Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO
Search Criteria: Bolivia; Santa Cruz; Florida; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 8, records 701-800 of 2059

Missouri Botanical Garden

Phoebe porphyria (Griseb.) Mez
1530426M. Nee & I. Vargas C.   434541992-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour

Sageretia elegans (Kunth) Brongn.
1530462M. Nee   483591998-02-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. Near bottom of valley of Quebrada Guapurucillo, steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone of Serrania de la Cruz to the NE and Cerro Guapurucillo to the, -18.2 -63.72, 1325m

1530470M. Nee   483601998-02-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Near bottom of valley of Quebrada Guapurucillo, steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sanstone of Serranía de la Cruz to the NE and Cerro Guapurucillo to the south, along dirt road to Bella Vista, 2 km SE from turnoff (the turnoff ca. 3 km E of C, -18.2 -63.72, 1325m

Duranta serratifolia (Griseb.) Kuntze
1530503M. Nee & I. Vargas   434591992-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 4 km N of center of Samaipata. Grazed ridgetop with some remnants of forest in ravines. Alnus acuminata, Ternstroemia asymmetrica, Escallonia reticulata., -18.13 -63.87, 2000 - 2100m

Solanum nutans Ruiz & Pav.
1530525Nee M, Vargas I   43460
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour ** 4 km N Samaipata, -18.13 -63.87, 2000m

1530533M. Nee   504201999-11-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. On road to Bella Vista, 4.5 km S of turnoff at Cuevas of Bermejo-Samaipata highway. Steep-sided vally between massive red sandstone hills, disturbed scrubby forest, wit, -18.2 -63.68, 1250m

1530537M. Nee   434611992-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 4 km N of center of Samaipata. Grazed ridgetop with some remnants of forest in ravines. Alnus acuminata, Ternstroemia asymmetrica, Escallonia reticulata., -18.13 -63.87, 2000 - 2100m

1530554M. Nee   483651998-02-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Near bottom of valley of Quebrada Guapurucillo, steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone of Serranía de la Cruz to the NE and Cerro Guapurucillo to the south, along dirt road to Bella Vista, 2 km SE from turnoff (the turnoff ca. 3 km E of, -18.2 -63.72, 1325m

Galium hypocarpium (L.) Endl. ex Griseb.
1530571M. Nee   483661998-02-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Near bottom of valley of Quebrada Guapurucillo, steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone of Serranía de la Cruz to the NE and Cerro Guapurucillo to the south, along dirt road to Bella Vista, 2 km SE from turnoff (the turnoff ca. 3 km E of, -18.2 -63.72, 1325m

1530586M. Nee & I. Vargas C.   434641992-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. 4 km N of center of Samaipata. Grazed ridgetop with some remnants of forest in ravines., 2000 - 2100m

1530616M. Nee   504111999-11-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On road to Bella Vista, 4.5 km S of turnoff at Cuevas of Bermejo-Samaipata highway. Steep-sided valley between massive red sandstone hills, disturbed scrubby forest, with some Alnus acuminata along stream, much Myrsine., -18.2 -63.68, 1250m

1530619M. Nee   434661992-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.13 -63.87, 2000 - 2100m

Huperzia reflexa (Lam.) Trevis.
1530621M. Nee   483691998-02-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Near bottom of valley of Quebrada Guapurucillo, steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone of Serranía de la Cruz to the NE and Cerro Guapurucillo to the south, along dirt road to Bella Vista, 2 km SE from turnoff (the turnoff ca. 3 km E of, -18.2 -63.72, 1325m

1530629M. Nee   452621994-07-20
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. 5.5 km (by road) ENE of Samaipata on hwy. to Santa Cruz. Steep slopes and rocky canyon of Rio Achira, near waterfall along highway, semi-deciduous forest., -18.17 -63.83, 1500m

Thelypteris falcata (Liebm.) R.M. Tryon
1530632M. Nee   504121999-11-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On road to Bella Vista, 4.5 km S of turnoff at Cuevas of Bermejo-Samaipata highway. Steep-sided valley between massive red sandstone hills, disturbed srubby forest, with some Alnus acuminata along stream, much Myrsine., -18.2 -63.68, 1250m

Serjania rubicaulis Benth. ex Radlk.
1530641M. Nee   504261999-11-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. On road to Bella Vista, 4 km S of turnoff at Cuevas from the highway Bermejo-Samaipata. Steep-sided valley between massive red sandstone hills, disturbed dry forest on, -18.18 -63.7, 1325m

Blechnum cordatum (Desv.) Hieron.
1530645M. Nee   483701998-02-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Near bottom of valley of Quebrada Guapurucillo, steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone of Serranía de la Cruz to the NE and Cerro Guapurucillo to the south, along dirt road to Bella Vista, 2 km SE from turnoff (the turnoff ca. 3 km E of, -18.2 -63.72, 1325m

Maytenus peruana (Loes.) Liesner
1530656M. Nee, I. Vargas   434681992-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 2 km N of center of Samaipata, remnants of forest in bottom of valley., -18.15 -63.87, 1700m

1530663M. Nee   483711998-02-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.2 -63.72, 1325m

Raulinoreitzia crenulata (Spreng.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
1530669M. Nee   483721998-02-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Near bottom of valley of Quebrada Guapurucillo, steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone of Serrania de la Cruz to the NE and Cerro Guapurucillo to the south, along dirt road to Bella Vista, 2 km SE from turnoff (the turnoff ca. 3 km E of, -18.2 -63.72, 1325m

Ligaria cuneifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Tiegh.
1530676M. Nee   452651994-07-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 2 km NW of Samaipata. Dry, deciduous forest on slopes along dry streambed, above the Samaipata-Mairana highway., -18.17 -63.88, 1675m

1530681Nee M   43469
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour ** Samaipata, -18.18 -63.87, 1600m

Allophylus edulis (A. St.-Hil., Cambess. & A. Juss.) Radlk.
1530689M. Nee & I. Vargas C.   434701992-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 0.5-1 km N of Samaipata. Hedgerows and disturbed areas among fields and pastures, in broad valley bottom, with Vassobia breviflora., -18.17 -63.87, 1600m

1530695M. Nee   45265a1994-07-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. 2 km NW of Samaipata. Dry, deciduous forest on slopes along dry dtreambed, above the Samaipata-Mairana highway., -18.17 -63.88, 1675m

Selaginella P. Beauv.
1530709M. Nee   504161999-11-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On road to Bella Vista, 4.5 km S of turnoff at Cuevas of Bermejo-Samaipata highway. Steep-sided valley between massive red sandstone hills, disturbed scrubby forest, with some Alnus acuminata along stream, much Myrsine., -18.2 -63.68, 1250m

Pedersenia argentata (Mart.) Holub
1530714M. Nee   452661994-07-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 2 km. NW of Samaipata. Dry, deciduous forest on slopes along dry streambed, above the Samaipata-Mairana highway., -18.17 -63.88, 1675m

Campyloneurum angustipaleatum (Alston) M. Mey. ex Lellinger
1530718M. Nee   483751998-02-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Near bottom of valley of Quebrada Guapurucillo, steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone of Serranía de la Cruz to the NE and Cerro Guapurucillo to the south, along dirt road to Bella Vista, 2 km SE from turnoff (the turnoff ca. 3 km E of, -18.2 -63.72, 1325m

1530731M. Nee   504311999-11-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On road to Bella Vista, 4 km S of turnoff at Cuevas from the highway Bermejo-Samaipata. Steep-sided valley between massive red sandstone hills, disturbed dry forest on slopes, with Cariniana estrellensis, Terminalia triflora, Weinmannia sorbifolia., -18.18 -63.7, 1325m

1530738M. Nee   504321999-11-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On road to Bella Vista, 4 km S of turnoff at Cuevas from the highway Bermejo-Samaipata. Steep-sided valley between massive red sandstone hills, disturbed dry forest on slopes, with Cariniana estrellensis, Terminalia triflora, Weinmannia sorbifolia., -18.18 -63.7, 1325m

Cucurbitella asperata (Gillies ex Hook.) Walp.
1530755M. Nee   434741992-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 0.5 to 1 km N of Samaipata., -18.17 -63.87, 1600m

1530791M. Nee & I. Vargas C.   434761992-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, 0.5-1 km. N of Samaipata. Hedgerows and disturbed areas among fields and pastures, in broad valley bottom, with Vassobia breviflora, -18.17 -63.87, 1600m

1530811M. Nee   493831998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour., -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

Neea Ruiz & Pav.
1530817M. Nee   504371999-11-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 8 km (by air) NE of Samaipata, 2 km (by road) NNE from Achiras Camping resort, on steep gravel road to Banegas and Barrientos. Former dry forest, now fields, pastures on slope, scrubby, with Baccharis dracunculifolia, Dodonaea viscosa, Mauria thaumatophyl, -18.13 -63.82, 1500m

Baccharis oblongifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Pers.
1530835M. Nee   452741994-07-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 8 km NE of Mairana, entering through La Yunga, -18.05 -65.92, 2250m

1530842M. Nee   493851998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km by road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnoff at Bermejo of Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. Steep rocky slopes. With shrubland of Clusia lecheri, Agarista boliviensis, and patches of forest, at first set of communication antennas., -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

Pfaffia Mart.
1530849M. Nee & I. Vargas C.   434791992-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 0.5-1 km. N of Samaipata. Hedgerows and disturbed areas among fields and pastures, in broad valley bottom, with Vassobia brevifloria., -18.17 -63.87, 1600m

Dicranopteris flexuosa (Schrad.) Underw.
1530857M. Nee   493861998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km by road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnoff at Bermejo of Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. Steep, rocky slopes. With shrubland of Clusia lechleri, Agarista boliviensis, and patches of forest at the first set of communication antennas., -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

Myroxylon balsamum (L.) Harms
1530876M. Nee   504401999-11-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 8 km (by air) NE of Samaipata, 2 km (by road) NNE from Achiras Camping resort, on steep gravel road to Banegas and Barrientos. Former dry forest, now fields, pastures on slope, scrubby, with Baccharis dracunculifolia, Dodonaea viscosa, Mauria thaumatophyl, -18.13 -63.82, 1500m

Schinus fasciculata (Griseb.) I.M. Johnst.
1530883M. Nee   434811992-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 0.5-1 km N of Samaipata. Hedgerows and disturbed areas among fields and pastures, in broad valley bottom, with Vassobia breviflora., -18.17 -63.87, 1600m

Aloysia gratissima var. gratissima (Gillies & Hook.) Tronc.
1530888M. Nee   434821992-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 0.5-1 km N of Samaipata., -18.11 -63.95, 1600m

1530908M. Nee   504421999-11-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 8 km (by air) NE of Samaipata, 2 km (by road) NNE from Achiras Camping resort, on steep gravel road to Banegas and Barrientos. Former dry forest, now fields, pastures on slope, scrubby, with Baccharis dracunculifolia, Dodonaea viscosa, Mauria thaumatophyl, -18.13 -63.82, 1500m

1530957M. Nee   504451999-11-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. Vicnity of Achira Camping Resort, 7 km (by air) NE of Sampaipata. Formerly dry forest in valley., -18.15 -63.82, 1350m

1530984M. Nee   504461999-11-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Vicinity of Achira Camping resort, 7 km (by air) NE of Samaipata, -18.15 -63.82, 1330m

1530990M. Nee   493941998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km by road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnoff at Bermejo of Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. Steep rocky slopes. With shrubland of Clusia lechleri, Agarista boliviensis, and patches of forest, at the first set of communication antennas., -17.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

1530991M. Nee   504331999-11-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, 1350m

1531005M. Nee   493951998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km by road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnoff at Bermejo of Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. Steep rocky slopes. With shrubland of Clusia lechleri, Agarista boliviensis, and patches of forest, at the first set of communication antennas., -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

Agarista boliviensis (Sleumer) Judd
1531030M. Nee   493971998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km by road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnofff at Bermejo of Santa Cruz-samaipata highway. Steep rocky slopes. With shrubland of Clusia lechleri, Agarista boliviensis,and patches of forst, at the first set of communication antennas., -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

Croton L.
1531033M.Nee   452861994-07-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 8 km. NE of Mairana, entering through La Yunga, ridgetop cloud forest with Dicksonia sellowiana ( Tree fern with leaves now all frosted and dead)., -18.05 -65.92, 2250m

1531051M. Nee   493981998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km by road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnoff at Bermejo of Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. Steep, rocky slopes. With shrubland of Clusia lechleri, Agarista boliviensis, and patches of forest, at the first set of communication antennas., -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

Galium hypocarpium (L.) Endl. ex Griseb.
1531061M. Nee   452881994-07-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 8 km NE of Mairana, entering through La Yunga, ridgetop cloud forest with Dicksonia sellowiana (tree fern with leaves now all frosted and dead)., -18.05 -65.92, 2250m

Macroditassa adnata (E. Fourn.) Malme
1531076M. Nee   494001998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km by road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnoff at Bermejo of Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. Steep slopes. With shrubland of Clusia lechleri, Agarista boliviensis, and patches of forest, at the first set of communication antennas., -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

1531104M. Nee   452911994-07-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km NE of Mairana, entering through La Yunga, ridgetop cloud forest, but below Dicksonia sellowiana zone., -18.08 -63.92, 2200m

Oreopanax australis M. Nee
1531125M. Nee   452921994-07-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.08 -63.92, 2200m

Banisteriopsis pubipetala (A. Juss.) Cuatrec.
1531130M. Nee   504571999-11-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Bermejo to Samaipata, 7.2 km (by road) SW of bridge over Río Lajas, ca. 5.5 km (by road) NE of Estancia Cuevas. Disturbed forest on slopes., -18.15 -63.72, 1260m

1531131M. Nee   494041998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km by road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnoff at Bermejo of Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. Steep rocky sfloeps. With shrubland of Clusia lechleri, Agarista boliviensis, and patches of forest, at the first set of communication antennas., -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

1531147M. Nee   504581999-11-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. Along highway from Bermejo to Samaipata, 7.2 km (by road) SW of bridge over Rio Las, ca 5.5 km (by road) NE of Estancia Cuevas. disturbed forest on slopes., -18.15 -63.72, 1260m

Matelea Aubl.
1531161M. Nee   504591999-11-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Bermejo to Samaipata, 7.2 km (by road) SW of bridge over Río Lajas, ca. 5.5 km (by road) NE of Estancia Cuevas. Disturbed forest on slopes., -18.15 -63.72, 1260m

1531163Michael Nee   494061998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km by road to antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnoff at Bermejo of Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. Steep rocky slopes. With shrubland of Clusia lechleri, Agarista boliviensis and patches of forest, at the first set of communications antennas.Within the, -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

Campyloneurum aglaolepis (Alston) de la Sota
1531195M. Nee   494081998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km by road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnoff at Bermejo of Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. Steep rocky slopes. With shrubland of Clusia lechleri, Agarista bolivinesis, and patches of forest, at the first set of communication antennas., -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

1531207M. Nee   494091998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour

Campyloneurum aglaolepis (Alston) de la Sota
1531221M. Nee   504631999-11-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Bermejo to Samaipata, 7.2 km (by road) SW of bridge over Río Lajas, ca. 5.5 km (by road) NE of Estancia Cuevas. Disturbed forest on slopes., -18.15 -63.72, 1260m

1531226M. Nee   494101998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km by road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnoff at Bermejo of Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. Steep rocky slopes. With shrubland of Clusia lechleri, Agarista bolivinesis, and patches of forest, at the first set of communication antennas., -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

Lycopodium thyoides Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
1531247M. Nee   494111998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km by road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnoff at Bermejo of Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. Steep rocky slopes. With shrubland of Clusia lechleri, Agarista bolivinesis, and patches of forest, at the first set of communication antennas., -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

Schinus myrtifolia (Griseb.) Cabrera
1531259M. Nee   453011994-07-21
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 6 km (by air) NE of Mairana, Campamento La Yunga. Scrubby areas, pasture and gardens around settlement of a few houses, dominated by Baccharis spp, Dodonaea viscosa., -18.09 -63.92, 1950m

Opuntia kiskaloro Speg.
1531262M. Nee   504511999-11-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Bermejo to Samaipata, 1.2 km Eof Turnoff to Achira Camping Resort. Roadside bank, vegetation originally of dry forest above Rio Paredones., -18.17 -63.8, 1280m

Rhipidocladum neumanii Sulekic, Rúgolo & L.G. Clark
1531290M. Nee   504531999-11-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Bermejo to Samaipata, 7.2 km (by road) SW of bridge over Río Lajas, ca. 5.5 km (by road) NE of Estancia Cuevas. Disturbed forest on slopes, -18.15 -63.72, 1260m

Senegalia tucumanensis (Griseb.) Seigler & Ebinger
1531308M. Nee   494161998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km by road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnoff at Bermejo of Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway., -18.11 -63.95, 1450 - 1525m

1531378M. Nee   494201998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour., -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

1531391M. Nee   504741999-11-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Valley of Quebrada La Coca, 5 km S by dirt road from turnoff of highway Bermejo-Samaipata. Brushy and open areas, pastures and in crops, formerly dry forest., -18.17 -63.7, 1150m

1531403M. Nee   494211998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km by rd. to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnoff at Bermejo on Santa Cruz--Samaipata hwy., -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

1531415M. Nee   504611999-11-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Bermejo to Samaipata, 7.2 km (by road) SW of bridge over Río Lajas, ca. 5.5 km (by road) NE of Estancia Cuevas. Disturbed forest on slopes., -18.15 -63.72, 1260m

Solanum sessile Ruiz & Pav.
1531417M. Nee   494221998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km by road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnoff at Bermejo of Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. Steep rocky slopes. With shrubland of Clusia lechleri, Agarista boliviensis, and patches of forest, at the first set of communication antennas., -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

Buddleja iresinoides (Griseb.) Hosseus
1531425M. Nee   494231998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, ALong ridgetop and Road to the anteras of Cero Sillar, , 8.5 km by road from the turnoof at Bermejo from the Santa. Cruz-Samaipata hgihway, -18.12 -63.58, 1400m

Banisteriopsis cinerascens (Benth.) B. Gates
1531456M. Nee   494251998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along ridgetop and road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, 8.5 km (by road) from the turnoff at Bermejo from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway., -18.12 -63.58, 1400m

Peperomia theodorii Trel.
1531461M. Nee   504641999-11-03
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Bermejo to Samaipata, 7.2 km. (by road) SW of bridge over Río Lajas, ca. 5.5 km. (by road) NE of Estancia Cuevas. Disturbed forest on slopes., -18.15 -63.72, 1260m

1531464M. Nee   504781999-11-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Valley of Quebrada La Coca, 5 km S by dirt road from turnoff of highway Bermejo-Samaipata. Brushy and open areas, pastures and in crops, formerly dry forest., -18.17 -63.7, 1150m

1531472M. Nee   504791999-11-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Valley of the Quebrada La Coca, 5 km S of dirt road from turnoff of highway Bermejo-Samaipata. Brushy and open areas, pastures and in crops, formerly dry forest., -18.17 -63.7, 1150m

1531494M. Nee   504801999-11-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, valley of Quebrada La Coca, 5 km S by dirt road from turnoff of Bermejo- Samaipata. Brushy and open areas, pastures and in crops, formerly dry forest. Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.17 -63.7, 1150m

1531511M. Nee   494281998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along ridgetop and road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, 8.5 km (by road) from the turnoff at Bermejo from the Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. Shrubby areas., -17.12 -63.58, 1400m

Heteropterys dumetorum (Griseb.) Nied.
1531520M. Nee   504821999-11-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Valley of Quebrada La Coca, 5 km S by dirt road from turnoff of Bermejo-Samaipata. Brushy and open areas, pastures and in crops, formerly dry forest., -18.17 -63.7, 1150m

Croton sarcopetalus Müll. Arg.
1531524M. Nee   494291998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along ridgetop and road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, 8.5 km (by road) from the turnoff at Bermejo from the Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. Shrubby areas., -18.12 -63.58, 1400m

1531530M. Nee   453181994-07-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour., -18.06 -63.92, 2100m

Buddleja iresinoides (Griseb.) Hosseus
1531555M. Nee   494311998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along pipeline and dirt road between Bermejo and the antennas on Cerro Sillar, 2.5 km By air NE of Bermejo, 4.7 km by road from turnoof from Santa Cruz Samaipata highway., -18.12 -63.62, 1400m

Puya sanctaecrucis (Baker) L.B. Sm.
1531583M. Nee   494321998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3 km (by road) E of turnoff from the Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway, on road to the antennas and along the pipline. Gentle slope parallel to the sedimentary layers of sandstone, forming almost a rocky pavement, grazed and with frequent fires. With scattered, -18.13 -63.62, 1300m

Rhipidocladum neumanii Sulekic, Rúgolo & L.G. Clark
1531595M. Nee   504721999-11-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Valley of Quebrada La Coca, 5 km S by dirt road from turnoff of highway Bermejo-Samaipata. Brushy and open areas, pastures and in crops, formerly dry forest., -18.17 -63.7, 1150m

1531604M. Nee   504871999-11-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 2.5 km by dirt road S from turnoff from Bermejo-Samaipata highway. Dry forest on slope above Quebrada La Coca. With Anadenanthera colubrina, Myroxylum balsamum, Cariniana estrellensis, Terminalia triflora, Zehyeria tuberculosa., -18.15 -63.68, 1150m

1531614M. Nee   453231994-07-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Quebrada El Durazno and a tributary stream and their canyons, 7km NW of Mairana., -18.07 -63.92, 2100m

1531616M. Nee   504731999-11-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Valley of Quebrada La Coca, 5 km S by dirt form turnoff of highway Bermejo-Samaipata. Brushy and open areas, pastures and in crops, formerly dry forest., -18.17 -63.7, 1150m

Lafoensia vandelliana Cham. & Schltdl.
1531631M. Nee   494351998-05-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 1.8 km from turnoff from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway, along road to the antennas and along the pipeline, ca. 1 km (by air) E of Bermejo., -18.13 -63.62, 1125m

1531640M. Nee   504751999-11-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Valley of Quebrada La Coca, 5 km S by dirt road from turnoff of highway Bermejo-Samaipata. Brushy and open areas, pastures and in crops, formerly dry forest. On springy cliff or bank above Quebrada La Coca., -18.17 -63.7, 1150m

1531656M. Nee   494371998-05-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 1-2 km from the Santa Cruz--Samaipata highway, on road to antennas of Cerro Sillar. Ca. 1 km E (by air) of Bermejo. Disturbed woodlands. Cerrado type vegetation with evidence of fires, with Pseudobombax longiflorum, P. marginatum, Magonia pubescens, Dilod, -18.13 -63.62, 1000m

1531661M. Nee   504761999-11-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Valley of Quebrada LA Coca, 5 km S by dirt road from turnoff of highway BErmejo-Samaipata, Brushy and open areas, pastures and in crops, formerly dry forest., -18.17 -63.7, 1150m

1531710M. Nee   504931999-11-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 2.5 km by dirt road S from turnoff from Bermejo-Samaipata highway. Dry forest on slope above Quebrada La Coca. With Anadenanthera colubrina, Myroxylum balsamum, Cariniana estrellensis, Terminlia trifolra, Zehyeria tuberculosa., -18.15 -63.68, 1150m

Croton L.
1531739M.Nee   453311994-07-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Moist forest,some with recent clearings, onslopes and along Quebrada El Durazno and a tributary stream and their canyons, 7 km. NE of Mairana., -18.06 -63.92, 2100m

1531758M. Nee   494431998-05-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour., -18.13 -63.62, 1000m

1531773M. Nee   494441998-05-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 1-2 km from the Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway, on road to antennas of Cerro Sillar. Ca. 1 km E (by air) of Bermejo., -18.13 -63.62, 1000m

Cestrum strigilatum Ruiz & Pav.
1531780Nee M   45333
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour ** Qubrada El Durazno, 7 km NE Mairana, -18.07 -63.92, 2100m

Ludwigia peruviana (L.) H. Hara
1531787M. Nee   504981999-11-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 2.5 km by dirt road S from turnoff from Bermejo-Samaipata highway. Dry forest on slope above Quebrada La Coca. With Anadenanthera colubrina, Myroxylum balsamum, Cariniana estrellensis, Terminalia triflora, Zehyeria tuberculosa., -18.15 -63.68, 1150m

1531808M. Nee   453351994-07-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Moist forest, some with recent clearings on slopes and along Quebrada El Durazno and a tributary stream and their canyons 7 km. NE of Mairana., -18.06 -63.92, 2100m

Daucus montanus Humb. & Bonpl. ex Spreng.
1531824M. Nee   453361994-07-22
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, moist forest, some with recent clearings, on slopes and along Quebrada El Durazno and a tributary stram and their canyons, 7 km. NE of Mairana., -18.06 -63.92, 2100m

Page 8, records 701-800 of 2059


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