N of road, 9.37 -79.71, 420m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301626Henk van der Werff & J. Herrera   62281985-01-21
Panama, Panamá, Distrito Capira, Cerro Campana; more or less natural grassland on steep, windexposed slopes with rock outcrops., 8.68 -79.9, 900m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301688Gerrit Davidse & C.W. Hamilton   234921983-02-03
Panama, Coclé, Area between Caño Blanco del Norte, Caño Sucio and Chorro del Río Tife. Evergreen forest., 8.71 -80.62, 200 - 400m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301753Heraclio Herrera, Johny Morris & Jimmy Mojica   10791991-11-03
Panama, San Blas, Campamento Kariadi, caminando por el Río Ispergandi río arriba 3 km., 9.25 -78.25, 50m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301769Heraclio Herrera, Benjamin Obaldía, Rolando Obladía & Narciso Blanco   11771992-07-01
Panama, San Blas, Río Diablo y vecindad de Duque Sui, a unos 10 km de la costa frente a la Isla de Nargana. Ruta hacia Cerro Ibedón., 9.37 -78.58, 80 - 110m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301793Heraclio Herrera, Luis Layans & Horacio Arosemena   13591993-09-07
Panama, San Blas, Río Playon Chico, vecindad de Dukandi, caminando por el filo al sur de Campamento agrícola Dukandi. [Coordinates on original label: 09.15N 78.13W], 9.27 -78.23, 50 - 100m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301815Gordon McPherson & Jorge A. Aranda   101891986-12-27
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Along old pipeline road from continental divide. [Coordinates on orginal label: 8.55.4N 82.10.4W]. Forest, 8.8 -82.21, 900m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301832Gordon McPherson   110181987-06-16
Panama, San Blas, El Llano to Cartí road, near Nusagandi. Along Sendero Nusagandi, west of buildings, [Coordinates on original label: 09º15'N, 79º00'W], 9.35 -78.97, 250 - 300m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301848Gordon McPherson & J. Aranda   101991986-12-28
Panama, Chiriquí, Vicinity of Fortuna Dam. Along trail across valley south of lake. Forest., 8.75 -82.25, 1400m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301856Gordon McPherson & J. Aranda   102001986-12-28
Panama, Chiriquí, Vicinity of Fortuna Dam. Along trail across valley south of lake. Forest., 8.75 -82.25, 1400m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301869H.W. Churchill & A. Churchill   62011984-09-22
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Road from Fortuna Dam to Chiriquí Grande, 3 mi from Continental Divide., 8.78 -82.18, 650m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301876H.W. Churchill & A. Churchill   62021984-09-22
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Road from Fortuna Dam to Chiriquí Grande, 3 mi from Continental Divide., 8.78 -82.18, 650m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301886Gordon McPherson   99501986-08-22
Panama, Panamá, Along El Llano-Carti road, c. 4.6 miles from Pan-American Highway. c. 9º15'N, 79º00'W. Side-trail through forest, c. 350 m., 9.25 -79, 350m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301891H.W. Churchill & A. Churchill   62041984-09-22
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Road from Fortuna Dam to Chiriquí Grande, 3 mi from Continental Divide., 8.78 -82.18, 650m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301902Gordon McPherson   74961985-11-18
Panama, Panamá, Along trail to Cerro Brewster from Río Pacora valley, c. 9º20'N, 79º15'W. Forest slopes c. 670 m., 9.33 -79.25, 670m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301909Gordon McPherson   74971985-11-18
Panama, Panamá, Along trail to Cerro Brewster from Río Pacora valley, c. 9º20'N, 79º15'W. Forest slopes c. 670 m., 9.33 -79.25, 670m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301914H.W. Churchill   58891984-08-01
Panama, Chiriquí, Fortuna Dam area, N of reservoir. Between Quebrada Bonito and Quebrada Franh, to E of road. Mixed palm forest on kaolinite soil. Alt. 1100 m. 8º45'N, 82º13'W., 8.75 -82.22, 1100m

Evodianthus funifer (Poit.) Lindm.
301926Gordon McPherson   110861987-06-26
Panama, Bocas del Toro, Vicinity of Fortuna Dam, along trail on continental divide. [Coordinates on orginal label: 08º45'N 82º15'W], 8.77 -82.22, 1250m

Page 2, records 101-200 of 399


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