Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO
Search Criteria: Bolivia; Oruro; Avaroa; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-4 of 4

Missouri Botanical Garden

1163655St. G. Beck   141111986-12-27
Bolivia, Oruro, Avaroa, De Challapata hacia Potosi, cerca Ventilla 14 km antes del cruce hacia Macha., 4300m

1367078E. Asplund   32221921-03-30
Bolivia, Oruro, Avaroa, Challapata, -18.9 -66.77, 3800m

Junellia minima (Meyen) Moldenke
1367216M. Kessler   33731991-11-22
Bolivia, Oruro, Avaroa, Ca. 70 Km W Potosi on road to Oruro. Relict Polylepis forest in ravine, -19.23 -66.07, 3800m

1441556Peterson et Annable   12755
Bolivia, Oruro, Avaroa

Page 1, records 1-4 of 4


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