Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO
Search Criteria: Bolivia; La Paz; Sud Yungas; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-100 of 1708

Missouri Botanical Garden

1000087M. Nee & J. Solomon   301951984-10-29
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 1.8 km WSW of Unduavi. Near upper limit of trees in valley. Shrubby vegetation in valley bottom, Solanum spp, Nicotiana, Cleome, -16.32 -67.92, 3300m

1001178St. G. Beck   126391986-05-30
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Chulumani, 73 kms - hacia La Asunta. Restos del monte submontano., 985m

1001182B.A. Krukoff   10108a1939-07-01
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, San Bartolome (near Calisaya), -15.68 -67.25, 750 - 900m

1001185B.A. Krukoff   101081939-07-01
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, San Bartolome (near Calisaya), -15.68 -67.25, 750 - 900m

Axonopus scoparius (Flüggé) Kuhlm.
1005584R. Seidel   9991987-05-30
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 2.5 km N-W de Yanacachi. Pequeño bosque., 2120m

Mansoa verrucifera (Schltdl.) A.H. Gentry
1019104St. G. Beck   121541985-06-29
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Chulumani 30 kms hacia Asunta-Colquechaca., 1250m

102090T. Killeen   30221991-04-26
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 10 km, por abajo de Coroico, matoral seco-bosque de neblina, zona de transicíon; fuertemente intervenida., -16.08 -67.75

Abarema jupunba (Willd.) Britton & Killip
102182T. Killeen   30301991-04-26
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 10 km, por abajo de Coroico, matoral seco-bosque de neblina, zona de transicíon; fuertemente intervenida., -16.08 -67.75

Inga ilta T.D. Penn.
102269T. Killeen   28031991-04-13
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Colonia Copacabana. Serrania Marimonos. 20 km East of Sapecho on Yacimientos Petroleferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) exploration trail. Evergreen Forest. Remnant. Muestras preservadas en alcohol., -15.5 -67.33, 800m

102316T. Killeen   2805A1991-04-13
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Colonia Copacabana. Serrania Marimonos. 20 km East of Sapecho on Yacimientos Petroleferos Fiscales Bolivianos (YPFB) exploration trail. Evergreen Forest. Remnant. Muestras preservadas en alcohol., -15.5 -67.33, 800m

Adenocalymma impressum (Rusby) Sandwith
1024028Krukoff, B.A.   105711939-07-27
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, Asunta (near Evenay)., 690 - 750m

102455T. Killeen, V. García & J.P. Schmitt   30021991-04-25
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Colonía Copacabana, Serranía marimonos, 20 km E de Sapecho por la carretera a Yucumo. Bosque humido alto., -15.5 -67.42, 1200m

Tachigali Aubl.
102467T. Killeen, V. García & J.P. Schmitt   30031991-04-25
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Colonía Copacabana, Serranía marimonos, 20 km E de Sapecho por la carretera a Yucumo. Bosque humido alto., -15.5 -67.42, 1200m

102488T. Killeen   30081991-04-26
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Comunidad km 31; bosque nublado secundario al lado de la carretera., -15.58 -67.5, 1000 - 1200m

Acacia Mill.
102524T. Killeen   30121991-04-26
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Comunidad km 31; bosque nublado secundario al lado de la carretera., -15.58 -67.5, 1000 - 1200m

Cuspidaria floribunda (A. DC.) A.H. Gentry
1025456Krukoff, B.A.   10425
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas

Martinella obovata (Kunth) Bureau & K. Schum.
1026047Krukoff, B.A.   103231939-07-01
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, San Bartolome., 750 - 900m

Paragonia pyramidata (Rich.) Bureau
1026142H. H. Rusby   4851921-09-03
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Cataracts of the Bopi River., 914m

Pleonotoma melioides (S. Moore) A.H. Gentry
1026370Krukoff, B.A.   10562
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, Asunta., 690 - 750m

1028117Seidel, R. & Schulte, M.   23241988-01-03
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Alto Beni, 550m

1028157Seidel, R. & Schulte, M.   22691987-12-31
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Alto Beni, entre Sapecho y Palos Blancos., 450m

Tynanthus polyanthus (Bureau) Sandwith
1028219Seidel, R. & Richter, E.   12071988-02-04
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Valle del Río Unduavi, entre Santa Rosa y Machacamarca. Vegetación secundaria., 1400m

103587James C. Solomon & Job Kuijt   115421984-02-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 2.0 km SW (above) Unduavi. Low trees and shrubs, Sambucus, Myrica, Gaiadendron, Solanum, etc., -16.32 -67.92, 3350m

Tanaecium nocturnum (Barb. Rodr.) Bureau & K. Schum.
1036359Schulte, M.   10051987-12-28
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Alto Beni., -15.58 -67.27, 600m

103636James C. Solomon, Bruce Stein & M. Uehling   119721984-03-21
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 1.8 km W of Unduavi on road to La Paz. Low forest with Solanum, Berberis, Fuchsia, Gaiadendron., -16.3 -67.92, 3300m

Cuspidaria floribunda (A. DC.) A.H. Gentry
1037950St. G. Beck   121191985-06-29
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Chulumani 10,2 kms hacia Irupana., 1670m

Arrabidaea brachypoda (DC.) Bureau
1037952St. G. Beck   126401986-05-30
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Chulumani 73 kms hacia La Asunta. Restos del monte submontano., 985m

Jacaranda cuspidifolia Mart. ex A. DC.
1044528St. G. Beck   29871980-05-19
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Chulumani, 21 km hacia La Paz., 1290m

1049583St. G. Beck   85731983-08-08
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Chulumani 33 kms hacia Tajma. Restos de bosque xeromorfo., 1200m

Tabebuia roseoalba (Ridl.) Sandwith
1051734St. G. Beck   16904A1989-09-10
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Puente Villa 9 km hacia La Paz., -16.33 -67.45, 1600m

1051735St. G. Beck   142441987-09-18
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Puente Villa, 8 km hacia Chulumani., -16.37 -67.5, 1370m

Jacaranda glabra (A. DC.) Bureau & K. Schum.
1051892St. G. Beck   173611990-01-04
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, De Villa Barrientos 19 km hacia Arapata., 1125m

Jacaranda copaia subsp. spectabilis (Mart. ex A. DC.) A.H. Gentry
1051893Seidel, R. et al.   25101988-08-04
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Alto Beni laderas hacia el norte del Marimono, zona de Colonizacion, Colonia Tupiza., 780m

105286Marko Lewis   379801990-11-11
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Río Quiquibey - - Along a new logging road that begins from the Quiquibey-San Borja road about 2 km S of the Quiquibey Bridge and wanders off in a westerley direction about 4 km. 30 km SW of Yacumo. Lower montane forests., -15.48 -67.07, 1000m

Senegalia hayesii (Benth.) Britton & Rose
1054781B.A. Krukoff   104231939-07-01
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, San Bartolome (near Calisaya)., 750 - 900m

Polygalaceae Lindl.
105506Marko Lewis   371661990-04-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Ridge of Pasto Grande - - On the ridge between the Río La Paz and the Río Jucumarini, ca. 10-12 km up river from the La Plazuela Bridge. Arid mattoral and woodland, deciduous., -16.62 -67.48, 1300 - 1500m

1055156R. Seidel & M. Schulte   23951988-05-20
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Alto Beni, Sapecho, Carretera a Unicua, borde del camino., 450m

Chamaecrista glandulosa var. flavicoma (Kunth) H.S. Irwin & Barneby
105528Marko Lewis   371681990-04-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Ridge of Pasto Grande - - On the ridge between the Río La Paz and the Río Jucumarini, ca. 10-12 km up river from the La Plazuela Bridge. Arid mattoral and woodland, deciduous., -16.62 -67.48, 1300 - 1500m

Senegalia multipinnata (Ducke) Seigler & Ebinger
1055555R. Seidel & M. Schulte   23981988-05-20
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Alto Beni Sapecho, Carretera a Inicua, borde del camino., -15.33 -67.55, 450m

105564Marko Lewis   371811990-04-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Ridge of Pasto Grande - - On the ridge between the Río La Paz and the Río Jucumarini, ca. 10-12 km up river from the La Plazuela Bridge. Arid mattoral and woodland, deciduous., -16.62 -67.48, 1300 - 1500m

105572Marko Lewis   371831990-04-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Ridge of Pasto Grande - - On the ridge between the Río La Paz and the Río Jucumarini, ca. 10-12 km up river from the La Plazuela Bridge. Arid mattoral and woodland, deciduous., -16.62 -67.48, 1300 - 1500m

Dalea L.
105577Marko Lewis   371841990-04-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Ridge of Pasto Grande - - On the ridge between the Río La Paz and the Río Jucumarini, ca. 10-12 km up river from the La Plazuela Bridge. Arid mattoral and woodland, deciduous., -16.62 -67.48, 1300 - 1500m

Polygalaceae Lindl.
105613Marko Lewis   371961990-04-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Río Jucumarini - - Along the river at the mouth of the Río Jucumarini which joins with the Río La Paz ca 10 km SW of the La Plazuela bridge. Riverine woods, mostly secondary, slopes are dry deciduous forests., -16.62 -67.45, 1400m

105634Marko Lewis   372001990-04-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Río Jucumarini - - Along the river at the mouth of the Río Jucumarini which joins with the Río La Paz ca 10 km SW of the La Plazuela bridge. Riverine woods, mostly secondary, slopes are dry deciduous forests., -16.62 -67.45, 1400m

1056360B.A. Krukoff   101031939-07-01
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, San Bartolome (near Calisaya), -15.68 -67.25, 750 - 900m

Mimosa L.
105642Marko Lewis   372011990-04-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Río Jucumarini - - Along the river at the mouth of the Río Jucumarini which joins with the Río La Paz ca 10 km SW of the La Plazuela bridge. Riverine woods, mostly secondary, slopes are dry deciduous forests., -16.62 -67.45, 1400m

Polygalaceae Lindl.
105655Marko Lewis   372061990-04-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Río Jucumarini - - Along the river at the mouth of the Río Jucumarini which joins with the Río La Paz ca 10 km SW of the La Plazuela bridge. Riverine woods, mostly secondary, slopes are dry deciduous forests., -16.62 -67.45, 1400m

Parapiptadenia excelsa (Griseb.) Burkart
105677Marko Lewis   372091990-04-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Río Jucumarini - - Along the river at the mouth of the Río Jucumarini which joins with the Río La Paz ca 10 km SW of the La Plazuela bridge. Riverine woods, mostly secondary, slopes are dry deciduous forests., -16.62 -67.45, 1400m

Sticherus remotus (Kaulf.) Chrysler
1057Alice & Louis Fay   25841989-08-03
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, La Paz-Chululmani road, 15.1 km W of Chulumani, 9.3 km from Huancané., -16.25 -67.5, 2450m

Chamaecrista glandulosa var. flavicoma (Kunth) H.S. Irwin & Barneby
105735Marko Lewis   372211990-04-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Pasto Grande - - Slope of Cerro Jucumarini above Pasto Grande 0-2.0 km. 15 km up the Río La Paz from the La Plazuela Bridge. Deciduous woodlands., -16.62 -67.5, 1400m

Parapiptadenia excelsa (Griseb.) Burkart
105755Marko Lewis   372241990-04-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Pasto Grande - - Slope of Cerro Jucumarini above Pasto Grande 0-2.0 km. 15 km up the Río La Paz from the La Plazuela Bridge. Deciduous woodlands., -16.62 -67.5, 1400m

Styrax argenteus var. ramirezii (Greenm.) Gonsoulin
1057558B.A. Krukoff   103941939-07-01
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, San Bartolome (near Calisaya)., 750 - 900m

1088718B.A. Krukoff   101461939-07-01
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, San Bartolome (near Calisaya)., -17.68 -68.58, 750 - 900m

Pachystachys spicata (Ruiz & Pav.) Wassh.
1088827B.A. Krukoff   102361939-07-01
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, San Bartolome (near Calisaya)., 750 - 900m

1088857B.A. Krukoff   105851939-07-27
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, Asunta (near Evenay)., -16.03 -67.17, 690 - 750m

1088863B.A. Krukoff   101861939-07-01
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, San Bartolome (near Calisaya)., -17.68 -68.58, 750 - 900m

1100123J. Bradford, K. Bradford, N. Skinner & J. Tassin   518
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Trail from Quercoma to pass by laguna Kasiri. South slope of Cerro Khala Ciudad. Upper montane forest, patches cleared for pastures and small human settlements., -16.58 -67.62, 3080m

1100130J. Bradford, K. Bradford, N. Skinner & J. Tassin   519
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Trail from Quercoma to pass by laguna Kasiri. South slope of Cerro Khala Ciudad. Upper montane forest, patches cleared for pastures and small human settlements., -16.58 -67.62, 3080m

Fuchsia denticulata Ruiz & Pav.
1100137J. Bradford, K. Bradford, N. Skinner & J. Tassin   520
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Trail from Quercoma to pass by laguna Kasiri. South slope of Cerro Khala Ciudad. Upper montane forest, patches cleared for pastures and small human settlements., -16.58 -67.62, 3130m

1100145J. Bradford, K. Bradford, N. Skinner & J. Tassin   521
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Trail from Quercoma to pass by laguna Kasiri. South slope of Cerro Khala Ciudad. Upper montane forest, patches cleared for pastures and small human settlements., -16.58 -67.62, 3310m

Weinmannia yungasensis A. Fuentes & Z.S. Rogers
1100150J. Bradford, K. Bradford, N. Skinner & J. Tassin   522
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Trail between Cerro Yunga Cruz and Chulamani. Upper montane forest along old trail., -16.47 -67.58, 3145m

Weinmannia yungasensis A. Fuentes & Z.S. Rogers
1100151J. Bradford, K. Bradford, N. Skinner & J. Tassin   523
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Trail between Cerro Yunga Cruz and Chulamani. Upper montane forest along old trail., -16.47 -67.58, 3230m

1100154J. Bradford, K. Bradford, N. Skinner & J. Tassin   524
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Trail between Cerro Yunga Cruz and Chulamani. Upper montane forest along old trail., -16.47 -67.58, 3235m

1100155J. Bradford, K. Bradford, N. Skinner & J. Tassin   525
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Trail between Cerro Yunga Cruz and Chulamani. Upper montane forest along old trail., -16.47 -67.58, 3237m

Weinmannia yungasensis A. Fuentes & Z.S. Rogers
1100156J. Bradford, K. Bradford, N. Skinner & J. Tassin   526
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Trail between Cerro Yunga Cruz and Chulamani. Upper montane forest along old trail., -16.47 -67.58, 3260m

1100157J. Bradford, K. Bradford, N. Skinner & J. Tassin   527
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Trail between Cerro Yunga Cruz and Chulamani. Upper montane forest along old trail., -16.47 -67.58, 3264m

1100158J. Bradford, K. Bradford, N. Skinner & J. Tassin   528
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Trail between Cerro Yunga Cruz and Chulamani. Upper montane forest along old trail., -16.47 -67.58, 3280m

1100159J. Bradford, K. Bradford, N. Skinner & J. Tassin   529
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Trail between Cerro Yunga Cruz and Chulamani. Upper montane forest along old trail., -16.47 -67.58, 3350m

Weinmannia multijuga Killip & A.C. Sm.
1100161J. Bradford, K. Bradford, N. Skinner & J. Tassin   530
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Trail between Cerro Yunga Cruz and Chulamani. Upper montane forest along old trail., -16.47 -67.58, 3360m

1100163J. Bradford, K. Bradford, N. Skinner & J. Tassin   531
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Trail between Cerro Yunga Cruz and Chulamani. Upper montane forest along old trail., -16.47 -67.58, 3360m

1101478B.A. Krukoff's 8th Expedition to South America   106391939-07-27
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, Asunta (near Evenay)., 690 - 750m

1113021B.A. Krukoff   102401939-07-01
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, San Bartolome (near Calisaya)., 750 - 900m

Ruellia haenkeana var. pilosa Wassh. & J.R.I. Wood
1113066B.A. Krukoff   105021939-07-01
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, San Bartolome (near Calisaya)., -17.68 -68.58, 750 - 900m

1116903St. G. Beck   92651983-06-30
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Subiendo el camino cerca a la orilla del Río Beni de Santa Ana de Alto Beni hacia el puente del Río Beni. Borde del camino., 500 - 700m

112218James C. Solomon   149031986-02-20
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 2 km W of Unduavi. Low forest with Solanum, Gaiadendron, Myrica., -16.32 -67.92, 3400m

112226James C. Solomon   151261986-03-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 19.8 km E of pass between Mururata and Illimani. Grassland with clumps of shrubs. Land heavily used for fields and grazing., -16.57 -67.75, 3500m

112409James C. Solomon   151211986-03-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 19.8 km E of pass between Mururata and Illimani. Grassland with clumps of shrubs. Land heavily used for fields and grazing., -16.57 -67.75, 3500m

Adenocalymma impressum (Rusby) Sandwith
1124231Krukoff, B.A.   106061939-07-27
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Basin of Río Bopi, Asunta (near Evenay), 690 - 750m

112456James C. Solomon   178631988-02-20
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 3.6 km al E de Mina Bolsa Negra (Tres Ríos) por el camino a Lambate (15.8 km al E de la cumbre entre Illimani y Mururata). Arroyo con vegetación arbustiva, principalmente de Baccharis., -16.57 -67.77, 3500m

Oxalis flagellata (Rusby) Lourteig
112685James C. Solomon   153721986-07-02
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 1.4 km W of Unduavi, on new road between Chuspipata and La Paz. Low cloud forest at the upper limit of forest vegetation; most common tree genera: Miconia, Oreopanax, Vallea and Clethra., -16.3 -67.92, 3400m

Oxalis L.
112712James C. Solomon   87011982-11-06
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 3.1 km SE of Unduavi bridge (below) on old road. Low cloud forest, trees 4-8 m tall., -16.32 -67.88, 3000m

112720James C. Solomon   87021982-11-06
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 3.1 km SE of Unduavi bridge (below) on old road. Low cloud forest, trees 4-8 m tall., -16.32 -67.88, 3000m

Oxalis westii Lourteig
112754James C. Solomon   87341982-11-06
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 5.6 km SE of Unduavi bridge (below) on old road. Low forest, trees mostly 6-8 m. Heavily disturbed., -16.3 -67.88, 2800m

112757James C. Solomon   87511982-11-07
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 4.7 km SE of Unduavi bridge (below) on old road. Heavily disturbed cloud forest., -16.3 -67.88, 2900m

Oxalis unduavensis (Rusby) R. Knuth
112764James C. Solomon   87541982-11-07
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 1.6 km NW (above) Unduavi. Disturbed shrubby forest near upper limits of woody growth., -16.32 -67.92, 3300m

Oxalis westii Lourteig
112939James C. Solomon   149001986-02-20
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 2 km W of Unduavi. Low forest with Solanum, Gaiadendron, Myrica., -16.32 -67.92, 3400m

Oxalis flagellata (Rusby) Lourteig
112983James C. Solomon   113521983-12-11
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 19.8 km E of pass between Mururata and Illimani (ca. 0.5 km from Ikiko). Grassland with clumps of shrubs. Land heavily used for grazing and fields., -16.57 -67.75, 3500m

113206James C. Solomon   113811983-12-11
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 16.2 km E of pass between Mururata and Illimani. Moist shrubby vegetation in steep arroyo., -16.57 -67.77, 3650m

Oxalis L.
113216James C. Solomon   113821983-12-11
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 16.2 km E of pass between Mururata and Illimani. Moist shrubby vegetation in steep arroyo., -16.57 -67.77, 3650m

Oxalis flagellata (Rusby) Lourteig
113326James C. Solomon   175071988-01-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 5.8 km al O de Lambate por el camino a La Paz. Laderas con gramíneas y arbustos bajos., -16.58 -67.72, 3700m

Oxalis L.
113345James C. Solomon   175111988-01-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 5.2 km al SE de Lambate. Bosque bajo, húmedo, disturbido, a lo largo del Río Chiquilaque Muriyaqui., -16.62 -67.68, 3100m

Oxalis mollissima (Rusby) R. Knuth
113451James C. Solomon   175541988-01-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 5.2 km al SE de Lambate. Bosque bajo, húmedo, disturbido, a lo largo del Río Chiquilaque Muriyaqui., -16.62 -67.68, 3100m

113528Marko Lewis   371701990-04-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Ridge of Pasto Grande - - On the ridge between the Río La Paz and the Río Jucumarini, ca. 10-12 km up river from the La Plazuela Bridge. Arid mattoral and woodland, deciduous., -16.62 -67.48, 1300 - 1500m

113531Marko Lewis   371801990-04-12
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, Ridge of Pasto Grande - - On the ridge between the Río La Paz and the Río Jucumarini, ca. 10-12 km up river from the La Plazuela Bridge. Arid mattoral and woodland, deciduous., -16.62 -67.48, 1300 - 1500m

113664James C. Solomon   151251986-03-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 19.8 km E of pass between Mururata and Illimani. Grassland with clumps of shrubs. Land heavily used for fields and grazing., -16.57 -67.75, 3500m

Oxalis mollissima (Rusby) R. Knuth
113672James C. Solomon   151321986-03-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 19.8 km E of pass between Mururata and Illimani. Grassland with clumps of shrubs. Land heavily used for fields and grazing., -16.57 -67.75, 3500m

Oxalis mollissima (Rusby) R. Knuth
113688James C. Solomon   151371986-03-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 19.8 km E of pass between Mururata and Illimani. Grassland with clumps of shrubs. Land heavily used for fields and grazing., -16.57 -67.75, 3500m

113696James C. Solomon   151451986-03-14
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 19.8 km E of pass between Mururata and Illimani. Grassland with clumps of shrubs. Land heavily used for fields and grazing., -16.57 -67.75, 3500m

113755James C. Solomon & M. Nee   143291985-09-29
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 24.2 km E of (below) Chuspipata on the road to Chulumani. Moist forest with some disturbance., -16.37 -67.78, 1900m

Oxalis mollissima (Rusby) R. Knuth
113775James C. Solomon & M. Nee   143411985-09-29
Bolivia, La Paz, Sud Yungas, 16 km E of (below) Chuspipata on the road to Chulumani. Moist forest withsome disturbance., -16.33 -67.82, 2100m

Page 1, records 1-100 of 1708


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