Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO
Taxa: Chrysobalanaceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 3311

Missouri Botanical Garden

Licania Aubl.
2631542H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2631480H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2631455H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2631444H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2631431H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2631108H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2630951H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2630891H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2630770H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2630738H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2630150H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2630071H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2629647H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2629587H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2629566H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2629496H. Christensen   1989-01-20
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno, 1 km north of Laguna Grande. One-hectare study plot for quantitative inventory. Tropical rainforest on terra firme., 0.02 -76.18, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2629464H. Balslev Berg, C. C. & Gavilanes, M. & Thygesen, A. & Christensen, D. E. & Ellemann, L. & Brucculeri, R.   1990-03-11
Ecuador, Sucumb, Reserva Faunistica Cuyabeno. Laguna Grande and surroundings, including R, 265m

Licania Aubl.
2396395C. Dodson et al   1984-07-30
Ecuador, Pichincha, Centinela, km 12 carretera Patricia Pilar - 24 de Mayo, altura del km 47 Santo Domingo-Quevedo. En la cima de las monta, -0.62 -79.27, 650m

Licania Aubl.
2383018E. Bravo & P. G   
Ecuador, Sucumb, Cuyabeno - Punta Arenilla, 0.08 -76.17

Licania Aubl.
2382768Angela Herrera & Willian Guerrero   2004-06-24
Ecuador, Sucumb, Shushufindi, Comunidad Shuar Yamanunka. A 25 min. de Shushufindi por la v, -0.32 -76.67, 300m

Licania Aubl.
2380535Guerrero Wilian & Herrera Angela   2004-06-24
Ecuador, Sucumb, Shushufindi, Comunidad Shuar Yamanunka. A 25 min. de Shushufindi por la v, -0.33 -76.67, 300m

Licania Aubl.
2362870Clark, J.L., Mu   
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Sigchos. Parroquia: San Francisco de las Pampas. Bosque Integral Otonga Premontane wet forest., -0.4 -79, 1900m

Licania Aubl.
1933084Germ   2002-10-05
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Lim, Cordillera del C, -3.15 -78.25, 1020m

Licania Aubl.
49327Brad Boyle & L. Dalmau   1993-04-24
Ecuador, Carchi, Cerro Golondrinas. Upper R, 0.88 -78.17, 1740 - 1780m

Licania Aubl.
69340Walter Palacios   1988-07-08
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo. Finca La Chiquita. Bosque h, 1.22 -78.82, 80m

Licania Aubl.
69638Walter Palacios   1987-09-01
Ecuador, Napo, RESERVA BIOLOGICA JATUN SACHA, 8 km. de Puerto Misahualli, margen derecha del R, -1.07 -77.62, 450m

Licania Aubl.
69839Walter Palacios & Tipaz, Rubio, Gudi   1991-11-19
Ecuador, Sucumb, Lago Agrio, Reserva Cuyabeno. Laguna Grande. Bosque h, 230m

Licania Aubl.
69845Walter Palacios & Tipaz, Rubio, Gudi   1991-11-19
Ecuador, Sucumb, Lago Agrio, Reserva Cuyabeno. Laguna Grande. Bosque h, 230m

Licania Aubl.
69851Walter Palacios & Tipaz, Rubio, Gudi   1991-11-19
Ecuador, Sucumb, Lago Agrio, Reserva Cuyabeno. Laguna Grande. Bosque h, 230m

Licania Aubl.
69886Walter Palacios   
Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, V, -0.72 -77.77, 1200m

Licania Aubl.
70076Daniel Rubio & Galo Tipaz   1992-01-21
Ecuador, Guayas, Guayaquil, Bosque Protector Cerro Blanco. Guayaquil. Carretera a Salinas, Km 15. Bosque seco Tropical., -2.17 -79.97, 400m

Licania Aubl.
70752David Neill, C. Cer   1988-01-09
Ecuador, Napo, Parque Nacional Yasun, -0.95 -76.22, 230m

Licania Aubl.
70765David Neill & E. Gudi   1990-12-24
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Jatun Sacha Biological Station. R, -1.07 -77.6, 400m

Licania Aubl.
70814David Neill & Walter Palacios   1989-10-19
Ecuador, Napo, Cant, -0.73 -77.58, 1100m

Licania Aubl.
71125Walter Palacios & Carlos Iguago   1989-10-21
Ecuador, Napo, Cant, -1.07 -77.6, 400m

Licania Aubl.
71236Al Gentry   1993-07-29
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Nangaritza, Miazi, flood plain forest along Rio Nangaritza. Transect # 9., -4.3 -78.67, 850m

Licania Aubl.
794143Fernando Hurtado & A. Alvarado   1989-09-14
Ecuador, Napo, Cant, -0.72 -77.67, 1200m

Licania Aubl.
810735Daniel Rubio & Carlos Quelal   1991-04-15
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Parroquia Ricaurte. Comunidad Balsare, 1.15 -78.52, 80m

Licania Aubl.
919465Milton Aulestia   1994-09-07
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Parque Nacional Yasun. Carretera y oleoducto de Maxus, Km 40. Parcela permanente # 10, de 1 hectrea. Bosque h, -0.65 -76.43, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1064700Efra   1996-03-21
Ecuador, Napo, Loreto. Faldas del volc, -0.7 -77.5, 870m

Licania Aubl.
1066534Efra   1996-04-24
Ecuador, Napo, Archidona, Parque Nacional Sumaco Napo-Galera. Cordillera de Galeras. Bloque 19, l, -0.88 -77.55, 1400m

Licania Aubl.
1082906Milton Tirado, P. Asimbaya & N. Pitman   1995-03-25
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Eloy Alfaro, Reserva Ecol, -0.82 -78.75, 200m

Licania Aubl.
1128826John L. Clark & Patricio Conza, Peter Walter, Marcial Zapata   1996-11-03
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, Zamora, Jamboe Bajo. Fundacion Maquipucuna permanent plot: Sector Nororiental. Propiedad de Sr. Jorge Acacho. Premontane wet forest., -4.08 -78.92, 1100m

Licania Aubl.
1232219Efra   1997-12-14
Ecuador, Sucumb, Shushufindi, Parroquia San Roque. Comunidad Secoya. Pozo exploratorio CG IA4 Cocaya 1A Garolo, petrolera Occidental. Bosque primario en colinas., -0.3 -76.32, 232m

Licania Aubl.
1232848Efra   1997-12-21
Ecuador, Sucumb, Shushufindi, Parroquia San Roque. Sector Secoya. Pozo exploratorio Corozo 1B, petrolera Occidental. Bosque primario en colinas., -0.3 -76.27, 220m

Licania Aubl.
1273689Nigel Pitman & Tom   
Ecuador, Napo, La Joya de los Sachas, Yasun, -0.52 -76.53, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1273691Nigel Pitman & Tom   
Ecuador, Napo, La Joya de los Sachas, Yasun, -0.52 -76.53, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1273694Nigel Pitman & Tom   
Ecuador, Napo, La Joya de los Sachas, Yasun, -0.52 -76.53, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1273695Nigel Pitman & Tom   
Ecuador, Napo, La Joya de los Sachas, Yasun, -0.52 -76.53, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1332349David Neill, QCNE interns & Aw   1999-01-23
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Territorio Ind, 1.22 -78.53, 150m

Licania Aubl.
1332353David Neill, QCNE interns & Aw   1999-01-23
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, San Lorenzo, Territorio Ind, 1.22 -78.53, 150m

Licania Aubl.
1351216Nigel Pitman, Kawena & T. Delinks   
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Yasuni National Park. Maxus/YPF pipeline road, km 34. Terra firme forest on highest ridgeline between the Tiputini and Capiron rivers, W of road., -0.62 -76.47, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1351217Nigel Pitman, Kawena & T. Delinks   
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Yasuni National Park. Maxus/YPF pipeline road, km 34. Terra firme forest on highest ridgeline between the Tiputini and Capiron rivers, W of road., -0.62 -76.47, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1351294Nigel Pitman, Timpo Omehuai & T.Delinks   
Ecuador, Napo, Aguarico, Huaorani Ethnic Reserve. Vicinity of the community Dicaro. Periodically flooded forest along the banks of the Dicaro River., -0.93 -76.2, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1351356Nigel Pitman, Kawena, Noe & Tonai   1999-05-09
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Yasuni National Park. Kms 38-39 of the Maxus/YPF pipeline road. T. Erwin's entomology transects near the R, -0.65 -76.45, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1351434Nigel Pitman & T.Delinks   
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Yasuni National Park. Kms 14-15 of the Maxus/YPF pipeline road. E of Juan Tapuy's finca. Mature terra firme forest on flat terrain., -0.52 -76.53, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1351509Nigel Pitman & T.Delinks   
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Tiputini Biodiversity Station. Terra firme forest in T. Erwin's entomology transects, Harpia trail., -0.63 -76.17, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1351648Nigel Pitman, Wepe, R.Burnham, E.Kohn & T.Delinks   1998-11-30
Ecuador, Napo, Aguarico, Huaorani Ethnic Reserve. Km 100-101 on the Maxus/YPF pipeline road. Occasionally flooded forest along the R, -0.93 -76.22, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1352146Efra   1998-12-15
Ecuador, Sucumb, Shushufindi, Parroquia Limoncocha. Collecciones en alrededores de la Laguna Limoncocha. Suelo aluvial y pantanoso., -0.38 -76.67, 300m

Licania Aubl.
1352279Efra   1998-12-17
Ecuador, Napo, Pompeya. Bosque pantanoso., -0.42 -76.67, 350m

Licania Aubl.
1352514Nigel Pitman, Wepe, Robyn Burnham, Eduardo Kohn & T. Delinks   
Ecuador, Napo, Aguarico, Huaorani Ethnic Reserve. Occasionally flooded forests along the R, -0.93 -76.22, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1352522Nigel Pitman   
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Yasuni National Park. Kms 46-47 of the Maxus/YPF pipeline road, in the UC Davis primate plot. Mature terra firme forest on hilly terrain., -0.7 -76.47, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1353346C. Dodson   1982-02-13
Ecuador, Centinela.

Licania Aubl.
1537165A.P. Y   1997-07-21
Ecuador, Orellana, Parque Nacional Yasun, -0.87 -76.24

Licania Aubl.
1537181A.P. Y   1997-07-22
Ecuador, Orellana, Parque Nacional Yasun, -0.87 -76.24

Licania Aubl.
1830914Germ   2002-01-24
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Morona, Cordillera de Cutuc, -2.53 -77.92, 920m

Licania Aubl.
1831376Efra   2001-11-11
Ecuador, Sucumb, Shushufindi, Parroquia El Ed, -0.5 -76.1, 245m

Licania Aubl.
1351263Nigel Pitman & Wepera Tocari   1999-10-05
Ecuador, Napo, Aguarico, Huaorani Ethnic Reserve. Km 99 of the Maxus/YPF pipeline road, in the vicinity of the Dicaro community. Swamp behind W.Tocari's house. Soils saturated., -0.93 -76.2, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1351568Nigel Pitman, Humberto Awa & T.Delinks   
Ecuador, Napo, Orellana, Yasuni National Park. Km 32 of the Maxus/YPF pipeline road. Swamp forest E of Huaorani community. Generally underwater., -0.6 -76.45, 250m

Licania Aubl.
1829681L. Suin , B. Atamaint, V. Jimbikit & D. Uyunkar   2002-05-17
Ecuador, Morona-Santiago, Morona, Cordillera del Cutuc, -2.35 -78.04, 1400m

Licania Aubl.
1540289James A. Duke   152561968-02-23
Panama, Colón, East ridge, 9.41 -79.64

Licania Aubl.
1725042M.D. Correa A. & E. Montenegro   110541995-04-20
Panama, Panamá, Colectado en el sendero al Cerro Campana. Bosque húmedo tropical premontano, 8.67 -79.92, 800 - 900m

Licania Aubl.
1725043M.D. Correa A. & E. Montenegro   111251995-06-01
Panama, Panamá, Sendero de Interpretación, 1 km al este del Campamento de los guardabosques de INRENARE. Bosque húmedo tropical premontano. Sendero al Cerro de la Cruz, 8.67 -79.92, 800 - 900m

Licania Aubl.
1729883M.D. Correa A. & E. Montenegro   103691994-02-03
Panama, Panamá, Colectado en el sendero que esta a un costado de la finca García. Bosque húmedo tropical premontano, 8.67 -79.92, 800 - 900m

Licania Aubl.
2034605J. P. Folsom, Al Gentry & D. Daley   19961977-03-11
Panama, Panamá, Panama, Along side road that turns off to west approx. 9.4 km N of Goofy Lake. Medium light forest, 9.22 -79.38, 900m

Licania Aubl.
2034776Narciso Bristan   4561967-04-11
Panama, Darién, Cerro Pirre., 7.87 -77.73

Licania Aubl.
2046369José J. Him & Ibrahim O. Gordon   1411981-03-19
Panama, Chiriquí, Proyecto Fortuna. Valle de Hornito, 8.63 -82.22, 1000m

Licania Aubl.
2078098Joseph H. Kirkbridem Jr. & James A. Duke   10001968-04-21
Panama, Chiriquí, On Chiriquí Trail, Degraded Premontane Rain Forest and Brysonima Savanna between Quebrada Seco and un-named Quebrada toward Caldera.

Licania Aubl.
70261Gordon McPherson   98721986-08-08
Panama, Chiriquí, Vicinity of Fortuna Dam. Along trail near Río Hornito. Forest., 8.75 -82.25, 1100m

Licania Aubl.
70327Greg de Nevers, Heraclio Herrera & B. González   39211984-09-27
Panama, San Blas, El Llano-Cartí Road, 17.4 km from Interamerican Hwy. [Coordinates on original label: 9º19'N, 78º55'W], 9.31 -78.95, 350m

Licania Aubl.
70339Gordon McPherson   74491985-11-11
Panama, Panamá, West of Inter-American Highway near Capira; Cerro Campana, Forest., 8.67 -79.83, 900m

Licania Aubl.
70431Greg de Nevers & Heraclio Herrera   76471986-04-05
Panama, San Blas, Río Taindi (Taimdi of maps) 6 km above confluence with Río Mandinga. [Coordinates on original label: 9.25N 79.11W], 9.4 -79.11, 30 - 100m

Licania Aubl.
1256053J.F. Morales   5649
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Liberia, Sector Santa Maria. Sendero a las Pailas despues del cruce a aguas termales., 10.77 -85.32, 750m

Licania Aubl.
1256445J.F. Morales   6008
Costa Rica, San José, Acosta, Valle del Candelaria, Rio Candelaria, en el cruce sobre el camino a La Mesa., 9.77 -84.17, 700m

Licania Aubl.
1256615J.F. Morales   6090
Costa Rica, San José, Puriscal, Cerros de Puriscal, Valle del Candelaria. Rio Quivel, union con el Rio Cajon, camino Polca-Alto Concepcion., 9.75 -84.34, 200m

Licania Aubl.
1258154Reinaldo Aguilar   4520
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Osa, Aguabuena, cerca de la escuela., 8.7 -83.51, 50m

Licania Aubl.
1258313Reinaldo Aguilar   4673
Costa Rica, Limón, Talamanca, Gandoca., 9.58 -82.6, 1m

Licania Aubl.
1258345Reinaldo Aguilar   4703
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Osa, Bahia Chal, La Parcela., 8.71 -83.45, 150m

Licania Aubl.
1258347Reinaldo Aguilar   4705
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Osa, Bahia Chal. La Parcela, 8.71 -83.45, 150m

Licania Aubl.
1258424Reinaldo Aguilar & De la Fuente   47781996-12-21
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Osa, R.F. Golfo Dulce. Cuenca Térreba-Sierpe. Bahia Chal., 8.71 -83.45, 150m

Licania Aubl.
1258467Reinaldo Aguilar   48171996-12-20
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Osa, R.F. Golfo Dulce, Cuenca Térraba -Sierpe, Agua Buena Este., 8.71 -83.45, 150m

Licania Aubl.
1258738Reinaldo Aguilar   5084
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Osa, Fila Agua Buena, camino al faro Cerro Chocuaco., 8.7 -83.5, 200m

Licania Aubl.
258164Brad Boyle   12621992-11-25
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiqui, Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo, Sendero del Transecto, immediately to right of trail, one half hour below refugio at 1070 m, Primary Premontane Wet Forest, Treeplot 1000-1, 10.28 -84.08, 1000m

Licania Aubl.
69338Barry Hammel & R. Robles   167241988-04-28
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Reserva Forestal Golfo Dulce Osa Península; Trocha de La Tarde rd. 10 km SW of La Palma, S of Rincón de Osa. Primary forest along red clay soil ridge E of the Río Rincón valley. Apr. 28-30., 8.62 -83.47, 150 - 200m

Licania Aubl.
69529C. Kernan   2201988-03-01
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Parque Nacional Corcovado Sirena., 8.45 -83.55

Licania Aubl.
69543C. Kernan   1441988-02-13
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Parque Nacional Corcovado Sirena., 8.45 -83.55

Licania Aubl.
70187Barry Hammel & parataxónomos del 1mer curso, INBio   176641989-07-16
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Parque Nacional Guanacaste Estación Mengo, Volcán Cacao; sendero a Fila Cacao., 10.93 -85.47, 1200m

Licania Aubl.
70876Rafael Robles, M. Chavarría, B. Hammel, G. Herrera &   27981989-05-25
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Parque Nacional Guanacaste Estación Pitilla, sobre la fila al Cerro Orosilito * Grupo de Estudiantes de Biodiversidad. [coordinates on original label, 11º02'00N, 85º24'30W], 11.03 -85.4, 650m

Licania Aubl.
70995Orlando Vargas   1751989-10-02
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiqui, Rara Avis, ca. 15 km al suroeste de Horquetas. Alrededores del Hotel hasta el Río Atelopus. Bosque Primario y Secundario., 10.28 -84.03, 400m

Licania Aubl.
71271Reinaldo Aguilar   1551991-05-17
Costa Rica, Heredia, Sarapiqui, Parque Nacional Braulio Carrillo, Estación El Ceibo, 10.37 -84.04, 500m

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 3311


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