567154 William A. Haber & J.A. Wolfe 2518 1985-09-04
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Abangares, La Cruz de Abangares. Disturbed areas, forest edge, 10.34 -84.84, 1360m
567282 William A. Haber & Eric Bello C. 2883 1985-09-24
Costa Rica, Guanacaste, Abangares, La Cruz de Abangares., 10.34 -84.84, 1400m
567502 William A. Haber ex Eric Bello 3593 1985-11-29
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Monteverde community, lower montane wet forest in area of lower community. 10º20'N, 850'W, 10.33 -84.83, 1400m
568137 William A. Haber 708 1984-10-19
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Puntarenas, Monteverde, upper community, 10.31 -84.8, 1500 - 1550m
568233 William A. Haber 797 1984-10-27
Costa Rica, Alajuela, Monteverde Reserve, Atlantic slope, Río Peñas Blancas valley, 10.31 -84.74, 900m
568652 Ronald Liesner & Emmet Judziewicz 14544 1983-04-21
Costa Rica, Cartago, El Guarco, 10 km south of Cartago by air, along confluence of Río Empalme and Río Estrella, 1 km south of Palo Verde by road, Paloverde is 1.5 km south of Pan American Highway on road to Estrella, 9.76 -83.95, 1450m
590556 Piero Delprete 5046 1991-06-07
Costa Rica, Cartago, El Guarco, Roadside vegetation from Santa Maria to El Empalme, 9.67 -83.83, 1300 - 2200m
591962 James Solomon 19149 1990-09-04
Costa Rica, San José, Parque Nac. Braulio Carrillo Cantón: Vázquez de Coronado, trail from highway at La Ventana to Bajo La Hondura. Wet montane forest with abundant epiphytes and palms., 10.07 -83.98, 1100 - 1300m
593100 William Haber, Willow Zuchowski & Sara Sargeant 9959 1990-05-29
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Cantón de Puntarenas Monteverde, upper community, Pacific slope. T. Guindon farm and bullpen., 10.3 -84.8, 1500m
594671 Rodolfo Zúñiga 499 1991-10-22
Costa Rica, San José, Z. P. Cerros Turrubares Sector San Rafael. Sitio Cerro Pelón., 9.81 -84.48, 1200m
774892 Gerardo Mora 185 1990-10-24
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Zona Protectora Las Tablas. Finca Cafrosa. Sector casa de la montaña., 8.88 -82.84, 1600 - 1800m
902826 J. Carlos Saborio 145 1992-10-10
Costa Rica, Cartago, Turrialba, Cordillera de Talamanca, Grano de Oro, Moravia, bosque secundario, 9.81 -83.45, 1100m
903801 Gerardo Herrera & Cirilo Fallas 4716 1990-12-05
Costa Rica, Puntarenas, Golfito, P.N. Corcovado; Península de Osa. Dos Brazos de Río Tigre, Jiménez. Cuenca superior del Río Madrigal, margen derecha., 8.49 -83.48, 600m
905321 Victor Ramirez & N. Martín 245 1994-02-11
Costa Rica, San José, Vazquez de Coronado, P.N. Braulio Carrillo; Cordillera Central. Estación Zurquí; en la entrada del Túnel Zurquí., 10.06 -83.98, 1650m
578466 D. N. Smith & J. Canne 5741 1984-01-21
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa, Pozuzo road, 4-8 km N of Huacabamba. Drier forest dominated by Escallonia pendula; W-facing slopes, steep., -10.22 -75.55, 1720m
579232 A. Gentry, S. Cruz & D. Daly 18885 1977-03-29
Peru, Huanuco, La Divisora, near top of divide between Huallaga and Aguaytia drainages, border with Loreto., -9.17 -75.79, 1630m
583459 D. N. Smith, A. Pretel & L. Acosta 1767 1982-06-02
Peru, Pasco, Oxapampa, Rio Boqueria ca. 26 km from Oxapampa via Rio Yamaquizu. Logging road, primary forest lightly logged, moist, abundant cryptogam cover on trunks. S aspect, steep slopes, dense vegetation., -10.5 -75.28, 1870m
583628 Thomas B. Croat 58195 1984-04-12
Peru, San Martín, Along road between Moyobamba and Chachapoyas, in vicinity of Km marker 400. disturbed primary forest., -5.75 -77.48, 1280m
592116 Al Gentry, C. Diaz & R. Ortiz 75075 1991-09-25
Peru, Piura, Montaña de Cuyas, 8 km NE of Ayabaca, disturbed cloud forest. Transect 1, -4.53 -79.73, 2410m
594206 Al Gentry & D. N. Smith 44923 1984-02-04
Peru, San Martín, Río Huallaga Valley, Carretera Marginal near top of divide between Puerto Pinzana and Punta Arenas (Shumanza), wet premontane forest on steep slopes., -7.7 -76.37, 1000 - 1100m
596577 Percy Núñez 6594 1986-12-06
Peru, Madre de Dios, Manu, Río Salvación. Bosque muy húmedo subtropical., -12.87 -71.19, 589m
597462 P. Núñez & N. Alanya 13307 1991-03-28
Peru, Cusco, Paucartambo, Ceja de Selva, Kosñipata, San Pedro. Cloud forests., -13.08 -71.17, 900m
1479244 Thomas B. Croat, A.C. Acebey & T. Kroemer 84778 2000-08-21
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, Parque Nacional Anmi Cotapata; Estación Biológica Tunquini, NW of Coroico, NNE of La Paz; vic. of Chairo, 23 Km W of Yolosa., -16.2 -67.83, 1300 - 1500m
1528773 M. Nee 48257
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, gorge of Río Laja at bridge of highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 6 km (by air) WSW of Bermejo
2450165 M. Nee, D. Atha & J.C. Rosito 47349 1997-09-21
Guatemala, Izabal, West of Santo Tomás de Castilla, along road to the antennas on summit of Cerro San Gíl. Humid evergreen forest on slopes., 15.68 -88.67, 500 - 700m
566986 J. Pipoly et al. 17644 1993-12-04
Colombia, Antioquia, Urrao, Parque Nacional Natural Las Orquídeas. Vereda Calles. Alto de Palmitas, ca. 1 km de la Cabaña de Calles del INDERENA. Bosque pluvial premontano. Colectado con W. Rodríguez, J. Velez&O. Alvarez., 6.53 -76.32, 1700 - 1750m
574136 R. Ruiz&S. Rengifo 1089 1990-11-16
Colombia, Cauca, Popayan, Norte de Popayán, Cerro La Tetilla, márgen izquierda desvío, carretera panamericana Cali-Popoyán., 2.53 -76.59, 1800m
574144 R. Ruiz&S. Rengifo 1090 1990-11-16
Colombia, Cauca, Popayan, Norte de Popayán, Cerro La Tetilla, márgen izquierda desvío, carretera panamericana Cali-Popoyán., 2.53 -76.59, 1800m
575367 Olga de Benavides 9114 1988-02-13
Colombia, Narino, Ricaurte, Trayecto San Isidro-La Planada., 1.17 -77.97, 1500 - 1800m
577509 Adrian Juncosa 2424 1984-03-11
Colombia, Chocó, Hwy. Bolivar-Quibdo. Around Km 155, disturbed and secondary vegetation by Río Atrato. Alt. 500 m. 5º40'N, 76º22'W., 5.67 -76.37, 500m
578948 James L. Zarucchi, Alan E. Brant,&Carlos J. Castaño 5577 1987-09-21
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. de Frontino; Km 27 of road Nutibara-Murrí. Disturbed wet/very wet montane vegetation; moist bank near waterfall., 6.67 -76.43, 960m
582751 Thomas B. Croat 56385 1983-05-02
Colombia, Santander, SUR: Along road between Pto. Barrio and Velez, 3 km E of Alto Jordon; 6 7'N, 73 42'W; elev aprox. 1200 m., 6.12 -73.7, 1200m
586951 Wilson Devia A. 766 1984-09-25
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, San Pedro, Corregimiento Buenos Aires, vía Buenos Aires-San Pedro. Altura 1600 m., 1600m
589009 Thomas B. Croat 71547 1990-03-16
Colombia, Narino, Ricaurte, Vicinity Ricaurte; Along Río Imbí, ca 2-3 km above Ecopetrol Campamento Palmar, located 3 km NW of Ricaurte, along trail to Ramos (indigenous settlement)., 1.13 -77.93, 1150m
592233 J.M. MacDougal, D. Restrepo&D.S. Sylva 3761 1989-02-08
Colombia, Antioquia, Mpio. de Frontino: road between Nutibara and La Blanquita, region of Murrí, ca. 24.5 km from Nutibara, primary vegetation in dense shaded gorge of cañada or at its edges. Bosque pluvial premontaño. Specimen treated with ethanol., 6.67 -76.43, 1090m
596073 Al Gentry, M. Monsalve, W. DArcy&P. Silverstone 47730 1984-07-07
Colombia, Cauca, Bridge crossing 1 km W of Leticia, Puracé-Leticia road. Moist roadside second growth., 2.3 -76.33, 2100m
1187828 Thomas B. Croat&John F. Gaskin 79663 1997-07-10
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Along road between Queremal and Anchicayá, 3 km W of Queremal. GPS coordinates., 3.52 -76.73, 1400m
1188190 Thomas B. Croat&John F. Gaskin 79698 1997-07-11
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Along road from Queremal to Anchicayá, ca. 10 km W of Queremal. GPS coordinates., 3.55 -76.75, 1100m
1259785 C. Restrepo 1014 1997-05-14
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Palmira, Margen derecha de la quebrada Las Mirlas. Corregimiento de Tenjo., 2000m
1292366 L.A. Millan 76 1982-06-08
Colombia, Valle del Cauca, Andalucia, Vereda Altaflor., 1700m
1295929 G. Arbelaez, et al. 1916 1987-02-20
Colombia, Quindio, Salento, Vereda El Castillo, 5 km arriba del terminal de buses, margen derecha de la carretera., 1940m
1480819 A. Gentry, Sue Libenson, M. Mulampy, N. Hite, M. Olson,&A. Cogollo 30631 1981-01-13
Colombia, Narino, Finca La Planada, near Chucunes., 1.17 -77.98, 1950m
1589779 R. Fonnegra, F.J. Roldán, J. Betancur&A. Betancur 1968 1987-04-29
Colombia, Antioquia, Mutatá, Margen izquierda del Rio Mutatá, 150 - 200m
1589780 D. Sanchez, C. Orrego, S. Sylva, J. Betancur, G. Martinez, D. Restrepo&F.J. Roldan 1136 1987-04-13
Colombia, Antioquia, Frontino, Correg. Nutibara, cuenca alta del Rio Cuevas, 6.8 -76.25, 1380m
1701036 R.E. Schultes&C. Earle Smith 2009 1942-12-03
Colombia, Putumayo, Mocoa, Mocoa y los alrededores al norte., 750 - 850m
576878 D. N. Smith & Rene Valencia 10014 1985-03-13
Peru, Ancash, Huaylas, Huascarán National Park. Western flank of Cordillera Blanca, Alpamayo-Cashapampa trail. Ravines with small trees and shrubs, grassland, and shrubby grassland., -8.88 -77.75, 3500 - 3950m
578907 D. N. Smith, L. Sanchez, H. Vidaurre 9050 1985-01-11
Peru, Ancash, Yungay, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Ranincuray. Polylepis weberbauerii forest, including wet bottoms and talus slopes., -9 -77.55, 3850m
580681 D. N. Smith & V. Cautivo 10318 1985-04-13
Peru, Ancash, Yungay, Huascarán National Park. Llanganuco sector, south shore of Chinancocha, visitor's path. Shrubland-grassland., -9.08 -77.65, 3850m
580724 D. N. Smith, Rene Valencia & Alfredo Gonzales 10320 1985-04-17
Peru, Ancash, Yungay, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Ranincuray. Polylepis sericea woods, including some small brushfields., -8.98 -77.57, 3650 - 3900m
581243 D. N. Smith, A. Gonzales & D. Maldonado 12546 1986-06-12
Peru, Ancash, Huari, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Pachachaca, a lateral valley of Quebrada Rurichinchay. Dense brushfields with some grassy or boggy areas; moderate to steep, E-facing slopes; soils of morainal material., -9.45 -77.27, 3700 - 3860m
581458 D. N. Smith, L. Sanchez, H.Vidaurre 9251 1985-01-15
Peru, Ancash, Huaylas, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Santa Cruz between Punta Union and Taullipampa. Tussock grasslands and Polylepis forest, N-facing aspects, steep slopes., -8.92 -77.6, 4300 - 4835m
582243 D. N. Smith 11543 1985-09-29
Peru, Ancash, Huaylas, Huascarán National Park. Paro|4n Valley. Shrublands and bouldery slopes on N- -side of valley; soils of morainal mate- rial., -9.02 -77.7, 3500 - 4000m
582340 D. N. Smith 6053 1984-02-19
Peru, Amazonas, Bongara, Km 330-319 on Moyobamba-Bagua road. Second growth in area that was high montane rain forest. The majority of the collections are from 2200-2000m., -5.87 -77.93, 1600 - 2200m
584236 D. N. Smith 10602 1985-05-08
Peru, Ancash, Huaylas, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Parón. Shrublands on bouldery terrain., -9.02 -77.72, 3500 - 3760m
587272 A. Sagástegui A., J. Cabanillas S. & O. Dios C. 8190 1975-07-21
Peru, Piura, Huancabamba, Subiendo al Cerro La Viuda (Distrito Sondor)., -5.26 -79.69, 2170m
587855 D. N. Smith & Rodolfo Vasquez M. 3286 1983-02-13
Peru, La Libertad, Otuzco, Trujillo-Huamachuco road, 10-15 km before Shorey. Rangeland, -7.98 -78.37, 3300m
590941 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 11088 1983-11-15
Peru, La Libertad, Otuzco, Chota (Yamobamba - Shorey)., -7.93 -78.5, 2900m
597625 Camilo Díaz, Hulda Osores, Vidal Vásquez y Marcial Oponte 2689 1988-01-13
Peru, Piura, Huancabamba, Las Huarinjas, Laguna de Shimbe., 3120m
1537086 M. Nee 49758
Bolivia, La Paz
592956 James C. Solomon 12302 1984-09-15
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, 14.7 km N of (below) the pass at the head of the Zongo Valley. Slopes above Lago Vizcachani. Upper limit of shrubby vegetation (common genera: Buddleja, Baccharis Escallonia). Heavily grazed., -16.2 -68.12, 3800m
598408 James C. Solomon 5877 1981-07-19
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Upper Valle de Zongo, 32.4 km NE from the junction of road to Chacaltaya. Shrub land near the upper limit of shrubby growth with Escalonia, Baccharis, Buddleja., -16.2 -68.15, 3800m
1757595 R. Scolnik et al 19An248
Colombia, Antioquia, Sonsón
582054 D. N. Smith & J. Cabanillas 7124 1984-05-26
Peru, Amazonas, Chachapoyas, Utcubamba River Valley, just above turnoff to Chachapoyas on Chachapoyas- Celendín road. Arid shrubland., -6.25 -77.87, 1850m
584173 D. N. Smith 6189 1984-02-24
Peru, Cajamarca, Celendin, Balsas-Celendin road, 7-13 km from Balsas. Desert slopes, Río Marañón valley., -6.83 -78.05, 1250 - 1600m
585892 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 11238 1983-11-18
Peru, Cajamarca, Cajabamba, Alrededores de Cajabamba., 2600m
593837 Alfredo Tupayachi H. 749 1988-11-05
Peru, Cusco, Urubamba, Dtto. Huayllabamba. Quebrada de Huayoccari - Laguna de Yanaccocha., -13.35 -72.07, 2900 - 3860m
597025 A. Gentry, Camilo Díaz & Carol Blaney 61355 1988-02-07
Peru, Amazonas, ca. 10 km W of Pedro Ruíz Gallo, valley of Río Utcubamba., -5.92 -78, 1100 - 1200m
597481 A. Gentry, Camilo Díaz & Carol Blaney 61470 1988-02-10
Peru, Cajamarca, near Socota, Valley of Río Cutervo., -6.33 -78.75, 1750m
1303504 Miguel Bang 1481
Bolivia, Cochabamba, Mapiri and Tipuani
1528792 M. Nee 38033 1989-12-09
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Andres Ibanez, The plain around Santa Cruz that lies within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, 700m
1718002 Israel G. Vargas C., Diovijildo Ayala 2230 1997-04-09
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, PARQUE NACIONAL AMBORÓ. Santa Rosa de Lima. Trayecto entre el pueblo de Santa Rosa y alrededores de la Laguna. Laderas de vegetación arbustiva y barbechos aislados con Dodonea viscosa, Baccharis dracunculifolia y Psidium guineense; quebradas más húmedas c, -17.87 -64.23, 1600 - 1750m
565924 James C. Solomon 8531 1982-10-19
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, 4.5 km below Yolosa, then 10.0 km W on road up the Río Huarinilla. Heavily disturbed moist forest. Mostly secondary growth., -16.2 -67.83, 1450m
566143 James C. Solomon 10960 1983-10-02
Bolivia, Tarija, O'Connor, 1.5 km E of (below) Narvaez on road to Entre Rios. Moist sub-tropical forest with many Myrtaceae, Podocarpus, Legumes, abundant epiphytes., -21.42 -64.27, 1700m
566228 James C. Solomon 10965 1983-10-02
Bolivia, Tarija, O'Connor, 1.5 km E of (below) Narvaez on road to Entre Rios. Moist sub-tropical forest with many Myrtaceae, Podocarpus, Legumes, abundant epiphytes., -21.42 -64.27, 1700m
571107 Marko Lewis 37470 1990-07-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Rancho Cunuhutu - - Slopes just below the peak of Rancho Cunuhutu, 2 km N of Sita and 6 km N of Inquisivi. Alnus groves., -16.85 -67.13, 2800m
571286 Marko Lewis 37435 1990-06-27
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Río Khatu Canyon - - A very long walk! Following the canyon of the Río Khatu from the mouth of the Río Jokho Pampa (known locally as Río Titi Amaya) to the lower part of Chorocona. Downriver from Quime 8-13 km. Mesic woodlands and mattorals along the, -16.88 -67.17, 2200 - 2450m
571292 Marko Lewis 37436 1990-06-27
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Río Khatu Canyon - - A very long walk! Following the canyon of the Río Khatu from the mouth of the Río Jokho Pampa (known locally as Río Titi Amaya) to the lower part of Chorocona. Downriver from Quime 8-13 km. Mesic woodlands and mattorals along the, -16.88 -67.17, 2200 - 2450m
571306 Marko Lewis 37448 1990-07-13
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Río Sara - - Along the slopes between the Sita-Frutallani Road and the Río Sara. 5 km NNW of Inquisivi. East facing slope, mostly semi-arid mattoral with some mimosoid dominated woodlands., -16.87 -67.12, 2400 - 2550m
581098 Marko Lewis 882165 1988-12-31
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, On the slopes of both sides of the Río Suri between Puente Alegre and the mouth of the Río Khori Camaña, ca 12 km NE of Licoma Pampa. Seasonally humid to semi-arid Leguminous forests. Dec.31,88-Jan.1,89 (midnight collections), -16.7 -67.17, 1500m
581395 Marko Lewis 40407 1991-09-21
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Lakachaka - - This is our famous camp at the mouth of the Río Aguilani on extensive ancient agriculture terraces, where there are two foot bridges. Collections made along the trail between Laka Chaka and the first major creek flowing down from Cerro, -16.67 -67.33, 1400 - 1500m
583362 Marko Lewis 40201 1991-09-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Río Churu - - Following the Río Churu from 200 m W. of Aguilani to 1 km above the main fork up river. 3 km SE of the ruins of Choquecamiri, 17 km N of Choquetanga. Riverine woodlands and mattorals, often dominated by Acalypha in the deep canyon., -16.7 -67.33, 2400 - 2500m
584256 Marko Lewis 40258 1991-09-13
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Río Jahuira Palca Uma - - Steep river flowing from Cerro Cachi Carani south-westerly to the Río Aguilani, 1 km NE of Estancia Aguilani. Unfortunately the map names do not agree with the actual names in this area. 18 km N. of Choquetanga. Riverine forest, -16.68 -67.32, 1650m
589480 James C. Solomon 11232 1983-10-14
Bolivia, Tarija, Arce, Valley of the Río Chillaguatas, below Rancho Nogalar on trail between Sidras and Tariquia. Moist sub-tropical forest., -22.08 -64.42, 1100m
597614 James C. Solomon & M. Nee 14296 1985-09-29
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 1 km W of Huancané on the road to Chuspipata. Heavily disturbed second growth along road., -16.38 -67.55, 2000m
597707 Israel G. Vargas C. 321 1989-09-10
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Vallegrande, Huascañada., -18.53 -64.1, 2050m
574723 James C. Solomon 2968 1977-05-19
Peru, Cusco, Ca. 5 km N of Cusco on road to Pisac., -13.5 -71.97, 3400m
584607 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 10684 1983-06-26
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, Alrededores de Contumazá., -7.37 -78.8, 2600m
585066 A. Sagástegui A. & S. Lopez M. 10656 1983-06-14
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, El Granero., 2800m
585829 A. Sagástegui A., E. Alvites, S. Lopez & J. Mostacero 10342 1982-04-29
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, Alrededores de Guzmango., -7.38 -78.9, 2300m
585837 A. Sagástegui A., E. Alvitez & J. Mostacero 9274 1979-05-18
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, La Montaña (Guzmango - Contumazá)., -7.38 -78.9, 2500m
585853 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 9876 1981-05-25
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, Alrededores de Contumazá., -7.37 -78.8, 2600m
587237 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 10868 1983-06-29
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, Lledén., -7.33 -78.92, 2200m
587401 C. Díaz, J. Campos & L. Campos 3464 1989-05-24
Peru, Amazonas, Luya, Camporredondo: Fundo Cedro., -6.18 -78.36, 2450 - 2550m
589632 A. Sagástegui, et al. 11500 1975-05-22
Peru, La Libertad, Otuzco, Casmiche (Samne - Otuzco)., 1700m
589641 A. Sagástegui A., E. Alvites, S. Lopez & J. Mostacero 10366 1982-05-01
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, Totorillas - Marín (Guzmango)., 3300m
589650 A. Sagástegui A. 9774 1981-05-01
Peru, Cajamarca, Contumaza, Alrededroes de Guzmango., 2200m
592154 A. Sagástegui A., J. Cabanillas S. & O. Dios C. 8166 1975-07-21
Peru, Piura, Huancabamba, Alrededores de Huancabamba., 1740m
588484 A. Sagástegui A., J. Cabanillas S. & O. Dios C. 8247 1975-07-22
Peru, Piura, Huancabamba, Mitopampa (Huancabamba - Cuello del Indio)., 2650m
592224 A. Sagástegui A., et al. 12769 1985-09-11
Peru, Lambayeque, Ferrenafe, Tongula, Distrito de Incahuasi., 2850m
575266 Asplund
Ecuador, El Oro