Search Results (List)

Dataset: MO
Search Criteria: Bolivia; Santa Cruz; Florida; excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 2059

Missouri Botanical Garden

1533665M. Nee   403931990-12-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 6 km . (by air) WNW of Samaiparta, 11 km (by road) SE of Mairana, on high point of road between the two. Heavily grazed rocky brushy scrub on hilltops, with Dodonea viscosa, Baccharis., -18.17 -63.92, 1800m

1533674Nee M   36155
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour ** 5 km (aire) SE Mairana, Quebrada Seca, -18.15 -63.93, 1550m

1533687M. Nee   403941990-12-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 6 km. (by air) WNW of Samaipata, 11 km. (by road) SE of Mairana, on high point of road between the two. Heavily grazed rocky dry brushy scrub on hilltops, with Dodonaea viscosa, Baccharis spp., -18.17 -63.92, 1800m

1533689M. Nee   361561988-02-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5 km (by air) SE of Mairana, on road to Samaipata, at Quebrada Seca. Slopes along highway, dry deciduous forest with Schinopsis haenkeana, Loxopterygium grisebachii, Tipuana tipu., -18.15 -63.93, 1550m

Phoebe porphyria (Griseb.) Mez
1533705M. Nee   403951990-12-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.17 -63.92, 1800m

1533744M. Nee   361591988-02-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5 km (by air) SE of Mairana, on road to Samaipata, at Quebrada Seca. Slopes along highway, dry deciduous forest with Schinopsis haenkeana, Loxopterygium grisebachii, Tipuana tipu., -18.15 -63.93, 1550m

Cucurbitella asperata (Gillies ex Hook.) Walp.
1533772M. Nee   361611988-02-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5 km (by air) SE of Mairana, on road to Samaipata, at Quebrada Seca. Slopes along highway, dry deciduous forest with Schinopsis haenkeana, Loxopterygium grisebachii, Tipuana tipu., -18.15 -63.93, 1550m

1533795M. Nee   404001990-12-16
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 6 km. (by air) WNW of Samaipata, 11 km. by road Se of Mairana, on high point of road bewtweenthe two. Heavily grazed rocky dry brushy scrub on hilltops, with Dodonaea viscosa, Baccharis., -18.17 -63.92, 1800m

1533899M. Nee   361701988-02-04
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5 km (by air) SE of Mairana, on road to Samaipata, at Quebrada Seca. Slopes slong highway, dry deciduous forest with Schinopsis haenkeana, Loxopterygium grisebachii, Tipuana tipu., -18.15 -63.93, 1550m

Nectandra longifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Nees
1534127M. Nee   485851998-03-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.15 -63.82, 1350m

Croton sarcopetalus Müll. Arg.
1534145M. Nee   485861998-03-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Valley of Río Paredones, 0.5 km N of Achiras Camping resort. Former dry forest., -18.15 -63.82, 1350m

Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth
1534195M. Nee   485891998-03-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Valley of Río Paredones, 0.5 km N of Achiras Camping resort. Former dry forest. In pasture and citrus orchard., -18.15 -63.82, 1350m

1534265M. Nee, Ropland Ruiz, Adamo Diego & Verónica Chávez   485931998-03-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Mairana valley, on side road off the Mairana to Postrervalle road, 4.6 knm from turnoff from main Samaipata to Mairana highway. Gentle slope. Grazed remnant woodland of Schinopsis haenkeana. Most of the land below this point cleared for agricultural field, -18.17 -63.93, 1450m

1534284M. Nee, R. Ruiz, A. Diego & V. Chávez   485941998-03-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Mairana valley, on side road off the Mairana to Postrervalle road, 4.6 km from turnoff from main Samaipata to Mairana highway. Gentle slope. Grazed remnant woodland of Schinopsis haenkeana. Most of the land below this point cleared for agricultural fields, -18.17 -63.93, 1450m

1534298M. Nee, Roland Ruiz, Adamo Diego & Veronica Chavez   485951998-03-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Mairana valley, on side road off the Mairana Postrervalle road, 4.6 km from turnoff from main Samaipata to Mairana highway., -18.17 -63.93, 1450m

1534321M. Nee, Roland Ruiz, Adamo Diego & Veronica Chavez   485961998-03-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.17 -63.93, 1450m

Evolvulus tenuis Mart. ex Choisy
1534339M.M Nee, Roland Ruiz, Adamo Diego & Verónoca Chávez   485971998-03-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Mairana valley, on side road off the Mairana to Postrervalle road, 4.6 km fro turnoff from main Samaipata to Mairana highway. Gentle slope. Grazed remnant woodland of Schinopsis haenkana. Most of the land below this point cleared for agricultural fields, -18.17 -63.93, 1450m

Jatropha thyrsantha Pax & K. Hoffm.
1534358M. Nee, R. Ruiz, A. Diego & V. Chávez   485981998-03-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Mairana valley, on side road off the Mairana to Postrervalle road, 4.6 km from turnoff from main Samaipata to Mairana highway. Gentle slope. Grazed remnant woodland of Schinopsis haenkeana. Most of the land below this point cleared for agricultural fields, -18.17 -63.93, 1450m

Euphorbia poeppigii (Klotzsch & Garcke) Boiss.
1534427M. Nee   486021998-03-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Mairana valley, on side road off the Mairana to Postrervalle road, 4.6 km from turnoff from main Samaipata to Mairana highway. Gentle slopes. Grazed remnant woodland of Schinopsis haenkeana. Most of the land below this point cleared for agricultural field, -18.17 -63.93, 1450m

Aloysia gratissima var. gratissima (Gillies & Hook.) Tronc.
1534461M. Nee   486041998-03-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On side of Mairana valley, above the road from Mairana to Quirusillas, 2.5 km from turnoff from Mairana-Samaipata highway, 5 km (by air) SE of Mairana., -18.11 -63.95, 1400m

1534568M. Nee, Roland Ruiz, Adamo Diego & Veronica Chavez   486091998-03-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour. On side of Mairana vally, above the road from Mairana to Quirusillas, 2.5 km from turnoff from Mairana-Samaipata highway, 5 km (by air) SE of Mairana. Gentle slope. Rem, 1400m

Ligaria cuneifolia (Ruiz & Pav.) Tiegh.
1534593M. Nee   486111998-03-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along the Samaipata to Mairana highway, 3.5 km toward Mairana from the high point on the highway. Steep slopes. With aird woodland., -18.15 -63.92, 1650m

1534615M. Nee   486121998-03-08
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Outskirts of Samaita on highway to Santa Cruz, ca 1 km E of center of Samaipata, -18.18 -63.87, 1625m

1534622M. Nee   496151998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Valley of Río Paredones, near Achiras Camping resort, on road to Paredones. Grazed or brushy areas. Dry forest and pastures., -18.16 -63.82, 1350 - 1400m

Banisteriopsis muricata (Cav.) Cuatrec.
1534630M. Nee   496161998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Valley of Río Paredones, near Achiras Camping resort, on road to Paredones. Grazed or brushy areas. Dry forest and pastures., -18.16 -63.82, 1350 - 1400m

1534653M. Nee   496171998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Roadside in narrow valley along road from Mairana to Yunga de Mairana, 2 km NE of central square in Mairana, -18.12 -63.93, 1350 - 1400m

1534683M. Nee, L. Bohs, I. Vargas & C. Jordan   496191998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Roadside in narrow valley along road from Mairana to Yunga de Mairana, 2 km NE of central square in Mairana. Former dry forest, now mostly pastures and cultivated., -18.12 -63.93, 1350 - 1400m

Croton sarcopetalus Müll. Arg.
1534740M. Nee, L. Bohs, I. Vargas & C. Jordán   496221998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Roadside in narrow valley along road from Mairana to Yunga de Mairana, 2 km NE of central square in Mairana. Former dry forest, now mostly pastures and cultivated., -18.12 -63.93, 1350 - 1400m

1534790M. Nee   496251998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour., -18.07 -63.92, 2100m

1534829M. Nee   476201997-12-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 1.5 km S of La Tuna, on road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 6 km (by air) SSE of Mairana. Bottom of Mairana valley. Grazed, remnants of dry woodland, mostly in cultivated fields of corn, bean, watermelon, etc. Red clay., -18.17 -63.95, 1375m

1534844M. Nee   496281998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3.2 km N of Campamento Yungas of Parque Nacional Amboró, 6.5 km (by air) NE of Mairana. Ridgetop with disturbed cloud forest with Prumnopitys exigua., -18.07 -63.92, 2100m

1534870M. Nee   352021987-07-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Gorge of Río Piraí, road from Santa Cruz to Samaipata. Steep slopes with subtropical deciduous forest., -18.17 -63.53, 675m

1534893M. Nee   476231997-12-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 1.5 km S of La Tuna, on road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 6 km (by air) SSE of Mairana. Bottom of Mairana valley. Grazed of corn, bean, watermelon, etc. Red clay., 1375m

1534909Nee M   35204
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour ** Rio Pirai, Santa Cruz-Samaipata, -18.17 -63.53, 675m

Celtis chichape (Wedd.) Miq.
1534935M. Nee   476261997-12-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 1.5 km south of La Tuna, on road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 6 km by air SSE of Mairana. Bottom of Mairana valley. Grazed remnants of dry woodland, mostly in cultivated fields of corn, bean, watermelon, etc. Red clay., -18.17 -63.95, 1375m

Huperzia phylicifolia (Desv. ex Poir.) Holub
1534945M. Nee   496331998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3.2 km N of Campamento Yungas of Parque Nacional Amboró, 6.5 km (by air) NE of Mairana. Ridgetop with disturbed cloud forest with Prumnopitys exigua., -18.07 -63.92, 2100m

Solanum myrianthum Britton ex Rusby
1534946M. Nee   352061987-07-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Gorge of Rio Piraí, road from Santa Cruz to Samaipata. Steep slopes with subtropical deciduous forest., -18.17 -63.53, 675m

Croton sarcopetalus Müll. Arg.
1534955M. Nee   476271997-12-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 1.5 km S of La Tuna, on road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 6 km (by air) SSE of Mairana. Bottom of Mairana valley. Grazed, remnants of dry woodland, mostly in cultivated fields of corn, bean, watermelon, etc. Red clay., -18.17 -63.95, 1375m

Microgramma squamulosa (Kaulf.) de la Sota
1534962M. Nee   496341998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3.2 km N of Campamento Yungas of Parque Nacional Amboró, 6.5 m (by air)) NE of Mairana. Ridgetop with disturbed cloud forest with Prumnopitys exigua., -18.07 -63.92, 2100m

1534975M. Nee   476281997-12-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 1.5 km S of La Tuna, on road from Mairana to Postrevalle, 6 km ( by air) SSE of Mairana. Bottom of Mairana valley. Grazed, remanants of dry woodland, mostly incultivated fields o f corn, bean, watermelon. Red Clay., -18.17 -63.95, 1375m

1534981M. Nee   352081987-07-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Gorge of Rio Pirai, 1 km NW of confluence of Rio Bermejo. Dry, subtropical, semi-deciduous forest. Disturbed roadsides., -18.18 -63.55, 720m

Pecluma M.G. Price
1534982M. Nee   496351998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3.2 km N of Campamento Yungas of Parque Nacional Amboro, 6.5 km by air NE of Mairana. Ridgetop with disturbed cloud forest with Prumnopitys exigua., -18.07 -63.92, 2100m

Senegalia tucumanensis (Griseb.) Seigler & Ebinger
1534991M. Nee   476291997-12-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 1.5 km S of La Tuna on road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 6 km by air SSE of Mairana. Bottom of Mairana Valley., -18.11 -63.95, 1375m

1535003M. Nee   496361998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3.2 km N of Campamento Yungas of Parque Nacional Amboró, 6.5 km by air NE of Mairana. Ridgetop with disturbed cloud forest with Prumnopitys exigua., -18.07 -63.92, 2100m

1535021M. Nee   476301997-12-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 1.5 km S of La Tuna, on road from Mairana to Postervalle, 6 km (by air) SSE of Mairana. Bottom of Mairana valley. Grazed, rmnants of dry woodland, mostly in cultivated fields of corn, bean, watermelon, etc. Red clay., -18.17 -63.95, 1375m

1535024M. Nee   476311997-12-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 1.5 km S of La Tuna, on road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 6 km (by air) SSE of Mairana. Bottom of Mairana valley., -18.11 -63.95, 1375m

Menodora trifida (Cham. & Schltdl.) Steud.
1535044M. Nee   476321997-12-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 1.5 km S of La Tuna, on road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 6 km (by air) SSE of Mairana. Bottom of Mairana valley. Grazed remnants of dry woodland, mostly cultivated fields of corn, bean, watermelon, etc. Red Clay, -18.17 -63.95, 1375m

Cnidoscolus urens (L.) Arthur
1535061M. Nee   476331999-12-30
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 1.5 km S of La Tuna, on road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 6 km (by air) SSE of Mairana. Bottom of Mairana valley. Grazed, remnants of dry woodland, mostly in cultivated fields of corn, bean, watermelon, ect. Red clay., -18.17 -63.95, 1375m

Croton sarcopetalus Müll. Arg.
1535123M. Nee   476361997-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 12 km (by road) ESE of Quirusillas. Grazed dry woodland with Schinopsis haenkeana, Tipuana tipu, with shrubby slopes, and some clearings for cultivated fields., -18.42 -63.92, 1900m

Huperzia reflexa (Lam.) Trevis.
1535124M. Nee   496431998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5.5 km by road N of Campamento La Yunga of Parque Nacional de Amboró, 8,5 km (by air) NE of Mairana. Ridgetop cloud forest with tree ferns, Weinmannia, Ceroxylon., -18.07 -63.9, 2270m

1535137M. Nee   476371997-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 12 km (by road) ESE of Quirusillas. Grazed dry woodland with Schinopsis haenkeana, Tipuana tipu, with shrubby slopes, and some clearings for cultivated fields., -18.42 -63.92, 1900m

Banisteriopsis cinerascens (Benth.) B. Gates
1535184M. Nee, Ana Quevedo, Maria Dolores Carreño & Liliana Soria   486441998-03-13
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along pipeline and dirt road between Bermejo and the antennas on Cerro Herradura, 4.7 km from turnoff from highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 2.5 km (by air) NE of Bermejo. Brushy area and woodland., -18.12 -63.62, 1400m

Bouchea fluminensis (Vell.) Moldenke
1535201M. Nee, A. Quevedo, M. Dolores Carreno & L. Soria   486451998-03-13
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along pipeline and dirt road between Bermejo and the antennas on Cerro Herradura, 4.7 km from turnoff from highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 2.5 km (by air) NE of Bermejo. Brushy area and woodland., -18.12 -63.62, 1400m

Lantana aristata (Schauer) Briq.
1535207M. Nee   476411997-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 12 km (by road) ESE of Quirusillas. Grazed dry woodland with Schinopsis haenkeana, Tipuana tipu, with shrubby slopes, and some clearings for cultivated fields., -18.42 -63.92, 1900m

1535208M. Nee & G. Coimbra S.   352211987-07-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 1.5 km (by air) E of Bermejo, dry sub-tropical semideciduous forest on slopes, the canopy to 8 m high., -18.13 -63.62, 1200m

Lycopodium thyoides Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.
1535209M. Nee   496481998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5.5 km by road N of Campamaento La Yunga of Parque Nacional Amboró, 8.5 km by air NE of Mairana. Ridgetop cloud forest with tree ferns, Weinmannia Cerolylon., -18.07 -63.9, 2270m

1535254M. Nee   486481998-03-13
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along pipeline and dirt road between Bermejo and the antennas on Cerro Herradura, 4.7 km from turnoff from highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 2.5 km by air NE of Bermejo. Brushy area and woodland., -18.12 -63.62, 1400m

Vassobia breviflora (Sendtn.) Hunz.
1535263M. Nee   476441997-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 12 km (by road) ESE of Quirusillas. Grazed dry woodland with Schinopsis haenkeana, Tipuana tipu, with shrubby slopes, and some clearings for cultivated fields., -18.42 -63.92, 1900m

Senna aculeata (Pohl ex Benth.) H.S. Irwin & Barneby
1535266M. Nee   352241987-07-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 4 km by road and 2.5 km by air NE of Bermejo along road following petroleum pipeline, the old horse road to Santa Cruz., -18.11 -63.95, 1400m

Raulinoreitzia crenulata (Spreng.) R.M. King & H. Rob.
1535271M. Nee, Ana Quevedo, Maria Dolores Carreño & Liliana Soria   486491998-03-13
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along pipeline and dirt road between Bermejo and the antennas on Cerro Herradura, 4.7 km from turnoff from highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 2.5 km (by air) NE of Bermejo. Brushy area and woodland., -18.12 -63.62, 1400m

1535288M. Nee   362471988-02-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3 km S of Mataral on road to Vallegrande. Level arid valley bottom, with columnar cacti. Wthin the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour, -18.13 -64.22, 1425m

1535289Nee M   49653
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour ** PN Amboro, 5 km N La Yunga, -18.07 -63.9, 2300m

1535324M. Nee & M. Saldias   362491988-02-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3 km S of Matoral on road to Vallegrande. Level arid valley bottom, with columnar cacti, -18.13 -64.22, 1425m

Banisteriopsis muricata (Cav.) Cuatrec.
1535326M. Nee, Ana Quevedo, Maria Dolores Carreño & Liliana Soria   486521998-03-13
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along pipeline and dirt road between Bermejo and the antennas on Cerro Herradura, 4.7 km from turnoff from highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 2.5 km (by air) NE of Bermejo. Brushy area and woodland., -18.12 -63.62, 1400m

1535330M. Nee   476471997-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On road from Mairanato Postrervalle, 12 km (by road) ESE of Quirusillas. Grazed dry woodland with Schinopsis haenkeana, Tipuana tipu, with shrubby slopes, and some clearings for cultivated fields., -18.42 -63.92, 1900m

Uncinia hamata (Sw.) Urb.
1535335M. Nee   496551998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5.5 km by road N of Campamento La Yunga of Parque Nacional Amboró, 8.5 km (by air) NE of Mairana. Ridgetop cloud forest with tree ferns, Weinmannia, Ceroxylon. Forest understory., -18.07 -63.9, 2270m

1535340M. Nee, Ana Quevedo, Maria Dolores Carreño & Liliana Soria   486531998-03-13
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour., -18.12 -63.62, 1400m

1535341M. Nee   496571998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5.5 km by road N of Campamento La Yunga of P.N. Amboró, 8,5 km by air NE of Mairana., -18.11 -63.95, 2270m

1535343M. Nee   476481997-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 12 km (by road) ESE of Quirusillas. Grazed dry woodland with Schinopsis haenkeana, Tipuana tipu, with shrubby slopes, and some clearings for cultivated fields., -18.42 -63.92, 1900m

1535346M. Nee & M. Saldías   362501988-02-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3 km. S of Mataral on road to Vallegrande. Level arid valley bottom, with columnar cacti., -18.13 -64.22, 1425m

1535352Nee M   35229
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour ** 2,5 km (aire) NE Bermejo, -18.12 -63.62, 1400m

Aegiphila integrifolia (Jacq.) B.D. Jacks.
1535361M. Nee   486541998-03-13
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along pipeline and dirt road between Bermejo and the antennas on Cerro Herradura, 4.7 km from turnoff from highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 2.5 km (by air) NE of Bermejo. Brushy area and woodland., -18.12 -63.62, 1400m

1535368M. Nee   496561998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5.5 km by road N of Campamento La Yunga of Parque Nacional Amboró, 8.5 km (by air) NE of Mairana. Ridgetop cloud forest with trees ferns, Weinmannia, Ceroxylon., -18.07 -63.9, 2270m

1535386M. Nee   476501997-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km (by road) SSE of Quirusillas on road from Mairana to Postrervalle. Slopes with dry woodland with Schinopsis haenkeana., -18.4 -63.93, 1750m

1535389Nee M, Saldias M   36252
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour ** 3 km S Mataral, -18.13 -64.22, 1425m

Sticherus revolutus (Kunth) Ching
1535398M. Nee   496591998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5.5 km by road N of Campamento La Yunga of Parque Nacional Amboró, 8.5 km by air NE of Mairana. Ridgetop cloud forest with tree ferns, Weinmannia and Ceroyxlon., -18.07 -63.9, 2270m

Lippia suffruticosa (Griseb.) Kuntze
1535400M. Nee   362531988-02-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 3 km S of Mataral on road to Vallegrande. Level arid valley bottom, with columnar cacti., -18.13 -64.22, 1425m

Tecoma capensis (Thunb.) Lindl.
1535401M.Nee   476511997-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5km (by road) SSE of Quirusillas on road from Mairana to Postrervalle. Slopes with dry woodland with Schinopsis haenkeana., -18.4 -63.93, 1750m

1535416M. Nee   476521997-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km (by road) SSE of Quirusillas on road from Mairana to Postervalle. Slopes with dry woodland with Schinopsis haenkeana., -18.4 -63.93, 1750m

Sticherus rubiginosus (Mett.) Nakai
1535419M. Nee   496601998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5.5 km by road N of Campamento La Yunga of Parque Nacional de Amboró, 8,5 km (by air) NE of Mairana. Ridgetop cloud forest with tree ferns, Weinmannia, Ceroxylon., -18.07 -63.9, 2270m

1535420M. Nee, A. Quevedo, M.D. Carreño & L. Soria   486571998-03-13
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Steep slopes along pipeline and dirt road between Bermejo and the antennas on Cerro Herradura, 2.2 km from turnoff from highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 2 km (by air) E of Bermejo. Brushy area and woodland., -18.12 -63.62, 1200m

Banisteriopsis cinerascens (Benth.) B. Gates
1535431M. Nee, Ana Quevedo, Maria Dolores Carreño & Liliana Soria   486581998-03-13
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along pipeline and dirt road between Bermejo and the antennas on Cerro Herradura, 1.7 km from turnoff from highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata, 1.5 km (by air) E of Bermejo. Steep slopes. Brushy area and woodland., -18.12 -63.62, 1100m

1535468M. Nee   496631998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5.5 km bt road N of Campamento La Yunga of Parque Nacional Amboró, 8.5 km (by air) NE of Mairana. Ridgetop cloud forest with tree ferns, Weinmannia, Ceroxylon., -18.07 -63.9, 2270m

1535469M. Nee, A. Quevedo, M.D. Carreño & L. Soria   486601998-03-13
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Along pipeline and dirt road between Bermejo and the antennas on Cerro Herradura, 0.6 km from turnoff from highway from Santa Cruz to Samaipata. Steep slopes. Brushy area and woodland., -18.13 -63.62, 1000m

Solanum consimile C.V. Morton
1535476M. Nee   352361987-07-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 4 km (by road) and 2.5 km (by air) NE of Bermejo along road following petroleum pipeline, the old horse road to Sant Cruz. Scrubby, shrubby vegetation near top of hills, probably partly natural, partly from burning and grazing, much Dodonaea viscosa in fl, -18.12 -63.62, 1400m

1535485M. Nee   496641998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5.5 km by road N of Campamento La Yunga of Parque Nacional Amboró, 8.5 km (by air) NE of Mairana. Ridgetop cloud forest with tree ferns, Weinmannia, Ceroxylon., -18.07 -63.9, 2270m

1535489M. Nee & G. Coimbra S.   352371987-07-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 4 km. by road and 2.5 km. by air NE of BErejo along road following petroleum pipeline, the old horse road to Santa Cruz. Scrubby, shrubby eetation near top of hills, probabaly partly natural, partly from burning and grazing, much Dodonaea iscosa in flower, -18.12 -63.62, 1400m

1535492Nee M   47656
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, ** 10,5 km (carreterra) SSE Quirusillas, Mairana-Postrevalle, -18.4 -63.93, 1750m

1535504M. Nee & G. Coimbra S.   352381987-07-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 4 km (by road) and 2.5 km (by air) NE of Bermejo along road following petroleum pipeline, the old horse road to Santa Cruz. Scrubby, shrubby vegetation near top of hills, probably partly natural, partly from burning and grazing, much Dodonaea viscosa in f, -18.12 -63.62, 1400m

1535519M. Nee & G. Coimbra S.   352391987-07-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5 km. by road and 3 km by air NE of Bermejo. Dry forest on slopes, top of hills, road along petroleum pipeline and old horse road to Santa Cruz., -18.12 -63.62, 1450m

Aloysia gratissima var. gratissima (Gillies & Hook.) Tronc.
1535538M. Nee   476591997-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 10.5 km (by road) SSE of Quirusillas on road from Mairana to Postrervalle., -18.4 -63.93, 1750m

Pilea dauciodora Pav. ex Wedd.
1535544M. Nee   496671998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5.5 km by road N of Campamento La Yunga of Parque Nacional Amboró, 8.5 km (by air) NE of Mairana, -18.07 -63.9, 2270m

Senegalia visco (Lorentz ex Griseb.) Seigler & Ebinger
1535556M. Nee   476601997-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 7.7 km by road SSE of Quirusillas. Slopes partly cleared for pasture and a few agricultural fields, dry forest of Schinopsis haenkeana, -18.38 -63.93, 1750m

Hebanthe occidentalis (R.E. Fr.) Borsch & Pedersen
1535563M. Nee & G. Coimbra S.   352421987-07-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5 km. (by road), 3 km. (by air) NE of bermejo. Dry forest on slopes, top of hills, road along petroleum pipeline and old horese road to Santa Cruz., -18.12 -63.62, 1450m

1535573M. Nee   496691998-06-06
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5.5 km by road N of Campamento La Yunga of Parque Nacional Amboró, 8.5 km (by air) NE of Mairana. Ridgetop cloud forest with trees ferns, Weinmannia, Ceroxylon., -18.07 -63.9, 2270m

Phenax hirtus (Sw.) Wedd.
1535600M. Nee   352441987-07-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 5 km (by road), 3 km (by air) NE of Bermejo, -18.12 -63.62, 1450m

Cyperus tabina Steud. ex Boeck.
1535616M. Nee   496711998-06-07
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, 7 km (by road) NE of crossing of Río Paredones north of Achiras Camping resort, on trail to Abra Los Toros. Ridgetop cloud forest, disturbed, with Weinmannia, tree ferns. In thin forest., -18.12 -63.78, 2075m

1535617M. Nee   476631997-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 7.7 km by road SSE of Quirusillas. Slopes partly cleared for pasture and a few agricultural fields, dry forest of Schinopsis haenkeana., -18.38 -63.93, 1750m

Tibouchina longifolia (Vahl) Baill.
1535625M. Nee & G. Coimbra S.   352451987-07-17
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, Within the Flora de la Region del Parque Nacional Amboro, but above the 700 m contour., -18.12 -63.62, 1450m

Acalypha plicata Müll. Arg.
1535649M. Nee   476651997-12-31
Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Florida, On road from Mairana to Postrervalle, 1.5 km N of Quirusillas. With Salix humboldtiana, along the Río Quirusillas. Dry forest on slopes., -18.33 -63.95, 1475m

Page 10, records 901-1000 of 2059


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