Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO
Taxa: Asteraceae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 12, records 1101-1200 of 28699

Missouri Botanical Garden

580438D. N. Smith, L. Sanchez, H. Vidaurre   91711985-01-13
Peru, Ancash, Yungay, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Paria. Riverine brushlands, and grass- lands with occasional shrubs on slopes; soils on morainal material., -8.95 -77.55, 4200m

581074D. N. Smith, Rene Valencia & Alfredo Gonzales   103471985-04-17
Peru, Ancash, Yungay, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Ranincuray. Polylepis sericea woods, including some small brushfields., -8.98 -77.57, 3650 - 3900m

581551D. N. Smith, A. Gonzales & D. Maldonado   125721986-06-12
Peru, Ancash, Huari, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Pachachaca, a lateral valley of Quebrada Rurichinchay. Dense brushfields with some grassy or boggy areas; moderate to steep, E-facing slopes; soils of morainal material., -9.45 -77.27, 3700 - 3860m

583324D. N. Smith, A. Gonzales & D. Maldonado   127071986-06-15
Peru, Ancash, Huari, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Pucaraju (Puca- ragra, fide map), a lateral valley of Q. Rurichinchay. Grassland w/brushfields, bogs, & Polylepis weberbaueriii woods; bottoms and gentle slopes; soil of morainal material., -9.35 -77.28, 3900 - 4200m

583513D. N. Smith, B. Stein, C. Todzia   94091985-01-28
Peru, Ancash, Yungay, Huascarán National Park. Llanganuco Sector, between guard post and head of María Josefa trail. Shrubfields growing on bouldery slopes; granitic soils., -9.08 -77.67, 3500 - 3600m

585325D. N. Smith, Rene Valencia & Alfredo Gonzales   107041985-05-22
Peru, Ancash, Huaraz, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Shallap. Dry, S-facing slopes; bouldery soils on morainal material. At the mouth of the canyon., -9.52 -77.42, 3700m

585386D. N. Smith, M. Torres   118021986-03-16
Peru, Ancash, Recuay, Huascarán Nat. Park. Rio Pachacoto drainage between mineral springs & Puma- shimi. Grasslands w/intermittant stands of Puya raymondii; moderate to steep, N to E facing slopes; soils of sedimentary rock, appears poor; glacieated., -9.88 -77.28, 4200 - 4300m

585493D. N. Smith, R. Valencia, A. Gonzales   95961985-02-15
Peru, Ancash, Carhuaz, Huascarán National Park. mouth of Quebrada Ishinca. Warm slopes; mix of shrubby grassland and Polylepis sericea woods., -9.38 -77.48, 3880m

585591A. Sagástegui, et al.   115881984-05-23
Peru, La Libertad, Otuzco, Cerro Ragache (Salpo)., 3400m

586113D. N. Smith, R. Valencia,M. Torres   118851986-03-19
Peru, Ancash, Recuay, Huascarán National Park. Lateral valley of Quebrada Queshque, toward Rio Pachacoto drainage Grassland; steep southern facing slopes; morainal material., -9.83 -77.3, 4550 - 4600m

586440D. N. Smith & I. Sánchez-Vega   75151984-06-05
Peru, Cajamarca, Cajamarca, SAIS, José Carlos Mariátegui, Km 10-13 on Sunchubamba-San Juan road. Brushfields., 3000 - 3100m

586489A. Sagástegui, et al.   116931984-06-12
Peru, La Libertad, Santiago de Chuco, Chota Motil - Shorey., 3200m

587962D. N. Smith & Rodolfo Vasquez M.   32931983-02-13
Peru, La Libertad, Otuzco, Trujillo-Huamachuco road, 10-15 km before Shorey. Rangeland, -7.98 -78.37, 3300m

588097D. N. Smith, R. Valencia, L. Minaya   98461985-03-10
Peru, Ancash, Huaylas, Huacarán National Park, Quebrada Alpamayo. Natural grassland (puma), moderate to steep slopes, south side of valley; morainal material., -8.83 -77.7, 4020 - 4250m

588608D. N. Smith & M. Buddensiek   110101985-07-04
Peru, Ancash, Huari, Huascarán National Park. 1km below Manto Mina, ca 3km from Catac-Chavin road. Natural grassland (puna), on massive rock outcrops; WNW-facing, steep slopes; sedimentary rock., -9.7 -77.25, 4300m

588837D.N. Smith & Rodolfo Vasquez M.   33531983-02-14
Peru, La Libertad, Sanchez Carrion, Trujillo-Huamachuco road, about 10km W of Huamachuco. Ravines and hedgerows in agricultural area, the natural vegetation heavily disturbed by centuries of civilization., -7.83 -78.25, 3400m

589088A. Saga|stegui A., et al.   95431980-06-20
Peru, Cajamarca, San Miguel, Taulis Alto (Jalca)., 3100m

591447A. Sagástegui A., et al.   123411984-11-03
Peru, Ancash, Recuay, Conococha., 4100m

582975Marko Lewis   397341991-09-04
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, Río Ocsalla - - Along the Río Ocsalla between the Aquilani-Choquetanga trail crossing and 1 km down river from its junction with the Río Janko Kalani. 10 km N of Choquetanga. Riverine scrub and woodlands in deep, narrow canyon., -16.75 -67.28, 3300 - 3350m

592202James C. Solomon y R. Chevalier   165731987-04-25
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Mina Lourdes. 2.7 km al N del camino entre La Paz y Unduavi, a lo largo del Río Kkota Khuchu (ca. 14 km al E de la cumbre). Puna húmeda., -16.3 -67.97, 4100m

595614James C. Solomon   107181983-08-27
Bolivia, La Paz, Nor Yungas, 1.4 km SE of Chuspipata on road to Chulumani. Cloud forest with abundant epiphytes, especially mosses, filmy ferns, -16.3 -67.82, 3000m

1248174H.G. Barclay&P. Juajibioy   66611959-01-24
Colombia, Magdalena, Alrededores de Sevilla, Santa Marta Mts., 3320 - 3590m

Aphanactis Wedd.
1278270H.G. Barclay   1959-08-26
Ecuador, 3700m

Aphanactis Wedd.
1285874H.G. Barclay   104581960-01-03
Colombia, Santander, 3550 - 3650m

567525L.B. Holm-Nielsen   1979-11-02
Ecuador, Napo, NW slope of Antisana, Lago Mauca-Machay. Windswept high plain with extended swampy areas., -0.45 -78.17, 4350m

566635Drew   1944-08-01
Ecuador, Imbabura, 4375m

566644Harling   1972-03-10
Ecuador, Carchi, 3650 - 3800m

566652Harling, Storm & Str   1968-01-23
Ecuador, Chimborazo, Paramo de Tillac (above San Juan), 3800m

566662Harling, Storm & Str   1968-01-23
Ecuador, Chimborazo, 3600m

566670Harling, Storm & Str   1968-01-29
Ecuador, Chimborazo, 3500m

566680Harling, Storm & Str   1968-02-04
Ecuador, Chimborazo, 3600m

566694Harling, Storm & Str   1968-02-10
Ecuador, Tungurahua, 3500m

566696Harling, Storm & Str   1968-04-22
Ecuador, Azuay, 3300m

566706Little & Paredes   1943-07-22
Ecuador, Pichincha, 4000m

566733Cazalet & Pennington   1961-12-16
Ecuador, Pichincha, 4205m

584382   1976-07-19
Ecuador, Napo, Road Quito-Baeza, 6 km NW of Laguna de Papallacta (P, -0.32 -78.12, 3750m

584391   1976-10-01
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Road San Miguel (Salcedo) - Puerto Nuevo (Napo) (under construction), 29 km from San Miguel (Cerro Verde Filo). Bunch grass p, -0.98 -78.42, 3950 - 4050m

584400   1976-10-07
Ecuador, Napo, Road Quito-Baeza, 1 km along take-off road to telecommunication antenna in the pass (P, -0.28 -78.15, 4000 - 4100m

1276976H.G. Barclay   1959-07-18
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Cordillera Occidental, P, 4200m

1295275P.M. Ramsay & P.J. Merrow-Smith   1987-10-21
Ecuador, Carchi, Soutern slopes of Volcan Chiles, 3700m

584408   1976-10-12
Ecuador, Napo, Road Quito-Baeza, 1 km along take-off road to telecommunication antenna in the pass (P, -0.28 -78.15, 4050m

1128798John L. Clark & Mark Thurber   1996-01-20
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Reserva Ecologica Cayambe-Coca. Papallacta hot springs, road 3 km N or Papallacta. Paramo and Montane forest., -0.27 -78.17, 3200m

1190575Sklenar & Kosteckova   1995-08-30
Ecuador, Pichincha, Mountain ridge ca 2 km to the west from Cerro SaraUrcu, humid cushion superp, -0.1 -77.97, 4200 - 4350m

1278475H.G. Barclay   1959-08-26
Ecuador, Cienaga near Auca Cocha Los Llanganat, 3500 - 3620m

1294995Homero Vargas, E. Narv   1998-09-20
Ecuador, Napo, Tena, Parque Nacional Llanganates. V, -0.95 -78.38, 3740m

1295017Alina Freire-Fierro, H. Vargas & E. Narv   1998-11-23
Ecuador, Napo, Quijos, Reserva Ecol, -0.33 -78.2, 3960m

Aphanactis villosa S.F. Blake
575259Harriet G. Barclay & Pedro Juajibioy   
Ecuador, Ca, 3500m

Aphanactis villosa S.F. Blake
1413521P.M. J   2000-01-19
Ecuador, Azuay, Parque Nacional Cajas. P, -2.74 -79.27, 3800m

Aphanactis villosa S.F. Blake
577126D. N. Smith, R. Valencia A. Gonzales, M. Buddensiek   122121986-05-06
Peru, Ancash, Huari, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Rima Rima, a lateral valley of Quebrada Carhuazcancha Grassland with some Polylepis woods; steep, NNW-facing slope; rock outcrops and morainal material, granite., -9.48 -77.25, 4200 - 4370m

Aphanactis villosa S.F. Blake
579767D. N. Smith   124291986-05-25
Peru, Ancash, Huaraz, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Llaca, north side of valley. Grasslands with a few shrubs and coarse herbs; steep, S-facing slopes; soils of granitic morainal material. Grasslands heavily overgrazed. Soils rather dry., -9.45 -77.45, 4350m

Aphanactis villosa S.F. Blake
585501D. N. Smith, R. Valencia, M. Torres   118201986-03-18
Peru, Ancash, Recuay, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Queshque, lateral valley toward Río Pachacoto. Grassland; steep E-facing slope, boulde- ry moraine; metamorphic rock, mostly quartzite., -9.83 -77.3, 4500 - 4600m

Aphanactis villosa S.F. Blake
585684D. N. Smith, R. Valencia, A. Gonzales   96161985-02-19
Peru, Ancash, Huaraz, Huascarán National Park. Quebrada Churup. Puna grassland with intermittant dwarf woods of Polylepis weberbau- erii, bottoms with Plantago rigida bogs., -9.48 -77.43, 3890 - 4260m

Aphanactis villosa S.F. Blake
587971D. N. Smith, R. Valencia, L. Minaya   98391985-03-10
Peru, Ancash, Huaylas, Huacarán National Park, Quebrada Alpamayo. Natural grassland (puma), moderate to steep slopes, south side of valley; morainal material., -8.83 -77.7, 4020 - 4250m

Aphanactis villosa S.F. Blake
592034A. Sagástegui A., et al.   128251985-09-12
Peru, Lambayeque, Ferrenafe, Laguna Tembladera, - Cerro Negro, Distrito de Incahuasi., 3300m

Aphanactis villosa S.F. Blake
598033Percy Núñez   67521986-12-13
Peru, Cusco, Calca, Amaparaes. Center of the town, around the bridge, SW from Cusco and S of town., -13.17 -71.9, 3330 - 3400m

Aristeguietia buddleaefolia (Benth.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
579300D. N. Smith & Rodolfo Vasquez M.   36251983-02-20
Peru, Cajamarca, Chota, Chota-Tacabamba road, 6-8 km from Chota. Very dry, rocky slopes with open brush, grasses and lithophytes., -6.53 -78.63, 2650m

Aristeguietia persicifolia (Kunth) R.M. King & H. Rob.
588050Ken Young & Mark Eisenberg   9171981-06-11
Peru, Ancash, 10 km SE of Chiquian., -10.17 -77.07, 2800 - 3000m

Aristeguietia persicifolia (Kunth) R.M. King & H. Rob.
599225Percy Núñez, Gregorio Ferro & José Franco   64331986-11-02
Peru, Cusco, Tipon, Zona Arqueológica, zona de transicion, E de Cusco., 3100 - 3460m

581929Carlos Cer   1989-06-17
Ecuador, Imbabura, Peguche. Bosque seco Montano Bajo. Informante: Jes, 0.4 -78.3, 2000 - 2500m

1762133Carlos E. Cer   1992-05-16
Ecuador, Imbabura, Ibarra, Mercado Amazonas de Ibarra. Estudio de plantas medicinales. Informante: Sra. Isabel Morocho., 0.35 -78.2, 2200m

569240Miguel Bang   131
Bolivia, La Paz, Murillo, Vicinity of La Paz., -16.5 -68.08, 3048m

Ecuador, Pichincha, 2400m

567535Fosberg & Giler   1945-01-26
Ecuador, Tungurahua, 2800m

567544Asplund   1939-09-05
Ecuador, Chimborazo, 2700m

567557W. H. Camp   1945-03-26
Ecuador, Azuay, 2400 - 2440m

577622Carlos E. Cer   1990-07-02
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Latacunga, Parroquia Cuicuno. Bosque h, -0.78 -78.67, 3100m

578051Carlos E. Cer   1990-07-06
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, SAQUISILI: Parroquia Zumbahua. Bosque muy h, -0.95 -78.88, 3600m

580022Carlos Cer   1990-07-20
Ecuador, Imbabura, Otavalo, Parroquia Pataqui. Bosque Seco Montano Bajo. Informantes: Lucresia Astudillo, Victor Astudillo, Roc, 0.23 -78.22, 2300m

581499Carlos E. Cer   1990-06-21
Ecuador, Tungurahua, Ba, Parroquia Ulba. Bosque h, -1.4 -78.38, 2400m

582585Carlos Cer   1989-06-27
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Cant, -0.97 -78.53, 2200 - 2500m

584821L.B. Holm-Nielsen et al.   1973-05-04
Ecuador, Azuay, Km 107 S of Cuenca on Pan American Highway. Steep rocks with debris, very dry, dominated by a.o. Tillandsia medusa., -3.45 -79.15, 2250m

584831L.B. Holm-Nielsen et al.   1973-05-27
Ecuador, Imbabura, Hacienda Pim, 0.45 -78.05, 2300m

881966J. Richard Abbott   1994-10-29
Ecuador, Pichincha, Quito, Hacienda Tanlahua, just east of the volcano and Geobotanical Reserve of Pululahua; off the San Antonio-San Jose de Minas road, near San Antonio. Lower montane dry forest; dry scrub vegetation., 0.05 -78.47, 2400m

Asplundianthus pseudoglomeratus (Hieron.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
Ecuador, Pichincha, 2800m

Asplundianthus pseudoglomeratus (Hieron.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
588765King & J   1990-05-19
Ecuador, Chimborazo, 2870m

Asplundianthus pseudoglomeratus (Hieron.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
588774Weydahl   1956-12-02
Ecuador, Pichincha, 2800m

Asplundianthus pseudoglomeratus (Hieron.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
589871Vlastimil Zak & Jaime Jaramillo   1987-03-14
Ecuador, Pichincha, Carretera Calacal, 0.02 -78.5, 2800 - 3000m

Asplundianthus pseudostuebelii R.M. King & H. Rob.
581209Carlos E. Cer   1987-09-17
Ecuador, Pichincha, Cant, 0.08 -78.5, 1800 - 3356m

Asplundianthus pseudostuebelii R.M. King & H. Rob.
Ecuador, Tungurahua

Asplundianthus pseudostuebelii R.M. King & H. Rob.
1931626Jorge Ramos, J. Contreras, L. Ramos & R. Tigsu   2003-07-20
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Cant, -0.59 -78.84, 2098m

Asplundianthus pseudostuebelii R.M. King & H. Rob.
1931604Jorge Ramos, J. Contreras, L. Ramos & R. Tigsu   2003-07-20
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Cant, -0.59 -78.84, 3098m

Asplundianthus pseudostuebelii R.M. King & H. Rob.
1931456Jorge Ramos, J. Contreras, L. Ramos, A. Tigsu & R. Tigsu   2003-07-17
Ecuador, Cotopaxi, Cant, -0.59 -78.83, 2772m

Asplundianthus smilacinus (Kunth) R.M. King & H. Rob.
588807Fosberg   1947-05-21
Ecuador, Napo, 2900 - 3000m

Asplundianthus smilacinus (Kunth) R.M. King & H. Rob.
588816W. H. Camp   1945-07-27
Ecuador, Azuay, 2440 - 2740m

Asplundianthus smilacinus (Kunth) R.M. King & H. Rob.
1066496Homero Vargas & D. Sandoval   1995-03-16
Ecuador, Napo, Los Llanganates. Carretera Salcedo-Tena, Km 60. Rancho La Poderosa, descendiendo al r, -0.95 -78.23, 2500 - 2870m

Asplundianthus smilacinus (Kunth) R.M. King&H. Rob.
575617Olga de Benavides   96181988-04-29
Colombia, Narino, Ricaurte, Reserva La Planada. Quebradas: El Mar - La Calladita., 1.17 -77.97, 1500 - 1800m

Asplundianthus stuebelii (Hieron.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
584421H. van der Werff & W. Palacios   1987-05-24
Ecuador, Pichincha, Carretera Quito-Sto. Domingo. Disturbed forest., -0.47 -78.72, 2500m

Asplundianthus stuebelii (Hieron.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
Ecuador, Chimborazo, 3045m

Asplundianthus stuebelii (Hieron.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
588836Rose & Rose   1918-09-16
Ecuador, Ca

Aster sodiroi Hieron.
584840   1976-10-07
Ecuador, Napo, Road Quito-Baeza, 1 km along take-off road to telecommunication antenna in the pass (P, -0.28 -78.15, 4000 - 4100m

Austroeupatorium R.M. King&H. Rob.
593099Al Gentry, B. Ramirez&C. Blaney   644041989-01-03
Colombia, Narino, La Planada Reserve, above Chucunes entø rance road ca. 2 km below headquarters, disturbed roadside., 1.07 -78.03, 1700m

Austroeupatorium R.M. King&H. Rob.
1734003A. Cogollo, J.G. Ramirez&Ovidio Alvarez   36701988-07-31
Colombia, Antioquia, Urrao, Parque N. Natural Las Orquideas. Camino de Venados arriba hacia Calles., 6.57 -76.32, 1500 - 1720m

Austroeupatorium decemflorum (DC.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
588642Vlastimil Zak & Jaime Jaramillo   1987-11-20
Ecuador, Pichincha, carretera Quito-Aloag- Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Km 94, sector La Esperie. Colecciones en zona h, -0.33 -78.83, 1350 - 1800m

Austroeupatorium decemflorum (DC.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
589806Vlastimil Zak   1986-06-07
Ecuador, Pichincha, Carretera Quito-Aloag-Sto. Domingo de los Colorados, km 94, a 10 km al S de la carretera. Estribaciones occidentales del Volc, -0.35 -78.85, 1400 - 1600m

Austroeupatorium decemflorum (DC.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
592219Harling & Andersson   
Ecuador, Zamora-Chinchipe, 1100m

Austroeupatorium decemflorum (DC.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
1538063W.G. D'Arcy   1982-09-01
Ecuador, Esmeraldas, Railroad line to 1 km below Lita., 800m

Austroeupatorium decemflorum (DC.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
1520747M. Nee   406231991-05-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, -17.78 -63.2, 420m

Austroeupatorium decemflorum (DC.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
1526871M. Nee   491381998-04-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -17.95 -63.25, 525m

Austroeupatorium decemflorum (DC.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
566531James C. Solomon   101171983-04-25
Bolivia, Tarija, Arce, Ca. 2 hours by trail N of Sidras (trail to Tariquia). Moist subtropical forest with some disturbance., -22.2 -64.53, 900 - 1000m

Austroeupatorium decemflorum (DC.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
583700Marko Lewis   8811501988-08-24
Bolivia, La Paz, Inquisivi, On the slopes of both sides of the Río Suri between Puente Alegre and the mouth of the Río Khori Camaña. Ca. 12 km NE of Licoma Pampa. Seasonally humid subtropical forest with abundant leguminous trees., -16.7 -67.17, 1500m

Page 12, records 1101-1200 of 28699


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