Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO
Search Criteria: Bolivia; Santa Cruz; Obispo Santiesteban; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 2, records 101-166 of 166

Missouri Botanical Garden

1528682M. Nee   517022000-11-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 3 km E of San Jose. Flat area of caly loam, originally subtropical semi-deciduous or evergreen forest, now mostly cleared for sugarcane and other field crops. The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the we, -16.83 -63.37, 240m

1528705M. Nee   517032000-11-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 3 km E of San José. Flat area of clay loam, originally subtropical semi-deciduous or evergreen forest with much Attalea phalerata, Ficus, Hura crepitans, Crateva tapia, now mostly cleared for sugarcane and other field crops., -16.83 -63.37, 240m

1528716M. Nee   517042000-11-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 0.5 km E of San José., -17.74 -63.2, 240m

Merremia umbellata (L.) Hallier f.
1530018M. Nee   470711996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east., -16.98 -63.18, 225m

1530050M. Nee   470731996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 15.5 km (by road) N of Mineros, then 3.8 km E on dirt road. Flat, clay soil, mostly cleared for sugar cane and other crops, with patches of brush and remnant forest with Attalea phalerata (Scheelea princeps). [The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by, -16.98 -63.18, 225m

Ludwigia bonariensis (Micheli) H. Hara
1530114M. Nee   470771996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 15.5 km (by road) N of Mineros, then 3.8 km E on dirt road. Flat, clay soil, mostly clearded for sugar cane and other crops, with patches of brush and remnant forest with Attalea phalerata (Scheelea princeps)., -16.98 -63.18, 225m

1530143M. Nee   470791996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 15.5 km (by road) N of Mineros, then 3.8 km E on dirt road. Flat, clay soil, mostly cleared for sugar cane and other crops, with patches of brush and remnant forest with Attalea phalerata (Scheelea princeps)., -16.98 -63.18, 225m

1530181M. Nee   470811996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 15.5 km (by road) N of Mineros, then 3.8 km E on dirt road. Flat, clay soil, mostly cleared for sugar cane and other crops, with patches of brush and remnant forest with Attalea phalerata (Scheelea princeps)., -16.98 -63.18, 225m

Cyclospermum leptophyllum (Pers.) Sprague ex Britton & P. Wilson
1530213M. Nee   470831996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 15.5 km (by road) N of Mineros, then 3.8 km E on dirt road. Flat clay soil, mostly cleared for sugar cane and other crops, with patches of brush and remnant forest with Attalea phalerata (scheelea princeps). The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by th, -16.98 -63.18, 225m

1530252M. Nee   470851996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 15.5 km (road) N of Mineros, then 3.8 km E on dirt road., -16.98 -63.18, 225m

1530275M. Nee   470861996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east. 15.5 km (by road) N of Mineros, then 3.8 km E on dirt road. Flay clay soil, mostly cleared for surgar cane and other crops, -16.98 -63.18, 225m

Paragonia pyramidata (Rich.) Bureau
1530290M. Nee   470871996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 15.5 km (by road) N of Mineros, then 3.8 km E on dirt road. Flat, clay soil, mostly cleared for sugar cane and other crops, with patches of bush and remnant forest with Attalea phalerata (Scheelea princeps)., -16.98 -63.18, 225m

Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth
1530338M. Nee   470901996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -16.98 -63.18, 225m

Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E. Br. ex Britton & P. Wilson
1530355M. Nee   470911996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 15.5 km (by road) N of Mineros, then 3.8 km E on dirt road. Flat, clay soil, mostly cleared for sugar cane and other crops, with patches of brush and remnant forest with Attalea phalerata (Scheelea princeps). In roadside ditch with Polygonum punctatum, P., -16.98 -63.18, 225m

Solanum myrianthum Britton ex Rusby
1530375M. Nee   470921996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 15.5 km (by road) N of Mineros, then 3.8 km E on dirt road. Flat, clay soil, mostly cleared for sugar cane and other crops, with patches of bush and remnant forest with Attalea phalerata (Scheelea princeps)., -16.98 -63.18, 225m

1530415M. Nee   470951996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 15.5 km (by road) N of Mineros, then 2.2 km E on dirt road. 1.3 km E of Río Chané., -17.74 -63.2, 225m

Suessenguthia multisetosa (Rusby) Wassh. & J.R.I. Wood
1530442M. Nee   47096
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -18.17 -63.87, 225m

Pfaffia grandiflora (Hook.) R.E. Fr.
1530457M. Nee   470971996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 15.5 km (by road) N of Mineros, then 2.2 km E on dirt road. 1.3 km. E of Río Chané. Nearly flat, near creek with pools but no running water. Otherwise flat, clay soil, mostly cleared for sugar cane and other crops, with patches of brush and remnant forest, -16.98 -63.2, 225m

Serjania rubicaulis Benth. ex Radlk.
1530467M. Nee   470981996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east. 15.5 km (by road) N of Mineros, then 2.2 km E on dirt road. 1.3 km E of Rio Chané. Nearly flat, near creek with pools but n, -16.98 -63.2, 225m

1530602M. Nee   471061996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 15.5 Km (by road) N of Mineros, then 2,2 km E on dirt road 1.3 km E of Ri|o Chané. Nearly flat, near creek with pools but no running water. Otherwise flat, clay soil, mostly cleared for sugar cane and other crops, with patches of brush and remnant forest, -16.98 -63.2, 225m

1530628Nee M   471071996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 15.5 km by road N of Mineros, then 2.2 km E of dirt road.1.3 km E of Río Chané. Otherwise flat, clay soil, mostly cleared for sugar cane and other crops, with patches of brush and remnant forest with Attalea phalerata (Scheelea princeps)., -16.98 -63.2, 225m

1530643M. Nee   471081996-08-28
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east, -16.98 -63.2, 225m

Solanum myrianthum Britton ex Rusby
1533943M. Nee   334411987-01-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 1.5 km SW of center of Montero, brushy disturbed areas, flat, on outskirts of the town., -17.35 -63.27, 295m

1533961M. Nee   334421987-01-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east., -17.35 -63.27, 295m

1534015M. Nee   334461987-01-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 1.5 km. SW of center of Montero, brushy disturbed areas, flat, on outskirts of the town., -17.35 -63.27, 295m

Chrysophyllum gonocarpum (Mart. & Eichler ex Miq.) Engl.
1534106M. Nee   334511987-01-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 1.5 km SW of center of Montero, brushy disturbed areas, flat, on outskirts of the town., -17.35 -63.27, 295m

Maytenus Molina
1534133M. Nee   334521987-01-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 1.5 km SW of center of Monetero, brushy disturbed areas, flat on outskirts of the town, -17.35 -63.27, 295m

Cayaponia Silva Manso
1534169M. Nee   334541987-01-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 1.5 km SW of center of Montero, brushy disturbed areas, flat, on outskirts of the town., -17.35 -63.27, 295m

1534239M. Nee   334581987-01-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 1.5 km SW of center of Montero, brushy disturbed areas, flat, on outskirts of the town., -17.35 -63.27, 295m

Neea Ruiz & Pav.
1534961M. Nee   394551990-10-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 12 km NE of crossroads at Montero, along highway from Montero to Colonia Okinawa 1. Flat, marshy area now dry and dominated by Polygonum and surrounding brushy areas, with a few Syagrus cf. botryophora, surrounded by cultivated fields., -17.28 -63.15, 275m

Croton ruizianus Müll. Arg.
1535078M. Nee   394621990-10-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 12 km NE of crossroads at Montero, along highway from Montero to Colonia Okinawa 1. Flat, marshy area now dry and dominated by Polygonum and surrounding brushy areas, with a few Syagrus cf. botryophora, surrounded by cultivated fields., -17.28 -63.15, 275m

1535181M. Nee   394681990-10-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, The plain around Santa Cruz that is bound by the 700 m contour of the Andean foothills to the west, and the Río Grande to the east. 12 km NE of crossroads at Montero, along highway from Montero to Colonia Okinawa 1. Flat, marshy area now dry and dominated, -17.28 -63.15, 275m

1535225M. Nee   394701990-10-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 12 km NE of crossroads at Montero, along highway from Montero to Colonia Okinawa 1. Flat, marshy area now dry and dominated by Polygonum and surrounding brushy areas, with a few Syagrus cf. botryophora, surrounded bt cultivated fields., -17.28 -63.15, 275m

1535245M. Nee   394711990-10-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 12 km NE of crossroads at Montero, along highway from Montero to Colonia Okinawa 1. Flat, marshy area now dry and dominated by Polygonum and surrounding brushy areas, with a few Syagrus cf. botryophora, surrounded by cultivated fields., -17.28 -63.15, 275m

Eleocharis elegans (Kunth) Roem. & Schult.
1535256M. Nee   394721990-10-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Prov. Santiesteban, 12 km NE of crossroads at Montero, along highway from Montero to Colonia Okinawa 1. Flat, marshy area now dry and dominated by Polygonum and surrounding brushy areas, with a few Syagrus cf. botryophora, surrounded by cultivated fields., -17.28 -63.15, 275m

Hyparrhenia rufa (Nees) Stapf
1537053M. Nee   497561998-06-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 5.6 km SE of Montero on Highway to Warnes., -17.38 -63.22

Batocarpus amazonicus (Ducke) Fosberg
1590295M. Saldias, M. Menacho   12331990-10-09
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, -17.23 -63.22, 265m

Talisia cerasina (Benth.) Radlk.
1591993Saldias   12311990-10-09
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, -17.23 -63.22, 265m

1598258Lara R   s.n., 1994a (Vasquez R)1975-07-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Saavedra, -17.25 -63.2, 450m

1598520St. G. Beck   71311981-01-10
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, cerca de Montero, -17.33 -63.22, 450m

Nectandra hihua (Ruiz & Pav.) Rohwer
1702648A.Lawrence, J. Condori   591991-08-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Prov. Santiesteban. Loc. Saavedra, CIAT Agricultural Research Station, 10 km N of Montero, -17.25 -63.25, 400m

1716272A.Krapovickas & A. Schinini   315411981-04-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Gral. Saavedra. Estacion Experimental. En selva secundaria., -17.22 -63.2

Setaria sphacelata (Schumach.) Stapf & C.E. Hubb. ex M.B. Moss
230471Israel G. Vargas C.   1871989-05-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Saavedra, estación esperimental del C.I.A.T., -17.23 -63.22, 260m

230482Israel G. Vargas C.   1881989-05-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Saavedra, estación esperimental del C.I.A.T., -17.23 -63.22, 260m

230493Israel G. Vargas C.   1891989-05-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Saavedra, estación esperimental del C.I.A.T., -17.23 -63.22, 260m

Hyparrhenia rufa (Nees) Stapf
230504Israel G. Vargas C.   1901989-05-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Saavedra, estación esperimental del C.I.A.T., -17.23 -63.22, 260m

Polygalaceae Barnhart
230515Israel G. Vargas C.   1941989-05-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Saavedra, estación esperimental del C.I.A.T., -17.23 -63.22, 260m

230613Israel G. Vargas C.   1951989-05-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Saavedra, estación esperimental del C.I.A.T., -17.23 -63.22, 260m

Brachiaria mutica (Forssk.) Stapf
230624Israel G. Vargas C.   1961989-05-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Saavedra, estación esperimental del C.I.A.T., -17.23 -63.22, 260m

230634Israel G. Vargas C.   1971989-05-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Saavedra, estación esperimental del C.I.A.T., -17.23 -63.22, 260m

Brachiaria brizantha (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Stapf
230646Israel G. Vargas C.   1981989-05-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Saavedra, estación esperimental del C.I.A.T., -17.23 -63.22, 260m

83706Israel G. Vargas C.   1911989-05-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Saavedra, estación esperimental del C.I.A.T., -17.23 -63.22, 260m

Cajanus cajan (L.) Huth
83713Israel G. Vargas C.   1921989-05-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Saavedra, estación esperimental del C.I.A.T., -17.23 -63.22, 260m

Glycine Willd.
86206Israel G. Vargas C.   1931989-05-24
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Saavedra, estación esperimental del C.I.A.T., -17.23 -63.22, 260m

921163M. Nee   381971989-12-15
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 6 km (by air) NW of Montero, on road to Portacheuelo. With Salix humboldtiana, Leucaena leucocephala, edge of channel along road, sandy soil., -17.35 -63.28, 275m

922582M. Nee   394661990-10-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 12 km NE of crossroads at Montero, along highway from Montero to Colonia Okinawa 1. Flat, marshy area now dry and dominated by Polygonum and surrounding brushy areas, with a few Syagrus cf. botryophora, surrounded by cultivated fields., -17.28 -63.15, 275m

Leptochloa virgata (L.) P. Beauv.
947701Nee, M.   450681994-02-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, 12.2 km N of Mineros. Grassy and brushy roadsides and adjacent pastures. very flat, flamost all cleared for fields of rice, sugarcane, etc. originally forested, with Scheelea princeps. Soil fine sandy., -17.02 -63.22, 280m

Steinchisma laxa (Sw.) Zuloaga
947703Nee, M.   451241994-02-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, E of La Porfía. Grassy and brushy roadside, edge of pastures and fields, very flat, originally forested, with Scheelea princeps., -17.06 -63.13, 340m

978248B. Mostacedo   3331992-03-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, E.E.A.S. dependiente del CIAT., -17.25 -63.17, 320m

Polygalaceae Barnhart
978249B. Mostacedo   3361992-03-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, E.E.A.S. dependiente del CIAT., -17.25 -63.17, 320m

978252B. Mostacedo   3381992-03-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, E.E.A.S. dependiente del CIAT., -17.25 -63.17, 320m

Polygalaceae Lindl.
978253B. Mostacedo   3391992-03-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, E.E.A.S. dependiente del CIAT., -17.25 -63.17, 320m

Polygalaceae Barnhart
978404B. Mostacedo   3411992-03-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Estación Experimental Agrícola Saavedra; dependiente del CIAT., -17.25 -63.17, 320m

Polygalaceae Barnhart
978405B. Mostacedo   3421992-03-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Estación Experimental Agrícola Saavedra; dependiente del CIAT., -17.25 -63.17, 320m

Eragrostis glomerata (Walter) L.H. Dewey
978407B. Mostacedo   343A1992-03-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Estación Experimental Agrícola Saavedra; dependiente del CIAT., -17.25 -63.17, 320m

Hyparrhenia rufa (Nees) Stapf
978409B. Mostacedo   3451992-03-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Obispo Santiesteban, Estación Experimental Agrícola Saavedra; dependiente del CIAT., -17.25 -63.17, 320m

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