Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO
Search Criteria: Bolivia; Santa Cruz; Florida; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 6, records 501-600 of 2059

Missouri Botanical Garden

Pecluma filicula (Kaulf.) M.G. Price
1526174M. Nee   500991998-07-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Slopes along gorge of Río Las Cruces (Río Vicoquín on some maps), upstream from bridge on highway from Samaipata to Santa Cruz. On rock., -18.13 -63.68, 1000m

Hemionitis rufa (L.) Sw.
1526186M. Nee   501001998-07-12
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Slopes along gorge of Río Las Cruces (Río Vicoquín on some maps), upstream from bridge on highway from Samaipata to Santa Cruz., -18.11 -63.95, 1000m

1526207Michael Nee & G. Coimbra S.   339631987-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10 km (by air) S of Mataral. Woody and shrubby slopes, dry subtropical woods, -18.2 -64.2, 1600m

Anadenanthera macrocarpa (Benth.) Brenan
1526249M. Nee   389161990-09-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5 km. (by road) and 3 km. (by air) NE of Bermejo, Cerro Herradura, along old horse road to Santa Cruz and petroleum pipeline. Dry forest on slopes and tops of hills., -18.12 -63.62, 1450m

1526255M. Nee   339661987-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10 km (by road) and 8 km (by air) SSE of Mataral., -18.18 -64.2, 1500m

1526270M. Nee & G. Coimbra   339671987-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3 km S of Mataral, broad valley of Río La Cienega, grazed, flat, arid thorn scrub with many columnar cacti. Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.13 -64.22, 1400m

Lycianthes fasciculata (Rusby) Bitter
1526288M. Nee & G. Coimbra S.   339681987-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3 km. S of Mataral, broad valley of Rio La Cienega, grazed, flat, arid thorn scrub with many columnar cacti., -18.13 -64.22, 1400m

1526303M. Nee & G. Coimbra S.   339691987-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3 km. S of Mataral, broad valley of Rio La Cienega, grazed, flat, arid thorn scrub with many columnar cacti., -18.13 -64.22, 1400m

Cayaponia citrullifolia (Griseb.) Cogn.
1526341M. Nee   339711987-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Near waterfall on main highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 6 km. (by road) W of Achiras, 5 km. (by air) E of Samaipata., -18.17 -63.83, 1550m

Phenax hirtus (Sw.) Wedd.
1526353M. Nee   389221990-09-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 4 km E of Bermejo, gorge of Río Bermejo, -18.15 -63.6, 850m

Solanum palitans C.V. Morton
1526357M. Nee   339721987-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Near waterfall on main highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 6 km (by road) W of Achiras, 5 km (by air) E of Samaipata., -18.17 -63.83, 1550m

Solanum abutiloides (Griseb.) Bitter & Lillo
1526374Nee M   33973
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour ** 13 km (aire) E Samaipata, -18.18 -63.77, 1300m

Oxypetalum R. Br.
1526393M. Nee   389241990-09-25
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5 km (by road) and 3 km (by air) NE of Bermejo, Cerro Herradura, along old horse trail road to Santa Cruz and petroleum pipeline, -18.12 -63.62, 1450m

1526989M. Nee, R. Vásquez, G. Coimbra & A. Becerra   491451998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista, 2.1 km SE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Slopes along road through bottom of valley of Quebrada Guapurucillo, steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone of Serranía de la Cruz to the NE and, -18.2 -63.7, 1335m

Macroditassa adnata (E. Fourn.) Malme
1527025M. Nee, R. Vásquez, G. Coimbra & A. Becerra   491481998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista, 2.1km SE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Slopes along road through bottom of valley of Quebrada Guapurucillo, steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone of Serranía de la Cruz to the NE and C, -18.2 -63.7, 1335m

1527029M. Nee   481451998-01-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along canyon of Rio Pirai and highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata , 6 km ( by road) SW of police checkpoint in Angostura. Disturbed areas of semi-deciduous forest., -18.18 -63.55, 680m

1527082M.Nee   491511998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista. ca. 9.5 km SE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Steep valley of upper Quebrada de la Coca, with remnant forest, along road through bottom steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone of Serrania, -18.23 -63.68, 1400m

1527093M. Nee, R. Vasquez, G. Coimbra & A. Becerra   491521998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. Along road to Bella Vista, 8.5 km SSE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vicinity Cuevas. Slopes along road through bottom of upper valley of Quebrada de la Coca, -18.22 -63.68, 1360m

1527096M. Nee   481491998-01-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along canyon of Río Piraí and highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 6 km (by road) SW of police checkpoint in Angostura. Disturbed areas of semi-deciduous forest., -18.18 -63.55, 680m

1527114M. Nee, R. Vásquez, G. Coimbra & A. Becerra   491531998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista, 8.5 km SSE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Slopes along road through bottom of upper valley of Quebrada de la Coca. Steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone., -18.22 -63.68, 1360m

Pteridophyta J.Y. Bergen & B.M. Davis
1527139M. Nee   491551998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along the road to Bella Vista, 8,5 km SSE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Slopes along the road through bottom of upper valley of Quebrada de la Coca., -18.22 -63.68, 1360m

Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan
1527167M. Nee, R. Vásquez, G. Coimbra, & A. Becerra   491571998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista, 8.5 km. SSE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Slopes along road through bottom of upper valley of Quebrada de al Coca. Steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone., -18.22 -63.68, 1360m

Croton L.
1527171M. Nee   481541998-01-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, ALong canyon of Rio Pirai and highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 6 km ( by road) SW of police checkpoint in Angostura. Disturbed areas of semi-deciduous forest., -18.18 -63.55, 680m

1527193M. Nee, R. Vasquez, G. Coimbra & A. Becerra   491581998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista, 8.5 km SSE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas.Slopes along road through bottom of upper valley of Quebrada de la Coca. Steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone., -18.22 -63.68, 1360m

Banisteriopsis muricata (Cav.) Cuatrec.
1527199M. Nee, R. Vásquez, G. Coimbra & A. Becerra   491591998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista, 98.5 km SSE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Slopes along road through bottom of upper valley of Quebrada de la Coca. Steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone., -18.22 -63.68, 1360m

1527216Michael Nee, R. Vásquez, G. Coimbra S. & Adriana Becerra   491601998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along the road to Bella Vista, 8.5 km SSE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Slopes along road through bottom of upper valley of Quebrada de la Coca. Steep slopes, between mountians of massive red sandstone., -18.22 -63.68, 1360m

Heteropterys mollis (Nied.) Nied.
1527262M. Nee   481601998-01-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along canyon of Río Piraí and highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 6 km (by road) SW of police checkpoint in Angostura, -18.18 -63.55, 680m

Heteropterys mollis (Nied.) Nied.
1527278M. Nee   481611998-01-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along canyon of Río Piraí and highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 6 km (by road) SW of police checkpoint in Angostura, -18.18 -63.55, 680m

Doryopteris concolor (Langsd. & Fisch.) Kuhn
1527286M. Nee, R. Vásquez, G. Coimbra & A. Becerra   491651998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista, 7.5 km SSE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Slopes along road through bottom of valley of upper Quebrada de la Coca. Steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone. Forest remnant., -18.22 -63.68, 1305m

1527295Nee M   34033
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour ** confluencia Rio Bermejo - rio Pirai, Santa Cruz-Samaipata, -18.18 -63.55, 800m

Macrothelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Ching
1527331M. Nee   491681998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista, 7.5 km SSE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Slopes along road through bottom of valley of upper Quebrada de la Coca. Steep slopes between mountains of massive red sandstone. Forest remnant., -18.22 -63.68, 1305m

Serpocaulon fraxinifolium (Jacq.) A.R. Sm.
1527346M. Nee, R. Vásquez, G. Coimbra & A. Becerra   491691998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista, 7.5 km SSE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuecas. Slopes along road through bottom of valley of upper Quebrada de la Coca., -18.22 -63.68, 1305m

1527415M. Nee et al.   491731998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista, 7.5 km SSE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Slopes along road through bottom of valley of upper Quebrada de la Coca. Steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone. Forest remnant., -18.22 -63.68, 1305m

Thelypteris Schmidel
1527420M. Nee, R. Vásquez, G. Coimbra & A. Becerra   491741998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista, 7.5 km SSE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Slopes along road through bottom of valley of upper Quebrada de la Coca., -18.22 -63.68, 1305m

Ctenitis sloanei (Poepp. ex Spreng.) C.V. Morton
1527435M. Nee   491751998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista, 7.5 km SSE from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway turnoff vic. Cuevas. Slopes along road through bottom of valley of upper Quebrada de la Coca. Steep slopes, between mountains of massive red sandstone. Forest remnant., -18.22 -63.68, 1305m

Chrysophyllum gonocarpum (Mart. & Eichler ex Miq.) Engl.
1527479M. Nee, R. Vasquez, G. Coimbra & A. Becerra   491771998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.22 -63.68, 1275 - 1335m

1527565M. Nee, R. Vásquez, G. Coimbra & A. Becerra   491841998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista, 6.5 km SE from turnoff from the Santa Cruz- Samiapata highway near Cuevas. Valley of upper Quebrada de la Coca, between mountains of massive red sandstone, disturbed forest in valley bottom and steep grassy slopes., -18.22 -63.68, 1275 - 1335m

Banisteriopsis cinerascens (Benth.) B. Gates
1527626M. Nee   481851998-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 3 km (by road) SW of bridge over Río Laja. Steep slopes on massive red sandstone and shale. Forest with Tipuana tipu, some converted to grassy savanna-like pasture., -18.15 -63.7, 1200m

1527631M. Nee, R. Vásquez, G. Coimbra & A. Becerra   491881998-04-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along road to Bella Vista, 6.5 km. SE from turnoff from the Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway near Cuevas. Valley of upper Quebrada da la Coca, between mountains of massive red sandstone, disturbed forest in valley botom and steep grassy slopes., -18.22 -63.68, 1275 - 1335m

Banisteriopsis muricata (Cav.) Cuatrec.
1527670M. Nee   481881998-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 3 km (by road) SW of bridge over Río Laja. Steep slopes on massive red sandstone and shale. Forest with Tipuana tipu, some converted to grassy savanna-like pasture., -18.15 -63.7, 1200m

Senegalia tucumanensis (Griseb.) Seigler & Ebinger
1527717M. Nee   466841996-01-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5.5 km NE of bridge over Río Los Negros at Los Negros, on highway from Mataral to Mairana., -18.11 -63.95, 1240m

Senegalia tucumanensis (Griseb.) Seigler & Ebinger
1527735M. Nee   466851996-01-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along main highway from Mataral to Mairana, 4 km SE of turnoff at Hierba Buena. Roadside with Prosopis alba, Tecoma stans., -18.11 -63.95, 1175m

Senegalia tucumanensis (Griseb.) Seigler & Ebinger
1527752M. Nee   466861996-01-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 0.7 km NE of waterfall, 6 km by road ENE of Samaipata on highway to Bermejo and Santa Cruz., -18.11 -63.95, 1500m

Senegalia loretensis (J.F. Macbr.) Seigler & Ebinger
1527784M. Nee   466881996-01-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 9.0 km by road WSW of Bermejo on highway to Samaipata, 0,3 km toward Samaipata from bridge over Quebrada La Coca., -18.11 -63.95, 1000m

Melochia pilosa (Mill.) Fawc. & Rendle
1527863M. Nee   482001998-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 3 km (by road) SW of bridge over Río Laja. Steep slopes on massive red sandstone and shale. Forest with Tipuana tipu, some converted to grassy savanna-like pasture., -18.15 -63.7, 1200m

1527884M. Nee   502571999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km (by air) E of Bermejo, disturbed ridgetop semi-deciduous forest and brush, at last set of antennas after Cerro Sillar, 12 km by dirt road along pipeline, from turnoff at Bermejo from the Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway., -18.12 -63.57, 1550m

Buddleja brasiliensis Jacq. ex Spreng.
1527892M. Nee   502581999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km (by air) E of Bermejo, disturbed ridgetop semi-deciduous forest and brush, at last set of antennas after Cerro Sillar, 12 km by dirt road along pipeline, from turnoff at Bermejo from the Santa Cruz-samaipata highway., -18.12 -63.57, 1550m

Ocotea corymbosa (Meisn.) Mez
1527914M. Nee   50259
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km (by air) E of Bermejo, disturbed ridgetop semi-deciduous forest and brush, at last set of antennas after Cerro Sillar, 12 km by dirt road along pipeline, from turnoff at Bermejo from the Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. [Within the Flora de la Region de

1527924M. Nee   482041998-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, -18.15 -63.7, 1200m

1527944M. Nee   48205
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 3 km (by road) SW of bridge over Río Laja

Pouzolzia poeppigiana (Wedd.) Killip
1527956M. Nee   482061998-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 3 km (by road) SW of bridge over Río Laja. Steep slopes on massive red sandstone and shale. Forest with Tipuana tipu, some converted to grassy savanna-like pasture., -18.15 -63.7, 1200m

Phyla fruticosa (Mill.) K. Kenn. ex Wunderlin & B.F. Hansen
1527967M. Nee   502621999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km (by air) E of Bermejo, disturbed ridgetop semi-deciduous forest and brush, at last set of antennas after Cerro Sillar, 12 km by dirt road along pipeline, from turnoff at Bermejo from the Santa Cruz--Samaipata highway, -18.12 -63.57, 1550m

1527985M. Nee   502631999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. 7 km (by air) E of Bermejo, disturbed ridgetop semi-deciduous forest and brush, at last set of antennas after Cerro sillar, 12 km by dirt road along pipeline, from turn, -18.12 -63.57, 1550m

1527989M. Nee   482081998-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata 3 km (by road) SW of bridge over Río Laja, -18.15 -63.7, 1200m

1528052M. Nee   502681999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. 7 km (by air) E of Bermejo, disturbed ridgetop semi-deciduous forest and brush, at last set of antennas after Cerro Sillar, 12 km by dirt road along pipeline, from turn, -18.12 -63.57, 1550m

Urera baccifera (L.) Gaudich. ex Wedd.
1528079M. Nee   482131998-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Bottom of valley of Río Achira and steep slopes above highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, near cemetery near Achira, -18.17 -63.78, 1300m

1528123M. Nee   482161998-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Bottom of valley of rio Achira and steep slopes above highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, near cementery near Achira. Disturbed forest with occasional Cereus dayami, Phyllostylon rhamnoides., -18.17 -63.78, 1300m

Chamissoa altissima (Jacq.) Kunth
1528131M. Nee   502731999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km (by air) E of Bermejo, disturbed ridgetop semi-deciduous forest and brush, at last set of antennas after Cerro Sillar, 12 km by dirt road along pipeline, from turnoff at Bermejo from the Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway., -18.12 -63.57, 1550m

1528146M. Nee   502741999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km (by air) E of Bermejo, disturbed ridgetop semi-deciduous forest and brush, at last set of antennas after Cerro Sillar, 12 km by dirt road along pipeline, from turnoff at Bermejo from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway., -18.12 -63.57, 1550m

Guapira olfersiana (Link, Klotzsch & Otto) Lundell
1528168M. Nee   502751999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km (by air) E of Bermejo, disturbed ridgetop semi-deciduous forest and brush, at last set of antennas after Cerro Sillar, 12 km by dirt road along pipeline, from turnoff at Bermejo from the Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway., -18.12 -63.57, 1550m

1528182M. Nee   482201998-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Bottom of Valley of rio Achria and steep slopes abov ehgihway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, near cemetary near Achira. Disturbed forest with occasional Cereus dayami, Phyllostylon rahmnoides., -18.17 -63.78, 1300m

1528205M. Nee   482211998-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Bottom of valley of Río Achira and steep slopes above highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, near cemetery near Achira. Disturbed forest with occasional Cereus dayami, Phyllostylon rhamnoides., -18.17 -63.78, 1300m

1528209M. Nee   492251998-05-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 2 km (by road) SE of Bermejo, gorge of Río Bermejo. Steep slopes with dry forest and roadside, -18.13 -63.62, 875m

1528219M. Nee   502781999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km (by air) E of Bermejo, disturbed ridgetop semi-deciduous forest and brush, at last set of antennas after Cerro Sillar, 12 km by dirt road along pipeline, from turnoff at Bermejo from the Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway., -18.12 -63.57, 1550m

Tillandsia didisticha (E. Morren) Baker
1528237M. Nee   482231998-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Bottom of valley of Río Achira and steep slopes above highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, near cemetery near Achira. Disturbed forest with occasional Cereus, dayami, Phyllostylon rhamnoides., -18.17 -63.78, 1300m

Guapira olfersiana (Link, Klotzsch & Otto) Lundell
1528239M. Nee   502651999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km (by air) E of Bermejo, disturbed ridgetop semi-deciduous forest and brush, at last set of antennas after Cerro Sillar, 12 km by dirt road along pipeline, from turnoff at Bermejo from the Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway., -18.12 -63.57, 1550m

1528263M. Nee   502811999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km (by air) E of Bermejo, disturbed ridgetop semi-deciduous forest and brush, at last set of antennas after Cerro Sillar, 12 km by dirt road along pipeline, from turnoff at Bermejo from the Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway., -18.12 -63.57, 1550m

Heimia montana (Griseb.) Lillo
1528290M. Nee   482261998-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Bottom of valley of Río Achira and steep slopes above highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, near Achira. Disturbed forest with occasional Cereus dayami, fPhyllostylon rhamnoides., -18.17 -63.78, 1300m

Ruellia brevifolia (Pohl) C. Ezcurra
1528294M. Nee   492301998-05-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.13 -63.62, 875m

1528316M. Nee   482281998-02-01
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Bottom of valley of Río Achira and steep slopes above highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, near cemetery near Achira., -18.17 -63.78, 1300m

Diplazium cristatum (Desr.) Alston
1528335M. Nee   502711999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km (by air) E of Bermejo, disturbed ridgetop semi-deciduous forest and brush, at last set of antennas after Cerro Sillar, 12 km by dirt road along pipeline, from turnoff at Bermejo from the Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway., -18.12 -63.57, 1550m

1528353M. Nee   502721999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km (by air) E of Bermejo, disturbed ridgetop semi-deciduous forest and brush, at last set of antennas after Cerro Sillar, 12 km by dirt road along pipeline, from turnoff at Bermejo from the Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway., -18.12 -63.57, 1550m

1528380M. Nee   502881999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 6 km (by air) E of Bermejo, 10.5 km by road to the antennas of Cerro Sillar, from turnoff at Bermejo from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway. Dry forest on ridgetop, mostly cleared., -18.13 -63.58, 1450 - 1525m

Neea Ruiz & Pav.
1528433M. Nee & I.G. Vargas C.   433331992-12-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3 km SW of Angostura, deciduous forest on steep slope on N side of canyon of río Piraí. Gallesia integrifolia, Anadenanthera macrocarpa, Cariniana estrellensi. Not grazed, but lower part disturbed by slash-and-burn agriculture., -18.17 -63.55, 800 - 1000m

1528437M. Nee   492381998-05-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. 2.5 km on dirt road off and north from the Samaipata to Mairana highway, the turnoff just below the highest point and on the Mairana side, 10 km (by air) SE of Mairana., -18.15 -63.9, 1950m

1528463M. Nee   492401998-05-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour., -18.13 -64.02, 1775m

1528480M. Nee   482381998-02-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. Río Achira, entre Santa Cruz y Samaipata, -18.2 -63.75, 1300m

Hybanthus biacuminatus (Rusby) Schulze-Menz
1528498M. Nee & I. Vargas C.   433371992-12-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3 km SW of Angostura, deciduous forest on steep slope on N side of canyon on río Piraí. Gallesia integrifolia, Anadenanthera macrocarpa, Cariniana estrellensis. Not grazed, but lower part disturbed by slash-and-burn agriculture., -18.17 -63.55, 800 - 1000m

1528508M. Nee   502821999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km by air E of BErmejo, disturbed ridgetop semi-deciduous forest and brush , at last set of antennas after Cerro Sillar, 12 km by dirt road along pipeline, from turnoff at Bermejo from The Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway., -18.12 -63.57, 1550m

1528518M. Nee   492431998-05-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5.4 km by road W of Todos Santos, 9 km by road W of Mairana, along dirt road from Mairana to Alto de Mairana. Steep slopes. Dry forest dominated by Schinopsis haenkeana., -18.13 -64.02, 1775m

1528520M. Nee   433381992-12-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. 3 km SW of Angostura, deciduous forest on steep slope on N side of canyon of Rio Pirai. Not grazed,but lower part disturbed by slash-and-burn agriculture. Small tree; b, 800 - 1000m

Chrysophyllum gonocarpum (Mart. & Eichler ex Miq.) Engl.
1528542M. Nee   433401992-12-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour., -18.17 -63.55, 800 - 1000m

1528550M. Nee   492451998-05-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. 5.4 km (by road) W of Todos Santos, 9 km (by road) W of Mairana, along dirt road from Mairana to Alto de Mairana, along dirt road from Mairana to Alto de Mairana. Steep, -18.13 -64.02, 1775m

1528562M. Nee   482431998-02-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Canyon along Rio Achira along highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata. In vicinity of Estacia Cuevas., -18.2 -63.75, 1300m

Rhipidocladum neumanii Sulekic, Rúgolo & L.G. Clark
1528580M. Nee   503001999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 1.5 km (by air) NE of Bermejo, 2.3 km by dirt road from Santa Cruz-Samaipata highway at Bermejo, on dirt road to Cerro Sillar., -18.12 -63.62, 1200m

Banisteriopsis cinerascens (Benth.) B. Gates
1528588M. Nee   482451998-02-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata. Vicinity Estancia Cuevas, -18.2 -63.75, 1250m

1528597M. Nee & I. Vargas   433431992-12-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3 km SW of Angostura, deciduous forest on steep on N side of canyon of río Piraí. Gallesia integrifolia, Anadenanthera macrocarpa, Cariniana estrellensis. Not grazed, but lower part disturbed by slash-and-burn agriculture., -18.17 -63.55, 800 - 1000m

1528620M. Nee   482471998-02-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata. Vicinity Estancia Cuevas., -18.11 -63.95, 1250m

1528623M. Nee   492501998-05-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 4.4 km (by road) W of Todos Santos, 8 km (by road) W of Mairana, along dirt road from Mairana to Alto de Mairana. Steep slopes. Dry forest dominated by Schinopsis haenkeana. Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m con, -18.13 -64.02, 1700m

Chrysophyllum marginatum (Hook. & Arn.) Radlk.
1528638M. Nee   492511998-05-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour., -18.13 -64.02, 1700m

Rhipidocladum neumanii Sulekic, Rúgolo & L.G. Clark
1528640M. Nee   502901999-10-23
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 4 km (by air) E of Bermejo, 8 km by dirt road from Santa Cruz-Bermejo highway at Bermejo, on road to antennas. Dry forest on ridgetop., -18.13 -63.6, 1500m

1528643Nee M, Vargas I   43346
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour ** 3 km SW Angostura, -18.17 -63.55, 900m

Tournefortia rubicunda Salzm. ex DC.
1528659M. Nee   433471992-12-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3 km SW of Angostura, deciduous forest on steep slope on N side of canyon of río Piraí. Gallesia integrofolia, Anadenanthera macrocarpa, Cariniana estrellensis. Not grazed, but lower part disturbed by slash-and-burn agriculture., -18.17 -63.55, 800 - 1000m

1528661M. Nee   482491998-02-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour., -18.2 -63.75, 1250m

Neea Ruiz & Pav.
1528669M. Nee   433481992-12-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3 km SW of Angostura, deciduous forest on steep slope on N side of canyon of río Piraí. Gallesia integrifolia, Anadenanthera macrocarpa, Cariniana estrellensis. Not grazed, but lower part disturbed by slash-and- burn agriculture., -18.17 -63.55, 800 - 1000m

Chelonanthus acutangulus (Ruiz & Pav.) Gilg
1528673M. Nee   482501998-02-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata. Vicinity Estancia Cuevas., -18.2 -63.75, 1250m

1528691M. Nee & I. Vargas C.   433491992-12-27
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3 km SW of Angostura, deciduous forest on steep slope on N side of canyon of río Piraí. Gallesia integrifolia, Anadenanthera macrocarpa, Cariniana estrellensis. Not grazed, but lower part disturbed by slash-and-burn agriculture, -18.17 -63.55, 800 - 1000m

Raulinoreitzia crenulata (Spreng.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
1528713M. Nee   482531998-02-02
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata. Vicinity Estancia Cuevas. Disturbed slopes from landside, steep slopes in area of massive re sandstone mountains., -18.2 -63.75, 1250m

1528723M. Nee   492561998-05-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along dirt road from Mairana to Alto de Mairana, 2.2 km (by road) W of Todos Santos, 5.8 km (by road) W of Mairana. Steep slopes. Dry Forest dominated by Schinopsis Haenkeana., -18.13 -64.01, 1475m

1528740M. Nee   492581998-05-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along dirt road from Mairana to Alto de Mairana, 2.2 km (by road) W of Todos Santos, 5.8 km (by road) W of Mairana. Steep slopes. Dry forest dominated by Schinopsis haenkeana., -18.13 -64, 1475m

Page 6, records 501-600 of 2059


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